ancient myth

Chapter 33 as you wish

As Wang Hao, Zhou Shan, and Wang Lin chose Tianwu Academy, especially after Su Huang, the overlord of the Su family, also chose Tianwu Academy, the selection of the next academy seemed unremarkable.

In fact, compared with Wang Hao and others, the rest of them are far behind by thousands of miles!

Tianwu Academy naturally became the biggest winner.

Looking at the middle-aged man in the martial arts academy that day, at the moment he raised his head like a proud rooster, his face was about to burst into laughter, and he knew how good he was.

In comparison, the other three academies are not in such a good mood.Even with a heavy heart!

"Okay! The academy selection is over. The martial arts performance begins."

Until the last person who passed the examination chose a small academy, and the selection of the academy came to an end.At this time, Zhao Tongxuan, who had been watching coldly from the sidelines, slowly came to the front of the square and announced.

The selection of each college is the biggest event and the most exciting thing.

Not only is it possible to see the grand occasion of the selection of personnel by the major academies, but it is also the time when the talents of each city show their strength.

This martial arts performance is the most exciting and exciting part after the academy selection.

Those selected by the academy can challenge each other and compete in martial arts.It is also the time for major academies to show themselves.

However, the atmosphere in the square today has completely changed.

It was really the shock brought by Wang Hao and Zhou Shan that made people lose interest in the next martial arts performance.

The one shown by Zhou Shan and Wang Hao is too strong!

If it was normal, Wang Hao and Zhou Shan would definitely be the targets of everyone at this time.Who dares now?

In front of the square, countless teenagers looked at each other!

"I, Su Huang, challenge Wang Hao!"

In the dull atmosphere, suddenly a voice came.

Su Huang looked at Wang Hao madly!


The sudden change made countless people look stupid.

In the past, martial arts performances were generally based on the academy as a unit to show the strength of the academy.

Now that Tianwu Academy is in the limelight, if they don't take the opportunity to show their strength in Pingchang City, they are going to fight among themselves?


The people in Pingchang City who knew the inside story were fine, but the representatives of the major academies who didn't know the inside story looked at each other in blank dismay.

The middle-aged man from Tianwu Academy twitched his mouth, looked at Su Huang, and frowned.

Wang Hao is now a strong man in the Qi Gathering Realm.Su Huang still wants to challenge?What is this madman going to do?Countless people have doubts in their hearts!

"Wang Hao, are you willing to accept the challenge?"

Zhao Tongxuan asked Wang Hao.

"Why don't you dare!"

Wang Hao responded directly.

This Su Huang, since he wanted to bring shame on himself, Wang Hao did as he wished.

Soon, Wang Hao and Su Huang came to the assessment world.

"Wang Hao, I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Standing opposite Wang Hao, Su Huang said coldly.

"Are you afraid that Zhou Shan will trouble you? If you challenge me now, Zhou Shan can't make a move. But, do you think you can beat me?"

Wang Hao frowned.

"Why not! You are just entering the Qi Gathering Realm for the first time! And I, seven days ago, have stepped into this realm!"

Humiliated by Wang Hao and Zhou Shan in the academy that day, and having his arms broken, that was Su Huang's greatest shame.

For the past month, Su Huang has practiced crazily behind closed doors.Relying on the resources of the Su family, he recovered from his injuries in the shortest possible time.After that, he almost exhausted all the cultivation resources available to the Su family and his own talents, and in just one month, he rushed from the eighth level of divine power to the Qi gathering realm!

This is Su Huang's confidence.

The current him is not Zhou Shan's opponent.But, Wang Hao?

Su Huang wanted to crush him!


Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

"What did you say!"

Su Huang stared and said.

"Since you want to try it, come on!"

Wang Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with this lunatic.

"Okay! Watch me blow you up!"

Su Huang had a bloodthirsty smile on his face.


Amidst the roar, I saw Su Huang kicking his feet on the ground.


The momentum around him exploded, and Su Huang descended like a demon god, dancing wildly with loose long hair.

"Qi Gathering Realm! This Su Huang has stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm!"

"No wonder he dared to challenge Wang Hao! He wants revenge!"

Seeing what Su Huang showed, people who were full of doubts before suddenly realized.

Is this a confrontation between experts in the Qi Gathering Realm?This kind of martial arts performance is extremely rare in Pingchang City.

People were suddenly interested.

"It's bloody!"

At the same time when everyone suddenly realized, Su Huang had already killed Wang Hao.

The fist wind was dense, like a torrential rain, and it crazily smashed towards Wang Hao.

It has to be said that this Su Huang has overbearing capital.This strength is really good.At least, compared to the so-called Wang Yue, he is more than 01:30 points stronger.

When this punch was thrown out, it really felt like a storm, which made people extremely depressing.

"The strength is good, but you think you can beat me like this? You don't believe me if you say you are an idiot!"

However, in the midst of the storm, Wang Hao was not disturbed in the slightest.

Looking coldly at the countless fist shadows sweeping towards him, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Hidden wind body technique?

No need to cast.

This time, Wang Hao wanted to fight directly.He wants to use the simplest way to suppress this arrogant person, and prevent this guy from pestering him!

Time to teach him a lesson.

What about the first level of Qi Gathering Realm?At the same level, the strength will be different.

Just like Wang Hao, although he has just entered the Qi Gathering Realm.However, he has already laid an extremely solid foundation in the Divine Power Realm.He broke through the limit one after another and created new heights.This Wang Hao, who is destined to step into the Qi Gathering Realm, is extraordinary.

Coupled with the support of the vigorous vitality refined by the Great Sun Entraining Qi Jue and the seeds of chaos, Wang Hao, who has accumulated a lot of money, can be said to be extremely powerful within the first level of Qi Gathering Realm.

