ancient myth

Chapter 325




The air between heaven and earth is full of chills.Following the projection of several phantoms, three dull roars exploded between lightning and flint, as if to tear the entire night completely apart.

The gust of wind swept through, the air waves rolled, and the world with a radius of tens of meters was turned upside down at this moment, and the whole earth trembled violently.The flying stones all over the sky turned into dust in the air waves.

That terrifying breath was suffocating, and even Wang Hao couldn't help but feel his heart stop beating.

This is the confrontation between the strong.

One move and one move, sweeping the world.

Wang Hao knew very well that if his current self was involved in this wave of rage, he would be crushed to pieces.

However, what shocked Wang Hao even more was that the wave of air seemed to be controlled extremely well, and it actually dissipated in front of Wang Hao and others, never posing the slightest threat to me, Wang Hao and others.

This kind of control over power and aura is amazing.

"He is very strong!"

Looking at everything in front of him, as the air waves gradually dissipated, Wang Hao took a deep breath, a bitter smile appeared on his pale face.

In front of such strong men, Wang Hao suddenly felt that even a drop in the ocean of his face was hard to count.

If the other party is willing, he can definitely kill himself without any effort.

It turns out that the world I have seen is still so small.


Amid Wang Hao's sighs, Dihuang stared at the dusty sky ahead without blinking.

Only those three roars exploded, and there was no more movement between the sky and the earth after that.

Everything returned to calm.Even, if the dust and wind were not still there, it would be unbelievable that the previous collision would have been a confrontation between the top powerhouses.


Glancing at the expectant Dihuang, Wang Hao smiled wryly.

Just as Wang Hao spoke, the wind gradually ended, the dust dispersed, and the messy land reappeared in everyone's sight.


Seeing everything in front of them clearly, Wang Hao and the others gasped in unison.

At this moment, the whole earth fell down and turned into a huge pit.There is only one place that still stands tall, forming a sharp contrast with the fallen land.

That was where the mysterious man stood before.

At this moment, he was still standing there quietly, as if nothing had happened.

Under the night, the hazy moonlight shone down, making that figure suddenly look extremely tall.

In the deep pit, no other figures could be seen anymore.

Where are the three puppets of gold, silver and copper still standing now?

it's over!

Wang Hao came back to his senses, sighing inwardly!

This is no longer a simple end, but a complete victory.

The three iron ghosts of gold, silver and bronze were defeated by one person!

"Where is the Venerable Withered Bones?"

After being shocked, Dihuang glanced around and her expression changed drastically.


This time, it was that figure that answered Dihuang.

He turned around, and with a flash of his figure, he returned to Wang Hao and the others.

"Still so afraid of death, still so cautious. Like decades ago, it was not easy to kill him. Back then on the Wanzhang cliff, in front of hundreds of strong men, he was able to get out of his shell like a golden cicada. Now, the method is even more clever!"

There was no disappointment on the man's face, and he smiled.

Perhaps, from the moment he appeared here, the man never thought of leaving Venerable Withered Bones behind.Or maybe, he had already expected this result?

The moment the three puppets of gold, silver and copper were released, Venerable Withered Bones was ready to escape.

To be precise, these three powerful puppets were just a cover-up from the very beginning.

"Sure enough, he escaped faster than a rabbit!"

Dihuang pouted, with a trace of regret and unwillingness on his face.

"The four puppets all fell, and he will be silent for a while."

The man laughed.Then, can a person who is afraid of death be dishonest after losing the greatest means of saving his life?

I don't know what kind of expression the Withered Bones Venerable who is in a certain place will have?

In fact, just as the man thought, in a hidden cave dozens of miles away from this mountain forest, the body of Venerable Withered Bones trembled violently at this moment.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Venerable Withered Bones looked gloomy.The already sinister eyes became even more sinister at this moment.

"Bastard! Who the hell is so powerful!"

Suppressing the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, Venerable Withered Bones gritted his teeth.

His four puppets of gold, silver, copper and iron were all destroyed.If he hadn't been prepared, how could he have escaped?

Venerable Withered Bones was filled with anger and fear at the same time.

In the spiritual world, when did there be such a strong person?He didn't know anything.

You know, there are only a handful of people who can easily kill their own four puppets, looking at the entire spiritual world.

How could such a person be unknown?

This is the most frightening thing.

"Wang Hao! Good! Very good! Unexpectedly, today will be like this! Because of you, I destroyed the four puppets, and I will definitely refine you into my puppet for my life!"

After his expression changed for a long time, Venerable Witherbone came back to his senses and gritted his teeth with murderous intent in his eyes.

This time, he was really angry.


"Thank you senior for saving your life!"

Not to mention what happened to the dry bones, as the crisis was lifted, Wang Hao, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but spat out another mouthful of blood.Enduring the pain all over his body, he saluted the man in front of him with difficulty.

If this person hadn't appeared, the current Wang Hao would have died in Huangquan.

Don't dare to neglect the grace of saving lives!

"Thank you senior!"

Following Wang Hao, Ye Wanyun and Dihuang quickly put away their thoughts and saluted the man.

