ancient myth

Chapter 4 The Enlightenment Ceremony

"The enlightenment ceremony begins now!"

In the martial arts arena, following Wang Tianyang's announcement, the annual Wang Family Inspiration Ceremony officially began.

"This Wang Hao is really crazy! He even made such a bet with Steward Wang!"

"Hmph! Even the Patriarch dares to contradict him! You're just looking for your own death!"

"I'm afraid this trash is knowing that the trip to Dongshan can't be avoided, so he gritted his teeth and persisted. Let's wait and see the good show!"

Seeing Wang Hao who was still in the limelight just now, many people sneered.This Wang Hao is hitting a rock with an egg!The following spiritual enlightenment ceremony will completely drive him into the dust.


While everyone was discussing, there was a low moaning sound.

I saw that the first enlightened person had appeared!As he pressed his hands close to the Spiritual Enlightenment Stone, a moment later a burst of yellow light burst out.

"Wang Qi, 14 years old, mid-level talent!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the elder who presided over the spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

In Tianyu Continent, martial arts prevailed.The height a cultivator can reach in the end is often inseparable from his talent.

Regarding talent, the Eastern Wasteland is mainly divided into four levels.Extreme talent, top-tier talent, mid-tier talent, and low-tier talent.The level of talent also determines the amount of resources and the degree of attention a cultivator can get in the future.

Mid-tier talent is considered pretty good.After all, in the entire Eastern Wilderness, there are not many people with top-grade talent.Especially for places like Pingchang City, top-rank talent is extremely rare.As for the ultimate talent?Looking at the entire Chu country, I am afraid that there are only a few.

With the approval of the elder, Wang Qi raised his head like a proud rooster, and looked at Wang Hao provocatively.It seems that Wang Hao's humiliation to him just now has been avenged at this moment!

"Wang Chuan, 14 years old, low-level talent..."

"Wang Ze, 13 years old, mid-level talent..."

Immediately after Wang Qi, teenagers walked up to the Enlightenment Stone one by one, and as the light bloomed, the ratings were announced one by one.


Just as the atmosphere in the arena was rising, another burst of light bloomed, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

"Oh my god... red light!"

"Top-rank talent! It's Wang Lin! This Wang Lin actually has top-rank talent!"

Seeing the figure covered in red light in the center of the square, everyone exclaimed.

The low-grade talent of the blue light, the middle-grade talent of the yellow light, and the top-grade talent of the red light.In the entire Pingchang City, how many years is it difficult to find a person with high-grade talent?Immediately, everyone looked at Wang Lin differently.

"Okay! Hahaha... top-grade talent! Very good! Wang Lin, you are a member of the collateral line? Starting today, you will join the family to practice. You can use any resources at will. In the future, you will be the core member of the family!"

Even Wang Tianyang, who was expressionless before, was also flushed at this moment.

40 years ago, relying on a top-grade talented person, the Wang family made the family leap from a third-rate family to a first-class family in Pingchang City!Last year, the Wang family produced a top-grade talented person who helped the Wang family resolve a crisis and consolidated the Wang family's status.Now, the Wang family has produced another top-grade talent.In another ten years, these two people will grow up, who can compete with his royal family in Pingchang City?

For two consecutive years, people with high-grade talent appeared in the clan, and Wang Tianyang was so proud!

Looking at the girl with exquisite facial features from afar, Wang Hao sighed inwardly: From an inconspicuous collateral person, he became a core member of the family in an instant, and his status has soared since then!this is the truth!

With the appearance of Wang Lin, the appearance of the next two middle-grade talents became unremarkable.

"Next, Wang Hao!"

Until the words of the great elder, the venue became quiet again.

Everyone focused their attention on Wang Hao.

This waste came again this time, but it was just asking for humiliation!And offended the head of the family, his fate is doomed to be miserable!

"Hmph! Trash, I want to see what you are capable of! What right do you have to scold me!"

Standing beside Wang Hao, Wang Qi sneered.I am 14 years old, middle-grade talent, what about Wang Hao?Just now he dared to scold himself.How dare you ignore yourself like that?

After the spirit enlightenment ceremony, Wang Hao will be dust and will be exiled to Dongshan!Wang Qi can't wait!

"Shut up, little collateral, who gave you the courage to be domineering in front of me? Who gave you the confidence to gloat here?!"

After glancing coldly at the clown-like Wang Qi, Wang Hao looked at the resentful Wang Fu.I'm afraid this guy thinks he has a chance to stand up?