If you add Wang Hao's experience and vision...

At the first level of Qi Gathering Realm, he has few opponents.

If Su Huang's strength exceeds the first level of Qi Gathering Realm, he might still be able to fight Wang Hao.And now?He is still too young and frivolous!

"Open Sky Palm!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Wang Hao said.

At the moment when those fist winds hit him in front of him, Wang Hao clapped out with both palms.

clap clap clap...

Bursts of crisp sounds exploded, rolling up endless gusts of wind.

It was as if the air had been torn apart.

Under the terrifying momentum, the shadows of the fists collapsed, and in the end, only Su Huang's figure remained.

"Get down!"

The power of the whole body burst out, and the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue circulated in a single thought. Among the tendons, the circulating vitality was mobilized by Wang Hao and gathered between the palms.

Wang Hao stepped across and collided with Su Huang.

At that moment, Wang Hao's palms were shrouded in a layer of faint blue light, as if wearing a pair of gloves that split mountains and crack earth!


The roar exploded like a huge thunder.

A gust of wind swept out towards the surroundings.

"how come……"

Su Huang's pupils suddenly shrank.

After stepping into the Gathering Realm, his strength has more than doubled.

In the past seven days, he has continuously tempered his vitality.At this moment, he has exploded his realization to the limit.The bloody storm supported by vitality was extremely violent.

Why was it broken open so violently by Wang Hao?

Between the fists, the force of the shock caused the blood in Su Huang's body to churn, and his internal organs vibrated.

beep, beep...

With a loud groan, Su Huang retreated backwards.

"One slap is not enough, give me another slap! Get down!"

Su Huang was repelled, but Wang Hao did not stop the attack!

The mobilization of vitality made his blood boil, and he was full of fighting spirit!

If you don't fight now, when will you wait!

While you are sick, I will kill you.Today Wang Hao is going to use Su Huang to tell the members of the Su family that he is not something they can handle.

He wanted to use Su Huang to tell Su Muyu what a stupid thing she did back then.

With the wind blowing under his feet, Wang Hao chased after him.

Before Su Huang could stand firm, the attack came again.

Endless palm prints, swirling the gust of wind, poured down.

"Don't think about it!"

Su Huang's face was ferocious, and he roared with madness.


Pushing on the ground with his back foot, he took a step to stabilize his figure, and then blasted out his fists, moving towards Wang Hao to resist.

Xuanwuquan, this is a powerful martial art inherited from the Su family, and its defense is unparalleled.

bang bang bang...

In the blink of an eye, Su Huang's fists clashed with Wang Hao's attack, thunder bursts, and dust filled the sky.

beep, beep...

However, even though he blocked Wang Hao's attack, Su Huang retreated towards the rear in embarrassment again.

After all, it is a little bit worse in strength.Coupled with embarrassment to deal with.It's good to be able to protect yourself.

"The third palm!"

Blocked his two moves?Su Huang is good!

Unfortunately, he is already at the end of his battle!

Wang Hao didn't give Su Huang a chance to breathe, so he chased after him, and the Opening Palm blasted out for the third time.

wow wow wow...

This time, the palm wind was even harsher.This time, the momentum was even more violent.

The world is dark, full of palm prints.

The strong wind swept through, flying sand and rolling stones!

Countless people on the square stared wide-eyed.

This is Wang Hao's strength?Entering the Qi Gathering Realm for the first time?So strong!

This made many monks who had stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm for a while had to swallow their saliva.This Wang Hao is indeed a monster!

Su Huang...

Bad luck!


Sure enough, this time, even though Su Huang tried his best to resist.However, after a burst of roar, Su Huang vomited blood, and flew upside down, his face pale.

His fists were dripping with blood.

His clothes are in tatters.

In this confrontation, he had no power to parry and was completely crushed by Wang Hao.

"Su Huang..."

Seeing such a scene, everyone in the Su family exclaimed again and again.


Until it fell on the edge of the assessment world, Su Huang passed out directly.

This poor guy was once again trampled under the eyes of everyone.The last time it was Zhou Shan, this time it became Wang Hao.

Both times, this unlucky guy made fun of himself, and both times were within this academy.

This school is really not the place Su Huang should come to!

The square fell silent.

People looked at Wang Hao with complicated eyes, and looked at Su Huang, and they began to sympathize with this little overlord who used to be a domineering king.

Who made him offend a more arrogant and talented guy?

"Wang Hao, win!"

When Zhao Tongxuan announced the result on the high platform, people sighed in their hearts.

Is this the Tianjiao with ten drums?

Really changed ~ state!

"Su Huang! Su Huang..."

"Quick! Take him back. Heal!"

At the same time, everyone in the Su family who rushed to the assessment world exclaimed again and again.

Soon, several people rushed to carry the unconscious Su Huang away, and the efficiency was so fast.

"Wang Hao, you are too deceitful!"

Looking at Wang Hao, an old Su family gritted his teeth.

This Wang Hao slapped the Su family in the face severely.Now they have knocked out the future successor of their Su family.

The Su family was humiliated again.

"You think so too?"

Wang Hao looked at Su Muyu with a half-smile.

Looking at Su Muyu, who was pale and complicated, Wang Hao looked playful.


Su Muyu paused, looked at Wang Hao, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

After the voice fell, he left directly.

"Are you still maintaining that lofty image like a snow lotus? It's ridiculous! This matter has only just begun, and the fun will come later!"

Wang Hao looked disdainful.

The voice was not covered up at all, which made Su Muyu tremble, almost fell, and then accelerated the speed of leaving the field.

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