ancient myth

Chapter 406 Return to the Underground Palace

"Boss, within 30 years, my life will be yours!"

After the contract was signed, Wang Tiannu looked at Wang Hao with a respectful expression.

He, Wang Tiannu, is a person who abides by the contract, not to mention that now his life and death are in Wang Hao's hands.

Just now at the moment of signing the contract, relying on the secret ability inherited from the white tiger bloodline, Wang Tiannu felt the mystery of Wang Hao, which made Wang Tiannu put away his little thoughts!

Can Wang Hao, who can make the white tiger's blood tremble, and can't see the white tiger's blood clearly, like a cloud of black mist, be a simple person?

"In the future, we will support each other!"

Faced with the change of Wang Tiannu's attitude, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

"How much do you know about the situation in Donghuang today?"

Immediately afterwards, looking at Wang Tiannu, Wang Hao suddenly asked.

After all, it hasn't been long since the group returned to Donghuang, and what they saw on the road may be just the tip of the iceberg in Donghuang today.

However, Wang Tiannu is different.

That's why Wang Hao asked this question.

"I don't know what the boss is talking about?"

Wang Tian was puzzled.

"Big monster!"

Wang Hao's eyes flashed.

If it is said that the biggest threat to Wang Hao in the Eastern Wilderness is undoubtedly those big monsters who came out of the Demon Sealing Land.

These big monsters are powerful enough to threaten Wang Hao.Even they are enough to change the pattern of the Eastern Wilderness.This is an energy that makes one have to be cautious.

"Oh! Boss originally wanted to ask this question!" Wang Tiannu suddenly realized: "Back then, I thought Emperor Ye would sweep Donghuang to dominate the world and suppress 36... the big monster! Cough cough cough... This is why I was waiting to be punished." The cause of repression for millennia.

A year ago, the places where the demons were sealed were gradually loosened, and it was precisely because of this that we had a chance to escape.

As far as I know, in the 36 Demon Sealing Lands, after thousands of years, nine great demons finally couldn't bear the loneliness and the ravages of time and fell.The strength of the remaining 27 big monsters has been compromised!The boss of Jin Shisan knows best, but the situation of me and Lao Niu is not optimistic either.Besides, there was also Yuan Xiaotian who was beheaded by the boss!In addition to the four of us, there were 23 other people.

According to the information I have, among the 23 people, two of them have already collude with Wanshou Mountain, and there is another one called Guan's family who has recruited four people.In addition, it seems that the Temple of Gods and Demons has recruited one person, and the Hundred Flowers Valley has also recruited one person. "

Wang Tiannu groaned.

"These people really extended their tentacles into Donghuang, and even started to win over the big monster?"

Hearing Wang Tiannu's words, Wang Hao frowned.

Especially the Guan family and Myriad Beast Mountain!Wang Hao did not expect that the two forces had already attracted many people.

If we continue to let them develop...

"That is to say, there are still fifteen big monsters who can win over?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Exactly! Boss wants to win them over?"

There was a flash of light in Wuyou's eyes.

He naturally knows the strength of these big monsters.

However, it might not be easy to win over these people, right?Just like myself!When the people from Wanshou Mountain touched him back then, he disdained it, and directly ate the person who came to contact him in one bite.

Even today, if it wasn't for Niu Daman's face, how could he, Wang Tiannu, come here to meet Wang Hao?He would not give Wang Hao a chance to win him over.

"Boss, don't worry! Leave this matter to Lao Niu! Brother Tiannu and I will definitely not let the boss down!"

When Wang Tiannu pondered what to say, Niu Daman patted his chest to assure him.

The current Niu Daman really doesn't let go of a chance to flatter him.

Especially after winning over Wang Tiannu, his self-confidence is bursting...

This made Wang Tiannu twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Cough cough cough... the old cow is right! We will do our best to help the boss!"

After being depressed in his heart, Wang Tiannu smiled wryly.

The old cow has vowed, what can I do as a brother?I can only go all out.

"Among the remaining fifteen great monsters, as far as I know, some people have reached cooperation with some empires in the Eastern Desolation! But it doesn't matter, I will try my best to fight for it! By the way, boss, aren't you going to Taiyin Mountain? As far as I know, there is a guy who happens to be in Taiyin Mountain. Back then, I still had some contacts with him, and I will go to persuade him when the time comes!"

Then Wang Tiannu seemed to think of something and added.

"Oh? So good!"

Wang Hao's eyes lit up.

Returning to the Eastern Wilderness this time, apart from taking back Emperor Ye's treasure in Sanchong Mountain, Wang Hao's main purpose is to be an accomplice in the Death Swamp!

He wants to cross this swamp, and then return to Taiyin Mountain.Because that underground palace is in Taiyin Mountain.Today's Wang Hao already knows the identity of the owner of the underground palace, and he is going to fulfill Ye Di's last wish!

Without further ado, thinking of this, after completing the main purpose here, Wang Hao and his party headed towards the depths of the death swamp.

