ancient myth

Chapter 408 Donghuangwei

"Corpse Refining Gate?"

Jin Shisan's words made Wang Hao and others' eyes widen.

Who would have thought that such a strange method existed in the world?The sealed life is made into a puppet, the seal is lifted, and the dead come back to life...

This is really against the sky!

In an instant, Wang Hao suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that with the honorable status of an empress, she was finally buried in this underground palace!Because this is where the Corpse Refining Gate was originally.

And all of these are the means left by Emperor Ye.Now, miraculous means began to show up in front of Wang Hao.

Looking at the stone statue in the distance, Wang Hao felt endless emotion in his heart.He no longer knew how to describe Ye Di's plan.

This is indeed a character who could sweep the Eastern Wasteland thousands of years ago!Perhaps only people like Ye Di can leave behind such a terrifying backhand?

Time passed by minute by minute.

With the passage of time, finally when the wind gradually dissipated, when the aura gradually dissipated, there was no such gloomy atmosphere in the underground palace.

"Meet the young master!"

A solemn voice followed.

The hundreds of corpses of Donghuangwei before had turned into living beings, kneeling in front of Wang Hao.

That uniform voice made people's blood boil.

Sure enough, what Jin Shisan said was correct. These Donghuang Guards did not fall back then, but were refined into living puppets by the mysterious means of the Corpse Refining Sect. They waited for the day of nirvana and rebirth.

Now, they are nirvana.

Facing the statue in front of him kneeling on the ground, Donghuangwei who followed Emperor Ye across the world thousands of years ago, infinite thoughts flooded Wang Hao's heart.

breath!Each of them contained a powerful aura.

Divine Palace Realm, Divine Palace Realm... Still Divine Palace Realm!

As Wang Hao felt it carefully, the result he got made Wang Hao, who had already been mentally prepared, take a deep breath.

These hundreds of Donghuang Guards all possess the strength of the Divine Mansion Realm!

Although it can be felt from the breath, except for the existence of a few gods in the middle of the Shenfu realm, the rest are all the strength of the first level of the Shenfu realm.

But, you know, there are hundreds of people here.

Even if you look at Donghuang, is there any force that can bring out hundreds of powerhouses at the same time?


The destroyed Tianxuan Sword Sect did not have such background, and it is difficult for the extremely mysterious Guan family to have such a skill!

It can be said that these hundred Donghuang Guards are enough to traverse the Eastern Desolation.Even if they can't dominate, there are only a handful of forces that can directly contend with them.

"Hundreds of Donghuang Guards. It seems that these people are the elites of Donghuang Guards. Moreover, I am afraid that when they were refining puppets, they were all subjected to special methods. Many people were forcibly promoted to the Divine Palace. From now on, it is impossible for them to improve on the road of cultivation! However, this is already terrifying enough!"

When Wang Hao was full of shock, Jin Shisan couldn't help showing a complicated expression.

The scene in front of him was far beyond Jin Shisan's expectations.

This Emperor Ye, how many things did he do in order to keep this trick?It's unimaginable.

Maybe the terrifying Temple of Ten Thousand Ghosts thousands of years ago was the victim of Emperor Ye's plan?

"With these people, our next things will be much smoother!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath, put away the thoughts in his heart, and said softly.


Suddenly, Wang Hao seemed to think of something, and turned his head to look.

Inside that quiet sarcophagus...the legendary empress...

Since these Donghuang guards can be resurrected from the dead, what about the empress?

"She really has no breath of life, boy, the formation is working. If that person sealed the coffin in the same way back then, she should have awakened now. It seems that she entered this underground palace when her life came to an end. Within, all that remains is a trace of will to guard this place!"

Seeming to know what Wang Hao was thinking, Jin Shisan sighed softly.

This made Wang Hao's face show a hint of disappointment.


Before Wang Hao could think more, as Donghuangwei got up, the underground palace in front of him began to tremble.

The earth shook, rubble flew, and the entire underground palace began to collapse at this moment.

"Let's go! The underground palace is about to be destroyed."

Jin Shisan's expression changed drastically.

The mission of the millennium has come to an end, and this underground palace has lost its last support.

Obviously, this is the reason why the empress said before that no one will be able to enter the underground palace from now on, right?Because Donghuangwei left, the underground palace collapsed.

After tonight, there will be no such underground palace in the world, who can enter it?

The Empress and Emperor Ye will be buried under this land forever.


Thinking of this, Wang Hao glanced at the quiet sarcophagus with complicated eyes.In the end, after bowing deeply towards the sarcophagus, he drank towards the crowd.


Taking the lead, Wang Hao led Jin Shisan and others to plunder outside the underground palace.


Taiyin Mountain, barren land.

When Wang Hao and his party rushed out of the cave and swept a hundred meters away, there was a deafening roar from the sky and the earth.

Amidst the roar, the entire barren land began to sink at this moment.

