ancient myth

Chapter 344 Dao Seeds

Hot and cold, destruction and vitality...

What kind of picture is it when these two completely different energies collide and interweave in the sky?

Above the sky, the wind and clouds are surging, the wind is whistling, crying like crying!

The two energies seem to be contending, but also seem to be merging, and the scene is extremely strange.

"This is……"

Ye Zhidao and others who were practicing at the foot of the mountain were all awakened.

Looking at the scene on the top of the mountain, his eyes widened.

"They, succeeded?"

Dihua opened his mouth wide, with a complex complexion, showing a hint of envy and bitterness.

Wang Hao and Zhou Shan!

Who knew in the spirit world that these two people were half a year ago?Even half a year ago, these two people hadn't come to the spirit world.

Even three months ago, neither Ye Zhidao nor Dihua had noticed these two names.Not to mention them.

However, now... they are going one step faster than themselves.

Qi Haijing, comprehending the way of heaven, they really did it.If other people in the spirit world know the scene here, what kind of waves will it cause?

"The two comprehend the Dao of Heaven to condense the Dao Seeds at the same time, the aura interweaves and collides, and the aura competes and merges! Such a scene is rare in a hundred years!"

Ye Zhidao sighed lightly.

How difficult is it to comprehend the way of heaven?Not to mention the warriors of the sea of ​​​​Qi, even the warriors of the gods, how many people can really do it?How many people in the Divine Palace Realm can't even condense the Dao Seed in their entire lives, and they are chaotic in the Divine Palace Realm, with endless regret and unwillingness, despite the erosion of time.But now Wang Hao and Zhou Shan have not yet entered the Shenfu, but they are one step ahead!

Ye Zhidao couldn't help being envious of such talent.

In front of them, among the so-called geniuses in the spirit world, how many people can still be proud?

"I don't know what magical powers they will realize?"

In the end, countless emotions turned into a question, and everyone stared at the two figures on the top of the mountain.


One day later, when the aura was so intense that it turned into heavy rain and ravaged the earth, the world suddenly shook, and a terrifying wave of air rolled away towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, someone saw Shura coming, and the sea of ​​blood rolled!

Zhou Shan's aura gradually began to subside!


Zhou Shan on the top of the mountain spurted out a mouthful of blood as his breath completely restrained, his face pale.

"He succeeded!"

Wiping off the blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, Zhou Shan looked towards Wang Hao in the distance.

Looking at Wang Hao who was wrapped in the white flames, he smiled silly.This fool, the first thing he cared about when he woke up was not himself, but Wang Hao.Such a scene made the corners of Jin Shisan's mouth twitch when he rushed here, and the look in Zhou Shan's eyes became more and more strange.

This guy really wants to go to the end.

"Your breath is very unstable!"

After sighing in his heart, Jin Shisan frowned.

"Forcibly suppress the realm! I feel that the Divine Mansion Realm is right in front of me!"

Zhou Shan frowned.

Comprehend the Dao of Heaven and gather the Dao Seeds!Is this a coincidence?At that moment, the power of heaven poured into the body, and the spiritual energy from all directions poured in frantically, washing Zhou Shan, and his strength skyrocketed!

Even if it is a strong person in the Shenfu realm, if they get such an opportunity, their strength may have to be improved by one or two levels.An exaggerated person may run amok with direct strength.You know, in ancient times, it was recorded that someone ascended in the daytime and became a Buddha instantly!

Suddenly comprehending the way of heaven can even make people jump out of the invisible and transcend reincarnation, not to mention the improvement of strength?

If Zhou Shan is willing, he can even use this opportunity to rush directly to the Divine Palace Realm in one go.Hope is great!

The moat that blocked countless people was nothing more than a small hill to Zhou Shan just now.

However, he forcibly suppressed the desire to break through!

The majestic energy in the body is forcibly restrained, can Zhou Shan feel comfortable?

He was lucky if he didn't explode and die.

"Go down, let those two old guys help you adjust your breath! Your current energy may enter the breakthrough state at any time. I don't know what those two old guys think! Let you suppress your strength! Is the Donghuang Conference interesting? ?

Participating with your current strength is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.You are the walking harvester.Compete with those brats, what a fart! "

Jin Shisan complained.

"I'm going down!"

Zhou Shan didn't care.

The patriarchs of the Di family and the Ye family said that if they were to be suppressed, they would be suppressed!Wang Hao participated in the Eastern Wilderness Competition, how could he not participate?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shan walked down the mountain without complaint.

"Dabi Donghuang, what kind of tricks is hiding? In the past few days, I feel that the aura of heaven is chaotic. Damn it, the aura has exploded more fiercely. The things in the ground are about to move. The naivety is about to change? Where is that guy Ye Di? What are you doing!"

Until Zhou Shan walked away, Jin Shisan narrowed his eyes and murmured softly.

After the words fell, he quickly retreated towards the distance.

"It seems that I have to suppress my strength! In the past few days, I also feel that the energy in my body is about to move! But, who am I, it's not a big problem to suppress it. I want to see what the Eastern Wilderness Competition has. Opportunity. Undoubtedly, the young master will also plunder. When I return to the Eastern Desolation, my strength will definitely be as high as the sky! Wow..."

