ancient myth

Chapter 379

Windless Valley is located in the southwest of the spirit world.

Thousands of years ago, this place used to be the Holy Land of the Wind Clan. Countless Wind Clans gathered here, and it was extremely prosperous for a while.

It's a pity that a disaster struck, and overnight, Wufenggu's blood flowed like a river, and the Feng Clan was destroyed from then on!If it wasn't for the fact that there were a few members of the Feng Clan who were scattered outside for training at that time, the entire Feng Clan would have been wiped out from the long history of the Eastern Desolation.

If so, the Wind Clan never recovered from the fall.

The Wind Clan who was once tyrannical has been gradually forgotten by people since then!Even though for thousands of years, the remaining children of the Feng Clan wanted to recover the Feng Clan countless times, how difficult is it?

Even if it is a wind clan arrogance like Feng Yunqing, it is impossible to reproduce the glory of the wind clan.

I don't know that it will take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years of accumulation, to be able to do it.

woohoo hoo...

Howling wind, flying sand and stone.

Standing at the entrance of the valley, one can hear the piercing roar of the wind.There was endless unwillingness and endless resentment in this roar, as if he was saying something, roaring something.

"What a big wind!"

Looking at the entrance of the black hole ahead, Wang Hao looked solemn.

Windless Valley, the wind is sweeping, which is quite inconsistent with the name of this place.

Looking at the surrounding area, within a radius of tens of miles, there is no one inhabited. Who would have imagined that a holy place would decline to such an extent?

"Yes! What a strong wind!"

The laziness on Feng Yunqing's face disappeared, and a trace of heaviness and sadness appeared on Feng Yunqing's face.

"Windless Valley, the Holy Land of the Wind Clan! When the Wind Clan lived here, there was no wind and no waves. It was really a holy place for cultivation! It is said that after the Wind Clan was destroyed overnight, there was a sudden storm and huge waves here. Since then, no one can Step into the Holy Land of the Wind Clan! Even if you are a child of the Wind Clan, it is very difficult to go deep into it!"

Dong Chen, who was standing beside the two, showed a trace of emotion on his face.

"I see!"

Wang Hao suddenly realized.

It seems that something really great happened that year.

"Shall we go in?"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao asked Dong Chen and Feng Yunqing.

Seven days!Starting from Xuntianmen, under the guidance of the lone boat, how many ten days it took, Wang Hao and others finally came to this place!Isn't it for the experience, isn't it to improve the strength?

There is an opportunity between the Holy Land of the Feng Clan, this is what Feng Yunqing said, what Jin Shisan said, and even the head of Xuntianmen said.

Wang Hao wants to get this opportunity to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"You go in, I won't go in!"

Dong Chen shook his head and smiled.

He was only responsible for sending Wang Hao and others to this place.As for what happens inside?He doesn't care!And even if Dongchen really wants to go in, I'm afraid Feng Yunqing won't allow it.

Even though this place has become a barren land, it is still the holy land of the Wind Clan!Once the Wind Clan exists, it will not easily allow outsiders to step in.Even if it was Wang Hao, if he hadn't got Feng Yunqing's permission, would he really be able to enter it?

"Okay! Then let's go!"

Wang Hao glanced at Dong Chen, saw that his expression was calm, and asked Feng Yunqing directly without saying anything.

"I stepped into the Divine Mansion Realm and comprehended the Way of Gale Wind. The wind here has little effect on me. It's just that the young master entered it, I'm afraid..."

Feng Yunqing frowned, revealing a hint of worry.

"Don't worry, I have my own means!"

With a smile on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, he took out a Wind-fixing Bead from his bosom.Isn't this the treasure given by the ancestors of the Ye family and the Di family when they were about to set foot on Tianjie Mountain to practice?

This fixed wind bead was refined by the Ye family and the emperor's family with painstaking efforts, and it is of great benefit to the warriors against the strong wind.

With the protection of such a god, coupled with his current strength, and Feng Yunqing's support, he thought it would not be a big problem.

"It seems that the young master has already prepared? That's good!"

Feng Yunqing's eyes lit up when he saw clearly the Wind-fixing Orb in Wang Hao's hand.

"Follow my footsteps! In my Holy Land of the Wind Clan, the wind is sweeping, and the sun can't be seen. If ordinary people enter it, they will be strangled by the wind in seconds. The young master is protected by the fixed wind bead, and there is a way to resist the raging wind. .It’s just that there are still 36 powerful formations in the valley. If you are a little careless, you will be smashed to pieces! Even members of my Wind Clan dare not be careless.”

Seeing Wang Hao's preparation, Feng Yunqing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

After the words fell, Feng Yunqing's breath exploded.


Sweeping by the powerful aura, Feng Yunqing's body was covered with a layer of faint blue light, faintly, he seemed to be a gust of wind, elusive!

Following Feng Yunqing's footsteps, Wang Hao didn't dare to be careless, and walked towards the valley.


When he first entered the valley, Wang Hao felt as if he was in hell.

The icy breath swept from all around, and the strong wind was roaring, like the howls of evil spirits, disturbing people's minds.

The whole world is dark, making it difficult to distinguish the four directions.

