ancient myth

Chapter 313 The Late Return

As night fell, the cold wind howled, and the clouds and mist rose within the Tianxuan Mountain Range, creating a hint of coolness.

Inside the East Holy Pavilion of Tianzhu Peak.

"Feng Yunqing hasn't returned yet, could something happen!"

In the main hall of the Zongmen, looking at the dark night in the distance, Wang Kun, who had been waiting for a long time, showed a trace of worry.

It has been a full ten days since Feng Yunqing left.Li Qingyu has survived the natural disaster today, just now, Wang Hao has handed over the book of life and death to Li Qingyu.However, Feng Yunqing was nowhere to be seen!

Logically speaking, when Feng Yunqing left that day, it was said that he would return in seven days, but now a full three days have passed.

How could such a thing have happened if there was no accident?

This makes people have to give birth to a trace of elixir.

Rao is Wang Hao, his brows are also slightly wrinkled at this moment, and his face is solemn.

"Probably not. Five days ago, my people received a letter from Feng Yunqing. The difficulty of this matter exceeded his imagination, and it would take some more time. He said that he would return today at the latest."

Tai Youqian pondered.

"Although he has never stepped into the sequence of the Shenfu Realm, but with the identity of Fengyun Qingfeng Clan, he is doomed. As long as he wants to leave, even ordinary strong people in the Shenfu Realm will find it hard to do anything to him. He can't die, don't worry What's more, on that day, Wang Hao used the book of life and death to erase the imprint of Feng Yunqing's fate. Although he did not form a fate contract with Feng Yunqing in the end, there were some connections. If Feng Yunqing really fell, Wang Hao would definitely be able to Feel it!"

Jin Shisan lazily crawled out of Wang Hao's arms, looked at the crowd and said.

"I faintly feel that his breath of life is very weak!"

Wang Hao frowned.

This is the reason for his serious face just now.The life connection between him and Feng Yunqing is very weak, and this is the only thing Wang Hao can feel.

Obviously, Feng Yunqing was in trouble.Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible!

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Tai Youqian pondered.

"Within seven days, Feng Yunqing will be able to return, and it will be too late!"

Jin Shisan added.

With those words, everyone could only suppress the worry in their hearts and wait quietly in the hall.

Obviously, those who have no sleep tonight are not only the Tianxuan Sword Sect who suffered the natural disaster for no reason, but also Wang Hao and others in the East Holy Pavilion.

Even compared to everyone in Dongsheng Pavilion, everyone in Tianxuan Sword Sect is even more difficult to calm down today.

The natural disaster that fell for no reason not only made the first branch of Tianxuan Sword Sect in a mess, but also almost caused them to lose an elder!Now, Elder Zuo is still unconscious, Elder Zhao and Qu Yanhe are also in a terrible situation, this makes Tianxuan Sword Sect, how can they calm down?


at dawn.

A ray of dawn appeared on the far horizon, and the grayness of the night was torn apart.

"Look, someone is coming!"

In the dull atmosphere, Tian Buer, who had been waiting for a whole night, brightened his eyes.

These words made Wang Hao and others who were cultivating quickly look outside the sect.

In the gray sky, there was a figure slowly walking towards the hall.

"Correction without defeat!"

Seeing that figure clearly, Wang Hao couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

Wang Hao and the others are all too familiar with the figure returning at this moment.Wearing a white gray gown, a pair of worn straw sandals on the corners, and long gray hair on his head like messy straw.

That's not Jiu Wu Bai, who is it?

"Who is... in his hand?"

As Jiu Wubai approached, everyone saw that not only Jiu Wubai had returned.In his hand, he was carrying a guy covered in blood.


Wang Hao's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly walked out of the hall.

The weak connection within life made it easy for Wang Hao to determine the identity of that bloody figure.

Except for Feng Yunqing, it will not be anyone else.

"Hey, you boys are quite filial. What? Did you know that the deity is coming back, and you are here to wait?"

Seeing Wang Hao and the others coming from the main hall, Jiu Wubai, who had just stepped into the mountain gate, had no time to appreciate the changes in the sect, with a smug expression on his face, he pinched his nostrils and asked .

"Old man, you think too much!"

Tian Buer pouted.He couldn't get used to Jiao Wubai's appearance!

Why does this old man always look more powerful than himself?How can Tian Buer's limelight be taken away by others.However, standing in front of Jiu Wubai, Tian Buer always felt that even if he put on the jersey, he would not be able to become the focus of attention, which made it difficult for Tian Buer to accept.

"How did you talk, kid? Is it itchy? The suzerain is back, shouldn't you pay a visit? Is this going to turn the world upside down?"

In such a good mood, under Tian Buer's words, dark clouds suddenly covered, and Jiu Wubai gave Tian Buer a hard look.

"What happened to Feng Yunqing?"

Too lazy to pay attention to Jiu Wubai's ostentation, Wang Hao asked directly with an ugly face.

Or, to be precise, Wang Hao's attention has been on Feng Yunqing since he came here.

The breath of life was extremely weak, his body was dripping with blood, and the condition of his injuries was unknown. It could be said that Feng Yunqing's condition was very bad.

