ancient myth

Chapter 341 Enlightenment

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan sinking into cultivation, after walking a large circle around Tianjie Mountain, Jin Shisan returned with a strange expression.

"No wonder! No wonder this place is so weird. I didn't expect this place to be..."

Looking at Tianwei faintly crushing down from the sky, Jin Shisan had a bitter expression on his face.

He discovered a remarkable thing!

Why is Tianjie Mountain so terrifying?Why is the power of heaven in this place so majestic, and why is it that the power of heaven descends again and again, as if it wants to completely destroy this place?

For everything, Jin Shisan seemed to have the answer in his heart.

The answer was unbelievable, but Jin Shisan believed that his guess was indistinguishable!

What exactly happened that year?

There was some confusion in Jin Shisan's mind.

However, when he looked at the members of the Emperor family and Ye family at the foot of the mountain again, his expression became complicated.

Do these two families know the truth hidden here!You should know, right?Otherwise, so much effort would not have been made.

Maybe they knew it a long time ago.

Let Wang Hao and Zhou Shan climb this mountain, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as cultivation, right?

Jin Shisan suddenly fell silent.



Two days later, with the release of a terrifying air wave, Wang Hao's aura climbed to a new level.At this moment, the power of Qi and blood emanating from Wang Hao's body was extremely thick.

The road to body training, Qihai Wuzhongtian!

At the emperor's family that day, with the help of the opportunity bestowed by the ancestors of the emperor's family, Wang Hao not only let his qi refining step into the seventh heaven of the sea of ​​qi.It even made his body training reach the threshold of the fifth heaven of Qi Sea.

Now, this step is officially taken.

Obviously, although Wang Hao has not fully comprehended the complete way of pure yang, the benefits to him have already appeared.

At this moment, Wang Hao, wrapped in flames, is like a god of war, with a majestic aura.

"Boy, stop practicing, we are running out of time!"

Another half day later, seeing the violent wind blowing up again, Jin Shisan had no choice but to interrupt Wang Hao and Zhou Shan's cultivation!

Two and a half days passed in a blink of an eye, and the time of cultivation always passed quickly.

Now the breath of Tianjie Mountain has become irritable again, this place is no longer suitable for Wang Hao and others to stay any longer.

Even, half a day ago, the patriarchs of the Di family and the Ye family at the foot of the mountain had already begun to urge them.

If he hadn't felt Wang Hao's aura change slightly, and obviously had a deeper understanding of the way of pure yang, Jin Shisan would have interrupted Wang Hao's cultivation at that time.

It's a pity that another half day has passed, and Wang Hao's breath suddenly calmed down.

Too!How easy is it to comprehend the complete power of heaven?This is not comparable to the broken dao mark!Even if Wang Hao is such a monstrous arrogance, it is difficult to achieve such a terrifying breakthrough in a short period of time, right?

Thinking of this, the trace of regret in his heart disappeared, and Jin Shisan took Wang Hao and Zhou Shan who had woken up, and walked towards the foot of the mountain 'quickly'.

In the strong wind, they were struggling!

Rao was shouting that extraordinary Wind-fixing Orb, at this moment Wang Hao and Zhou Shan also felt stabbing pains on their bodies.

Under the lingering wind blade, the clothes around Wang Hao and Zhou Shan were already torn.Even with the full support of their body-training experts, there were still gashes oozing blood on their bodies.

The cold wind of Tianjie Mountain is well-deserved!

A full hour later, at the foot of the mountain, looking at Zhou Shan and Wang Hao who had returned, the patriarch of the Ye family frowned: "Cultivation does not happen overnight, and now we are already overwhelmed, so you don't need to be too impatient. On the road of cultivating Taoism, too hasty, often Can't get any effect!"

Leading Wang Hao and Zhou Shan towards the distance quickly, the patriarch of the Ye family sighed softly.

Came back half a day later than expected!It was this half a day that had put them in danger.

Fortunately, the situation is not the worst.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!

"The junior knew it was wrong!"

After passing through the thousands of meters of ice field and coming to the periphery of the storm, he let out a long breath, Wang Hao said bitterly.

"Is there any gain from this practice?"

Dijia asked.

"Going one step further! It's a pity that the profound meaning of the way of heaven is vast and boundless. We creatures are as small as ants, and it is difficult to control the essence. The time is too short, and the harvest is not great!"

Wang Hao sighed lightly.

Only when you really come into contact with the complete power of the heavenly way can you understand the vast profound meaning contained in the power of the heavenly way.How can it be understood overnight?

"It's okay, there is still a chance! In the next few days, you can practice here. Adjust your state and summarize the gains you have gained in the past few days. Next time you enter again, it's okay if you think about it, and go further!"

They didn't expect Wang Hao and others to reach the sky in one step, and the ancestors of the emperor's family were not too disappointed.

In the concerned eyes of Ye Wanyun and Dihuang, and in the curious eyes of Ye Zhidao and the others, the group soon sank into cultivation without any further communication.

Strike while the iron is hot, Wang Hao wants to digest the opportunity he has realized this time.


woohoo hoo...

The cold wind on the ice sheet intensified.

In just a few days, that terrifying storm seemed to swallow the entire world.

