ancient myth

Chapter 21

"Bastard! Wang Hao, if you have the ability to fight me head-on. Dodging and dodging, what a hero!"

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly became weird.

Unable to attack, he gasped for breath.Wang Yue's face no longer had the previous calmness and confidence.All that was left was anger and ferocity.

His eyes were red, at this moment Wang Yue felt endless humiliation.

Wang Hao, what kind of agility is this!As a strong man with nine levels of divine power, he couldn't crush a waste?On the contrary, it was messed up!This is simply a big joke!

One can imagine Wang Yue's mood.

"First, I have never said that I am a hero. Second, since you want to fight head-on, then you can do so!"

Looking at Wang Yue, who was sweating profusely, Wang Hao's face was stern.

Wang Hao has benefited a lot from the confrontation of dozens of moves just now.The Tibetan wind body technique has become more and more proficient in using it, and now the strength of this body is gradually being controlled.This can be seen from the thrill at the beginning to the calmness afterwards.

Now, Wang Yue, the whetstone, could no longer help Wang Hao more.

That being the case, why waste time.

"Okay! Wang Hao, this is what you said. Watch me tear you apart!"

Upon receiving Wang Hao's response, Wang Yue grinned grimly.


With a roar, Wang Yue swept towards Wang Hao again with endless aura.

As long as Wang Hao doesn't hide, he, Wang Yue, will tear Wang Hao apart every minute?

Seeing this time, Wang Hao really didn't dodge. The onlookers who fell silent before held their breath again.

This Wang Hao actually launched his best method and chose to confront Wang Yue head-on?Has he lost his mind?


However, before people could think more, facing Wang Yue who rushed forward, Wang Hao acted.

Take a step forward, and the knife will be cut immediately!


Wang Hao's whole body was full of momentum, and his long hair moved without wind!


The Sky Opening Palm blasted out, the palm wind was like thunder, and it was like a broken bamboo, facing Wang Yue's palms.

"how is this possible……"

At this moment, the people watching around were in an uproar.

At this moment, Wang Kun's body tensed up, and Luo Tianqiu's mouth burst into a smile.

At this moment, Wang Yue's pupils shrank and his eyes were shocked.

"Divine Power Nine Heavens!"

That's right, at this moment, the aura and power that Wang Hao erupted from was not the Nine Heavens of Divine Power, but what was it?

Half a month ago, after refining the Tiger Wolf Pill, Wang Hao entered a long-term retreat.This is also the reason why Wang Kun was still unable to find Wang Hao's troubles after he returned.

Tiger Wolf Pill is indeed a thing against the sky!Although overbearing, the effect is extraordinary!It took Wang Hao two days to rush from the sixth heaven of divine power to the seventh heaven of divine power.It took five days to rush into the eighth heaven of divine power!Then, after spending a full nine days, finally after taking the last Tiger Wolf Pill, today's Wang Hao stepped into the realm of the Nine Heavens of Divine Power.

This is where Wang Hao's confidence lies today.

If the battle just now was a warm-up and a process of adaptation, then now, Wang Hao is starting to explode!Nine heavens of divine power, how strong one's own strength is, will be revealed soon!

Wang Yue moved to kill?How could Wang Hao be polite?

The overwhelming palm wind overwhelmed Wang Yue's aura in a blink of an eye, and Wang Hao swept down with the power of a prehistoric giant beast.

bang bang bang...

Between the lightning and the flint, the roar exploded.

In front of this imposing Kaitian Palm, Wang Yue's offensive collapsed instantly!

"Pour me over!"

Breaking through the heavy resistance, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, his arms shook suddenly, and the power of his whole body burst out again, and finally hit Wang Yue's palms!

"No... ah ah..."

Blood sprayed from his mouth, and Wang Yue's eyeballs burst out. At that moment, he seemed to be suppressed by a mountain.The bones of the whole body seemed to be shattered, and the flesh and blood seemed to collapse!The viscera and six internal organs seemed to have been shattered!


In the strong wind, Wang Yue's figure was blown out like a cannonball.


Flying upside down for dozens of meters, finally, Wang Yue's body slammed down on the guardrail of the martial arts arena.

Until he passed out, the shock in Wang Yue's heart was still unbearable!

He was actually crushed!


At this moment, the martial arts arena fell into a deathly silence.

Until the wind dissipated and the dust fell, people couldn't recover from the shock in front of them.

Spike, this result was within people's expectations.However, the script was rewritten.

Shouldn't it be Wang Yue who crushes Wang Hao?How come it's the other way around now?One move, just a head-on confrontation, Wang Yue was trampled by Wang Hao!

What happened just now between lightning and flint, the impact on everyone is unimaginable.

"I've been to the Tianzhao Academy for a year, but I'm still in the Ninth Heaven of Divine Power? There are many flaws, and I'm vulnerable. It seems that I can only be a follower!"

It wasn't until Wang Hao's cold snort came that everyone came back to their senses.


The next moment, the scene exploded.

"Oh my god... is this really a dream?"

"Wang Hao? Is this fake?"

