ancient myth

Chapter 101 Breaking the Formation

"Five Elements Killing Formation! This formation is extremely delicate. Once it is arranged, it will form an independent small world! The five elements are intertwined, and life is endless. Within the formation, there are 36 formation eyes, and each formation eye has a shadow. .These shadows should have been trained since childhood. Everyone has the five elements and can mobilize the power of the five elements. 36 people work together...hehe...I'm afraid that there are really few people in the Eastern Wasteland who can break through this formation!"

Seeing Wang Hao's puzzled expression, Jin Shisan sneered.

"Five-star killing array, 36 shadows?"

Wang Hao was thoughtful.

It seems that it was the 36 shadow who was hiding in the formation just now.Integrate into the formation, making it difficult for people to detect and prevent accidental prevention.

As for the raging flames that appeared before, it should be that the formation showed the power of raging fire!

From this point of view, Qi Yao has really made sufficient preparations for this opportunity.Unexpectedly, such an exquisite formation was sacrificed.

With such a formation, there are not many strong people in the entire Eastern Wasteland who can break through?

No wonder Qi Yao is so ambitious and wants to monopolize the opportunity.

"Could it be that even a strong person in the Divine Mansion Realm will be trapped in it? Wouldn't it be difficult for us to make it through?"

Mu Yang asked with a frown.

"Theoretically speaking, if there are half of the strong people in the Qi Sea Realm in the formation, it should be enough to trap people in the Divine Mansion Realm. Otherwise, why do you think those formation masters are so popular? However, it seems that this formation should be They are not that powerful yet. The people from Qiyao are really reckless! Do they really think that people from the Shenfu Realm will not come to this Yanluo Swamp?" Jin Shisan curled his lips: "Accordingly speaking, such a formation It is enough to kill you. But, hehe...with me here, the situation will be different!"

Speaking of this, Jin Shisan showed a smug expression.

"What are we going to do!"

Wang Hao asked directly.

"Let me go in and take a look first!" Jin Shisan climbed off Wang Hao: "Wait here for me now!"

After the words fell, Jin Shisan's body shot forward quickly.

This guy, in front of his own interests, finally has no secrets.

If there wasn't something Jin Shisan wanted to find in this cave, would he be so active?

Wang Hao looked suspiciously at the direction where Jin Shisan disappeared, and couldn't help being curious: What made Jin Shisan work so hard?


"Damn it! Get out of here, or we're all going to die!"

"These poisons are inexhaustible! The cave has already appeared, let's kill it!"

As more and more poisonous substances gathered, more and more people fell down. Whether it was a person from Qiyao or people who came from all directions to fight for the opportunity, they became the targets of slaughter. There were screams one after another, and bursts of anxious Voices came from all directions.

This is simply a disaster.

In particular, the building within the red light in the distance has been completely presented in people's sight, which makes people even more crazy.

Gradually, people continued to forcibly rush towards the direction of the cave, stepping into the formation.


The swamp giant bees, poisonous snakes, and poisonous insects, which are as powerful as a bamboo, rushed into the five-element formation closely following the warriors one by one in a crushing posture.

As more and more warriors rushed into the formation, more and more poisons entered the formation, and the five-element formation was fully fired.

Thunder and earth fire intertwined, screams rang out, and the small world shrouded in the formation turned into a hell of killing.

Blood is intertwined, life is withered, and death's scythe is constantly harvesting life.

The scene was completely plunged into chaos and madness.

Watching this scene from a distance, Wang Hao's pupils shrank and his face was solemn.

What happened to Jin Shisan?

Looking into the distance, Wang Hao frowned.

In the midst of the thunder and fire that filled the sky, killing could come at any time, if Jin Shisan was a little careless, he might die in hell.This makes people have to worry.

"Boy, our chance has come!"

While Wang Hao and Mu Yang were waiting anxiously, a golden light flashed, but Jin Shisan, who had sneaked into the formation before, had returned.

Looking at Wang Hao, Jin Shisan's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"what chance!"

Wang Hao asked quickly.

"Hey... see it! The current five-element formation is suffering unimaginable impact! As I expected, although the formation is well arranged, Qi Yao still underestimated the danger here. Now those warriors and the endless poison Under the impact of the attack, the flaws have been exposed. I have found a way to break out of the big formation!"

Jin Shisan showed a hint of complacency.

"What are we going to do!"

What Jin Shisan said made Wang Hao's eyes light up.

This large formation, like a moat, blocked everyone in front of them.

If it can break through the formation?They are half the battle.How can one not expect this?

"Although the power of heaven and earth is infinite, manpower is always limited. Wait! Wait until this formation is shaken, when poison can pass through this formation, and when those shadows are in a hard fight, this is our chance!"

Jin Shisan stared at the formation in the distance, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Pouring a bloody road with blood and life is the best way.


Wang Hao was silent for a while, and replied in a deep voice.

Although this method is bloody, there seems to be no better choice.This is a cruel world, there is no sympathy at all.

There were bursts of screams and roars coming from his ears, and the smell of blood permeated between the heaven and the earth, making Wang Hao take a deep breath.

The road to martial arts is the road to plunder.The road to the top is a road made of flesh and blood?

