ancient myth

Chapter 22 Wang Lin Returns

"Ninth heaven of divine power? With my current strength, I am invincible under the Qi Gathering Realm!"

Until the unconscious Wang Yue was carried away, the martial arts field completely cooled down, and the corners of Wang Hao's mouth rose.

Today's battle gave Wang Hao a clearer understanding of his own strength.

Nine heavens of divine power?Every monk in this realm is still different.

Like Wang Yue, he can only be regarded as mediocre.

And Wang Hao?

The head-to-head confrontation with that move just now explained everything.

At least in terms of strength, Wang Hao has already completed the crushing!It is by no means as simple as the power of nine bulls and two tigers.

The complete fusion of the Chaos Spirit Seeds casts an extraordinary talent.Coupled with the dominance of the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue, it is even more unmatched by ordinary exercises!

The situation was even better than Wang Hao imagined.

If Wang Hao's experience and vision are counted, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the No. 1 under Qi Gathering Realm!He is qualified to compete with any Tianjiao of the same level!

"There are also the Creation Pill and the Condensation Pill, it's just in time!"

The two pills left by Wang Kun made Wang Hao even more powerful.

"You idiot, go, go back!"

Putting away the loot, Wang Hao, in a good mood, led Zhou Shan, and then walked out of the martial arts arena.


When Wang Hao returned home with a full load, the atmosphere in Wang Kun's courtyard was covered with dark clouds and gloomy.

"Master, that Wang Hao is simply lawless! Could it be... let's just forget about it? Why didn't the young master take action to suppress it just now..."

Beside Wang Kun, a boy in green shirt was full of doubts.

As a servant in Wang Kun's courtyard, he grew up with Wang Kun since he was a child, this young man feels extremely humiliated at this moment.

With Wang Kun's strength, if he makes a move, so what if Wang Hao's divine power is ninefold?He is still just an ant.

But, why did Wang Kun choose to swallow his anger?

"To shut up!"

Wang Kun's face was gloomy, and his cold glance made the young man in green gown stunned.

Shot in full view?Bully?Wheel battle?He, Wang Kun, couldn't afford to lose this person.I don't even bother to do that!What's more, was the shot just now really useful?

Thinking of that moment, Wang Kun's pupils shrank when he locked his two auras!Especially one of the auras made Wang Kun feel creepy even now.

Wang Kun can be sure that if at that time, he dared to put down his airs and deal with Wang Hao, Wang Hao would be fine!And himself?Something will happen!

This is what makes Wang Kun even heavier.

Who is the master of those two breaths?

Especially the owner of that fierce aura!Even Teacher Wang Kun never brought him that feeling of terror.

They are to help Wang Hao?

Wang Hao, there are more and more doubts on his body!

"Have you gone to find Wang Hao?"

After a while, looking at Luo Tianqiu who walked into the courtyard, Wang Kun withdrew his thoughts and narrowed his eyes.

"Quite an interesting person. Don't you wonder when he activated the Spirit Seed and when he reached such a height? Your Wang family is really a magical place!"

Luo Tianqiu said frankly.

"so what?"

Wang Kun stared at Luo Tianqiu.

"If it's inconvenient to do it, I can do it for you. If you need it, just ask!"

Luo Tianqiu stretched, turned around and walked towards his room.

Staring at his back, Wang Kun's complexion was unpredictable.

At the same time, in the most majestic study room in the Wang family's mansion, Wang Tianyang, who got the news, looked so ugly?

"Master, it seems that we have all been deceived! That boy Wang Hao is so scheming. Although he suffered a big loss, Master Kun didn't take action to suppress it because of his face. Our side..."

The new housekeeper, Wang Hai, asked cautiously.

Thinking of Wang Hao, what emotion does Wang Hai feel at this moment?He mourns in silence for his predecessor, Wang Fu!Who would have thought that Wang Hao hid it so deeply?

"Kun'er, you're still too naive!" Wang Tianyang frowned: "Divine Power Nine Heavens? We underestimated that kid. But let Kun'er handle this matter by himself."

How to spread your wings and fly without tempering?It would be a good thing if Wang Kun could wake up to this loss.

"It's just that if you let it go. The academy selection in two days' time..."

Who in the Wang family didn't know what happened in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony that day?

Now it seems that this kid is very likely to enter the academy to study.Will it really be returned to that kid at that time?Wang Hai, who understands Wang Tianyang's mind very well, has twinkling eyes.

"I've made my own decision on this matter!"

Wang Tianyang's face turned cold, and he hummed.

If you can do it, why wait until today.They have missed the best opportunity.

Now, that boy Wang Hao is not alone.Especially the scene that happened in the hall more than 20 days ago made Wang Tianyang feel heavy.

The performance of those clan elders even made Wang Tianyang feel a huge crisis.

Now is not the time, and we need to wait for a better time.

"He won't be rampant for long!"

Thinking of something suddenly, a stern look flashed across Wang Tianyang's face.