"You guys are good!"

After taking a deep look at Wang Hao and the others, a smile appeared in the man's eyes.Especially at the moment when he looked at Wang Hao, the man seemed to think of something, and his eyes were a little dazed.

"Can you leave here by yourself?"

Immediately afterwards, he asked subconsciously.


Wang Hao nodded.

"Then I should go!"

The man waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave.It seemed that there was still something waiting for him to deal with.


Seeing that the man was about to leave, Wang Hao opened his mouth quickly.

"Is something wrong?"

The man turned his head and looked at Wang Hao curiously.

"I don't know the senior's name? This life-saving grace, this junior will definitely remember it in my heart. In the future, if the senior..."

Wang Hao said quickly.

The man intends to leave just like that?Wang Hao's expression became more and more strange.

Up to now, Wang Hao and others still don't know who this mysterious strong man who appeared suddenly is.Not to mention, why did he save his group?

Said that this person happened to pass by here, Wang Hao absolutely did not believe it.

So, what is hidden in it?

"Me? I'm just an unknown person. As for saving my life, don't forget about it. It's just a favor!"

The man waved his hand and walked directly towards the night in the distance.

The seemingly random steps turned out to be tens of meters in one step, and the man had disappeared from the sight of Wang Hao and the others before the voice fell.Obviously, he didn't want to give Wang Hao and others more opportunities to ask questions.

The night returned to calm, and Wang Hao and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Repay the favor?"

Wang Hao murmured with a strange expression.

Whose favor is it?Dongsheng Pavilion?Imperial family?Or the Ye family?Or... are there more things that Wang Hao doesn't know?At this moment, Wang Hao's mind was full of doubts.

Nobody?If such people are all nameless, how can Wang Hao and others deal with themselves?

"right now we……"

I don't know how long the silence lasted until Dihuang's words broke the silence, and Wang Hao came back to his senses.

"Get out of here as soon as possible!"

Wang Hao looked solemn.

I am afraid that the war that happened before has already attracted the attention of interested people.If you continue to stay here, you will be afraid of danger.

From the appearance of Venerable Withered Bones, it can be seen that the news that he left the East Holy Pavilion seems to have spread.

Today, the Profound Sky Mountain Range is in danger everywhere.More importantly, the Tianxuan Sword Sect is eyeing

Wang Hao had to be more careful.In their current state, if they encounter danger again, it will be more or less ominous.

"Your injury?"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Dihuang's eyes were complicated, showing a trace of worry.

This time, her tone of voice to Wang Hao was less aggressive and sarcastic, and more concerned.

"It can still support!"

Wang Hao, who had swallowed a healing pill before, frowned.

The injury was serious.For Wang Hao now, even an ordinary Qi-gathering warrior could pose a fatal threat to him.

However, that's not a reason to stay.

"Sure enough, the disaster will last for thousands of years!" Hearing Wang Hao's words, Dihuang secretly let out a breath, then curled his lips: "No! You take these two pills first."

This proud little phoenix of the emperor's family is obviously not used to the new way of getting along with Wang Hao.

hard mouth...

Wang Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his pale face.At this time, I suddenly felt that this little girl seemed to be quite cute.

"What are you laughing at! Don't forget about it. I don't want to give you the elixir of this lady. This is the elixir specially prepared for me by my grandfather! You think anyone can get it!"

Seemingly sensing Wang Hao's deep smile, Dihuang seemed to have been stepped on his tail, a blush flashed across his face, and he said in embarrassment.

"Yes! Why not. The elixir personally prepared by the Patriarch of the Emperor's Family is not ordinary!"

Wang Hao said quickly.

After taking the elixir in Dihuang's hand, he could clearly feel a strong fragrance coming out of his nostrils.

Sure enough, this pill is extraordinary.

Without any hesitation, Wang Hao directly plunged into his belly.

It melted at the entrance, and a gentle energy spread out in Wang Hao's abdomen, flowing around his body instantly.Wang Hao's body was moistened like the dry earth, and a majestic vitality spread out.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised Wang Hao appeared.

But seeing the wound on his chest, which was bloody and even broken, started to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The Emperor Family's Great Rejuvenation Pill is the top healing medicine in the spirit world. It is very precious. You all have to thank Dihuang!"

Sensing Wang Hao's surprised eyes, Ye Wanyun said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph! Who wants them to thank you! It's even! Miss Ben doesn't like to owe people favors. Don't say that Miss Ben owes you in the future. Since you can't die, let's go. People from my Emperor's family have already moved towards Come here, we need to join them as soon as possible!"

Hearing Ye Wanyun's words and feeling the look in Wang Hao's eyes, Dihuang blushed, raised his head, and said proudly.

Obviously, the previous conflict with Wang Hao wanted to let go immediately, which made this little girl a little at a loss.

Seeing Dihuang walking forward, Wang Hao shook his head and laughed, and quickly followed her pace.

A crisis has finally passed, and people from the Ye family are rushing here?That would be great!

Having learned a lesson, how dare Wang Hao be careless?

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