ancient myth

Chapter 34 Reaction of the Parties

The performance is still going on.

It's just that people's minds are no longer on the upcoming martial arts conference.

"The academy selection is over. After two days, all personnel can enter the Qianfengling trial!"

As the last martial arts performance came to an end, Zhao Tongxuan announced.

Some are happy and some are sad!This feast can be described as polarized.

However, one thing is clear to everyone!That is - starting today, Wang Hao is no longer the object they can laugh at.They need to look up!

Wang Hao, Zhou Shan!These two names are deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts!

On this day, Wang Hao and Zhou Shan were famous in Pingchang City.

What made people even more interested was the trial at Qianfengling two days later.

This is something that has not been done in previous academy selections!Reminiscent of the great changes in Qianfengling a few days ago, people became restless for a while.

Among the crowd, Wang Hao's eyes flickered.

Is it finally here?

Qianfeng Ridge, the place where demons are sealed!Wang Hao is really looking forward to it!


"Bastard, Wang Hao bullies people too much!"

At the same time, within the Su family, the atmosphere was gloomy and terrifying.

The Su family hall, where all the core members of the Su family who left the academy selection square first gather here.As the head of the family, Su Qingfeng's expression was ferocious.

In today's selection meeting, the Su family lost all face.The only scenery was taken away.Even his own son was severely injured and is now unconscious!The Su family suffered endless humiliation.

Now, even several major academies have opinions on them.

The Su family is in huge trouble.

All of this was caused by Wang Hao.

The trash that Su Qingfeng despised at the beginning has grown to such an extent now, how can Su Qingfeng calm down!

"Tell me what to do now!"

After getting angry, Su Qingfeng looked towards the people present.

"I really shouldn't be so soft-hearted back then! Hmph, if that kid died, there would be nothing like today!"

An old man with a gloomy face said in a deep voice.

A month ago, Wang Hao was lured there by members of the Su family at Qianzhang Cliff in Qianfeng Ridge.If the Su family had been more decisive that day...

"Shut up!" The clan elder headed by the Su family said in a deep voice: "The incident that day was done by the Sixth Prince's subordinates! What does it have to do with my Su family!"

If Wang Hao is still the old Wang Hao, nothing matters.

But now?

There are some things that need to be clarified.

The words of the chief clan elder made the gloomy old man's expression change suddenly.

"It's useless to say anything now. Tell me directly, how to deal with it!"

Su Qingfeng took a deep breath.

"Perhaps the situation is not the worst?"

A middle-aged man said in a deep voice.


Su Qingfeng said directly.

"Didn't Wang Hao accept the engagement? Mu Yu is still Wang Hao's fiancée! If the engagement is confirmed... I think no one can refuse with Mu Yu's face and talent!"

Su Qingfeng, the younger brother of Su Qingfeng, a newcomer to the Su family, murmured.

These words caused many people to fall into deep thought, and even some people's eyes lit up.

yes!The marriage contract is still there, if it is Wang Hao from before, they will naturally disdain it.

However, the current Wang Hao?It is a potential dragon.In the future, it is destined to be a dragon for nine days.

People like this, let alone the Su family.Even those lords' families in the imperial capital have no reason to refuse.If this can be done, everything will be solved.

"Shut up!" Su Qingfeng looked ugly: "It's not like you haven't seen Wang Hao's attitude today. Do you think this can be done? Also, don't forget the sixth prince!"

A few words, let people wake up like a dream.Looking at Su Muyu's pale complexion over there, everyone fell silent again.

yes!Not to mention whether Wang Hao can let the past go, if he really did, the Sixth Prince would be offended.This is the scariest thing!

The Su family is in a dilemma.

"Where is the sixth prince?"

The leader of the clan elders looked at Su Muyu.


Su Muyu opened his mouth.

"I am coming!"

Before Su Muyu could speak, a figure walked quickly outside the door.

If not the sixth prince, who else?

His face was terribly gloomy.

It is not only the Su family who are angry today, but also him—Chu Tianrong!

"See the sixth prince!"

The crowd hurriedly bowed.

"Are you worried about Wang Hao's revenge just now?"

The sixth prince glanced at everyone.


The members of the Su family looked at each other.

"A jumping clown! Hmph, outstanding talent? You must know that there are many talented people in the empire every year. However, the geniuses who can grow up are the strong ones. More geniuses die young!"

Chu Tianrong narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Those words made people subconsciously feel a chill.

"Qianfengling is his burial place! You can rest assured!"

Glancing at the crowd lightly, Chu Tianrong said unhurriedly.

Qianfeng Ridge is a good place for trials, and it is also a good place for burying dead bones!

The eyes of everyone in the Su family brightened again.


"Patriarch, we..."

In the Wang family, in that study room, looking at Wang Tianyang, the butler Wang Dahai looked solemn.

What happened today has spread to every corner of Pingchang City.

The Wang family was completely shaken.As a housekeeper, Wang Dahai's heavy heart can be imagined.

Unexpectedly, that little trash turned out to be so amazing!

"We are still careless!"