This made Wang Hao secretly startled.Not to mention anything else, just that this world without the sun and the four directions is enough to trap many people to death, right?Not to mention the raging wind here?

Even with the Wind-fixing Bead in his mouth and all his body's strength to resist, Wang Hao still felt quite strenuous!

Fortunately, Feng Yunqing is worthy of being a member of the Wind Clan, his understanding and control of the wind is extremely subtle!

Every step, every timing is just right, allowing the two to avoid the most domineering side of the wind.

The steps under the feet are circuitous, which faintly fits the meaning of the way of heaven!Staring fixedly at Feng Yunqing's pace, Wang Hao didn't dare to be distracted.

If the formation is triggered, I'm afraid even if it is him, he will be buried here today, right?

Going back and forth like this, I don't know how long I have traveled in this world that does not divide heaven and earth, and I don't know how much distance I have traveled. As the strong wind ahead became more and more fierce, Wang Hao's complexion gradually turned pale.

"How long?"

Finally, when he felt a little tired, Wang Hao couldn't help but asked Feng Yunqing who was starting to slow down.

"It's only a third of the way! Three days! We need at least three days to enter the core!"

Feng Yunqing circulated his vitality, and his voice condensed into a thread, which was transmitted to Wang Hao's ears.


This made Wang Hao gasp.

Only a third of the way?

You must know that the energy in Wang Hao's body is running out!How energetic is he?Even if he was like this, what would happen if someone from the second level of Qi Sea, or the third level of Qi Sea, or even the fourth level of the Four Seas came here?

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, has the luck against the sky, and has powerful treasures, even if he really avoids all the formations, he will still be trapped to death here, right?

Windless Valley... Not everyone came to this sacred place of the Wind Clan back then.It's strange that for thousands of years, it has never been heard that someone can break into the core of the Fengzu Holy Land and take away that opportunity.

I'm afraid that even Feng Yunqing of the Feng Clan never really penetrated into the core back then?

"There is a safe place ahead, we can go there and rest for a while!"

Seeming to know what Wang Hao was worried about, Feng Yunqing said.

Hearing these words, Wang Hao finally let out a deep breath.

Then under Feng Yunqing's guidance, after an hour at last, Wang Hao felt that he had stepped into a dark world.

The world is not big, it can only accommodate three or four people at most.In this extremely small and inconspicuous space, there is no raging wind.And the wind was still blowing just around the corner.He is the safe place that Feng Yunqing said?

"Recover your vitality first!"

Temporarily safe, Wang Hao said hastily.

Only by replenishing energy can we move forward again, otherwise, how can we go deep into the core?

Three days!

After going back and forth like this, after two consecutive rests, on the third day, Wang Hao and Feng Yunqing successfully stepped into the core of the Wind Clan.

The wind roared, and the wind here was more violent than anywhere else.

Between heaven and earth, there is a strong aura of avenue.


Staying in a windless zone, Feng Yunqing let out a long breath, looked ahead and said with a complicated expression.

"This is the core? The opportunity is here?"

Wang Hao looked at Feng Yunqing suspiciously.

"We have passed through 36 formations, and passed the place where the Wind Clan gathered. This is the deepest part of the Windless Valley. It is said that it is the place where our ancestors of the Wind Clan were sanctified! Here is a legacy of our ancestors. Perhaps Also keep the inheritance of the last generation of the patriarch of my Wind Clan!"

Feng Yunqing's eyes became more dignified, and he glanced at Wang Hao, he made a decision like that: "I can help you, the only way is to bring you to that Enlightenment Stone! You have enlightened before, so as to unite the Dao Seed of my Wind Clan. As for the inheritance, it can only depend on your own good fortune! If you have a chance, you can communicate with the Dao Enlightenment Stone, and then you can communicate with the ancestor of my Wind Clan in front of you. Statue, then there is a chance!"

"how about you?"

Feng Yunqing's words moved Wang Hao's heart.

Enlightenment stone?

Faintly, Wang Hao saw it in the strong wind.He saw a blue boulder standing in the strong wind.And in front of the boulder, there was a huge figure looming in the gust of wind, standing motionless.

I went there to enlighten myself, what is Feng Yunqing going to do?Wang Hao showed a trace of doubt.

"Me? I have already comprehended my own Tao. When I return this time, I just want to make the Tao more perfect!"

If a member of the Feng Clan did not come to the Holy Land and comprehend the will of the Feng Clan inheritance in the Holy Land, his Tao would not be complete.

This is also the main purpose of Feng Yunqing's return!

"are you ready?"

Thinking of this, Feng Yunqing looked at Wang Hao and asked in a deep voice.

"All right!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath.

"The Enlightenment Stone is above the gust of wind. If you can't hold on, you can go back here to rest! This road, I will leave a trace of guidance with the power of the Dao!"

Feng Yunqing asked with a serious face.

Enlightenment above the wind?Even Feng Yunqing did not dare to be so crazy.

He has some worries about Wang Hao.

I just hope that Wang Hao will not be brave!

"Let's go!"

Wang Hao nodded and said directly.


As soon as the words fell, Wang Hao urged the energy in his body to the extreme, shouted the wind-fixing bead, and with the help of Feng Yunqing, his figure swept towards the Enlightenment Stone.

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