Wang Qi, the villain's success?And Wang Fu who looked forward to it?And those who wait to see the joke?A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.He walked unhurriedly to the Spiritual Enlightenment Stone.Then, under the attention of all the people, he slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on the spirit stone.

The entire square fell silent at the moment.

one second...

two seconds...

Just when the scene became restless, and the great elder who presided over the spiritual enlightenment ceremony couldn't help but announce the result, suddenly, the cold spiritual enlightenment stone trembled.


Slowly, a dim blue light burst out.The light was extremely weak, as if it might go out at any time.

"Hahaha... this blue light... is really dim, even better than the light of fireflies..."

After waiting for a long time, and waiting for such a result, Wang Qi, who has long been impatient, couldn't help laughing!However, the next moment, he opened his mouth wide as if he saw a ghost, and forcefully choked back the next words in his stomach.

The martial arts field fell into a brief dead silence, leaving only the blue light like the light of a firefly, flickering on and off.

"Wang Hao, 15 years old, inferior talent!"

After an unknown amount of time passed, the Great Elder took a deep look at Wang Hao and announced in a deep voice.

"Qingguang! Low-level talent! He actually..."

"Spiritual Seed! This trash has actually developed a Spiritual Seed!"

"Impossible, we must be dazzled?"

"This is a dream! It must be a dream!"

Following the announcement of the Great Elder, the crowd exploded.

A guy who was judged to be a waste, a guy who was judged to be dead, and now... This overturned everyone's cognition.

That dim blue light really blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of countless people!

"No! Impossible! Cheating! This must be cheating!"

Wang Qi, who recovered from the shock, roared loudly.He could not accept such a result.

"Yes! Cheating! How could this trash develop spiritual seeds! I don't believe it!"

Wang Fu in the distance was even more pale.He knew what this result meant.

"It doesn't count! Wang Hao, you don't count. Your aura is much weaker than ordinary low-level talents. It's not as good as the light of fireflies, how can you..."

Unwilling, Wang Fu yelled again.

"Shut up!" This time, without even needing Wang Hao to speak, the Great Elder said directly: "As long as the enlightenment stone is activated and the light shines, it is considered that the spirit seed has been activated and has a talent!"

This is an eternal truth.Could Wang Fu be able to subvert it?

"Patriarch, I..."

The facts in front of him made Wang Fu's mind go blank.Sitting paralyzed on the ground, after a long time, Wang Fu looked towards Wang Tianyang.This is his last chance.

"Go to Dongshan!"

Facing the situation in front of him, Wang Tianyang's complexion changed, and finally he could only sigh.

In full view, what else?What's more, there is still the Great Elder watching coldly?He can only sacrifice Wang Fu.

"No! Patriarch, you can't do this! You can't! Didn't you say to let Wang Hao go to Dongshan? You also said to kill that servant..."

Seeing that even the Patriarch had given up on him, Wang Fu's expression turned ferocious.

"Pull it down!"

Before Wang Fu could finish speaking, Wang Tianyang shouted with a cold expression.As soon as his words fell, several servants stepped forward, copying Wang Fu and quickly walked out of the mansion.

" Tianyang, you said you would protect me! You backtracked...Wang Hao, you trash, I can't spare you, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go. Ahhh..."

Seeing Wang Fu gradually disappearing from sight, everyone in the arena looked at each other in dismay!This Wang Fu is really deadly to the extreme!Want to drag the Patriarch into the water?This time, he is really finished!

Looking at Wang Hao again, people's expressions became complicated.

By this time, how can people still not understand?Wang Hao made a game, killed Wang Fu who held the real power, and made the Patriarch suffer a dumb loss!This guy is so ruthless!

Also, he actually developed a spiritual seed?When did this happen?What exactly is going on?

"I let you down!"

Until Wang Fu was dragged into the arena, Wang Hao sneered at Wang Qi whose expression changed.

"Wang Hao! What are you so proud of? It's just barely reaching the low-level talent. Even if you have a spiritual seed, you are still a waste!"

I am a middle-grade talent, why should I be insulted and humiliated by a waste?When he loses his temper?

"I want to challenge! Wang Hao, I want to challenge you!"

Wang Qi roared loudly.

Today, he will regain his dignity in front of everyone.Count new and old grudges together!He wants to trample Wang Hao under his feet!To avenge the humiliation three years ago!He wants to prove himself in front of the Patriarch!

He wants to let Wang Hao know that a waste is still a waste after all, don't even think about turning over!

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