ancient myth

Chapter 345 White Bird and Phoenix

at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at Wang Hao and Zhou Shan, Ye Zhidao and the others had complex expressions.

Comprehending the complete way of heaven, such an opportunity, it's hard not to envy!

"Okay! You two boys are not bad, you didn't disappoint me! If you can't comprehend the bloodline this time, then it's useless to live, you might as well die here!"

However, compared to the superficial envy of Ye Zhidao and others, the words of the ancestors of the emperor's family poured cold water on people.

Ye Zhidao and Dihua looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Patriarch Di Gang, is this really treating the Dao of Heaven as something messy?Can anyone comprehend this thing?

How many people in the Shenfu Realm can't comprehend the power of heaven all their lives, and are trapped in the sequence of the Shenfu Realm throughout their entire lives?

How embarrassing are these words of the ancestor?

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other.

"How about those two girls?"

What Ye Zhidao and the others thought in their hearts, and how depressed Wang Hao was, the patriarch of the emperor's family didn't care.

After sending Wang Hao and others aside to practice and stabilize his strength, he frowned slightly and asked Peng Hai beside him.

The patriarch of the Ye family was staring at the two daughters, and they had obviously reached the most critical stage.

"Maybe we can succeed! You know, we were too hasty this time! I never thought the world would change so fast. The two of them want to ignite the energy in their bodies..."

Peng Hai showed a trace of worry.

"Can it be more difficult than those two boys to comprehend the complete way of heaven?" The patriarch of the Di family curled his lips: "I'm definitely not worried about my little Phoenix. Do you think I have loved her for so many years? And the little Ye family Nizi! Although the time is a bit early, the time is not ripe. However, there is still great hope to forcibly ignite that energy. Our preparations over the years are not just for show!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the ancestors of the emperor's family shone brightly.Looking in the direction of the two women, there was a trace of tension in his serious expression.

"There is one last day! Tomorrow, I hope they can succeed!"

Peng Hai said helplessly.

The wind that has subsided for several days is about to rise again.Above the sky, there seems to be an extremely majestic energy brewing.Soon, this Tianjie Mountain will become a Jedi again, and outsiders are not allowed to step in!Success or failure depends on this last day.

If it fails?Undoubtedly, they will also give up this experience.

The Eastern Wilderness Grand Competition is about to start, and there is no more time, so they are allowed to stay here and continue to practice.


"You guys, what magical powers have you realized?"

Looking at Wang Hao and Zhou Shan away from the patriarch of the emperor's family, Ye Zhidao couldn't help asking.

Comprehend the way of heaven and create supernatural powers!It's really curious, what magical powers did Wang Hao and Zhou Shan comprehend?Although I know asking this question, there are some disadvantages.However, the curiosity in my heart was still uncontrollable.

After all, they are young people!How glorious is it to have your own supernatural powers?Not to mention Ye Zhidao, at this moment Dihua and Ye Wudao, Ye Wanyun's elder brother who rarely spoke, couldn't help looking at Wang Hao at this moment.


Sensing the staring eyes, Wang Hao pondered for a while, but did not hide it.

Now, he can be said to be standing with the Ye family and the Di family.

No matter what the Di Family Patriarch and the Ye Family Patriarch were going to do, Wang Hao knew very well that he had already been involved in the storm.

There was a flash of light in Wang Hao's eyes, and when Wang Hao stretched out his hand, a white flame appeared in his hand.Isn't this the same kind of flame that enveloped Wang Hao's body on the top of the mountain before?

This is the supernatural power that Wang Hao controls after comprehending the Tao of Pure Yang and condensing the Dao Seed—nameless real fire.

It comes from the way of pure yang, transformed from the energy of Tiantian Huojing soul.

Although it was only a small flame, Ye Zhidao and others couldn't help but gasp as it appeared at this moment.

"What a terrifying flame!"

There is no temperature, but it makes people feel a chilling feeling.

It was as if, in front of this flame, his soul was trembling.That icy breath... went deep into the bone marrow.

"Can burn the soul!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

This is his greatest achievement!

This kind of raging flame is perfectly combined with the power of one's own soul. Under the control of the power of the soul, if it erupts, under the realm of the gods, whose soul can resist the burning of such a raging flame?

Under the Shenfu Realm, relying on this raging flame alone, Wang Hao has confidence and is not afraid of anyone!

"Burning the soul of the soul... It's against the sky!"

Ye Zhidao and the others looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Wang Hao was originally a soul cultivator!With the assistance of such flames, it is even more powerful.Who would dare to underestimate Wang Hao with this kind of raging flame that directly threatens the soul?Wang Hao's method will make people guard against it.

"What about you?"

Putting away the flames, Wang Hao looked towards Zhou Shan.


Zhou Shan still had a foolish smile on his face.

As the words fell, the breath around him changed drastically.

Cold, Destruction, Killing...

A terrifying and ruthless aura burst out instantly.

It seemed that for a while, Wang Hao and others only felt that they were all involved in that breath!The range covered by the breath, if a killing god descends, a sea of ​​blood will rise to the sky.Convulsions and difficulty breathing.It seems that in this piece of heaven and earth, there are countless eyes staring at him, and they are all locked by a murderous intent, and they cannot be avoided!

