ancient myth

Chapter 451 Split

The war has not yet begun, but the interior of Wanshou Mountain is the first to start splitting!

This made the people gathered outside Wanshou Mountain waiting to watch a big battle look at each other in blank dismay.

This plot doesn't seem right.

First it was Elder Hu, now even Patriarch Hu...

Are the people from Wanshou Mountain crazy?

People are messy!

"Ancestor Fox, don't forget the status of this deity!"

Peng Boundless is going crazy.

His authority has been challenged and his status has been shaken.

Today, I have become the joke of the world.This made Peng Boundless want to kill.

"Your status is given to you by the Yaozu!"

Ancestor Fox has no expression on his face.

He glanced at Elder Hu: "Take our people and go down the mountain! I will not participate in today's battle! Myriad Beast Mountain is no longer the original Myriad Beast Mountain. If this is the case, we will be completely baptized!"

A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the ancestor fox, and he snorted.

After the words fell, Patriarch Fox walked towards the outside of the mountain gate.

Follow Elder Hu closely, and then one after another!

Wanshoushan, among the 21 elders present, nine of them went away at once.As for the guardians under the elders, most of them have left, and after that, there are countless disciples!

For a time, nearly half of the people who left with Old Ancestor Fox turned out to be nearly half of them.

This scene really blinded everyone's eyes.

Myriad Beast Mountain, before the Great War, split?What kind of plot is this?

Even, if it wasn't for the other ancestor of Wanshou Mountain, the ancestor Jiao came to suppress the scene, the consequences would be unimaginable, and even more people would leave!It is more likely that before the war breaks out, Wanshou Mountain will be the first to break out in civil war.

"Hmph! Good! Very good! Ancestor Fox, I will remember this today! In the future, there will be no room for you in the Yaozu!"

In the end, under the blocking of Jiao Patriarch, Peng Boundless, who realized that the enemy was at hand, could only gnash his teeth and roar angrily.

Today he is really disgraced.

If he survives today, the Japanese will surely tear Patriarch Fox to pieces.

"Open formation!"

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, Peng Wubian yelled at another elder.

Without the control of Elder Hu, the power of the formation will inevitably be greatly weakened.But so what.At least the formation is still there!

Facing Peng's boundless anger, the rest of the people in Wanshou Mountain were uneasy!

What happened today had a huge impact on these people.

For a moment, even the elder who was called was stunned for a moment.

"Mountain gate formation, open!"

In the end, the elder gritted his teeth and hurriedly activated the formation.

He is not familiar with this formation.More than half the power?

But, what can be done, who let the ancestor Hu take Elder Hu and others away?

Is it really right to stay and help the Beastmaster?

Is it really necessary to violate the sacred teachings of the Yaozu for thousands of years?The elder was extremely tormented.And at this moment, in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, how many people are similar to him?

I have to say that Tai Youqian's methods are too ruthless and powerful.

This move alone will completely disable Wanshou Mountain.

It's crazy.

"Hmph! The little formation also wants to block our steps?"

Facing the soaring mountain guard formation, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Ancestor Fox and Elder Hu were the first strikes.

If he blasts through the defensive array of Wanshou Mountain, it will be the second blow!How many people will collapse by then?

This battle is easy!

Moreover, Wang Hao felt that the formation in front of him was not as powerful as in the legend!

The big formation protecting the mountain was a Xuanwu formation, which was supposed to defend against the sky, but at this moment, the Xuanwu seemed to be on the verge of death.Obviously, the power of the formation has not been fully stimulated.


Thinking of this, Wang Hao no longer hesitated!

He took a step forward without hesitation!


Tianyin sacrificed!

"Sect luck, come! Vientiane power, come!"

Wang Hao has no reservations!He wants to leave the most shocking picture for people.


The Tianyin, which had just been sacrificially refined two days ago, was shining brightly!

Under the blessing of the power of Vientiane, the Tianyin sun rose into the sky.


Then, the dragon ascended, carrying the seal of heaven, and slammed down towards the Xuanwu formation.


Dragons are raging, and everything in the world is changing.

The endless luck of the Dongsheng Pavilion sect was mobilized.

That's right!

This place is not within the Dongsheng Pavilion, but the Dongsheng Pavilion's sect has great luck, Wang Hao, as the person in charge of luck, it is not difficult to mobilize the luck!It just costs a lot.Most people are reluctant to do this.But Wang Hao will not be reluctant!

This battle is very important!

And this blow played a crucial role in this battle.How about extravagance?Once your plan is successful, the rewards you get are far more than that!


The roar exploded, and as the sky seal fell, the sky seal and the dragon under the blessing of the luck of the Dongsheng Pavilion sect and the power of Vientiane were unstoppable.


In an instant, a crisp sound exploded.


The beast king inside the mountain gate widened his eyes.

His eyes turned red.

The formation actually started to shatter?

How can it be?

The basaltic formation in Wanshou Mountain is said to be an opportunity that the ancestors got from the ancient land!He has sheltered Wanshou Mountain for thousands of years. It is said that no one under the saint can easily break through the formation.

But, now...

What kind of power is Wang Hao, and the formation faintly shatters under one blow?

More than just the Beastmaster?Patriarch Jiao and all the people from Wanshou Mountain were stunned.

"Bastard! Trash! Maintain the formation for me, quick! Quick! Quick!"

