ancient myth

Chapter 339 Up the Mountain!

It was gray.

As the ray of dawn in the distance tore through the darkness of the night, the howling wind gradually began to subside at this moment.

"The wind is getting weaker!"

After waiting for a full night, the patriarch of the Di family looked towards Peng Hai with a questioning expression.

"You can go!"

Peng Hai took a deep breath and said directly.

After finishing his words, he glanced at Wang Hao and the others behind him. Peng Hai gritted his teeth and headed towards Tianjie Mountain to face the storm that had not subsided.

The speed of the group is not fast. Even though there are still several thousand meters away from Tianjie Mountain, the gust of wind that overflows is still shocking.Every step I take, I seem to be bearing a terrifying thrust, and if I am a little careless, it seems that I will be swept away by this gust of wind.

The wind is like a blade, and people have to use their whole body to resist.Otherwise, the residual gust of wind would be enough to cut flesh and bones to Wang Hao and others!

The short distance of several thousand meters, if it is normal, is just the blink of an eye for Wang Hao and others.However, today, they spent a full half an hour.

When the sky gradually brightened, a group of people had already arrived in front of Tianjie Mountain.

The wind was still roaring, but it was much better than before.There was still a splitting pain on the skin, but with the adaptation and the protection of vitality, it was controlled within the tolerance range.

The mountain in front of me is neither high nor magnificent.It was bare and messy.Gullies of different depths, like bloody wounds, are telling something!It was as if a war had just been experienced.

It's hard to imagine that this is Tianjie Mountain, the boundary of the spirit world!

Where is the other side of the mountain?Nobody knows!Even though the sky was already bright, the sky on the top of the mountain was still gloomy, bringing endless depression.

Between the heaven and the earth, the spiritual energy is extremely strong, as if there is an invisible hand, dragging the spiritual energy of the entire spiritual world to this side.

Faintly, a wave of heavenly power descended, making it more difficult for people to breathe.

Standing here, it seems that what everyone is facing is not a mountain, but a god!A God whom people look up to but dare not challenge!

This is the best place, but also the worst place!

The good is Endless Reiki!There is probably no place in the spiritual world that is more suitable for cultivation than this place.If it weren't for the terrifying Tianwei, I'm afraid this place has already become a holy place for people to practice.

The bad thing is the endless power of the sky, which makes people dare not set foot here.For thousands of years, this place has been like a bottomless black hole, devouring countless lives.

"Just over here!"

A hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain, the patriarch of the Di family glanced at the people around him and said in a deep voice.

After the words fell, he looked at Ye Zhidao and the others: "The aura of heaven here is strong enough. Two days! I don't care what method you use, try to comprehend the aura of heaven in it as much as possible. I need you to control as much as possible a complete The power of heaven!"


After the words of the ancestor of the emperor's family fell, Ye Zhidao and the others responded with solemn expressions.

They knew how difficult the things the ancestors of the Di family said were.

To comprehend the power of heaven with the strength of a person in the Qi Sea Realm?This is something against the sky!How much suffering did they suffer from the broken dao mark comprehension?Now it is necessary to comprehend the complete way of heaven... This is almost impossible!What's more, there are only two days?

But here, there is no choice.

Although I don't know why the ancestors of the Emperor's family needed them to do all this so urgently, but I think it has a vital role.

Ye Zhidao and others didn't dare to be careless, and quickly sat cross-legged at the foot of the mountain, sinking into cultivation.

Even the two women, Dihuang and Ye Wanyun, were led by the patriarch of the Ye family to walk towards an open space on the side.

The purpose of the two women coming here this time is obviously different from that of Ye Zhidao and others.

"You two, go up the mountain!"

When everyone settled down, the patriarch of the Di family looked at Wang Hao and Zhou Shan with complicated expressions, and said in a deep voice.

The wind on the mountain has never completely fallen.That icy roar made the ancestor of the emperor's family show a trace of worry in his eyes.

However, thinking of the current situation, he gritted his teeth: "It's also been two days! After comprehending the incomplete dao mark, you have already taken the first step on this road. How much you can gain is up to you!"

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end the patriarch of the Di family just dropped the sentence.

Another complete power of heaven to go up the mountain!This is what the patriarch of the emperor's family asked of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan.

However, why did Ye Zhidao and others stay at the foot of the mountain, while Wang Hao and Zhou Shan wanted to climb up the Heavenly Boundary Mountain?The patriarch of the emperor family never explained too much.

"it is good!"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Wang Hao never asked more.

The patriarch of the Di family didn't say anything yesterday, so if he thinks about it today, he won't say much.

Heaven Mountain!Looking up at this jedi in the spiritual world, Wang Hao squinted his eyes and glanced at Zhou Shan, and he was about to step away.

"and many more……"

Just when Wang Hao was about to step out, an anxious voice interrupted Wang Hao's steps.

"Well... I... I think... I don't need to follow you. This place is against me! I think I will cause disaster if I go up, and it will be bad if I harm you! Boy, go on your own , Leave me alone! I will be here and pray for you!"

