ancient myth

Chapter 450 The Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts

This time to Wanshou Mountain, Wang Hao didn't bring many people with him!

This kind of war is more expensive than more.

In many cases, the top powerhouse is the key to truly controlling the situation of the battle.

How could Wang Hao not understand this truth?

Therefore, this time Wang Hao only took nine patrol angels, plus Jin Shisan and Xiaohua to go together.

Of course, there is also Li Qingyu!

This little girl hadn't been seen for a while, and Wang Hao never thought that she would actually step into the Shenfu Realm.

This made Wang Hao extremely ashamed.

It is said that he is extremely talented, but Wang Hao is very clear about how many opportunities he has accumulated.This is what has achieved today.

And what about Li Qingyu?How long has she been practicing?How many chances did she get?

Even if there is Tai Youqian's resource support at any cost within the sect, it can't compare with the opportunities obtained by Wang Hao.

Even so, this little girl still stepped into the Shenfu Realm at an astonishing speed, which really scared many people.

This is the horror of the body of doom?He is worthy of being cursed by the gods.

This kind of people really shouldn't appear in this world, even Wang Hao has a feeling of understanding God.

However, since Li Qingyu is one of his own, it is undoubtedly good news for Wang Hao.

A body of misfortune in the Divine Palace Realm, who has practiced the most suitable skills and controlled the book of life and death... This is a big killer.

Today's Li Qingyu, with a single thought, is enough to kill people invisible, making people careless.

Taking her along might help a lot!At least this kind of experience is undoubtedly the best tempering for Li Qingyu!


Wanshou Mountain is located in the west of the spirit world.

The mountains and seas here are vast, wider and more dangerous than the [-] mountains in the south of the Eastern Desolate Chu Kingdom.

The mountains and forests are densely covered, and the evil spirit is soaring.This is the real headquarters of the Yaozu!

How many monster races live in this mountain?

Wanshou Mountain, as the sacred place of martial arts of the monster clan, is located in the southwest of this vast mountain and sea.

With the help of Jin Shisan and Xiaohua, they used the teleportation array to help, and two days after leaving the Dongsheng Pavilion, Wang Hao and others came to the Sky Demon City, which is thirty miles away from Wanshou Mountain!

As early as one day ago, a hundred people from Donghuang Academy, a hundred people from Daqin Academy, and ten people from each of the Emperor's Family and the Ye Family had gathered here!There are not many people, but all of them are elite.

What surprised Wang Hao was that Ye Wanyun and Ye Zhidao were the leaders of the Ye family this time, and Dihuang was the leader of the Di family.

The personnel from both sides are almost all the best of the younger generation.

Except for Ye Wudao and Dihua who went to Donghuang to guard Lingjian City, almost the best young generations of the two families gathered here.

Other than that, no one from the two big families came.

This made Wang Hao even more convinced that the two big families might do something else this time.

Seeing Ye Wanyun again after more than half a year, Wang Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face, feeling extremely kind.

"Hmph! Bad guys, my ancestors said that they won't participate in small troubles here. There are big things to do. Let us juniors play here!"

Seeing Wang Hao and Ye Wanyun flirting with each other, the neglected Dihuang showed dissatisfaction.

How should I say, I am also Wang Hao's fiancee in name now, right?

That's right!

The style of the emperor's patriarch is so unique.

When Wang Hao left the spirit world, the Di family unilaterally announced the marriage between the Di family and Wang Hao.

This can be said to have stunned countless people in the spiritual world at the time.

What kind of family is the Emperor's family?What kind of family is the Ye family?

Now the two big families have betrothed the best young generation to Wang Hao, this Wang Hao is really against the sky.

Wang Hao has undoubtedly become the object of envy, jealousy and hatred of countless young people in the spiritual world.

Unfortunately, Wang Hao is not in the spirit world.Otherwise, I'm afraid that I don't know how many people will come to the door and want to fight Wang Hao to the death.

By the time Wang Hao returned to the spirit world to get the news, it was a done deal!

But now, Wang Hao actually ignored him, which made Dihuang very uncomfortable.