On the edge of the storm, Wang Hao sat cross-legged quietly.The previous feeling of being integrated into the complete way of heaven and cultivation made Wang Hao feel a lot, enough for him to digest for a while.More importantly, the aura here is extremely strong!Even though it is thousands of meters away from Tianjie Mountain, the aura of heaven and earth contained between heaven and earth is not comparable to other places!

Isn't this place an extremely ideal place for cultivation?

Wang Hao could feel the urgency of time from the expressions of the ancestors of the emperor's family and the ancestors of the Ye family.This made Wang Hao dare not delay even the slightest bit.

One day, two days...

After a full seven days, the aura around Wang Hao suddenly began to change.

"What's up with him?"

Wang Hao's changes quickly attracted the ideas of the ancestors of the emperor's family and others.

Even Ye Zhidao and others who were practicing in the distance were awakened.

Because of Wang Hao at this moment, the aura around him became extremely terrifying!

Faintly, the aura of heaven and earth turned into a storm and gathered towards him, finally wrapping Wang Hao in it and turning it into a storm of aura.

"Did he realize it?"

Looking at Wang Hao's faintly visible figure in the storm, Dihua's eyes were complicated.

"Comprehend the fart! Breakthrough! Did you live in the mother's womb?"

As soon as Dihua's words fell, the ancestor of the Di family scolded his head and face.

It has been seven days, and the storm has not dissipated. How long will they delay?

Thinking of the current situation, the patriarch of the Emperor's family was already in a bad mood, and now he jumped out at such a junior with no eyesight, how could he not yell at him?


Poor Di Hua looked innocent.

"Breakthrough is also good! The power of the soul is constantly rising. It seems that his soul cultivation path is going to take another step forward! This is not a bad thing! The stronger his soul is, the more helpful it is for him to understand the way of heaven!"

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Ye family stepped forward to ease the atmosphere.

Otherwise, under those sympathetic eyes, Di Hua would like to dig a hole to hide.

That's right, just as the ancestor of the Ye family said, at this moment Wang Hao, the power of the soul has gone one step further!

That divine pattern that was not fully condensed that day, at this moment, is crazily condensing with the help of the world's aura from the outside world!

The results of the past few days of cultivation have been displayed.

For seven days, after pondering to no avail, he resolutely sank into the idea of ​​the unity of all worlds.

Calm your mind, and re-digest the feelings of the past few days in your own world.This brought unimaginable benefits to his soul power.

Gradually, following the moment when the divine pattern stared at him, Wang Hao's soul power suddenly exploded.

The terrifying power of the soul diffused towards the surroundings.When this energy diffuses to the apex, it gradually converges.


The storm dissipated, and Wang Hao let out a long breath.

"Seven Heavens of Qi Sea!"

After refining qi, Wang Hao's journey of soul cultivation has also entered this stage.

Now, in Wang Hao's body, there are four divine patterns condensed.Especially this newly condensed divine pattern, the energy contained in it is far from comparable to the previous three divine patterns!

This made Wang Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Smile! You kid thinks that if you go one step further on the road to refining your soul, you'll start to groan? Let me tell you, it's still too early! Quickly comprehend the power of that day's Dao for me! As long as you comprehend that Dao, now this point will be improved." , What a fart! A guy with narrow vision!"

It's just that the patriarch of the emperor's family today interrupted Wang Hao's thoughts as if he had eaten gunpowder.

Suddenly, the people who were still sympathizing with Dihua just now couldn't help looking at Wang Hao!

Rao even Dihua showed a sympathetic expression.

Compared to Wang Hao, he seems to be better?

You know, Wang Hao has made a breakthrough!Isn't it more miserable to be scolded so much after breaking through, compared to myself?

Dihua was comforted.

"Okay! Di Gang, you are enough! Didn't you feel that the power of this kid's soul has changed?"

The patriarch of the Ye family couldn't stand it anymore, he gave the patriarch of the Di family a hard look and said with a sneer.

At this moment, Wang Hao finally knew that the ancestor of the Di family was originally named Di Gang!Sure enough, a dog!This character... How much hardship have those juniors of the Emperor's family suffered all these years?Wang Hao mourned for them.

"Well, speaking of it, this kid's soul power seems to have really changed!"

Following the reminder from the ancestor of the Ye family, Di Gang glanced at Wang Hao suspiciously.

"Although this junior has never comprehended the complete path of pure yang. However, he has integrated what he comprehended in the incomplete dao mark that day, and some feelings he comprehended a few days ago, into the divine pattern. This A divine pattern, faintly already contains a breath of the way of pure yang..."

Wang Hao said quickly.

"Okay! You kid, it's not too embarrassing! Divine pattern art! I didn't expect you to practice such methods. This is good!"

Di Gang's eyes lit up and he burst out laughing.

The speed of this face-changing is really top-notch.

And this is precisely because Di Gang knew the divine pattern technique, and he knew better what Wang Hao said.

Let the power of the soul and the comprehension be fused together to form a divine pattern, not to mention how beneficial it is to Wang Hao's improvement of the power of the divine pattern, and how beneficial it is to Wang Hao's road to soul cultivation afterward. Did not say!

Just how much benefit can this divine pattern bring to his comprehension of the way of heaven?This is already unimaginable!

"Tomorrow's wind should decline again. Prepare to climb the mountain again! Kid, strive for success this time! Even if you don't succeed, comprehend another divine pattern for me. Otherwise, let's see how I deal with you!"

What he thought in his heart made the patriarch of the emperor's family excited.

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