ancient myth

Chapter 378 The Wrath of Tianxuan Sword Sect

"Patrolling Angel Feng Yunqing, pay homage to the young master!"

A quarter of an hour later, when Feng Yunqing came back from the cave, before Wang Hao could ask anything, he walked up to Wan Hao and knelt on the ground.

At this moment, Feng Yunqing's eyes are shining brightly, where is there still the lazy look on his face?It was as if he had changed into a different person.

"A patrol angel?"

Hearing Feng Yunqing's words, Wang Hao showed a look of surprise.

Why did this guy enter the cave and suddenly become a patrolling angel?And did you abandon Dongsheng Pavilion?The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched involuntarily.This Xuntian Gate is unreliable, is this poaching in front of oneself?

"The gate master has recruited me into the Xuntianmen. From now on, I will be the number 37 patrolling angel!"

Sensing Wang Hao's surprise, Feng Yunqing said respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, as if afraid that Wang Hao might misunderstand something, Feng Yunqing said hastily: "The sect master said that since the young master is now in charge of the Dongsheng Pavilion, from now on, Xuntianmen will be a part of the Dongsheng Pavilion!"

When Xuntianmen recruited Feng Yunqing, Feng Yunqing wanted to refuse when he thought of his identity and promise to Wang Hao, but he never thought that the head of Xuntianmen would say such words.


Needless to say, it was another huge surprise.

Feng Yunqing's words made Wang Hao gasp subconsciously.

Since then, Xuntian Gate has become a part of Dongsheng Pavilion, which is... against the sky!

It's hard to imagine that an existence like Dongchen has become a member of the Dongsheng Pavilion, so the current strength of the Dongsheng Pavilion...


Suddenly, Wang Hao only felt the energy in his dantian tumbling, a majestic energy poured into it, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered.




There were bursts of roars that shook the entire world.

Zongmen luck!Such a majestic sect luck.Under the blessing of this sect's luck, Wang Hao only felt that his strength was rising steadily.

"This is Xuntianmen's joining Dongsheng Pavilion and being recognized by heaven and earth, and the luck of Dongsheng Pavilion has greatly increased?"

After a long time, everything calmed down, and Wang Hao's eyes widened.

That's right!Ever since the news that he obtained Emperor Ye's inheritance came out on the top of the Dragon Peak, the already extremely majestic luck of the sect in the Dongsheng Pavilion has been rising crazily in the past few days!The level of ascent is simply outrageous.With the blessing of this luck, Wang Hao's strength has not only stepped out of the 01:30 point in the second level of the Shenfu Realm?

Coupled with the recent blessing of majestic luck, Wang Hao at this moment actually has a faint feeling that he has already touched the threshold of the third heaven of the Divine Palace Realm...

This is really against the sky!

"Patrolling angel Dongchen, I have seen the young master!"

Just when Wang Hao was silent and shocked, Dong Chen, who had gone and returned, came to Wang Hao and said respectfully.

Obviously, Dong Chen already knew about the sect master's decision.Seeing that Wang Hao was recognized by the sect master, he changed his title.

"Senior beat this junior!"

Facing Dong Chen's respectful attitude, Wang Hao quickly returned the salute.

Think about a person in the Vientiane Realm, what kind of scene would it be to salute himself?I'm afraid that even the suzerains of the seven major forces would not dare to accept the etiquette of such a strong man rashly?

"Rites cannot be abandoned! Now that my Xuntian Gate is a hall under the East Sacred Pavilion, the young master is naturally our master! My Xuntian Gate is at my disposal from tonight onwards!"

Dong Chen looked serious.

"Young master, please follow me!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Wang Hao to say anything, Dongchen said respectfully.After the words fell, he took Wang Hao and walked out of the bamboo forest.


"This is……"

Returning to Xuntianmen Square, there were more than [-] figures gathered in the square where there were no figures before.

Looking at the imposing figures, Wang Hao shrank his pupils and looked towards Dongchen.

"Xuntian Gate Patrol Angel, pay homage to the young master!"