The swamp of death is full of poison.Ordinary people dare not approach at all.

However, these fog barriers are nothing to Wang Hao and the others!


Three days later, under the leadership of Wang Hao, the group crossed the swamp of death without any danger!Then, another day later, a group of people entered the range of Taiyin Mountain.

Looking at the windy mountains in front of him, how much emotion did Wang Hao feel in his heart?

At the beginning, here, Wang Hao met Ling Yaoyao for the first time!

It was also here that Wang Hao got the Soul Splitting Curse!

Now that I revisit the old place, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.


Facing the layers of gloomy mist surrounding him, Wang Hao, who came back to his senses, frowned and shouted softly.


The air waves around him exploded, as if under the real energy, layers of mist spread towards the surroundings.

At the beginning, these things posed a huge threat to Wang Hao, but now, Wang Hao is no longer in his eyes.

He could even feel that under the explosion of his aura, several Yin soldiers not far away were almost scattered, and hurriedly fled towards the distance.

Wang Hao still remembers what kind of danger he was in when he faced the Yin soldiers?At that time, if Ling Yaoyao hadn't used the methods left by her ancestors, Wang Hao and others would have died in Huangquan, right?

"Boss, wait for me, I'll go find that old guy and come out."

As the fog receded towards the surroundings, Wang Tiannu asked Wang Hao.


Without hesitation, Wang Hao replied directly: "You and Niu Daman go together, and we will meet here in three days' time!"

Going to the extremely mysterious palace in the eyes of the world, Wang Hao did not intend to take Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman with him.

Perhaps to outsiders, that place is full of crises.But what is Wang Hao afraid of now?At the very least, with Emperor Ye's inheritance in him, he would not be hostile to him when he came to that palace!

After explaining to Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman, Wang Hao took Jin Shisan and others straight to the underground palace.


barren land!

It is not too difficult to find this place in Taiyin Mountain.

This place is really unique.As Jin Shisan said, it is not that no one has discovered this barren land for thousands of years.It's because it's too dangerous down here. For thousands of years, no one has been able to explore the secrets from the underground palace, but countless lives have been buried instead.That's why, gradually, no one cares about this place.

Going down that dark passage, Wang Hao, who had already experienced it once, didn't waste any time, and directly led a group of people deep into the deepest part of the underground palace.

That sarcophagus, those soldiers of the Eastern Desolation Empire in battle armor!Oh no!It should not be said to be soldiers of the Eastern Desolation Empire.It should be said that it is the most elite Donghuang Guard of the Eastern Desolation Empire.

After thousands of years, even though these Donghuang Guards have long since died, they can still make people feel the aura of danger.

Compared with the shock and doubts he felt when he entered this place for the first time, now that he came here again, Wang Hao only had countless emotions left in his heart!

Who would have thought that the one buried in the sarcophagus was actually the former emperor and empress?This made Wang Hao feel a little awe in his heart!

She is her own ancestor!




Just when Wang Hao looked at the familiar things and fell into emotion, bursts of deep voices came from the sarcophagus.


Jin Shisan suddenly showed a nervous expression.

"It's okay!"

Wang Hao gave Jin Shisan a reassuring look.

Then, before those Donghuang guards woke up, they came to the sarcophagus in a few steps: "The younger generation Wang Hao is disrespectful, and disturbed the emperor's long sleep again. , the return this time is to comply with the last wish of the ancestor and bring him back to reunite with the empress..."

Kneeling respectfully in front of the sarcophagus, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.


At the same time, Wang Hao worked hard to mobilize the inheritance that Emperor Ye left for him, exuding a trace of the aura left by Emperor Ye.

Not only that, even the sky seal that Wang Hao subdued was sacrificed by Wang Hao at this moment.

Wang Hao did this in the hope that there would be no misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles.

woo woo woo...

After Wang Hao's words fell, a full moment later, the deep voice in the sarcophagus dissipated, and then faintly, there was a burst of weeping and complaining voices in the sarcophagus.

That voice, in this gloomy underground palace, has a creepy feeling.

Rao Wang Hao, this matter, felt that his breathing had stagnated.


In that strange atmosphere, as if tens of thousands of years had passed, the underground palace suddenly prepared, and the man named Donghuangwei began to recover.

Amidst the dull footsteps, Donghuangwei approached Wang Hao and his party.

"Boy, how to deal with it!"

Jin Shisan took a deep breath, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"Don't act rashly! They should have no killing intent!"

Wang Hao frowned!

For some reason, Wang Hao had a strange feeling at this moment, leaning on the approaching Donghuang Guard.

It seems that thousands of years have passed, these Donghuang Guards... are not dead?This feeling is so strong that even Wang Hao feels extremely weird.

And at this moment, Wang Hao feels that these Donghuang Guards are walking in order, they have no murderous intentions, they are not enemies!Perhaps, they felt the will of the empress?Or maybe they sensed Ye Di's breath?

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