ancient myth

Chapter 20 Sharpening Stone!

"Hmph! Wang Hao, it's still too late for you to admit defeat."

As there were more and more people in the martial arts arena, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Yue's mouth.

"Let me admit defeat and hand over the marriage contract? Then get out of the Wang family? You are really a good dog!"

Wang Hao sneered.

"However, I lost, and it was Little Phoenix who lost. So what about you?" Wang Hao curled his lips: "Oh! By the way, you are just Wang Kun's dog, and you can't come up with anything even if you think about it. What about your master?"

"Wang Hao, you..."

Wang Hao's wanton humiliation made Wang Yue furious.

"He lost, this Yuan Condensation Pill is yours."

Among the crowd, Wang Kun snorted coldly.

"The Condensation Pill that can help warriors step into the Qi Gathering Realm!"

As Wang Kun's voice fell, there were many exclamations from the crowd.

It is a huge hurdle for the Divine Power Realm to hit the Qi Gathering Realm.It is impossible for many people to step into this realm in their lifetime.Especially those with low-grade talent.However, if there is a Condensing Yuan Pill, the chances will be greatly increased.This kind of elixir is of extraordinary value and makes people jealous.

"A Yuan Condensation Pill can't be compared with Little Phoenix!"

Looking at the Yuan Condensing Pill, Wang Hao's eyes lit up.

"Plus one Good Fortune Pill, nine Xiaohuan Pills, one hundred Qi Gathering Pills, and one hundred Spirit Stones!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Kun's mouth.Every time he reported an item, there was a burst of exclamation in the field.

Especially Good Fortune Pill and Xiaohuan Pill!Among them, the Xiao Huan Dan is a holy medicine for healing, even if it is a disciple of the four major academies, there are not many people who can get it, and it is very valuable.

As for Creation Pill?It is priceless.It is said that this elixir has the effect of washing the essence and cutting the marrow, and it is the best auxiliary elixir for impacting the world!If it is taken by someone who has hit the Qi Gathering Realm, even the worst low-grade talent can definitely step into the Qi Gathering Realm.

This kind of elixir is simply the dream of countless people.Unexpectedly, Wang Kun took it out!

In addition, the Qi Gathering Pill and Hundreds of Spirit Stones used to assist cultivation in the Qi Gathering Realm...

Wang Kun took out a terrifying bargaining chip this time!

"Okay! Although it's still not as good as that little phoenix, it's barely acceptable!"

Looking at the proud Wang Kun, Wang Hao smiled.

Wang Hao is really daring to use the little Phoenix of the Su family as a bargaining chip.What a humiliation this is to the Su family and that little Phoenix.Moreover, does Wang Hao really think he has a chance of winning?The onlookers couldn't help but roll their eyes, Wang Hao is crazy!

"If you want to fight, let's fight!"

After the bargaining chip was settled, Wang Hao turned to look at the gloomy Wang Yue and said.

"Wang Hao, you are courting death yourself!"

Wang Yue showed a sinister smile, with a cold light in his eyes.

Whether it was Wang Hao who humiliated his cousin Wang Qi at the spirit initiation ceremony, or being humiliated by Wang Hao three times today, Wang Yue couldn't wait to teach Wang Hao a lesson.What's more, this battle is for Wang Kun!

To be able to crush Wang Hao in full view and trample him down to relieve his hatred, Wang Yue couldn't wait to think of this!


The whole body was full of momentum, Wang Yue seemed to turn into a prehistoric beast and stared at Wang Hao: "Look, I will blow you up!"

"Square palm!"

But seeing Wang Yue stomping on the ground with both feet, he went straight to Wang Hao like an arrow off the string.

clap clap clap...

The palm wind whistled and roared endlessly.

At that moment, in the center of the martial arts arena, shadows of palms spread all over in all directions, like ancient giant bulls galloping and fierce tigers roaring.

"The power of nine oxen and two tigers, the divine power of the nine heavens!"

"Wang Yue, so strong! Wang Hao, it's over!"

Seeing such a scene, the expressions of the people watching the battle changed.

That's right!As soon as Wang Yue made a move, he showed the strength of the Nine Heavens of Divine Power!He intends to completely crush Wang Hao with absolute strength?Don't give him any chance!No!Even Wang Yue was murderous.He will kill Wang Hao!

Today's Wang Hao, if he is bombarded by these square palms, he will only die.

As if they saw blood splattered on the spot, everyone's heartbeat stopped.

"Tibetan Wind!"

However, just when people felt suffocated and saw that Wang Hao was about to die suddenly on the spot, a cold snort came.

Among the palm prints sweeping from all directions, Wang Hao's figure flashed and the wind blew under his feet, turning into a ghost and rushing out of the encirclement.


At the same time, the place where Wang Hao stood before.There was a sound of thunder, rolling up dust in the sky.

"Square palm? It seems that you haven't mastered it yet!"

Until the strong wind dissipated, Wang Hao sneered when he looked at Wang Yue with an uncertain expression.

Wang Yue's all-out move?Wang Hao avoided it easily!

"Bastard, come again!"

With his own strength, he should have been able to completely crush Wang Hao with one move, but now he missed it?This made Wang Yue lose face.

luck!It must be luck.Why does this trash avoid his own square palm?He even dared to laugh at himself.

"Death to me!"

With a roar, Wang Yue became more imposing, carrying the power of a giant tiger, and swept towards Wang Hao again.




In the blink of an eye, the entire Martial Arts Field shook.

Under Wang Yue's crazy offensive, the wind howled in the arena, flying sand and rocks, palm prints all over the sky, and killing intent abounded.

Get away!Get away!Still dodged!

However, what surprised people was that amidst the bursts of roar, Wang Yue, who was attacking dozens of moves, got nothing.Several times, Wang Hao seemed extremely dangerous, but he still avoided Wang Yue's offensive.

Especially as time went by, Wang Hao seemed... more and more calm.

"I... this is not a dream!"

"Is this really Wang Hao?"

"Luck, it must be luck! Damn it..."

After another violent roar, Wang Yue stopped his offensive and gasped for breath.See the situation in the arena clearly, in the martial arts arena, the onlookers look at each other in blank dismay!

Everyone seemed to have seen the most incredible scene.

A well-recognized waste material, under the violent bombardment of the strong man of the Ninth Heaven of Divine Power, was unscathed?On the contrary, Wang Yue was panting and sweating profusely!This is more exaggerated than dreaming.

"Hehe... Interesting! It seems that this time, your vision is not accurate. With a set of body skills, Wang Hao is already invincible! He regarded Wang Yue as a stepping stone! "

Behind the crowd, looking at Wang Kun's gloomy face, the corners of Luo Tianqiu's mouth rose.

The intuition before the start of this battle has turned into reality at this moment.

"It's not the end yet!"

Wang Kun snorted, but his eyes became more gloomy.

"There is already a result. Isn't it?"

Luo Tianqiu took a deep look at Wang Kun, and returned to him what Wang Kun said just now!

A proud person is always not easy to accept failure.If he really can't see the reason until now, he is not Wang Kun!

How come the results are already out?

Totally one-sided!

If it weren't for the young man named Wang Hao, who seemed to be too inexperienced, and regarded Wang Yue as a free whetstone, wouldn't there be results now?

This is the waste that the Wang family said?

What a joke!

Luo Tianqiu looked at Wang Hao, his eyes flickering.


(ps: Wang Yue said, let everyone remember to collect and sprinkle flowers, or he will cry for you!)

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