ancient myth

Chapter 100 Unpredictable

The blood moon in the sky suddenly became bright.

The red light seemed to turn into fresh blood, spreading down, dyeing the whole world bloody.

The entire Yanluo Swamp was eerily silent.


Suddenly there was a roar, as if it came from the ground, like the roar of a beast.

The entire earth vibrated faintly amidst the roar.

The wind and cloud were surging, and suddenly the breath of Yanluo Swamp became manic.

"It's about to appear!"

Inside the forest, on a hill, looking far into the distance, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

From noon to the current late night, in a full half a day, the energy consumed in the previous battle with Cang Qianshan has already recovered.On the other hand, Mu Yang, even with the help of the elixir brought by Ling Yaoyao, only seven or eight percent of his injuries have recovered.

However, time did not allow them to stay.

Therefore, not long ago, Wang Hao and Mu Yang had already lurked on this hill.

This place is enough to capture everything that happened in the wetlands and swamps in the distance.

From a distance, Wang Hao's body tensed slightly as he looked at the wetland where the wind and clouds were changing.

"Shall we go now?"

Mu Yang looked at Wang Hao and asked.

"Not in a hurry!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

The cave hasn't really appeared yet, so why rush to the past?

Now Qiyao's people have shrunk into that wetland.Going over rashly will only become the target of siege.

On the contrary, within this forest, there are many coveted people hidden.At the very least, within the range of hundreds of meters covered by Wang Hao's spirit, he found two auras.

These people can't bear it anymore, right?

Wouldn't it be nice to let them go and have a look first?

"Look... what is that..."

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Mu Yang nodded, and suddenly, seeing the scene in the distance, he whispered.

But in the strong wind, clouds and mist surged.

But at this moment above the void, the blood moon suddenly burst into bright light.

The rays of light condensed into a bunch, descended from the sky, and fell into the wetland.

The bright light seemed to connect the sky and the earth, turning into a broad avenue reaching the sky.

Under the irradiation of that red light, the atmosphere of the whole wetland became extremely strange.

"The light of the blood moon. It should be that the light of the blood moon has drawn some kind of formation. Under the drive of the formation, the cave can only appear!"

Jin Shisan explained.

As Jin Shisan said, under the light of the blood moon, the whole wetland shook more and more.

It seems that a giant beast that is sealed under the ground may break free from its cage and rush out of the sky at any time.

"They can't bear it anymore!"

Frowning tightly, Wang Hao suddenly spoke.

With the shaking of the earth, those people hiding in the mountains and forests have already started to move.


Amidst the dull footsteps, one after another figure quickly swept towards the wetland.


But after a while, a roar exploded.

The crowd who rushed out of the forest immediately fought with the Qiyao people.

Sure enough, Qiyao still placed their last line of defense on the periphery of the wetland.

They want to block all those who try to compete with them for resources from the wetlands.

As far as his eyes could see, Wang Hao faintly saw that the wetland seemed to be reduced to a battlefield at this moment. Dozens of figures were entangled together, and a big battle broke out, and people continued to gather in that direction.

The final battle has broken out.

The killing begins!


Not waiting for Wang Hao to think more.

Suddenly there were bursts of deep voices in the void.

Looking in the direction of the source of the sound, even Wang Hao couldn't help but gasped: "That's a lot of stuff!"

At this moment, what caught Wang Hao's eyelids was a dark shadow, as if dark clouds were surging.

The black shadow uttered bursts of low-pitched sounds, surged, and swept towards the wetland.

"It should be the giant swamp bee! Damn it, how come there are so many!"

Mu Yang's eyes widened.

Poisonous snakes, poisonous insects, fog barriers, giant swamp bees, and the devouring power of the swamp itself are called the five major dangers of Yanluo Swamp.

Especially the giant swamp bee, which is very big. Each giant swamp bee laughs like a baby's fist, with a stinging stinger on its tail.

It is said that these giant bees themselves are highly poisonous.Once stabbed by the poisonous stinger, the energy in the warrior's body will gradually dissipate, the body will be paralyzed, and eventually he will die from the poison and become the food of giant bees!

And these swamp giant bees are in groups every time they appear, hundreds or thousands!Therefore, the swamp giant bee is even the most frightening danger in Yanluo Swamp.

Unexpectedly, the swamp giant bee appeared now.

And the number is more than hundreds or thousands?This is already tens of thousands, right?It's densely packed, making people look creepy, and it's almost impossible to guard against!


Before Wang Hao and others came back to their senses, under the fallen leaves in the distance, there were faint rustling sounds again.

"The seven-step soul-breaking python... and those poisonous snakes and insects! Damn it, what's going on? Why are so many poisonous things converging towards that side! Is that really the cave of a Dan Sheng? "

Following the low rustling sound, what he saw made Mu Yang's complexion turn pale.

Thousands of giant swamp bees, and endless venomous snakes and insects...

This is simply tingling!

Could it be that the poison in the entire Yanluo Swamp is going to gather here?

"Hehe...Because the people who practiced here were not good people at first! This Pill Sage, at the beginning, made people's faces change! The poisonous pill he refined once easily destroyed a sect!"