The strong wind howled, flying sand and rocks, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth became chaotic.

The wind is blowing, breathtaking!

Knowing that the dust all over the sky dispersed, what appeared in front of Wang Hao and others was just an unsightly mess of ruins.

At this moment, where can the entrance be seen, where is the existence of the underground palace?

This underground palace that existed for thousands of years completely disappeared on this day.


Behind Wang Hao, hundreds of Donghuang Guards, watching such a scene, clearly understood what happened, and knelt on the ground in unison, showing a look of grief.

Their king, their queen, after today, they will really cease to exist!

"Let's go!"

After a long time, in the dark wind, Wang Hao, who came back to his senses, looked at the Donghuang Guards who had already got up, sighed softly, and said softly with a somewhat complicated expression.

The era of Emperor Ye is completely over.

A brand new era is waiting for us to start.

Feeling the heavy burden on his back, Wang Hao couldn't relax.But he didn't regret it either.

Maybe this is the meaning of coming to this world?

Not knowing what he thought of, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.


"Boss, you are finally back!"

Two days later, when Wang Hao and his group returned to the place where they were separated from Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman that day, Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman, who had been waiting here for a long time, had a look of joy on their faces.

Wang Hao came a day later than the originally agreed time.This made Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman feel a little worried.They were afraid that there might be some unexpected danger on Wang Hao's side.

Fortunately, now that Wang Hao is back, they let go of their worries.

"Boss, they are..."

Then, Niu Daman showed a surprised expression when he saw the hundreds of soldiers in battle armor behind Wang Hao.

"How is it possible...they...they are...the Donghuangwei?"

Wang Tiannu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened as he looked at these armored soldiers.

"From now on, it's my own!"

Wang Hao didn't explain too much, and explained to the two of them.

After that, his eyes fell directly on the old man beside Wang Tiannu.

His complexion was pale, giving people a lifeless feeling, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.There is even a hint of coldness faintly exuding from the whole body.

This is the person Wang Tiannu and Niu Daman went to recruit?

Ghost repair!

This word subconsciously appeared in Wang Hao's mind.

This old man gives the impression that he has no breath of life.He is a ghost cultivator trained by ghosts!

"Donghuangwei, it seems that you have gone to that underground palace?"

When Wang Hao observed the old man, the old man asked with a sneer.

The voice was very cold, and as the old man spoke, the yin energy of the world seemed to become more intense.An icy cold seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow.

"Boss, let me introduce you. This is what I told Tiannu - Gui Yunliu. This time we are going to help the boss recruit him. Boss, as you have seen, he is a ghost cultivator. Wandering Soul, cultivated to an extremely powerful height..."

Seeing the old man taking the initiative to speak, Niu Daman quickly and enthusiastically introduced him.

As Wang Hao expected, this old man is not a human at all, but a ghost.

"You know that underground palace?"

Nodding his head, facing the eyes of the old man, Wang Hao asked back.

"The place where the Corpse Refining Gate was. I have been there! This time I returned to Taiyin Mountain and found that the Hall of Thousand Ghosts was destroyed, and the Corpse Refining Gate had already disappeared without a trace. I went to the underground palace and found that the underground palace had changed. These Those people are wearing the battle armor of those Donghuang Guards! Moreover, if I expected correctly, the secret method of the Corpse Refining Sect was used on those Donghuang Guards. Now these guys are the soldiers in the underground palace. people?"

The old man said indifferently.However, Wang Hao clearly felt that when he was speaking, a trace of fear flashed in the old man's eyes.

It seems that he suffered a lot when he went to the underground palace?

What Wang Hao didn't expect was that this old man also knew the secret method of the Corpse Refining Gate.

However, thinking of the identity of this old man, Wang Hao seemed to understand.

As a ghost cultivator, he became a strong man who ruled the world thousands of years ago. Wang Hao didn't believe that he had nothing to do with the Temple of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

It seems that it is not uncommon to know some things about the Corpse Refining Sect back then!

"Wang Tiannu said, do you want me to follow you?"

Looking at Wang Hao who fell into silence, Gui Yunliu asked suddenly.

"God, it's changed! I need help!"

Wang Hao said directly.

"I'm not interested!" Gui Yunliu curled his lips: "What if I refuse?"

While speaking, Gui Yunliu's eyes flashed coldly, and he stared at Wang Hao firmly.


Wang Hao glanced at Gui Yunliu and said expressionlessly.

Since it cannot be recruited, it will be killed.

A strong ghost cultivator who ruled the world thousands of years ago and committed countless crimes?Killing him, Wang Hao didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

On the contrary, if such a dangerous guy is left behind, who knows what changes he will bring to himself and how much impact he will bring to the world?

Wang Hao, who knew exactly what path he was going to take, knew even more what he should do in the face of such an uncertain danger.

Or recruit, or kill!Other than that, there is no other possibility.

As Wang Hao's voice fell, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became dull.

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