"I didn't expect it to be a domain! And it's so terrifying!"

It wasn't until Zhou Shan put away his breath that the feeling of suffocation receded, and the air regained a bit of temperature.

Looking at Zhou Shan, Dihua couldn't help but marvel.

field!This is an extremely mysterious supernatural power.Any field is a warrior's dream.

Zhou Shan controls such a domain with the power of Qi Sea Realm, as long as he is within his domain, his strength will be affected.On the contrary, Zhou Shan, as long as he is within the domain, his strength will skyrocket!

As one ebbs and the other rises, how amazing will Zhou Shan's combat power be improved?

Even Wang Hao couldn't help being happy for Zhou Shan.

"Based on the strength of the two of you, there should be no opponents in this Great Eastern Wilderness Competition!"

At this time, Ye Wudao, who had hardly spoken, spoke.

"You can compete for the ranking of the sect. With the two of you in command, plus the rest of your sect, as long as there is one person who can withstand it, you may even hope to challenge the strength of the seven top forces!"

Ye Zhidao's eyes lit up.


Just as Ye Zhidao was speaking, suddenly a wave of air exploded in the deep night in the distance.


There was a long howl, spreading in all directions, nine days and ten places, and it seemed that everyone was alarmed at this moment.

It was an extremely majestic atmosphere, which made people have the urge to worship.

Following the direction of the roaring sound, Wang Hao and others hurriedly looked.

The scene that entered the scene made everyone's eyes widen.

Under the night, but seeing the place where the sound came from, a huge phantom rose into the sky at this moment.

It was a huge white bird with a sacred aura!The giant bird spreads its wings and covers the sky and the earth!It seemed that the creatures from all directions were worshiping that giant bird at this moment.

"That is……"

Wang Hao asked subconsciously.

"White bird! The ancient mythical beast, the king of birds, sings together with the phoenix."

Ye Zhidao and Ye Wudao seemed to have thought of something, their faces were full of excitement, and their breathing became short of breath.

"It's Ye Wanyun!" Dihua's expression was complicated: "It is said that the Ye family has inherited a trace of the white bird's blood! Unexpectedly..."

In the spiritual world, there are rumors that the Ye family received a trace of the blood of the white bird after receiving the favor of the ancient god beast Shiratori!However, for thousands of years, there has never been a person with the blood of the white bird, so many people have gradually forgotten this rumor.

Unexpectedly, it was true.

Now the white bird's blood is awakened!

Ye Wanyun confirmed the rumor about the Ye family.

"The divine beast White Bird, the blood of the White Bird?"

The oncoming news and the facts before him made Wang Hao's mouth open.

Unexpectedly, the Ye family would have such a chance and hide such a heaven-defying ability.

The awakening of the bloodline of the ancient divine beast, how much benefit will this bring to Ye Wanyun?

This time, Ye Wanyun came to Tianjie Mountain because she wanted to use the boundless power of the sky here to stimulate the power of the blood in her body, right?

That Dihuang...

Wang Hao's eyes widened when he thought of Dihuang who came here together and practiced with Ye Wanyun.

"My emperor's family inherits a trace of Phoenix blood! This is also the reason why my emperor's family and Ye family can stand in the spirit world for thousands of years and exist in this land for thousands of years!"

Dihua did not hide it.

"Wanyun has already succeeded, and now, the only thing left is Dihuang. It seems that the situation in the spirit world is very bad, and the situation in the world is very bad! Otherwise, they wouldn't be so hasty to stimulate their blood this time!"

Ye Wudao said in a deep voice.

The crowd fell silent.

Everyone knows what Ye Wudao said.

Thinking of the upcoming great changes in the spirit world and the Eastern Wilderness, everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts.

Perhaps this is the biggest change in the millennium, even surpassing the turmoil caused by Emperor Ye.

After thousands of years of peace, all parties are ready to move, I don't know what kind of situation this land will fall into!


In that dull atmosphere, at dawn, when there was a ray of light in the distant sky, and when the breath of the white bird disappeared, a clear long song rose into the sky.

woohoo hoo...

The fire burned, dyeing the gray sky red.

A phoenix soared into the sky, singing loudly.

"Dihuang, it's a success!"

Dihua's eyes became excited.

Ye Wanyun's success made Dihuang feel anxious for his sister.He knew very well that there was not much time left for his sister.

Fortunately, at dawn, the expected thing happened.

That phoenix flapping its wings seems to drive away the cold at this moment, bringing a trace of heat to the world.

"Okay! Hahaha...all succeeded! Very good! My little Phoenix did not disappoint me!"

The patriarch of the emperor's family, who had been silent for a long time, also laughed out loud at the moment the phoenix soared into the air, without any scruples about his own image.

The return of the white bird and the phoenix, the emperor is about to come!

That sentence flashed in his mind, and Di Gang's eyes burst into an unprecedented light.

The world is turbulent, and the Guan family is ready to move?

so what!

That being the case, it's time for their emperor's family and Ye family to enter this vortex!

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