ancient myth

Chapter 380 Wind Clan Inheritance

The violent wind, the incomparably violent wind cut across every inch of Wang Hao's body like a blade.

The clothes on his body were already torn, but seeing Wang Hao in the gust of wind at this moment, his whole body was shrouded in a faint blue light!This is the performance of the vitality released after Cui Fa's strength reaches the extreme.

Even so, the cyan light is still difficult to resist the attack of the wind blade.

Vaguely, one could see Wang Hao's body was left with countless scars in the dim world, and a little bit of blood was spilling out!

You know, the current Wang Hao is a second-tier heavenly powerhouse in the body-refining Shenfu, how tyrannical is his body?Under the protection of that layer of vitality, even a full-strength attack by an ordinary middle-stage Qi Sea Realm might not be able to leave even the slightest wound on Wang Hao's body.But, now...

The wind in the core area of ​​Windless Valley is too strong.

The stabbing pain made Wang Hao frowned.

"This time, we must grasp that feeling!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind.

It has been ten days since he came here to realize Taoism, and Wang Hao also rested dozens of times on the way!

Even with Wang Hao's strength, it would be difficult for him to persist in enlightening for a day in this place, which shows how bad the situation here is.

Just now, Wang Hao had just finished his rest and returned to the Enlightenment Stone to comprehend.

In ten days, Wang Hao did not gain anything!The wind is raging and the environment is harsh, but the power of heaven here is strong enough!Coupled with the assistance of Chaos Daotai, Wang Hao felt as if he had caught something in ten days.That is the breath of the wind, that is the energy of the Dao!That is the hope of condensing the Dao seeds.

That feeling appeared on the seventh day after coming here, and now that three days have passed, that feeling has gradually become clearer.

This time, Wang Hao didn't want to continue wasting time.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao sank into cultivation.

It has to be said that this Enlightenment Stone is extremely mysterious, sitting cross-legged on it, one can quickly sink into cultivation and enter into a wonderful state.


It was the breath of the wind.

After sinking into cultivation, Wang Hao soon came to a mysterious world.There is a gentle breeze in this world, and Wang Hao seems to have become a member of the wind.

This is the state Wang Hao entered yesterday.

Wang Hao knew very well that this was the breath of Feng Dao!However, that feeling is still not clear enough.

"Chaos Dao Seed!"

I don't know how long it has passed, but the final method still touched the core profound truth, Wang Hao frowned, and secretly urged his own Chaos Divine Palace to activate the Chaos Dao Seed.


As the Chaos Dao Seed was activated, a ray of energy instantly spread across Wang Hao's body.

The power of chaos encompasses everything and devours everything.

The first two times, Wang Hao tried to use the power of chaos to help him understand the power of wind more deeply!

Unfortunately he failed.

However, Wang Hao firmly believed that his feeling should be correct, and the path he was walking should be correct.

A strong man in the Divine Palace Realm gathers the Dao Seeds!How many ordinary people from the Divine Palace can't gather their Dao seeds in their lifetime?And when Wang Hao first entered the Divine Palace Realm, he had already condensed two Dao Seeds. In the Divine Palace Realm, there are very few people who can do this!This is almost possible for talents in the Vientiane Realm.

But now Wang Hao wants to comprehend the energy of the third Dao and condense the third Dao Seed, how easy is it?

Gathering three Dao seeds with the power of one person is something that people in the Vientiane Realm can't even imagine. Would a person in the Divine Palace Realm want to try?If Wang Hao's thoughts were known to outsiders, he would definitely be treated as a lunatic.

The difficulty of this is beyond the sky!

It's just that this is for ordinary warriors.

Wang Hao, a fellow practitioner of the Three Ways, comprehends the three Dao Seeds, which in his opinion is nothing more than a common thing.And this is also Wang Hao's biggest capital.Shouldn't the three Dao fellow practitioners condense the three Dao seeds?

What's more, he has the assistance of Chaos Dao Seed.

With the release of the power of chaos, Wang Hao felt that he was more and more compatible with the breath of Feng Dao.

The time is minute by minute, the time of cultivation always passes extremely fast!

"found it!"

After an unknown period of time, suddenly, Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat, and his thoughts suddenly brightened.

"Freedom, unrestrained, unrestrained, doing whatever you want... This is the wind! This is the Tao! How similar is this to my cultivation path?"

At that moment, Wang Hao clearly felt the mood of the wind, felt the life of the wind!

Wang Hao suddenly realized that before this, he was just a fan of the authorities.

Thinking of this, his mood suddenly became lighter.


That is, at the moment when Wang Hao's mind became clear, the whole world was suddenly swept by a gust of wind.

However, Wang Hao was not surprised at all.He danced with the strong wind, indulged recklessly, flaunted unscrupulously, wildly!

Sometimes restrained, sometimes explosive...

Gradually, Wang Hao's heart became brighter and brighter.


Finally, the moment Wang Hao began to guide the wind of the whole world, Wang Hao felt the pores of his body open, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured in frantically. In the dantian, energy rolled, and a cyan dao seed began to condense!

"The third dao seed!"

Wang Hao suppressed the joy in his heart, quickly absorbed energy with all his strength, and condensed the Dao Seed.

And at this moment, Wang Hao's comprehension and compatibility with the wind reached an unprecedented height.