Under Wang Hao's surprised eyes, Dongchen brought Feng Yunqing into the crowd, and the next moment, more than twenty people present bowed to Wang Hao at the same time.

Patrolling Angels!

Sure enough, these people are patrol angels?Wang Hao was secretly shocked.

Everyone is a cultivator in the Divine Palace Realm!Even, they are all extremely powerful existences in the Shenfu realm, and Feng Yunqing may be the weakest existence among these people.

Xuntianmen, what kind of terrifying energy is this?

Even if it is the Tianxuan Sword Sect, it is impossible for them to bring out twenty or thirty Shenfu Realm powerhouses in one go, right?

At that moment, Wang Hao had a feeling of controlling the whole world.This feeling even makes people feel like a dream.

"Young master, I am patrolling Tianmen. Under the gate master, there are 36 patrolling angels, plus No. 37 patrolling angel Feng Yunqing, a total of 37 people. Six of them were in the Eastern Wasteland and could not come, and eight of them were out on missions and could not come. Get out, the remaining 23 people are here!"

At this time, the leader, an old man who looked about six or seventy years old, stood in front of the crowd and said respectfully to Wang Hao.

Obviously, the patrol angels here respect this old man.

"The younger generation has met the seniors!"

When he came back to his senses, Wang Hao saluted the old man back.

"The sect master has something to say, the young master is about to go to the Holy Land of the Wind Clan to practice. Dongchen will accompany the young master to go there!"

The old man said.


Wang Hao didn't hesitate at all.

"In addition, there will be six patrol angels going to the East Sacred Pavilion, and the young master will guard the sect!"

The old man continued.

"This will trouble you seniors!"

Wang Hao's eyes lit up.

Dongsheng Pavilion is now in turmoil.

The Tianxuan Sword Sect is staring at it, and the Guan family has murderous intentions. How many people in the world are staring at the East Sacred Pavilion?

Although the Ye family and the Emperor's family will do their best to help, even Baihua Valley, Tianjian City, and the Temple of Gods and Demons will also give some help to the Dongsheng Pavilion.However, the enemy is too strong.

If six more patrolling angels at the level of the Divine Mansion came, the Dongsheng Pavilion would be much safer.

Xun Tianmen, obviously this is to let him have no worries.

"In this case, I will set off directly today!"

Without any worries, Wang Hao quickly made a decision.

All the patrolling angels have seen it, and the sect master has also seen it, and you know everything you want to know. This time, Wang Hao came back to the Xuntianmen with a lot of rewards.

Now that time is running out, Wang Hao still has to race against time.


"Bastard, what happened, why did the luck of Dongsheng Pavilion grow so fast!"

"Wang Hao, what did you do?"

And just when Wang Hao left Xuntianmen to go to the Holy Land of the Wind Clan, on the first branch of the Tianxuan Sword Sect, strong men gathered, as if they were facing a big enemy.

In the hall, an unknown number of top experts of Tianxuan Sword Sect gathered, and everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy at this moment.

On the Rising Dragon Peak, a holy war took place, and the Tianxuan Sword Sect was disgraced and suffered heavy losses.Not only did they lose the opportunity to enter the small world of the Eastern Desolation to practice, they even lost most of the sect's luck because of it.

How can the Tianxuan Sword Sect be reconciled to the thousands of years of accumulation once it is all gone?

What made them even more unacceptable was that not long after, there was news from Rising Dragon Peak that Emperor Ye had passed on to the present world, and Wang Hao had actually obtained this inheritance.

For Wang Hao, all the members of Tianxuan Sword Sect gritted their teeth with hatred.Hearing that he got such a chance now, the people of Tianxuan Sword Sect feel like they are going crazy.Even, at the very first moment, Tianxuan Sword Sect sent many strong men to Shenglong Peak, but unfortunately, before their people arrived, Shenglong Peak sent another message that Wang Hao was already under the protection of patrol angels. Next, left Shenglong Peak.

At that moment, the elders of Tianxuan Sword Sect almost spurted blood.