Wang Tianyang's complexion changed.

Thinking of the current situation of the Wang family, he felt even more heavy.

Wang Hao, this is to attract all the hatred to the Wang family.Want to drag the Wang family into hell!

This is the most ruthless revenge.

And Wang Hao's current identity...

It's all a headache!

"I'm afraid he will ask me for those three treasures when he comes back?"

After a while, looking at the sky outside, Wang Tianyang, who had returned early, narrowed his eyes.

"Are we really giving it to him?"

Wang Dahai asked.


Wang Tianyang's eyes froze.


Wang Dahai was a little anxious.

If the things were given to Wang Hao, what about Wang Kun?He is the son of the owner!

"But what? Hmph! I'm innocent and I'm guilty! It's one thing to give it to him! Can you keep it? It's another thing!"

Wang Tianyang sneered!

"Patriarch means..."

Wang Dahai's eyes lit up, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"You can't do it rashly! Now, he has the backing of Tianwu Academy. If you are not careful, my Wang family will surely fall into the abyss! However, Qianfengling is a good place! Isn't it?"

The smile on Wang Tianyang's mouth is intriguing.


Wang Dahai also laughed.

The Su family and the Wang family seem to have a mutual understanding.

At this moment, they cast their gazes in the direction of Qianfengling at the same time.

Without Wang Hao's knowledge, a big net has been quietly opened!


"Very good! From now on, you are the students of my Tianwu Academy. From now on, the academy will be your biggest backing! I will apply to the academy for the best treatment for you!

In January, you can report directly to my Tianwu Academy! "

After the academy selection was over, Wang Hao did not leave immediately, but was retained by the representatives of Tianwu Academy.

Looking at Wang Hao, Zhou Shan, and Wang Lin, until this moment, the middle-aged man still felt like a dream.

He could imagine how beautiful it would be when he returned to the academy.This made him feel extremely comfortable.

"What else do you want?"

Seems to think of something, the man added.

"Pro Tianwei's identity, I hope to get it as soon as possible!"

After receiving the badge representing the students of Tianwu Academy, a gleam flashed in Wang Hao's eyes.

"Okay! You two drums are beating ten times, and the sound has already been heard directly by Datian. The dean of the academy must have known it. I will send a letter back immediately. The academy will naturally convey the recommendation information to the emperor as soon as possible."

The middle-aged man nodded.

After that, Wang Hao and the others had no more doubts, and the middle-aged man turned around and left.

"Thank you senior!"

Until the middle-aged man left, looking at the old man who stayed here, Wang Hao saluted.

This time, if it wasn't for this person's help, Wang Hao and Zhou Shan would probably encounter huge troubles!

"Little things, little things!"

The old man pinched his nostrils and looked at Wang Hao and Zhou Shan with a smile, as if admiring some prey.

This look makes people uncomfortable.

"The junior farewell!"

Wang Hao said again.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

said the old man.

"What is the senior's order?"

Wang Hao was puzzled.

"That...cough coughcough...the old man has done a lot for you. This offended even the sixth prince. Look...isn't it..."

The old man shook his hands and said with a smile.

Wang Hao and the others were stunned.Looking at the old man, he seemed to have seen something incredible...

This... guy is really enshrined in Tianwu Academy?

If he hadn't confirmed his identity just now and saw what he did, Wang Hao would definitely give him a blank stare at this moment.

"Ahem... I don't know if Senior wants to..."

Wang Hao spoke with a strange expression.

"That... Offending the sixth prince is a serious crime! But it's okay, I will help you resist. From now on, you will come to my Tianwu Academy, and I will cover you! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the old man's name. The old man corrects you Wubai, one of the six great priests of the academy! If you are willing, you can practice with me in the future. All difficulties, I will help you solve them. How is it? Very good! This time the old man is in a hurry and has no money. Borrow the old man 1 taels of silver first? Go back to the academy, and the old man will definitely return it!"

Jiu Wubai said righteously.

It's just that, no matter how you look at it, it looks a little wretched.

This made Wang Hao and Wang Lin look at each other in dismay!


The next moment, without waiting for Wang Lin to speak, Wang Hao stared and refused directly.

"You boy, is this ungrateful?"

Jiu Wubai's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Wang Hao with a look of indignation.

"No money! 1 taels of silver, do you think anyone can get it?"

Wang Hao said angrily.

If the old man made some other reasonable requests, Wang Hao could ignore them for the sake of helping him just now.

But, now... this old man, it's over!

1 taels of silver is really easy to talk about.

Why go out in a hurry, without money!Ghost letter.

Back then in the 21st century, Wang Hao followed the old Taoist priests all over the world. He didn't see much else, but he saw a lot of scammers.The old Taoist priest himself is an old liar!How shrewd is Wang Hao.Will he be fooled?It's not bad if he doesn't fool others...

"Others can't take it out, but you can definitely take it out. I just heard from Tai Youqian that he gave you a sum of money. It's not that I asked you for 1 taels, but I just borrowed it from you! The old man is the kind who doesn't pay back money man?"

Undefeated, hehe...

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