"My family's ancestor also said that he will not be involved in the affairs here! Some time ago, Senior Jiu Wubai came to the house, Zhao Guo's ancestor and grandpa!"

Fortunately, Ye Wanyun was understanding, seeing Wang Hao's embarrassed face, she broke the atmosphere with a smile.

"Cough cough cough...Since the Ye family and the seniors of the Di family have important matters to attend to, I will settle the matter of Wanshou Mountain by myself this time!"

On one side, Dean Ning of Donghuang Academy and Dean Qin of Daqin Academy, the two said along the way.

"Alright! If that's the case, I'll solve it myself!"

Wang Hao, who had been prepared for a long time, never showed the slightest disappointment.

Myriad Beast Mountain?

Knowing what he had in mind, Wang Hao didn't care!

Following Wang Hao's order, hundreds of people immediately moved towards Wanshou Mountain.

At the same time, in the Sky Demon City, endless powerhouses gathered from all directions in the past few days quickly followed.

How can people in the world miss such a good show?

Jihad is nothing more than that, isn't it?

Back then when the Tianxuan Sword Sect was destroyed, no one saw it, and countless people felt extremely regretful.

Today, they cannot afford to miss such a feat!

What is the fate of Wanshou Mountain?

Is it Wang Hao pushing everything, or is Wanshou Mountain maintaining the dignity of the monster clan?It's very concerning.


Wanshou Mountain, this is the name of a mountain.Wanshou Mountain is also named after this mountain, forging the name of the sect!

The mountain is not high, but it is full of aura, like a black dragon, roaring towards the void, with extraordinary momentum.

At noon, when Wang Hao and his party came here, countless people from Wanshou Mountain who received the news in advance had already gathered in front of the mountain gate.

"Hmph! Wang Hao, you are really arrogant!"

Seeing the appearance of Wang Hao and his party, one of the elders with extraordinary status had an ugly expression.

His grandson is the Holy Son of Wanshou Mountain who was beheaded by Wang Hao back then.

How can such hatred be let go.

"Wang Hao, you want to destroy my Myriad Beast Mountain? What a bold tone! Today I will see how you destroy my mountain gate!"

"Wang Hao, my demon clan is not something you can insult at will, it's too arrogant!"

"Donghuang Academy, do you really want to make an enemy of my Wanshou Mountain?"

"Daqin Academy, do you want to fight to the death with my Wanshou Mountain?"

Looking at the group of people before they came to the mountain gate, many experts in Wanshou Mountain looked angry and filled with righteous indignation!

"Hmph! Don't you know what Wanshoushan did to my Donghuang Academy?"

Regarding Wanshou Mountain's scolding, Dean Ning remained expressionless.

The Donghuang Academy almost had a meeting that day, how much effort did Wanshoushan contribute to it?

Isn't it normal for Donghuang Academy to retaliate now?

"Hey... My Daqin Academy and Donghuang Academy have reunited. Dean Ning has said everything I want to say!"

Dean Qin of Daqin Academy said with a smile.The meaning is expressed clearly enough.

"Whether you can destroy the mountain gate, just try it!"

Wang Hao is even more straightforward!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was full of fighting spirit.

"What a big breath!"

Facing the attitudes of the three parties, at this moment, the middle-aged man in Wanshou Mountain who was the leader looked ugly.

He is the head of Wanshou Mountain, the king of beasts—Boundless Peng!

How proud is Peng Wubian to be a member of the Dapeng family with the blood of the Golden Winged Peng?Now someone came to the door.How can he show weakness?

"Seal the mountain gate and open the formation! I want to see how they can get into my Myriad Beast Mountain! I want to see how they can fight with me today under the great formation of My Thousand Beast Mountain and the blessing of the Zongmen's luck." My Myriad Beast Mountain is my enemy!"

That's right!This is the biggest hole card of Wanshou Mountain.

Within the mountain gate, the sect's luck is boundless.

The first thing Wang Hao and others have to face is not the strong man of Wanshou Mountain, but the formation and luck of the sect of Wanshou Mountain.

