ancient myth

Chapter 340 Enlightenment

The power of heaven here is extremely strong, as if taking a deep breath, the thick energy of heaven can be poured into one's body!

The wind-fixing bead in his mouth was obviously tempered uniquely.It took a lot of hard work to come to the Di family and the Ye family.

Even though it was the icy cold wind that constantly ravaged the flesh and blood around him, with the help of that gentle energy, Wang Hao almost didn't waste any time, just entered a state of ecstasy!

When the power of the soul was released, Wang Hao immediately felt the suppression of heaven!This makes it extremely difficult to spread every bit of the power of the soul.

Without that wind-fixing bead, Wang Hao would have gained nothing in this trip under such a bad situation!


Time passed by minute by minute.

Maybe it's because of the season, maybe it's because of the raging cold wind that drives away the fiery breath.The way of pure yang is hidden very deeply.

I don't know how much time has passed before Wang Hao caught the existence of the aura he was looking for.

Overjoyed in his heart, without any hesitation, Wang Hao firmly locked on to that breath, and tried his best to let his soul move closer to that breath.


When Wang Hao united his mind and mind, merged into the world, and approached that breath, he immediately felt the boundless heat sweeping over him, as if it wanted to melt him completely.

"What terrifying energy!"

This made Wang Hao gasp.

Is this the breath of the complete Tao?Far from being in the emperor's house that day, the aura contained in the broken dao marks can be compared!

This path connects heaven and earth, and spans the entire space!Burning like a raging fire, dyed a gorgeous picture.

woohoo hoo...

Panting heavily, in front of this pure energy, under that terrifying heavenly power, even Wang Hao was almost burned out directly.

If he hadn't comprehended the profound meaning of the broken way in the emperor's house that day, Wang Hao would have been wiped out.

It seems that the ancestors of the emperor's family had already prepared for all this!

"Steady your mind and stimulate your own energy. If you unite, you will flow together, and if you go against it, you will be destroyed!"

Just when Wang Hao was full of astonishment, Jin Shisan's voice came out without losing the opportunity.

Hearing Jin Shisan's words, Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly followed what he said.In this regard, I think Jin Shisan has richer experience than anyone else.

As Jin Shisan said, if you unite, you will flow together, and if you oppose, you will perish!What Wang Hao has to do is to understand the energy contained in this way of pure yang, step into this avenue, control the energy of this way, and find his own opportunities from it.What he has to do is not to fight!

The Great Sun Yin Qi Jue was operating to the extreme, and with Wang Hao's mobilization, the energy of the Skyfire Spirit that had already penetrated into the bone marrow began to explode.

Wang Hao's body started to burn like a furnace, capable of burning everything in the world!The blood all over his body began to roll, as if for a moment, Wang Hao felt his own blood was burning.

Under the raging fire, the extremely domineering energy contained in the way of pure yang reduced the repulsion to Wang Hao in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Hao quickly threw himself into it!

This avenue connecting heaven and earth, the energy is like a long river rushing, roaring endlessly!Wang Hao at this moment is like a drop in the ocean, untraceable!In front of this wave of energy, Wang Hao has no power to resist.All he can do is to go with the current and try to let his will not be swallowed by the monstrous waves.What he can do is to take advantage of the rare opportunity and fully follow his current comprehension of this path, to find deeper mysteries and opportunities that belong to him.

Recklessly rolling and galloping along the energy in this long river, it seems that Wang Hao has come to the sky above, looking down at the vast land under his feet.

He saw the icy cold wind in all directions, saw the figures of Ye Zhidao and others at the foot of the mountain, and also saw himself...

How insignificant has everything in the world become at this moment?In the face of this majestic and tyrannical energy, it seems that everything has turned into chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow...


"It seems that this kid has already taken the first step!"

Just when Wang Hao was completely integrated into this world, Jin Shisan, who was standing beside Wang Hao, let out a breath.Looking at Wang Hao, his eyes were complicated.

Jin Shisan has seen Wang Hao's talent countless times.There is no need to be amazed.What makes Jin Shisan envious is, what kind of strength is Wang Hao now?It turned out to be such a chance to enlightenment!

People in the Qi Sea Realm merge into a complete way of heaven to find profound truths, comprehend themselves, and create supernatural powers.

Not to mention success or failure, this opportunity alone is already an unparalleled fortune.

If it wasn't for the emperor's family, the Ye family's, and even Penghai's long-planned plan, if it wasn't for the carefully tempered wind-fixing bead they gave, if it wasn't for his previous comprehension of the incomplete dao mark, no matter how defiant Wang Hao is. May go this far.

This enlightenment, regardless of the final result, Wang Hao's harvest is not small, right?