With the cohesion of Dao Seeds, Wang Hao's strength also began to rise little by little at this moment!

He was the one who had reached the peak of the Second Heavenly Layer of the Divine Mansion Realm, and he touched that barrier at that moment!

Energy swept towards that door wantonly.

Crazy, domineering energy emerged from nothing, and under the shaking of this energy, the door slowly opened towards Wang Hao.

What an opportunity to comprehend the way of heaven and condense the seeds of the Tao?Helping Wang Hao break into the Third Heaven of the Divine Mansion Realm seems to be a matter of course.The so-called shackles of the barriers of the Divine Mansion Realm could no longer restrain Wang Hao in the slightest.

At the moment when Wang Hao opened the world of the Third Heaven of the Divine Mansion Realm, within the dantian, the Dao Seed was condensed!

Wang Hao's aura shot straight into the sky.

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that the strong wind outside could no longer cause him too much damage!All this is not because of the effect brought by the fixed wind bead, nor is it the effect of his own right to guide the energy to resist, but these winds agree with him!

Just like Feng Yunqing before, he is not as strong as Wang Hao, but in this holy land, he is more than capable, and he is much easier to deal with than Wang Hao!


After a long time, as the aura of heaven and earth calmed down, Wang Hao's cultivation came to an end!

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that he could mobilize the power of the wind with just a single thought, he was the wind!


Before Wang Hao could think more, a blue light suddenly shined brilliantly on the Enlightenment Stone, sweeping Wang Hao into it.

The world in front of me became strange.

One picture after another appeared in Wang Hao's sight, leaving Wang Hao dumbfounded.

"This is... Wind Clan!"

After being shocked, Wang Hao seemed to think of something, and exclaimed.

Wang Hao knew, he had comprehended the original way of the Wind Clan on the Dao Enlightenment Stone, thus triggering the memory fragments left by the ancestors of the Wind Clan.Especially thousands of years ago, when the Feng Clan was destroyed, the last generation of patriarchs sealed some things in fragments within the Dao Enlightenment Stone.Now all this has been activated by Wang Hao!Looking at the scenes in front of him, Wang Hao sank into it.

At the same time, what Wang Hao didn't notice was that in the distance from the Enlightenment Stone, the stone statue that had stood for an unknown number of years seemed to have life. It slowly opened its eyes and looked towards Wang Hao.

Heaven and earth, this moment seems to be frozen.

"This is……"

The great change in the world has attracted Feng Yunqing's attention!

Just now, Feng Yunqing supplemented his Dao Seed with the help of the terrifying power of the Dao that suddenly spewed out from between the heaven and the earth!Before Feng Yunqing could be happy, he felt the great changes in the world.

"It's Wang Hao!"

Looking in the direction of Wang Hao, Feng Yunqing's eyes widened.

"He...has comprehended the power of the Wind Dao! My Wind Clan's ability has been controlled by him. No wonder the power of the Dao gushed out at that moment just now. It turned out to be because of him! I didn't expect..."

Seeing clearly Wang Hao who was swept in the blue light, and feeling Wang Hao's aura at the moment, Feng Yunqing showed a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

Wang Hao's talent really left Feng Yunqing speechless this time.

How many surprises does this guy bring to people?

The third Dao seed, right?

Feng Yunqing blinked his mouth, feeling his throat was dry.

How crazy is it for a person who has just entered the Divine Palace Realm to control three Dao Seeds?If you tell it, no one will believe it!

And myself, a member of the Wind Clan, actually took advantage of the opportunity brought by Wang Hao to complete his Dao Sect and make up for his Dao!This is even more frustrating.

"That's... the first saint..."

Before Feng Yunqing could think more, suddenly a burst of breath from far away caused Feng Yunqing's pupils to shrink even more.

At this moment, the stone statue of Xiansheng radiated light.

According to the rumors of the Feng Clan, the ancestors left inheritance, and one day the ancestors will wake up, the stone statue will be revived, and the inheritance will be passed on to the present world!

For thousands of years, no one in the Wind Clan has been able to obtain that inheritance, but now...

Wang Hao!It's him again!

Feng Yunqing took a deep breath.

He brought Wang Hao here to seek opportunities.However, Feng Yunqing did not have much hope for Wang Hao.

After all, Wang Hao is a person who has already obtained the inheritance of a saint. After all, Wang Hao is a person who already has two Dao Seeds.

How easy is it to condense one more Dao Seed and obtain one more Saint's inheritance?

The pride of the saints will not allow them to hand over the inheritance to a person who already has the inheritance.

And now...

"This Wang Hao is really a monster!"

After a long time, Feng Yunqing shook his head and smiled wryly with a complex expression.

"Windless Valley, it's going to disappear!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the gradually dissipating wild sand and the ending cold wind in the sky, as if thinking of something, a hint of sadness appeared in Feng Yunqing's eyes!

Windless Valley, the last layer of protection is about to dissipate. By then, Windless Valley will really cease to exist, right?

The history of the Wind Clan is coming to an end!At the same time, however, a new chapter will be opened.

Isn't this what he and the Feng Clan have waited for thousands of years?

Feng Yunqing's eyes brightened again.At that moment, he looked at Wang Hao with firm eyes.

Gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunqing's mouth, and it began to bloom.

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