Wang Kun, Wang Tianyang, and even the entire Wang family.Because of a competition, a turbulent wave was set off.

Wang Hao!

On this day, this name was deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone in the Wang family, and its reputation rose!

"Brother Wang Hao!"

But Wang Hao, who is the person involved, has no time to worry about so much at the moment.

Wang Hao felt a headache when he looked at the playful and playful young girl beside him holding his arm.

"Wang Lin, why are you here?"

The person who came was Wang Lin who left after the enlightenment ceremony.

"Didn't people say, go home and tidy up, and you will come back!"

Wang Lin's home is far away from the Wang family.This time, together with the time spent on trivial matters at home, it took almost a month.

"He's back, isn't brother Wang Hao happy?"

Wang Lin pouted, looking aggrieved.

"No! I'm happy, of course I'm happy. But, can you let go of your hand first!"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

A wisp of fragrance from the tip of his nose made the young man's heart beat twice faster.You know, Wang Lin is already 14 years old.Anyway, she is also a slim girl.She hugged her arm so tightly, Wang Hao clearly felt evilly that his arm touched a place that shouldn't be touched...

This made Wang Hao very embarrassed.

"Since you're happy, you can't let go!"

The girl said innocently, completely unaware of the evil in Wang Hao's heart.This made Wang Hao's brows twitch violently, his face full of bitterness.

"Forget it, I won't tease you. Hee hee...Brother Wang Hao is really a shy person!"

Finally, seeing Wang Hao's embarrassed face and tense body, the girl let go of her hands with a hint of cunning in her eyes.


Wang Hao let out a sigh of relief, pouted his lips, and said bravely: "How can I be easily shy! Besides, we are brother and sister! Why be ashamed!"

Even though several generations are separated, as long as Wang Lin's family does not break away from the Wang family, they are still brothers and sisters in name.No matter how far the relationship is.

"Yeah, why are you shy? Then I'll hug again!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, and she reached out to embrace Wang Hao.

"Wait! You... have something to say!" Wang Hao wished he could give himself a slap in the face, and do what he could do if he had nothing to do.Thinking of this, he quickly changed the subject: "Why did you come back today? What can I do for you?"

"Academy selection is about to start, don't you come back?" Wang Lin glared at Wang Hao resentfully, and then said, "I just came back to Wang's house, and I heard that you and Wang Yue are going to compete in the martial arts arena. That's why they rushed over in a hurry!"

"Thank you for your concern! But, I don't seem to have seen you in the Martial Arts Field!"

Wang Hao joked.

Perhaps, at some point, Wang Hao already regarded Wang Lin as one of the few relatives he could communicate with?

"You have wronged me! Hmph! They are still worried that something will happen to you, so they came here to find the Great Elder!"

Wang Lin was dissatisfied.

"Great Elder? He's here too? No wonder..."

Wang Lin's words made Wang Hao stunned for a moment, and then thought about it.

No wonder Wang Hao seemed to feel the sudden appearance of two auras at the moment Wang Kun walked in front of him!Especially one of the breaths is very terrifying.

Great Elder, what kind of aura is it?

Whose is the other breath?

This made Wang Hao feel a little more doubtful.

However, no matter what, those two auras didn't seem to be malicious to him, which is something to be thankful for.

"Hee hee... So, seeing that brother Wang Hao defeated Wang Yue, I came here to wait for you. But, brother Wang Hao, when did you step into the Ninth Heaven of Divine Power?"

Curiosity flickered in the girl's eyes.

"Forget it, it's inconvenient for Brother Wang Hao to say it! But it's really good. Now, those who are waiting to see the joke, should be disappointed? Brother Wang Hao will definitely be a blockbuster in the academy selection! "

Immediately afterwards, seeing Wang Hao's hesitation, the girl said empathetically.

I have to say that Wang Lin at this moment is really cute.What a girl!

"Is there any academy looking for you recently?"

The little phoenix of the Su family has been targeted by the people from Tianqi Academy.What about Wang Lin, who is also a top-rank talent?

"Yes! Both Tianlu Academy and Tianqi Academy have looked for me!"

Wang Lin said.

"Then where are you going!"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.This world is really real.

"I don't know! Let's talk!"

The girl murmured thoughtfully.

"Where's brother Wang Hao? What's your plan?" Wang Lin asked back. After a pause, the girl said seriously: "Now, brother Wang Hao has also stepped into the Ninth Heaven of Divine Power. Today, I got Wang Kun's Condensation Pill and Good Fortune Dan...Brother Wang Hao, let's practice! Try to step into the Qi Gathering Realm in two days. At that time, even if you are only a low-level talent, those academies will not be able to reject you. Maybe the four major academies can also try !"

Thinking of the current situation, the girl's eyes brightened.The initial worries have now been reduced a lot.

"Four major academies? Let's talk about it. Assault on the Qi Gathering Realm, don't worry!"

Wang Hao murmured looking at the distance.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the girl to say anything else, she looked up at the same dark night sky: "It's getting dark. The blood moon tonight seems extraordinarily bright?!"

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