"Liar! Wang Hao is a big liar! What about the good-for-nothing? He must have been hiding his strength before! The Nine Heavens of Divine Power turned out to be the Nine Heavens of Divine Power! We were all deceived!"

Looking at the figure standing in the arena, people could no longer remain calm.

No wonder Wang Hao was full of confidence in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony that day.No wonder he despised Wang Fu and crushed Wang Qi.joke!With what Wang Hao has shown now, Wang Qi is not even an ant in front of him!

Also, no wonder Wang Hao dared to contradict the Patriarch.

It turned out that he was not a lunatic, let alone a fool.The people who were concealed by Wang Hao, who were waiting to see the joke, are the real fools!

Now, Wang Yue, who has nine levels of supernatural power, is vulnerable in front of Wang Hao, and is so despised.Wang Hao's image began to become unattainable!

When a guy who was considered to be a waste suddenly broke out and showed a strength that people look up to, one can imagine the sourness in his heart at that moment!

After being shocked, people's expressions became complicated.

Wang Hao like this is a waste?So, how many people present are not trash?

If Wang Hao knew what everyone was thinking at the moment, he would probably sigh: Human imagination is really limitless!

It has to be said that such is human nature.

"It seems that you lost!"

In the noisy scene, Wang Hao looked towards Wang Kun.At this moment, how gloomy is Wang Kun's complexion?

As Wang Hao pointed the finger at Wang Kun, the venue suddenly became quieter, and people's eyes shifted to Wang Kun.

In the previous battle, although Wang Yue lost, it was Wang Kun who was beaten in the face.

What will happen to this proud son of the royal family?

"I underestimated you!"

The pride of these years was stained with dust at this moment, Wang Kun clenched his fists and walked towards Wang Hao.

"Why, your dog was beaten and you don't want revenge?"

Sensing Wang Kun's killing intent, Wang Hao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.There was no fear on his face.

"You know I can't! Why use words to provoke me!" Wang Kun's face was cold: "The future will be long. Between you and me, there will be a chance!"

"That's a pity, you missed the best opportunity!" Wang Hao secretly relaxed a little: "Then you are here to hand in the spoils?"

The smile on Wang Hao's face made many people's mouths twitch.

This Wang Hao is too pushy.

Thinking of those so-called trophies, many people swallowed secretly.

"Today, you won! However, I hope you can continue to laugh!"

Wang Kun threw a box to Wang Hao, and with an ugly face, he took a few servants and walked directly outside the martial arts arena.Even the unconscious Wang Yue and Wang Kun ignored him.

Until Wang Kun completely walked out of the arena, the heavy atmosphere gradually dissipated.

The good show finally came to an end, and the people who had suffered too much shock began to disperse with extremely complicated emotions.

However, everyone knows that since this day, the status of the name Wang Hao in their hearts has undergone earth-shaking changes.Even, it has been engraved in everyone's heart.

"Wang Kun? Proud, conceited? Stupid, innocent!"

As the people in the martial arts arena were almost astigmatized, looking at the direction of Wang Kun's departure, Wang Hao said to himself.

It's just a toddler in Handan, Wang Kun is really too young.At least, at this stage, it seems so.As Wang Hao said just now, Wang Kun has lost the best chance to deal with Wang Hao.

"Isn't it precisely because of this pride, or naivety, that you are so presumptuous?"

An extra figure appeared beside Wang Hao.

"you are?"

Looking at the man who had been standing beside Wang Kun before, Wang Hao frowned.

"Tianzhao Academy, Luo Tianqiu. You can regard me as Senior Brother Wang Kun."

Luo Tianqiu introduced.

"Want to find a place back?"

This guy gave Wang Hao the feeling that he was much more dangerous than Wang Kun.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. However, you beat Wang Kun's dog, slapped him in the face, and took the resources my teacher left him to prepare to attack the Universal Realm. He won't stop!"

Luo Tianqiu has an interesting taste.

"I feel sad for Wang Kun to have a brother like you!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Not only was Luo Tianqiu not angry.Instead, he laughed: "I'm a bit looking forward to the academy selection that will start soon. Think about our Tianzhao Academy?"

"Maybe you don't like me?"

Wang Hao pouted.

"Haha... See you in the academy selection!"

Luo Tianqiu turned around with a smile, and walked directly outside the martial arts arena.

Wang Hao?The little Phoenix of the Su family is really a hot potato, let me see how you should deal with the next situation.

The smile on Luo Tianqiu's face became more and more unpredictable.

"Dangerous guy!"

Looking at that figure from behind, Wang Hao murmured softly.

Up to now, among the people Wang Hao has met, the one who feels this way to him is Luo Tianqiu, except Tai Youqian.

Even Luo Tianqiu was even worse.

Sure enough, Jianghu is still a dangerous place.He needs to be more cautious!

"However, I'm looking forward to the academy selection two days later!"

Temporarily putting away the thoughts in his heart, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun in the distance, Wang Hao showed a trace of expectation on his face.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

He, Wang Hao, is ready for the academy selection!

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