As for Correcting Undefeated?

Where is Wang Hao in the mood to care about it!

Return the deity, return the suzerain...

I haven't seen you for a while, is Jiu Wubai letting himself go more and more?

"Feng Yunqing? Is it this guy?" Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jiu Wubai glared at him angrily, and then looked at the guy in his hand: "Just come back to the sect to have a look, it's in the Tianxuan Mountain Range Seeing this guy being hunted down, I was in a good mood, so I brought him back by the way. Do you know each other?"

"Being hunted down within the Profound Sky Mountain Range?"

Hearing Jiu Wubai's words, everyone's expression suddenly changed.

"He is now a member of our sect!"

Tai Youqian said in a deep voice.

"People from this sect? Why doesn't this suzerain know?"

Jiu Wubai said in surprise.

"However, you boys are not bad! Tsk tsk tsk... Now the Dongsheng Pavilion has a little bit of sect appearance! Although, compared to the beginning, it is still a thousand miles away, but I believe that with your continued efforts Now, you should be able to catch up with the shadow of the Holy Pavilion in the Middle East in my hand!"

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the completely new sect in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of Jiu Wubai's mouth.


Tian Buer snorted softly.

Is there a bit of the shadow of Dongsheng Pavilion?Is it the thatched huts that everyone saw when they first came to Dongsheng Pavilion?It's really a shame that Jiao Wubai has the face to say such a thing.

Sure enough, his bragging ability is still a bit worse than Jiu Wubai.Tian Buer bowed down.

"Shut up, kid!"

Jiu Wubai glared at Tian Buer angrily after his good mood was ruined several times.

"Cough cough cough... let's talk about this guy first! On the way back, I saw him being chased and killed, and I was in a good mood to save him. The people who chased and killed them seemed to be people from the undercurrent? Why? thing?"

Immediately afterwards, Jiu Wubai frowned.

"He is a man of the dark tide!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath and told about Feng Yunqing.

"Wind Clan? Well! This kid's speed is quite fast, if he didn't rely on his speed, he should have been finished already.

However, I said you guys can do it!How long has it been since you came to the spirit world, and you were caught by the dark tide?Also dug the corner of the dark tide?Even people from the Wind Clan hooked up with me in the East Sacred Pavilion?

Wow Ka Ka Ka... Not bad!There is a bit of the demeanor of the suzerain at the beginning.Although it's a little bit behind, it will catch up slowly in the future. "

Listening to Wang Hao's narration, Jiu Wubai was stunned for a moment, looking at Feng Yunqing who was dying in his hands, his eyes were shining brightly.

Wind Clan, this is really surprising.It seems that saving others is not in vain!You know, on the way back, when he was carrying Feng Yunqing, Jiu Wubai still sighed secretly, feeling that he had made a loss-making deal.He even thought about whether he should simply come to kill and steal, strip this guy's body, and make up for his loss.As for this dying guy, simply throw him in the mountains and let him fend for himself.

Now it seems that I didn't do this, and it was correct.

As the suzerain, shouldn't he save the disciples of his own sect?Otherwise, how to show your identity, status and strength?

Jiu Wubai squinted his eyes, and began to think about what kind of thanks he should have when Fengyun woke up.

Wind Clan!Although it has fallen, how can it be said that it has been passed down for thousands of years, there should be a lot of collections, right?

Thinking of these, the corners of Jiu Wubai's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Hurry up, what are you guys standing there for? You guys belong to fellow apprentices. Didn't you see that this kid is seriously injured? Do you want to wait for his last breath to die and become a dead person? My lord, yes You are very disappointed, do you still have any sympathy? Do you have a little fellowship?

It seems that during the period when the suzerain is not around, the sect has no rules, right? "

Thinking in his heart, Jiu Wubai quickly started to act.

Carefully placing Feng Yunqing in the hall, he glared and shouted at Wang Hao and the others.

At this moment, there is no defeat, let alone enthusiasm.Feng Yunqing in front of him seemed to have turned into his own son.

Such a change made Wang Hao and others dumbfounded.This is undefeated, when did you become so kind?

However, now is not the time to think so much.

What Jiao Wubai said is correct, Feng Yunqing's condition is very bad and needs to be treated as soon as possible.

No longer hesitating, Wang Hao quickly took out the healing elixir he got from Tianxuan Jianzong that day, and directly took out one pill for Feng Yunqing to take.

For a full quarter of an hour, after Jiu Wubai enthusiastically took action to catalyze the healing elixir for Feng Yunqing, seeing the effect of the medicine dissipate, the injury in Feng Yunqing's body was temporarily stabilized, and Wang Hao let Feng Yunqing temporarily Take it down and rest.

"How did you come back today?"

It was only then that Wang Hao looked towards Jiu Wubai and asked curiously.

At dawn, Jiu Wubai suddenly rushed back to the sect, saying he was coming back to take a look?Wang Hao absolutely did not believe it.

I don't know what this guy Jiu Wubai is going to do when he comes back.Wang Hao looked puzzled.

More than just Wang Hao?Tai Youqian and even Zhou Shan who stayed in the main hall subconsciously looked at Jiu Wubai, showing a trace of suspicion.

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