As Peng Wubian's words fell, Wang Hao and the others froze.

This is what they are most afraid of.Perhaps this is the only variable in today's battle.

However, thinking of Tai Youqian's means, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

"What's going on! Elder Hu, didn't you hear what I said!"

Sure enough, while Wang Hao was waiting, under the tense mood of everyone, the Beast King's voice fell for a full moment, but the Zongmen Formation never opened.

This made Peng Wubian look at Elder Hu and the others with a cold face.

"Forgive the hardship!"

Until this time, Elder Hu saluted slightly, with a serious expression on his face.


When Elder Hu opened his mouth, it was like a thunder that shook the sky, making people's eyes widen.

Not to mention the people from Wanshou Mountain, even Dean Ning of Donghuang Academy and others were dumbfounded.

Myriad Beast Mountain is...

Is it...

Dean Ning and Dean Qin subconsciously looked at Wang Hao.

This is Wang Hao's method!

Seeing Wang Hao's smiling face full of confidence, the two looked at each other with shock in each other's eyes.

That day they said that the Myriad Beast Mountain is not monolithic.

However, in just a few days, to be honest, even they never expected to achieve such a great thing!If it can disturb the morale of the army, it is already considered very good.

But now, Wang Hao unexpectedly...

This is full of surprises.

Whether this Wang Hao is human or not, does that matter?

Elder Wanshoushan betrayed?And it seems like this is just the beginning?

How did Wang Hao do it?

"Tay has the money to do it!"

Sensing the eyes of the two deans, Wang Hao smiled wryly.

He really didn't do anything about it.It's all made by Thailand with money.

However, Dean Qin and Dean Ning still looked at Wang Hao with complicated expressions.

Thai rich?so what?Isn't he Wang Hao's person?Isn't what he did what Wang Hao did?

Wang Hao is so scary!

If Wang Hao knew about the thoughts of these two people, Wang Hao would probably be messed up.

Fortunately, at this moment Wang Hao focused on the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain camp.

"Elder Hu, what do you mean?"

Peng Boundless Murderous Intent Ling Ran asked.

"My monster clan's hadith, the beast king has forgotten it, but I never forget it! My tiger clan never forgets it!"

Elder Hu said indifferently.

At the beginning, Wanshou Mountain competed with the seven major forces, but the competition was only for the title.It's just status.

But now, the Beastmaster wants to get together with the Guan family.

What kind of family is the Guan family?Elder Hu knows!

What are they going to do?Elder Hu knows it too!

This has violated the hadith, and this is the main reason why Elder Hu agreed to Tai Youqian's request!

The words of Elder Hu changed the faces of many people present at Wanshou Mountain.

Some are angry, some are ashamed, some are complicated, some are silent...

"Do you want to die?"

Peng Wubian took a deep breath and drank.

"He really isn't courting death!"

However, this time there was no need for Elder Hu to speak, an old voice came.

The next moment, behind the Wanshou Mountain sect, a figure rushed over.


"Ancestor Fox!"

Seeing the person coming, many disciples of Wanshou Mountain hurriedly saluted.

Fox Patriarch.This is one of the only two ancestors in Wanshou Mountain!

He is also the only ancestor of the Vientiane Realm before Wanshou Mountain. It is said that his strength is boundless. Wanshou Mountain used his strength to support the glory of the top forces.If it weren't for another ancestor who stepped into the Vientiane Realm three months ago, he would be the well-deserved supreme ancestor of Wanshou Mountain!

he came!

Moreover, now Ancestor Fox seems to be...

"Old Ancestor Fox, what do you mean?"

The appearance of Patriarch Fox made Peng Wubian look even more unkind.

"What Elder Hu said is what I want to say! If you want to destroy the monster clan, I will not allow it!"

Ancestor Fox glanced coldly at the Beastmaster and said directly.

This was another thunderbolt that exploded among the crowd.

Not to mention the people present.Even in the distance, the people who were paying attention to this place were stunned at this moment.

What's going on here?

Today's Myriad Beast Mountain, will the sky change?

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