Compared to Wang Hao and Mu Yang's horror, Jin Shisan showed a little excitement.

"Poison pill? Destroy a sect easily?"

Jin Shisan's words made Wang Hao and Mu Yang gasp at the same time.

Wang Hao knows that the way of alchemy is also divided into multiple inheritances.Among them, the lineage of Poison Pill is said to be extremely evil, which makes people guard against it.Most of these people are eccentric and dangerous.

It is rumored that after Emperor Ye ruled the Eastern Wasteland, he once mopped up those who refined poisonous pills.

This is also one of the only rumors about Emperor Ye...

It can be seen how terrifying the poison alchemist is!

Unexpectedly, the alchemy sage that existed in the Yanluo swamp turned out to be the one who refined the poison elixir.

No hides in the Yanluo Swamp.Wang Hao suddenly realized.

"Back then, I hid in the Yanluo Swamp. I heard that the old guy set up a large formation. With his ability to refine poisonous pills, his cave is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Now these The gathering of poisons means that the cave is really about to appear!"

Jin Shisan continued.

"Then we..."

Wang Hao frowned.

"It's almost time to go and have a look! These poisons appear, there is no point in waiting any longer. On the contrary, it is possible for those guys from Qi Yao to seize the opportunity!"

Jin Shisan said.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Without further ado, when he heard Jin Shisan's words, why would Wang Hao hesitate?

After a large amount of poison passed through the border, he took Mu Yang and Jin Shisan and carefully approached the wetland.


"Ah ah ah..."

"No... I don't want to die..."

Wetlands have become hell on earth.

Amidst the roar, hundreds of people fought in melee, and there were endless poisons raging. For a while, the scene became chaotic and miserable.

There were screams one after another, and terrified crowds could be seen everywhere.

In the face of countless poisons, whether it is Qi Yao's people or these warriors who killed on the wetland, it seems that there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Even Wang Hao could not escape death when he saw a few powerful Qi Sea Realm fighters.

This made Wang Hao, who came to the back of the wetland, dare not act rashly.


In the midst of this movement of death, in the depths of the wetland, shrouded in red light and shrouded in clouds and mist, there was a sudden violent roar.

At this moment, the entire earth shattered open.

Amidst deafening crackling sounds, the ground trembled crazily. In the faint red light, a huge building rose from the ground.

"That's the cave!"

"The opportunity is inside!"


The emergence of the cave made the poison more crazy, and also gave the desperate people hope again.

The greed of human nature completely defeated the fear of death at this moment.

Among the crowd, several powerful Qi Sea Realm fighters forced their way out and rushed towards the direction where the cave appeared.

"Let's go!"

At this point, Wang Hao wanted to wait, but he couldn't.

When a chance appeared, with a soft hum, Wang Hao arched his body, rushing out like a cheetah.

"and many more!"

However, only a few steps away, Jin Shisan suddenly shouted.

"what happened?"

Wang Hao asked.

"Look! Those people who went in just now!"

Jin Shisan's eyes became sharper.

Following Jin Shisan's gaze, Wang Hao's eyes widened.

But seeing those warriors who rushed out of Qiyao's blockade and went straight to the cave, they are either dead or crazy at this moment!


Faintly, a smear of blood rose to the sky, and a powerful late-stage Qi-gathering warrior fell to the ground without a sound.

He couldn't even see who killed him, but saw a cloud of mist passing by, and everything seemed extremely strange.

"Who! Come out to me!"

On the other side, a Qi Sea Realm martial artist was covered with scars, and fell into madness looking at the empty world around him.


Suddenly there was another spray of blood, and the figure of this Sea of ​​Qi realm warrior staggered fiercely, with a hideous wound on his body.

ding ding ding...

At the moment when his long sword swept out, there were bursts of crisp collision sounds, and flames erupted.

Faintly, Wang Hao saw a few phantoms being forced to retreat, and then they disappeared into the surrounding clouds and mist.

wow wow wow...

At the moment when the martial artist in the sea of ​​qi was chasing after the cloud, suddenly, a raging fire burned in the void, and the endless sea of ​​flames swept the strong man in the sea of ​​qi in an instant.

ah ah ah...

Caught off guard, the whole person turned into a burning man, and the strong man in the Qi Sea Realm screamed again and again.


This weird scene made Wang Hao completely stop himself.

what is the problem?

What is hidden in that cloud?

Could it be Qi Yao's handwriting?

Otherwise, why would the warriors who rushed out of the blockade encounter such a strange situation?

Unexpectedly, the open space leading to the cave turned out to be the real murderous threat.

"Interesting! Hehe... I didn't expect that there are still people who can use such a formation!"

When Wang Hao's expression changed, Jin Shisan suddenly sneered.

"What formation? What do you know?"

Wang Hao asked quickly.

Qiyao arranged a formation here?

What kind of formation is so weird!

A strong person in the Qi Sea Realm is still insurmountable, with his current strength...

Wang Hao's heart sank, and his expression turned ugly.

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