Looking at Wang Hao from a distance, Jin Shisan's eyes shone brightly, and he couldn't help laughing while thinking about it.


As night fell, the aura between heaven and earth was still surging!

That group of pale flames was particularly dazzling under the night.

"It's so cold!"

Suddenly, Dihua at the foot of the mountain frowned.

"Why did the temperature suddenly drop so much?"

Ye Zhidao exclaimed.

"That kid is about to end!" The ancestor of the Di family looked solemn.

Following what the ancestors of the emperor's family said, everyone carefully observed and left.


There was a sound of gasping for air.

But above the peak, a layer of frost spread rapidly at this moment.The frost passed by, and the whole earth was covered with a thick layer of ice.

"how is this possible!"

Dihua exclaimed.

Obviously, Wang Hao's whole body was burning with fire, but why was the chill so overwhelming at this moment?

"What are you calling ghosts? Is it ashamed?"

Glaring at Dihua fiercely, the ancestor of the Di family roared.

Looking at Zhou Shan and Wang Hao, the patriarch of the Di family found himself getting more and more displeased with Di Hua.Is this still your offspring?shame!

"Ahem... There are tens of thousands of flames in the world. The flames of hell in the rumors are extremely cold and can devour souls.

There are also rumors that there is a kind of sky fire that is as cold as ice.It can freeze thousands of miles! "

Looking at Dihua who looked aggrieved, the patriarch of the Ye family sighed.

Becoming a descendant of Di Gang... This Di Hua is also a poor man!With such an old ancestor, I don't know how much suffering I have received over the years.It's lucky to be alive today.

"Could it be that what he understands now is..."

Ye Zhidao asked curiously.

"It should be more terrifying than those two flames!"

Peng Hai said.

Even with his current strength, under that chill, his brows began to frost.No wonder Ye Zhidao and the others trembled.

The ice is getting thicker and thicker, as if it is going to turn the whole world into a hell of death.

Gradually, even if Ye Zhidao and others tried their best to resist the chill, they couldn't resist it.

Even after retreating again and again, retreating hundreds of meters, thick hoarfrost condensed on everyone's bodies, as if they were about to be completely frozen.

This made Ye Zhidao and others complain endlessly.

"The cold is starting to subside!"

Just when several people were about to retreat again, Dihua suddenly exclaimed.

But soon under the fierce eyes of the ancestor of the emperor's family, he immediately tensed his face.Otherwise, you will be punished again.

"His Dao Seed should have successfully condensed!"

The ancestor of the Ye family let out a breath of cold air, and a smile appeared on his face.

And just as the ancestor of the Ye family expected, as the chill quickly receded, although the ice was still there, the air began to warm up.

At the same time, the flames all over Wang Hao's body began to start, and the originally chaotic spiritual energy of the world began to calm down.


Until everything returned to calm, on the top of the mountain, Wang Hao let out a long breath, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


After exercising his muscles and bones for a while, Wang Hao's eyes were shining brightly at this moment, and his whole body seemed to have been reborn.

"The way of pure yang, so it is!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, recalling the previous training, filled with emotion.

"Boy, congratulations!"

I don't know how long it took, when Wang Hao came back to his senses again, he heard Jin Shisan's sour congratulations.

Jin Shisan was jealous.

Staying by Wang Hao's side, he knows better than anyone else what has happened to Wang Hao.

If it weren't for the powerful body and ability of the Dragon Clan, Jin Shisan would have been finished just now.

Thinking of that raging flame, Jin Shisan still trembled in his heart.

Thinking of Wang Hao's current strength, Jin Shisan felt a little dry in his mouth.

"Refining Qi and refining soul have both stepped into the ninth heaven of the Sea of ​​Qi, and the cultivation of body has also reached the eighth heaven of the Sea of ​​Qi! It should be the last step, right?"

Jin Shisan couldn't help asking.

"It's still close! But, it should be soon. I deliberately suppressed the breakthrough!"

Wang Hao murmured.

The comprehension of the way of heaven, the infusion of the power of the way of heaven, the washing of spiritual energy...all these made Wang Hao's strength more than just skyrocket?

Refining qi and refining the soul, stepping directly from the eighth layer of the sea of ​​​​qi to the ninth layer of the sea of ​​​​qi, is a matter of course.

As for body training?If his body hadn't reached its limit, Wang Hao didn't want to leave hidden dangers, and it wouldn't be any problem to step into the Qi Sea Realm Ninth Heaven.

However, the improvement over the past month was too fast, so fast that even Wang Hao was frightened.

He dare not mess around.The intuition coming from his body let Wang Hao know that he needs to be steady, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

"Let's go! It's time to leave. I can feel that a blizzard is coming!"

By comprehending the Dao of Heaven, condensing Dao Seeds, and communicating with Heaven and Earth, Wang Hao can feel the changes between Heaven and Earth more clearly.

At this moment, even with his eyes closed, he could clearly feel the changes in the world.It turns out that after stepping into this stage, there are some feelings that are more real than what the eyes can see!Eyes, on the contrary, tend to blind the truth.

The coming blizzard is not something Wang Hao can bear.He can feel threatened.

Now that the goal has been achieved, we must leave as soon as possible!

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