ancient myth

Chapter 326 Jincheng Imperial Family

ten days later.

Jincheng, located in the north-central part of the spirit world, is one of the largest cities in the spirit world.This place is not inferior to the prosperity of the ancient city.

The scorching sun did not bring too much heat, but the lively scene in the city brought a fiery atmosphere to people.Walk along the main road in the floor all the way, walking like Suzaku Street.

It is said that this is where the major families in Jincheng gather.Compared with the streets I passed by before, this place is less noisy, but more majestic.

On both sides of the street, there are many mansions, and a majestic stone lion stands on both sides of the street, as if staring at anyone passing by with wide eyes, which faintly brings a sense of oppression.Going further towards Zhuque Street, a majestic palace-like building in the center of Jincheng suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's sight.

If we say that the Ye family felt like a garden in the south of the Yangtze River at the beginning, showing the beauty of beauty and emphasizing the unity of man and nature, then the emperor's mansion that appeared in front of us at this moment, with its luxurious and magnificent vermilion walls and green tiles, brings a sense of beauty to people. Royal atmosphere.

No wonder there are rumors that the original imperial family had a close relationship with the imperial family that controlled this piece of land.

Stepping off the carriage and standing in front of this huge building, one can't help feeling a sense of awe in one's heart.

"Finally back!"

Taking a deep breath, Dihuang, who was standing in front of the crowd, showed a relaxed and cheerful expression on his face.

Thirteen days ago, a group of people left Dongsheng Pavilion.Ten days ago, a group of people were blocked by Venerable Witherbone on the outskirts of Tianxuan Mountain Range, and almost died.

What happened that night is vivid in my mind, and it is still scary to think about it!Rao is Dihuang, and it is the same.

Fortunately, that night, I don't know whether it was the mysterious strong man who helped Wang Hao and others sweep the periphery of the Tianxuan Mountain Range, or whether it was the existence of the Venerable Withered Bones that prevented the rest of the people from getting too close, or whether there was some reason In short, the group of people finally took advantage of the night and walked out of the Tianxuan Mountain Range without encountering any trouble again.

Finally, in the early morning, the two old men who came from the emperor's family joined together.

Looking at the two old men standing beside Dihuang, Wang Hao had complex expressions.

Wang Hao didn't know how powerful they were.However, in the past few days, several events happened one after another, which can make people see that the strength of these two old men is extremely extraordinary.

Among them, seven days ago, a strong man from the third level of the Shenfu Realm appeared, and it was unknown whether he didn't pay attention to the Di family at all, or didn't know that the strong man from the Di family was already in the team.This strong man in the Shenfu realm didn't even have a chance to make a move, but was directly injured by one of the old men, broke his legs, and hung on a big tree by the roadside.His life and death are still unknown!This opened the eyes of Wang Hao and others.

Who would have thought that the two inconspicuous old servants of the emperor's family would have such strength?

No wonder the emperor's family can stand side by side with the seven top forces and become one of the most powerful forces in the spirit world.

And since that day, wherever the group went, they never encountered the slightest trouble again.

All the way to the emperor's house in Jincheng, it can be said that there is no danger.

And Dihuang, although he has been unforgiving these days, everyone can clearly feel the change in his attitude towards Wang Hao.

This can be regarded as making Wang Hao feel more comfortable along the way.

As for the injuries?

The Great Returning Pill of the Emperor's Family is really extraordinary.With the original injury, given Wang Hao's strength and situation, he might not be able to recover within half a month.However, with the help of the Great Repayment Pill, it took only seven days for him to fully recover.This naturally saved Wang Hao a lot of effort.However, Wang Hao never used some of the elixir that Dihuang sent several times afterwards.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.As the injury recovered, Wang Hao's strength faintly improved.

Sea of ​​Qi Seven Heavens?

Wang Hao felt that he was getting closer and closer to this level.

This made Wang Hao feel quite good.


"elder brother!"

Passing through the magnificent main entrance, a huge square square is presented in front of you.On the square, a figure has already been waiting here.This made Dihuang's eyes brighten, and a deep smile appeared on his face.


Who is the person who is not the Di Hua that Wang Hao knows?

Looking at Dihuang Dihua who came back, there was a smile and pity on his face: "Can you come back with me? Look now? I heard that the dead bones have appeared again? Fortunately, you are fine! Otherwise, what would you do? good?"

Looking at Dihuang holding his arm beside him, Dihua sighed softly.For Dihuang, this Dihua Exposure is infinite pampering.

However, when he looked at Wang Hao again, there was a trace of indifference, even hostility, in his eyes.

"Meet Miss Ye!"

In the end, his eyes passed over Wang Hao and stayed on Ye Wanyun, and Dihua saluted slightly.

This made the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitch.Is it really okay to be so obvious in front of yourself?

"I'm disturbing brother Di's family!"

Ye Wanyun hurriedly returned the gift.

"Really. I have to do this every time we meet. If you don't bother me, I will be annoyed!"

Watching Dihua and Ye Wanyun salute each other, Dihuang pouted, and cast a provocative look at Wang Hao, not knowing whether it was intentional or not.

Like that, it's quite embarrassing.

"Brother, you already know about the old ghost with bones, hurry up and avenge me! He really almost couldn't come back this time. You don't know, the old ghost with bones..."

After complaining, thinking about what happened when he met Venerable Withered Bones that day, Dihuang's face showed strong anger.