Looking at Wang Hao now, his whole body is like being shrouded in a ball of flames.This is the flame of the purest energy of the world.This gust of flames never hurt Wang Hao at all, instead it continuously tempered Wang Hao's body.

The flesh and blood all over Wang Hao's body was wriggling under the tempering of the flames, and the power of Qi and blood was rising little by little.

"Overlord Jue, it seems that it fits perfectly with this path of pure yang. I don't know if the saint saw something. Is it intentional or unintentional?"

Facing Wang Hao's current state, even Jin Shisan couldn't help but sigh.

In addition to talent, Wang Hao also has luck.Unrivaled luck!

The sage inheritance that the Tianxuan Sword Sect had been looking for and longing for for thousands of years fell into his hands.The Tianxuan Sword Sect was never obtained, and Qi Tiandao, who was about to get his chance, was also beaten away.Isn't Wang Hao's luck against the sky?

That's all for the saint's inheritance.For Wang Hao, this set of Overlord's Art alone is like a tiger with wings added.

The three ways of cultivating together, the three kinds of exercises, complement each other, and the energy contained in the way of heaven that Wang Hao has comprehended now, can form such a tacit echo.What kind of chance is this?

Sometimes, Jin Shisan doubted whether Wang Hao was God's illegitimate child, or else, why did he take all the benefits?


Amidst Jin Shisan's emotions, Wang Hao's body seemed to respond to him, making crisp sounds.Flesh and bones screamed together, and Wang Hao's physical strength had obviously increased a lot.

His aura is rising little by little, maybe, soon, Wang Hao will take another solid step on his road to body training!

The Overlord Jue body training method, encountering the energy irrigation of the way of pure yang, this is simply the most beautiful good fortune in the world.


Just when Jin Shisan was full of envy, a burst of breath suddenly burst out in the distance, making Jin Shisan's heart jump wildly.


It was unparalleled cold.

It seemed that the whole world was darkened.

The next moment, the destructive energy swept across all directions, and a majestic killing intent enveloped the world.

Even Jin Shisan's heart skipped a beat.

It seemed that suddenly, he felt an unprecedented killing god descending on this land, intending to destroy all creatures in the world.

"This guy is not human!"

Looking in the direction of Zhou Shan, Jin Shisan's mouth twitched.

Such a killing intent, such an aura of destruction...

The Way of Destruction, also known as the Way of Killing!This is a road full of killings, not everyone can walk on it.

Those who are not strong-minded, stepping into this path, under the sweeping of the destructive breath, at least lose their will, and become a butcher of killings, or at worst, under the suppression of this energy, the body cannot bear it, and the tendons burst , went mad and died!

This was what Jin Shisan was worried about when Zhou Shan realized this way.It is also worrying that Zhou Shan will take this path in the future.

However, it now appears that Zhou Shan has already integrated into that complete Tao.His complexion was a little distorted, but the aura around him was firmly controlled!His consciousness didn't seem to be greatly affected by that murderous aura.

What kind of perseverance is it that allows a martial artist at the Qi Sea Realm to do this?

What kind of freak is this guy?

Jin Shisan shook his head and sighed softly.He knew very well how difficult this path was.Back then, one of his own clan, a Tianjiao, chose this path.However, when he stepped into the Divine Mansion Realm and merged into this avenue, blood spurted out all over his body in an instant, his flesh and blood collapsed, and the energy in his body ran away, and he was no longer under his control!Although in the end he saved his life.However, in the end, the dragon's will was chaotic and he killed the world.

As a result, the Jinlong clan had no choice but to suppress it themselves.A generation of arrogance has just fallen!

That is the arrogance of the Golden Dragon Clan who has stepped into the realm of the Divine Palace!How can ordinary people be comparable?

And what about Zhou Shan?

With a mortal body, his current achievements are already much better than the arrogance of the golden dragon clan back then.

"If this time can be successful, Zhou Shan will definitely ascend to the sky in one step! As a person who refines his body, stepping into the path of destruction and killing, what kind of terrifying combat power will he create? As long as he specializes in this way, Zhou Shan's combat power will not be inferior to Wang Hao. ! If it is really a life-and-death struggle, Wang Hao may not have much chance of winning! This is a road to the end!"

Withdrawing his eyes, Jin Shisan felt lingering fear!

Now that Zhou Shan has chosen, he has no other choice now. Jin Shisan can only watch, but can't say too much.

"This mountain at the foot... has something weird!"

After Wang Hao and Zhou Shan successively found their own path and became intoxicated with it, what Jin Shisan had to do had basically come to an end.

Withdrawing his eyes, Jin Shisan frowned and looked at the Heavenly Realm Mountain under his feet again.

"how is this possible!"

And as Jin Shisan was curious, he released his soul power and carefully explored towards this mountain peak. He seemed to have noticed something, took a breath of air, and his eyes were uncertain.

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