ancient myth

Chapter 312 Unlucky Elder Zhao

"It should be the elders of Tianxuan Sword Sect who were involved in this thunderstorm! Hehe... this is interesting!"

Just when Tian Buer was surprised, as the wind and cloud cleared, Jin Shisan appeared beside Wang Hao and the others with a smile.

The natural disaster came today, although Jin Shisan presided over the formation and mobilized the sect's luck, it was a lot of consumption.However, he did not encounter too much danger.At most, there is some prostration.

Looking at the movement from the first branch of Tianxuan Sword Sect in the distance, Jin Shisan showed a gloating smile.

Should it be said that Tianxuan Jianzong is unlucky this day, or what!

The third wave of natural disasters today turned out to be thunder.This is almost equivalent to the thunder calamity encountered by ordinary warriors when they step into the Shenfu Realm.

After resisting the initial wave, Jin Shisan directly transferred the power of thunder calamity to Tianxuan Sword Sect.

However, now it seems... the power of the sky thunder has not only increased several times?

Someone must have been involved in this sky thunder, and more than one!

The skyrocketing power of the thunder now, even people in the Divine Palace Realm, can't bear it, right?

What will happen to the Tianxuan Sword Sect?

Jin Shisan was full of anticipation.


Jin Shisan's words made the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitch.

"Sky Profound Sword Sect... is really unlucky!"

Tai Youqian shook his head and sighed.

"Hey...he deserves it! Let those guys slap! Now, let's see them continue to slap? It's best to kill the first branch of Tianxuan Sword Sect today!"

Tian Buer is eager to try.

"I don't know if the first line of the Profound Sky Sword Sect will be wiped out, but those guys who were involved in the thunder today are terrible! Maybe we will receive the news that the elders of the Profound Sky Sword Sect have fallen! "

Jin Shisan said with a half-smile.

"If Tianxuan Jianzong knew that you did this thing, he would definitely have you cramp and skin!"

Seeing Jin Shisan's excited face, Dihuang pouted and snorted coldly.

"Do they dare? Besides, what qualifications do they have to say that I did it, my young master? To destroy it, they first destroy their own beasts! Then, by the way, they also broke their wrists with the Emperor's family. Many of the materials are from the Emperor's family." Supported!"

Jin Shisan looked towards Dihuang with a smile.

This little girl, still thinking about seeing her unlucky?

In today's matter, everyone is in the same boat.I am unlucky, can Dihuang escape?


Jin Shisan's words made Dihuang furious.She pointed at Jin Shisan and gritted her teeth.In the end, I didn't know what to say.

"Hmph! Let me see what you can be proud of! And Wang Hao. You are all bad guys! It really is a nest of snakes and rats!" Finally, taking a deep breath, Dihuang didn't get entangled in this topic, and turned to look at her side Ye Wanyun: "Sister Wanyun, let's go and see Sister Qingyu! Don't pay attention to these bad guys, they are full of bad water!"

After saying that, Dihuang pulled Ye Wanyun and walked towards Li Qingyu.

This made Wang Hao, who was shot while lying down, twitch the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Dihuang still has a big prejudice against him.

However, that no longer matters.

"what's next?"

Seeing that Li Qingyu was fine, Wang Hao asked Jin Shisan directly.

"Blinding the heavens! When the thunder disaster falls over there, you will bring Li Qingyu into the East Holy Pavilion in the name of the sect, and connect your fate with the book of life and death. I shouldn't need to teach you about this matter? Just like that day You did the same to Feng Yunqing! It's just that this time you have to be more thorough. Her fate must have a deeper intersection with you! Only in this way can your life and death book be handed over to her for use in the name of the sect!

Once the book of life and death is controlled by her, her fate will be covered by the book of life and death.

At that time, when Feng Yunqing brings the exercises and let this little girl practice, she will soar into the sky! "

Jin Shisan looked at Li Qingyu in the distance, as if admiring a satisfactory work.

A person with a body of misfortune, who has practiced the technique of fate and controls the book of life and death, what kind of scene will it be?

Jin Shisan really has something that he can't wait to see.



Above the first vein of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, following the last burst of roar, the thunder that filled the sky was disintegrated at this moment, no vegetation grew, and the earth shook.

Analysis, turned into countless fragments and raged towards the surroundings.


At the same time, on the scorched and smoky land, there was a crisp cracking sound.In the deep pit on the ground, a blue light exploded at this moment.


Blood was sprayed, and the embarrassed Elder Zhao and the others slumped down on the ground.

But seeing Elder Zhao at this moment with disheveled hair, tattered clothes, blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and pale complexion, where does he still have the old demeanor of the first Zhang of Tianxuan Sword Sect?

Compared to Elder Zhao, Qu Yanhe beside him was even more embarrassed!

His body was covered in scorched black, scarred and horrific!At this moment, Qu Yanhe's mouth was continuously spurting blood.Under this thunder disaster, Elder Zhang looked embarrassed, but his injuries were not serious.On the contrary, Qu Yanhe was seriously injured, and his internal organs were shaken!There is almost no complete piece of flesh and blood in his body.

Such an injury, I am afraid that it will be difficult to fully recover within a month.

As for Elder Zuo?