The Beastmaster vented all his anger on the elders who maintained the formation.

It's him!It must be because he didn't work hard!

Otherwise, the array wouldn't be so useless.

This damn elder, the beast king has the heart to kill him.

clack clack...

It's just that no matter how the Beastmaster roars, it's useless.After a brief pause, broken sounds followed one after another.Cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the formation.


Finally, under the sacrifice of a divine dragon, the power of Tianyin skyrocketed to the extreme, and the Xuanwu formation shattered in response!


The people who came from all over the spiritual world to watch from afar were all gasping for breath.

The mountain protection formation of Wanshou Mountain is just...broken?

how come……

One move!

With just one move, Wang Hao destroyed the Great Array of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains!

Is the Wanshoushan mountain protection formation too scumbag, or is it too strong to be intact?

People are messed up.

The disciples of Wanshou Mountain collapsed even more.

Their fragile hearts suffered another brutal blow.

They feel their faith crumbling.

The sect formation they are so proud of is so vulnerable?This overturned everyone's imagination.

ah ah ah...

For a while, screams of grief and despair followed one after another.

How many people knelt on the ground and wept bitterly!

This is the ancestors punishing them, this is the ancestors who gave up on them!

Otherwise, how could it be so!

It must be the beast king who angered the ancestors!

"I'm leaving! I don't want to fight anymore!"

"The ancestors are angry!"

"Ahh...we have abandoned the hadith, our ancestors have abandoned us!"

The next moment, crying and howling came and went.

Yaozu is sometimes so simple!And this is what Wang Hao wants to see.

Now he has succeeded.

Wang Hao didn't care about the luck of the sect, and broke through the Xuanwu formation with one blow, just to make the people of Wanshou Mountain collapse.

Now he has succeeded.

In a blink of an eye, nearly half of the remaining people from Wanshou Mountain chose to escape again!There are even a few elders among them.

"Bastards! You are bastards! You are all bastards!"

"I'm going to kill you all..."

The Beastmaster went crazy.

The Beastmaster's eyes turned red as he watched his subordinates, the subordinates he trusted in the past, the subordinates who worshiped him in the past, break down and flee like this, abandoning him.He is going to kill!


He even killed an elder beside him who wanted to escape.

This Wanshoushan elder was beheaded, which had a short-term deterrent effect.However, at this moment, the people from Wanshou Mountain looked at the Beast King no longer with respect and worship, but with fear and fear!

Beastmaster really went crazy.

Elder Hu and Ancestor Fox saw it clearly!They are for the sake of the Yaozu.The Beastmaster is no longer the Beastmaster of the Monster Race.

These people roared in their hearts.

It has to be said that the behavior of the Beastmaster ruined the little hope he had left.He is almost alone!

Even Patriarch Jiao showed a look of despair.

He was very disappointed in Beastmaster.

"Wang Hao, I will kill you!"

It's just that the Beastmaster is unaware of all this.

In his opinion, the culprit is Wang Hao.

If it wasn't for Wang Hao, how could Wanshou Mountain be reduced to where it is today?

Kill Wang Hao!As long as Wang Hao is killed, everything can be changed.

Beastmaster kept hinting to himself. ,

With a crazy expression, amidst the roar, he directly rushed towards Wang Hao.


The air wave exploded, and the Beastmaster's strength was fully displayed.

"Mid Vientiane?"

Feeling the strength of the beast king, Wang Hao's pupils shrank!

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Beastmaster has reached such a high level.

In the middle of Vientiane Realm?It is worthy of being the king of Wanshou Mountain.

"Young master, I'm coming!"

Dean Ning said quickly.

In the middle of Vientiane Realm?He looked at the Beastmaster with a more dignified expression.

Wang Hao is very powerful, but how long has it been since he stepped into the Vientiane Realm?I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete against the strong players in the middle stage of Vientiane.

In the Vientiane Realm, the gap between each realm is extremely huge.

Dean Ning intends to do it himself.

"No, I'll take care of it!"

Wang Hao rejected Dean Ning's kindness!

"You and I fight, the winner will be determined! I want to see what the Beastmaster is capable of!"

Then, Wang Hao took a step forward.

Seeing the beast king coming to kill him, Wang Hao didn't panic at all.

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his state.

In the early stage of Vientiane, he was already invincible, so what about the middle stage of Vientiane?Facing such an opponent, can he win?

Wang Hao didn't worry about his own safety at all!

Even if he lost to the opponent, the opponent would never even think about killing himself.even,

This is Wang Hao's self-confidence.

"Dao eyes!"

Thinking of this, with a single thought, Wang Hao's Dao eyes opened, and Dao eyes opened up.


There was a flash of light between Wang Hao's eyes, and for a moment, the terrifying light seemed to penetrate the body of the Beastmaster!

How could the Beastmaster, who was already in a rage, expect such a trick from Wang Hao?

For a moment, his figure was severely thumped.

He was hit.

When the strong confront each other, the outcome depends on one thought.

This is even more so in the confrontation between the powerful in the Vientiane Realm.

But the beast king was so impetuous, he was dazzled by the anger, if he didn't suffer, who would suffer?


Taking advantage of the time spent by the Beastmaster, Wang Hao made a move.

Opportunity comes.How could Wang Hao let the opportunity slip away?

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