Getting out of Wang Hao's arms, under the cold, Jin Shisan breathed out a mouthful of white mist, and said with twinkling eyes.

What is this guy thinking?How could Wang Hao not know?He didn't want to take risks there, or to die!

what's wrong...

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

However, he didn't force it.Today's matter, Jin Shisan's reluctance to go is really understandable.


Wang Hao pondered and prepared to agree to Jin Shisan's request.

"You, follow!"

However, before Wang Hao could say anything, the patriarch of the Ye family who settled down Dihuang and Ye Wanyun didn't know when he would return to this place, so he spoke directly.

Those words abruptly interrupted Wang Hao's original plan.

"Hey... old man, you are bullying the dragon, right? The two of them need to understand the power of heaven, what should I do with them?"

Jin Shisan's face was full of indignation, his eyes seemed to kill the ancestor of the Ye family.

"I told you to follow, just to watch! In this regard, you have experience!"

The patriarch of the Ye family took a deep look at Jin Shisan.


As the Ye family patriarch finished speaking, the corner of Jin Shisan's mouth twitched.

Even if it was Wang Hao, his pupils shrank involuntarily.has experience!In other words, Jin Shisan has comprehended the way of heaven!Does the ancestor of the Ye family know about Jin Shisan?

One must know that the current Jin Shisan's strength is nothing more than a sequence suppressed by the Sea of ​​Qi Nine Heavens!Who would believe that Jin Shisan had comprehended the Dao of Heaven before stepping into the Divine Palace?

There is only one possibility!

That is, the ancestor of the Ye family knew Jin Shisan's identity.

"The Land of Sealing Demons, after so many years, those who were able to escape ahead of time... and lived a very healthy life, you count as the second!"

The ancestor of the Ye family said quietly, confirming the big guess in Wang Hao's mind.This made Wang Hao's eyes widen involuntarily.

"In the Land of Sealing Demons, do you think no one really noticed such a big incident? It's just that some people didn't take care of it. With your strength, how much trouble do you think you can cause in today's world?"

The patriarch of the emperor's family looked at Jin Shisan with a sneer.

"Even if someone in Donghuang knows, then you..."

Jin Shisan's eyes flickered, and he lost the confidence he had before.

Escaping from the land where the demons are sealed, has already been seen by someone with a heart... This is really a big joke.Thinking of his complacent mood back then... Jin Shisan's mouth twitched.

Suddenly, he discovered that he was just being treated as a clown.

"Sooner or later! The Triple Mountain collapsed. In this period of time, all the remaining demon-sealed lands, those who have not been completely worn out after thousands of years, have come out."

Peng Hai interjected.

"Donghuang over there..."

Although I don't know how Penghai got the news, since there is a way to communicate that Donghuang knew about Jin Shisan, it shouldn't be difficult to know this now!

Accidents happened one after another in the land of the Eastern Desolation where the demons were sealed off.The current situation in the Eastern Wilderness...

Wang Hao frowned!

The situation is far more serious than I imagined.

In the end what happened?How big a storm is going to be in this sky?How did the ancestors of the Ye family and the Di family plan to deal with this storm?

Thinking of all this, Wang Hao couldn't calm down even more.

"I want to go back to the Eastern Wilderness!"

After Jin Shisan was shocked, his eyes flickered and his tone was excited.

"After this incident, you can go back! If you don't go, I don't mind stewing a pot of dragon soup to drink! The Dragon Clan has never appeared on this land for many years!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family sneered.

"I go!"

Hearing this, why doesn't Jin Shisan know his current situation?

He has been pitted miserably.He has no choice.

"Boy, hurry up! This time, let me give you a great fortune!"

Since he had no choice, Jin Shisan urged Wang Hao directly.

Tianjie Mountain?

I didn't even know this place at the time.

Right now, let's see where this is.What is so magical about it.


The ground underfoot was hard, hard.

The ravines criss-crossed, as if writing an unforgettable history.

The breath of heaven enveloped the whole body, causing the energy in Wang Hao's body to surge.

The Great Sun Yin Qi Art has been operating to the extreme, even so, there are still bursts of knife-like pain on the skin.

Fortunately, having that wind-fixing bead in his mouth brought Wang Hao a lot of help.Otherwise, it would be difficult to move an inch on this mountain.

Waves of gentle energy flowed around the body, soothing the tingling pain on the skin, and gradually calming down Wang Hao's heart.

"It's here!"

Walking with heavy steps, I don't know how long it took, as if he had crossed a piece of heaven and earth. When Wang Hao felt that he could no longer bear it, the power of heaven here was so strong that Wang Hao felt that he had ascended to the sky, and the world When the power was within reach, Jin Shisan, who led the way, spoke vaguely amidst the howling wind.

This side is already the extreme.

Jin Shisan was even secretly surprised by the strong power of heaven here.

It should be perfect for Wang Hao and Zhou Shan!

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