Thinking of her, Dihuang, I'm afraid she has never encountered such a dangerous and embarrassing thing in this life, right?

"Hmph! People who dare to touch my Emperor's family and Ye family's will naturally not give up like this! Don't worry!"

Speaking of the withered bones Venerable Dihua's eyes flashed coldly.

"Then I'll just wait! Alright, then Sister Wanyun and I will go down to rest first, we're exhausted from the journey! In addition, let someone organize a separate courtyard for these two annoying guys."

Glancing at Wang Hao, Dihuang said to Dihua.

"Don't worry. Let me go to the ancestor's side first!"

Hearing Dihuang's words, Dihua frowned and smiled wryly.

"The old ancestor wants to see us?"

Dihuang was quite surprised.

"You have an accident, the ancestors are worried, and it's just..."

Dihua's complexion suddenly became weird.

"He broke the rules again!"

Dihuang raised her brows, her appearance gave off a sense of calm and prestige.

"No! The ancestor is just worried about you, and told you to go over and show him immediately after you come back."

Dihua seemed to be extremely afraid of the so-called rules, and said hastily.He didn't dare to let this little ancestor know what the old ancestor did that day.Otherwise, do you still want to live?

"That's fine! Get someone to arrange for these two guys, and I'll go with Sister Wanyun!"

Only then did Dihuang nodded in satisfaction, and prepared to move forward with Ye Wanyun.

"The ancestor said let them go too!"

Dihua's complexion was a little ugly.

These words also made Wang Hao and Zhou Shan stunned.

The patriarch of the imperial family, the existence that was rumored to rule the world back then.Today's strength is within the spirit world, and he is definitely one of the few people standing on the highest peak.

I just came to the emperor's house, and this kind of person wants to see me?Wang Hao was full of surprise.

"Then go together! Really. What on earth is the ancestor thinking? How can he meet people casually!"

Dihuang also showed a hint of doubt and complained.This made the corner of Dihua's mouth twitch.

The whole family dared to complain about the old ancestor like this, and only this young ancestor in front of him was the only one in front of him.Of the rest, who sees their ancestors like a mouse sees a cat?

Thinking of this old ancestor in his family, Dihua suddenly felt some pain in his buttocks.

If the old ancestor hadn't spoken, he really didn't want to bring Dihuang and others there.Especially there are two people he doesn't like, Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.

Although he thought so in his heart, Dihua didn't dare to delay at all, and hurriedly led Dihuang and his party towards the majestic hall in front of the square, bypassed several imposing palaces, and went straight to Go to the deepest part of the mansion.

Of course, there were also the so-called outsiders in Dihuang's mouth—Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.

Fortunately, being used to Dihuang's tone of speaking to him, Wang Hao is now as calm as water.

On the contrary, Wang Hao is very curious about the ancestor of the imperial family.

What kind of character would a strong man with boundless strength, who was extremely protective of his weaknesses in the rumors, be?He just came to the emperor's house, and he wants to see him, so what's the matter?

In this vast and imposing mansion, they went around countless turns. When Wang Hao was almost dizzy, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

What Wang Hao saw was an extremely beautiful lake.On the open space next to the lake, there are neat rows of ridges full of vitality.This picture formed a huge contrast with the magnificence and magnificence I felt before, and it was really eye-catching.

Not far away, an old man with silver hair turned his back to the crowd and was fishing on the ridge by the lake. At first glance, he looked a bit dusty.

Is this...

Wang Hao looked towards Dihuang and Ye Wanyun with doubtful eyes.

Is this person the ancestor of the Ye family?

For some reason, Wang Hao suddenly felt that there was some discrepancy with the ancestor of the Ye family in his imagination!

The patriarch of the emperor's family that the patriarch of the Ye family said seemed to be a person with a hot temper and extremely defensive.

And this time...

As if sensing Wang Hao's eyes, Ye Wanyun seemed to hold back a smile and nodded.

"Old ancestor, don't pretend, I'm coming."

Just when Wang Hao looked puzzled, Dihuang curled his lips and rolled his eyes, and hummed.

There was no awe in that tone at all.On the other hand, Di Hua, bowed his body, with a respectful face.

This made Wang Hao look at Dihuang and couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that it is really the little phoenix of the emperor's family.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing Dihuang's words, the old fisherman seemed to come back to his senses.

After coughing twice, he slowly put down the fishing rod and turned to look at Dihuang.

This is an old man with a red face and a good spirit.

"My poor Dihuang, you've come back. I miss you so much, my ancestor! You're skinny, dark, and emaciated! That damned Tianxuan Mountain Range, I'll say it's not a good place, you must I want to go. Isn’t this, something happened? Venerable Witherbone, I will remember the old ancestor. Don’t worry, I will have someone catch him back, and I will let you handle it when the time comes!”

Just when Wang Hao was looking at the old man, he saw that the old man's face was suddenly covered with a flattering smile, and he hugged Dihuang with a distressed expression.

That appearance made Wang Hao a little messy.

The patriarch of the imperial family?

The old man in front of he really the same person as the old man who was fishing just now?The contrast between before and after seems to be a little big.It is also very different from the ancestor of the emperor's family in Wang Hao's imagination.

If he hadn't felt Ye Wanyun's gaze, Wang Hao might really have felt that he was hallucinating.

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