At this moment, Wang Hao seemed to have a deeper understanding of this sentence.

Time passed by every minute and every second. In the hidden corner outside the wetland, Wang Hao and Mu Yang watched the small world criss-crossed by thunder and lightning as if it was about to collapse. Wang Hao and Mu Yang held their breaths and waited quietly.


I don't know how long it took, suddenly, there was a loud noise from behind the formation in the distance.

The whole world shook at that moment.Faintly, amidst the roaring sound, the blood moon light connecting heaven and earth was extremely bright!In the red light, one could see the door of the cave, which was closed tightly, slowly opened.

"The cave is open!"

Wang Hao's expression sank, revealing a trace of anxiety.

"Hey... don't worry, just wait!"

Jin Shisan seemed to know something, showing a sneer.


Sure enough, at the moment when Jin Shisan's voice fell, there were bursts of sharp buzzing in the opened cave.

The next moment, within the red light, a golden shadow swept out from the cave.

"Ah ah ah..."

The two unsuspecting people from Qiyao who were swept by the golden shadow suddenly screamed.

"That is……"

Wang Hao's eyes widened when the scene caught his eyes.

"Like I said, that's the alchemy's cave, and it's a pill sage who refines poisonous pills. His cave is so easy to get in? Hmph! The cave appeared, and the formation was in operation, attracting thousands of poisons. How could there be no restrictions inside? Really think that is a place where anyone can go? That old guy was insidious back then. Let the people from Qiyao explore the way for us first! Don't worry, they can't take away the opportunity!"

Jin Shisan snorted.

While Jin Shisan was speaking, the golden shadow continued to spread, and the Qiyao people who had arrived at the cave were instantly in danger.

Boom boom boom...

A war between humans and insects kicked off in an instant.

But amidst the roaring sounds, one by one talismans were crushed and exploded, the wind swept between the sky and the earth, thunder and fire intertwined, and the air waves rolled!

Even though they had been prepared, Qi Yao's people seemed extremely embarrassed at the moment.

"Someone rushed out of the formation!"

At this time, Mu Yang suddenly whispered.

When the melee started before the cave, the five-element formation set up by Qiyao finally began to be unable to withstand the impact of warriors and poisons, showing its flaws.

As the first strong man in the Qi Sea Realm rushed out of the formation and went straight to the cave, several warriors rushed out of the formation one after another.

Immediately afterwards, more poisons rushed towards the cave.

"let's go!"

Looking at this scene, Jin Shisan was overwhelmed.


Already ready, Wang Hao and Mu Yang, who were ready to go, looked at each other, and rushed out of the formation, rushing towards the formation.

"Boy, after entering the formation, listen to my command! Although the formation has some flaws, not everyone can walk through it."

Before coming to the formation, Jin Shisan instructed.

"it is good!"

Without hesitation, Wang Hao nodded and rushed into the formation with Mu Yang.


The moment Wang Hao and Mu Yang entered the formation, a burst of flames turned into a sea of ​​flames and swept towards them.

The heat wave came over, making people feel suffocated in an instant.

"Third from left, seventh from right! Enter the water!"

Jin Shisan took his time and drank to Wang Hao.

beep, beep...

According to Jin Shisan's command, Wang Hao and Mu Yang stepped forward.


After taking a few steps, the ferocious sea of ​​fire disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.Following that, a cool breath enveloped the two of them.

"So mysterious!"

What happened in front of him made Wang Hao secretly startled.

Is this the flaw in the formation?


But before Wang Hao could catch his breath, a roar exploded, and within the formation, thunder and lightning intertwined, and a sea of ​​thunder crashed towards the place where Wang Hao and Mu Yang were.

"The first seven, the second from the right, buried..."

Before the thunderstorm swept in front of him, Jin Shisan spoke again.

According to what Jin Shisan said, Wang Hao and Mu Yang were methodical, moving around in the formation.

Surrounded by warriors caught in melee and crazy poison, Wang Hao could clearly feel their despair and madness.However, all this has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, what did they go?Seems like a clean trail.

Although the road ahead is tortuous, it has avoided crisis after crisis.


Finally, after spending a full quarter of an hour and brushing past countless dangers, Wang Hao and Mu Yang took the last step, and their eyes suddenly brightened.


Until this moment, Wang Hao and Mu Yang couldn't help showing a little excitement.

" is it? I didn't lie to you, sir? If it wasn't for me this time, the two of you would have a chance to break out of this formation? How are you going to thank me?"

After stepping out of the five-element formation and breaking through Qiyao's blockade, Jin Shisan said proudly.

"Enter the cave first!"

Too lazy to pay attention to Jin Shisan who was showing off, looking at Qi Yao and his group rushing into the cave ahead, Wang Hao shouted hastily.

At the same time as they broke the formation, Qiyao's people had already used countless powerful talismans and Ling Yaoyao's magic weapon to break through the blockade of the golden swarm and step into the cave.

Qi Yao is already one step ahead, how can Wang Hao fall behind?

Shouting to Mu Yang, Wang Hao exploded his speed to the extreme, and rushed towards the front crazily.

Now is the beginning of the scramble.


Wang Hao will not let them succeed today!

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