Elder Zuo, who had been seriously injured in the storm before, was on the verge of death, already unconscious!There was a faint smell of roasted meat exuding from his body... It really made people feel sympathetic and pitiful when they looked at it!Who would have thought that the dignified elder of Tianxuan Sword Sect would fall into such a situation?I'm afraid Elder Zuo had never been so miserable when he faced the thunder disaster in the Divine Mansion Realm, right?

The lethality brought by this thunder disaster can be seen!

" are you?"

After taking a breath, feeling the pain all over his body, and taking a breath of air-conditioning, Qu Yanhe looked at Elder Zhao and asked.

"The natal magic weapon is broken, and the life-saving means are wasted."

Elder Zhao has no expression on his face, no one knows what he is thinking at the moment.

However, often the calmer you are at this time, the more angry you are!

My own magic weapon!This is the original Flying Sword that made Elder Zhao the sword master of the Tianxuan Sword Sect. From the day he stepped into the martial arts, he began to practice it. How many years has it been since?This has always been the treasure that Elder Zhao is proud of!

Now it is completely shattered.

There is also the life-saving means given to him by the ancestor of the sect, which was also used.

Under that thunder calamity, if they hadn't done so, they would all be finished today.

Now that the person has survived, his injuries are not too serious.However, thinking of his loss, Elder Zhao felt ashamed!

Hearing Elder Zhao's words, Qu Yanhe swallowed hard, and finally opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

This loss... is too serious.

Especially the talisman, Qu Yanhe knew how much his senior brother valued it!Plus life-saving means.These two methods are reserved by the senior brother to prepare for the next possible catastrophe.

But now...


And just as Qu Yanhe's complexion changed, Elder Zhao suddenly seemed to feel something, his brows frowned, and the cold light in his eyes soared.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Seeing this situation, Qu Yanhe asked quickly.

"The luck of the sect is passing away! The loss is huge!"

Elder Zhao frowned and looked towards the void.

Faintly, one could see the luck of the sect rolling.

"Is it a divine beast?"

Qu Yanhe asked quickly.

The luck of the sect is the foundation of the Tianxuan Sword Sect.

Over the past period of time, because of the Dongsheng Pavilion, because of the matter of Tianxuan Dongtian... the luck of the sect of Tianxuan Sword Sect has dissipated a lot.If there is any loss now...

"It should be a divine beast! It is the best news that there is no accident to the divine beast during this lightning calamity. Otherwise, the foundation of our Tianxuan Sword Sect will surely suffer turmoil! At that time, our thousand-year plan may be ruined!"

Elder Zhao said in a deep voice.

"It must be Dongsheng Pavilion! What happened today must have something to do with them! Senior brother, we can't just let it go!"

Hearing Elder Zhao's words, Qu Yanhe gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, Qu Yanhe's hatred for Wang Hao and the others could not be increased.

He wished he could tear Wang Hao's body to pieces right now.

Said that this natural disaster has nothing to do with Dongsheng Pavilion?Qu Yanhe didn't believe it.Because the senior brother just said that the relationship between this thunder and the beast of the Tianxuan Sword Sect is a bit weird, and it is not a natural disaster that the beast itself should bear.

Besides Dongsheng Pavilion, who else would dare to plot against Tianxuan Sword Sect like this?

"East Sacred Pavilion!"

Hearing Qu Yanhe's words, Elder Zhao narrowed his eyes, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

"Go back to the sect first!"

After changing his complexion, Elder Zhao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

The matter of Dongsheng Pavilion can be calculated slowly.But right now, the most important thing is Elder Zuo and Qu Yanhe.

Qu Yanhe was fine, although he was seriously injured, his life was not in danger.And Elder's no longer possible!If he continues to delay, I'm afraid he will really die.

Thinking of this, Elder Zhao hurriedly carried the two of them on his back, holding on to the last vitality in his body, and rushed towards the Zongmen.



Inside the Dongsheng Pavilion, following the pale Wang Hao, wiping away the blood on the corner of his mouth and putting away the book of life and death in his hand, Jin Shisan asked hastily.

At the same time that the sky thunder ended on the Tianxuan Sword Sect, the Dongsheng Pavilion began to act.

Taking advantage of the natural disasters dissipating and when the power of heaven was most relaxed, Wang Hao included Li Qingyu into the East Holy Pavilion in the name of heaven and earth.Then, with the book of life and death, Li Qingyu's fate was shaken, and with the help of the book of life and death, the lives of the two were bound together.

Only after doing all of this can it be regarded as helping Li Qingyu to truly overcome the crisis.

What is the result now?

Not only Jin Shisan cared, but everyone cared.All of a sudden, eyes fell on Wang Hao.


Wang Hao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He looked at Li Qingyu with a bitter smile.

Logically speaking, with Wang Hao's strength, it would be extremely easy to do all this when facing someone like Li Qingyu who had no cultivation level.At least, there is no danger.

But, actually?Wang Hao almost suffered a big loss here.

The body of doom, fate against the sky!

Wang Hao has seen what fate is against the sky.

Even though he has no cultivation at all, Li Qingyu's fate is not inferior to those of the eighth heaven of Qi Sea, or even the ninth heaven of Qi Sea.Almost, Wang Hao's own fate was destroyed by the power of heaven.

Fortunately, in the end, Wang Hao stabilized in a thrilling manner.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao was still afraid.

"Now, only Feng Yunqing's exercises are left!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jin Shisan's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

The situation is clear!

So far, all that can be done has been done.The final key to the plan depends on whether Feng Yunqing can succeed!

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