ancient myth

Chapter 407 Weird changes

beep, beep...

The sound of dull footsteps was uniform, echoing in the underground palace!

That voice seemed to be beating on everyone's heart, making people's heartbeat stop.

Looking at the Donghuangwei mummy getting closer, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Wang Hao's forehead.

It's time to act, or...

"Boy, are you sure we don't resist? Let me tell you. These Donghuang Guards are mummies, but they shouldn't be underestimated. There are hundreds of Donghuang Guards. If they were in their heyday, they would be invincible in the Divine Palace! ~I see the current situation, even if we make a move, there is no certainty of victory!"

Jin Shisan swallowed.

Do you really think there are no strong people in the Eastern Wilderness?

Let's not talk about it.Let's talk about Chu's four war gods, which one is not a strong man in the late stage of Shenfu Realm?

How many powerful people are there in the world?

However, no one has been able to explore the truth of the underground palace for thousands of years, and the situation in it is intriguing.

If these Donghuang Guards really broke out, with the strength of Wang Hao and others, can they really leave here safely?It has to be said that Jin Shisan was nervous.

"Look again!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

The wonderful feeling coming from the bottom of his heart made Wang Hao want to take another look.

Do it now?Not to mention whether they are sure of victory.If he really angered the one in the sarcophagus, would he and others survive?Can Emperor Ye's last wish be fulfilled?

"Okay! You kid said it! I... believe you once!"

Jin Shisan took a deep breath and gave Wang Hao a hard look.

If there is any danger in waiting, Jin Shisan promises that he will capture Wang Hao as a human shield!

In the nearly frozen atmosphere, when Jin Shisan and the others were almost suffocated, hundreds of Donghuang Guards gathered three meters in front of Wang Hao.


Then, under the horrified expressions of Wang Hao and others, they saw hundreds of Donghuang guards kneeling on the ground in unison.

They are kneeling Wang Hao!

"This is……"

Jin Shisan exhaled, his eyes widened.

"Boy, you are against the sky!"

Jin Shisan looked at Wang Hao with envy in his eyes.

Worship of Donghuangwei!For thousands of years, the only one who has this qualification is Ye Di back then!It was even rumored that even the original emperor and empress did not receive such treatment.But now Wang Hao...

"It's Emperor Ye! They felt Emperor Ye's aura. They even knew that you are Emperor Ye's descendant, so..."

Jin Shisan quickly thought of the key point.

Only in this way, Donghuangwei would kneel down and worship Wang Hao like this.

Even though thousands of years have passed, the lives of these Donghuang Guards have already withered.However, their wills still remain in their bodies.

They are welcoming their king, come back!

Thinking of the reasons for this, even Wang Hao had a complicated complexion and a surging mood for a while.

"Where is he?"

Just when Wang Hao was full of emotion, a faint voice came from the sarcophagus.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and soon came back to his senses.

He knew that this was the voice of the emperor's will.

It is rumored that the emperor and empress back then were also a powerful person with monstrous strength!How could she really completely disappear in this world?

"The junior has already brought Emperor Ye!"

Wang Hao replied respectfully.


After the words fell, Wang Hao flicked his wrist, and placed the stone statue of Emperor Ye obtained from the small world that day beside the sarcophagus of the underground palace.

This stone statue is transformed from Ye Di's body, and it is also the place where Ye Di's will has been preserved for thousands of years!

It's a pity that now that Emperor Ye's will has dissipated, the stone statue has really become a stone statue.


As the stone statue appeared, the sarcophagus trembled violently!

silence!After a long, long silence, a faint sigh came from inside the sarcophagus: "If I don't die, the sky will never fall! You, after all, are invincible!"

That voice seemed desolate, filled with countless unwillingness, and seemed to have endless distress.

Because the owner of this voice knows what Ye Di is doing, how much he has burdened, and how difficult what he is doing.

"The junior will definitely spread the will of the senior throughout the world! What the senior has not done, I will do it!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"I know you! When I saw you for the first time, you were still in that girl's arms. His blood flowed in your body, and mine also flowed in your body! The second time I saw you, you were too weak! If it wasn't for Dong Huang Wei is merciful, you are dead! This time, you have become stronger!"

There seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at Wang Hao within time, and he said quietly.

"Thank you ancestors for saving their lives!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

He is not surprised!

Since the emperor's will has not completely disappeared, how could he not know that Ye Qingwu appeared here back then, and how could he not know that he had appeared?

Whether it was Ye Qingwu or herself, was it really luck that she was able to leave alive in the end?If so, this luck is too bad.

It can only be said that the empress has shown mercy.

Although he had already guessed in his heart, after being verified by the empress, Wang Hao showed a wry smile.

"He recognized you, then you can't let him down!"

The Queen's voice came again.

"Even if the junior is smashed to pieces, he will never give up!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"You have the breath of a white bird and a phoenix..."

The empress was silent for a moment, then asked suddenly.

"The white bird and the phoenix..."

Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, he quickly said: "The descendants of the Di family and the Ye family have awakened their blood!"

"So that's it! It seems that the time is really coming!"

The empress said faintly, Wang Hao could clearly feel that her tone seemed to be much more relaxed.

Is the time really coming?

What era is the Empress talking about?Does this have anything to do with the awakening of Dihuang and Ye Wanyun's blood?A trace of doubt flashed in Wang Hao's eyes.

"Forget it! Since he left everything to you, the world has changed, so let me give you a chance too! Bring people with the blood of the white bird and the phoenix, they will be your greatest help!"

Before Wang Hao could ask anything, the empress' voice came again.


Suddenly, I saw a layer of ripples on the sarcophagus, and amidst a roar, two blood-red, gem-like things slowly floated in front of Wang Hao.

I don't know what this is!However, Wang Hao felt a strong energy breath from it, and there seemed to be a strong smell of blood.

Maybe... this is the inner alchemy of some kind of monster?

"Thank you ancestors!"

Not daring to hesitate, he quickly put away the things in front of him, and Wang Hao saluted.

"Donghuangwei, take it with you. Give them blood, and they can be used by you!"

The Empress added.

"These Donghuang Guards..."

Wang Hao showed a surprised look. ,

"Yedi left it to you! The underground palace does not need them to guard! Their mission is not to guard anything in this underground palace!"

The empress said quietly.

Thousands of years ago, how prestige was Donghuang Wei's name moving the world?Why?

That's not just because they are Ye Di's personal guards.It is also because each of them has experienced hundreds of battles and killed countless enemies.They are the real elite of the military.

These people were a foreshadowing left by Emperor Ye.

"Junior, got it!"

The order of the empress cannot be doubted, so naturally Wang Hao would not refuse anything.

"It's just that after the junior left, here..."

Wang Hao was a little worried.

"From now on, no one will come here again!"

The Empress said softly, but her tone was extremely certain.

This made Wang Hao, Jin Shisan and the others look at each other, and they all saw a trace of shock in each other's eyes.

Is the empress going to destroy this place, or...

"Boy, go! Her will is gone!"

After a while, when Wang Hao and others came back to their senses, they could no longer feel the aura of the empress.In the distance, the sarcophagus became cold again.

This even made people doubt whether everything they heard before was illusory.

If it wasn't for the two red inner pills lying in the storage space, and if it wasn't for the Donghuangwei kneeling in front of him, Wang Hao would have had an urge to doubt.

"Forget it! If these Donghuang Guards are taken away, it should be of great help to us!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, looking at Donghuangwei in front of him, Wang Hao said softly.

"go with!"

After the words fell, with a flick of Wang Hao's wrist, a few drops of blood essence were divided into hundreds of parts by Wang Hao in an instant, and fell into the bodies of the Donghuangwei in front of him.


With the fusion of essence and blood, a shocking scene began to appear.

But seeing these Donghuang guards fused with essence and blood, their bodies suddenly trembled.

woohoo hoo...

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across the underground palace, and endless spiritual energy surged.

"How is this going……"

In that frantic atmosphere, even Wang Hao and the others couldn't help being forced to take a step back.

Looking at the Donghuang Guard in the aura whirlwind, Wang Hao looked incredulous.

Breath of life!

That's right, at this moment, what Wang Hao felt wasn't the breath of life, what else?

He could clearly feel that these Donghuangwei, who were already dead and could not die any more, started to recover their breath of life at this moment.

"Look! These guys..."

Mu Yang discovered something, and exclaimed.

Following Mu Yang's eyes, Wang Hao took a deep breath.

In addition to the recovery of vitality, at this moment Wang Hao actually saw that the shriveled bodies of these Donghuang Guards began to swell!

Do not!

It's not as simple as swelling.

These mummy...began to regenerate flesh and blood!

"Are they really going to be resurrected?"

Rao was Jin Shisan, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

For thousands of years, Jin Shisan had never seen anything.However, this was the first time Jin Shisan had seen such a weird scene.

Back from the dead!Moreover, the mummy that had been dead for thousands of years began to come back to life... Is there anything more heaven-defying than this?

What did Emperor Ye do back then?

How terrifying was his method back then?

This is the real heaven defying, right?

"I see!"

While feeling emotional in his heart, Jin Shisan suddenly thought of something, exclaimed in surprise.

"What do you know?"

Wang Hao asked quickly.

It's really weird what's happening in front of you.

"They... didn't really die back then! I also know why these guys appeared in the Corpse Refining Gate of the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

As far as I know, the Corpse Refining Sect seems to have found an ancient ruin back then. It is said that they have developed a method of refining living people into puppet zombies, directly refining them without killing people!I have heard rumors that this method is extremely mysterious.It is said that when the seal imprinted in these puppets is lifted one day, they can be reborn again..."

Jin Shisan's tone was a little hasty, looking at the puppets in front of him, his eyeballs seemed to pop out.

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