This is really a step by step!If it weren't for them not being able to participate in the experience in the small world of the Eastern Desolation, how could Emperor Ye's inheritance fall into Wang Hao's hands so easily?How could they just watch Wang Hao leave Rising Dragon Peak?

Bunch of trash!

For those people above Rising Dragon Peak, Tianxuan Sword Sect could only curse angrily.

If those people are not trash, how can they watch Wang Hao leave?

And those patrol angels, what the hell are they going to do?

Do you really want to protect Wang Hao?

Before this anger subsides, today, above Tianzhu Peak, the luck of Dongsheng Pavilion has skyrocketed, which shocked Tianxuan Sword Sect once again!

You must know that after plundering the Tianxuan Sword Sect's sect luck accumulated for hundreds of years that day, the Dongsheng Pavilion turned against the guests, and their sect luck had already suppressed the Tianxuan Sword Sect's sect spirit.This has already brought huge suppression to Tianxuan Sword Sect.

Today, the luck of Dongsheng Pavilion skyrocketed again, and the terrifying aura swept across all directions.

All members of the Tianxuan Sword Sect can feel that their luck in the Tianxuan Sword Sect is faintly on the verge of collapse.Under the coercion of the East Sage Pavilion's luck, although the Tianxuan Sword Sect's luck finally stabilized, the luck dissipated a lot, and was forcibly deprived by the East Sage Pavilion!

Today's Profound Sword Sect's luck is probably only one-third of what it was at its peak.

What a disgrace is this?

Because of this, the people gathered in the hall were not in a good mood.

"Continuing on like this, my fate of the Tianxuan Sword Sect is at stake!"

"If luck is shattered and the foundation of our Tianxuan Sword Sect is shaken, what should we do!"

"The accumulation of thousands of years was put into such a mess by the Dongsheng Pavilion, I am not reconciled!"

"Elder Zhao, we can't just let it go! The East Sacred Pavilion has become a reality now. If we continue to let it go, how can there be a place for our Tianxuan Sword Sect in the Tianxuan Mountain Range?"

"Not to mention the Tianxuan Mountain Range, if this continues, there will be no place for my Tianxuan Sword Sect in the world!"

After a brief silence, the elders present spoke with ugly faces.

For a moment, the hall was full of murderous intent and anger.

Hearing the complaints and shouts coming from his ears... Elder Zhao's expression was cloudy.

How could Elder Zhao not know what these elders said?

However, how easy is it to move the Dongsheng Pavilion now?

After all, it is a problem of breeding tigers.

Elder Zhao's heart was bleeding.

If he had known today, even if he tried his best at the beginning, he would not have allowed Wang Hao, a scourge, to survive!

It's too late now!

"Many experts from the Ye family, the Emperor's family, and the Heavenly Sword City have entered the East Sage Pavilion. Even the Hundred Flowers Valley and the Hall of Gods and Demons have made it clear that they want to help the East Sage Pavilion! How easy is it to move the East Sage Pavilion?"

Seeing his senior brother's expression changing, Qu Yanhe smiled wryly at everyone.

Now it's really not that their Tianxuan Sword Sect doesn't want to move!

But dare not move around.

How many years has it been since the Tianxuan Sword Sect was so embarrassed?

Dongsheng Pavilion, thinking of this sect, Qu Yanhe, gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry! Wait! Dongsheng Pavilion? Hmph! Since you can't stay, then you can't stay! The suzerain will leave the customs in half a month! There is news from the Guan family soon. Wait for me I will go to see the ancestors, since the sky is about to change, let's change completely!"

Finally, after Aiqu Yanhe's words fell, Elder Zhao seemed to have made some decision, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly.


After Elder Zhao said these words, the eyes of many people present brightened instantly, and their emotions became excited.

They knew what Elder Zhao was going to do!

Isn't the sky about to change?Then simply change earlier and more thoroughly, and simply start from the Tianxuan Mountains!

In an instant, a fighting spirit rose from the hall!

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