ancient myth

Chapter 452

"not good!"

Seeing that the moment the Beast King was in front of Wang Hao, his body was stunned, as if a ghost was on his body, Patriarch Jiao secretly thought something was wrong.

Jiao Patriarch, who didn't feel the mystery, was about to go crazy.

Is this beast king stupid?

What is the difference between him doing this and sending him to death!Send it to others for others to beat?Even if he is powerful, he shouldn't be so stupid, right?

The entrustment is not human.

Jiao Patriarch felt more and more regretful.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.


The soul-splitting curse was cast, and the hell claws rushed in front of the beast king in a blink of an eye, trying to tear his soul.


At the critical juncture, the Beastmaster, who had finally come to his senses, was dripping with cold sweat. He immediately felt the great danger, and rushed to resist it with all his strength.

Fortunately, the strength in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm is indeed extraordinary.

Otherwise, he will definitely die!

If so, what the Beastmaster can do is barely resist!


The hell's claws exploded, and the Beastmaster vomited blood, and stepped back.

"L Dragon Fist!"

Wang Hao has already killed it again.

The Rising Dragon Fist blasted out, and the dragon descended.

"Don't think about it!"

Beastmaster resists again!

At this moment, he has no chance to breathe at all, and all he can do is resist hastily.

Another roar exploded, and under the ravages of the dragon, the Beastmaster was blown away again!The terrifying fist wind seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart, making the sky dim and the earth dark.

Before the fist wind dissipated, Wang Hao's ultimate move came again.

"God Thunder Seven Changes!"

Transformed into a weapon, Wang Hao attracted the thunder of heaven and earth to crush him down.


The ten thousand-zhang thunder turned into a sea of ​​thunder, like a giant starry sky beast, devouring the beast king.

ah ah ah...

If it weren't for the blessing of the sect's luck, even the Beastmaster in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm would be finished at this moment.

If so, in the sea of ​​thunder, facing the endless raging thunder and the hand blade that fell from Wang Hao, the beast king suffered a big loss again and screamed again and again.

That terrifying scene, that frenzied battle, even though it only happened in an instant, made countless people gasp.

"Young Master, is he really just entering the Vientiane Realm?"

Dean Ning swallowed his saliva and asked.

"should be!"

Dean Qin was sweating coldly.

No matter how you look at it, you can't tell that Wang Hao is a person who has just entered Vientiane, let alone Beastmaster is a person in the middle of Vientiane.

It was as if it was turned upside down, Wang Hao kept attacking wildly, and the Beastmaster suffered a lot.

Is this still the world they know?

If they hadn't really felt the aura of the Beastmaster, Dean Ning and Dean Qin would even suspect that the Beastmaster is a fake.

Not to mention Dean Ning and Dean Qin, whether it is the people from Wanshou Mountain, the people from Donghuang Academy, the people from Daqin Academy, or the people who came to watch the battle from afar, they were all terrified at this moment.

Wang Hao is so terrifying!

"Hmph! This guy really is a pervert! I said it before!"

On the contrary, Dihuang and Ye Wanyun, who knew Wang Hao well, wanted to calm down at this moment.And of course Li Qingyu!

They really know Wang Hao's horror too well.This guy always works miracles.

Seeing Wang Hao's display of strength, Dihuang was envious and jealous.

This is my man?Suddenly such a thought popped up in his mind, and Dihuang's face turned red.

"Fortunately, no one is looking at me, otherwise I would be ashamed! Hmph! Bastard Wang Hao, it really isn't a good thing!"

Patting his flushed cheeks, Dihuang quickly concealed his embarrassment at the moment.

"The sleepy dragon ascends to heaven!"

The sea of ​​thunder disperses, and the sleepy dragon ascends to heaven!

Another supernatural move, transforming everything with the power of everything, Wang Hao even integrated into the unparalleled luck of the sect.

This move carried the three powers of the three Dao seeds and played it to the extreme.

"Do not……"

The Beastmaster who was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside in the sea of ​​thunder hadn't caught his breath yet. Seeing Wang Hao's more powerful move coming, he was in despair.

not human!

This Wang Hao is even more monster than monster.I am the beast king, and Wang Hao is the devil king!

Beastmaster is about to cry.

This Wang Hao didn't follow the script at all.Logically speaking, shouldn't he beat him by himself?

But why is he playing on his own now, and he is about to die before threatening Wang Hao?

The beast king spurted out blood, and could only use the power of blood to forcibly boost his own strength.


Even so, under the cluster of sleepy dragons ascending to the sky, the Beastmaster still spurted blood wildly, his arms exploded, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Wang Hao took the lead and crushed the Beastmaster.The Beastmaster had no power to resist at all.

It's a one-sided battle.

Being able to resist Wang Hao for so long is because of the strength in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm and the blessing of the sect's luck.

Otherwise, the Beastmaster is already dead and cannot die anymore!

Rao is so, it is almost the same now.

"Patriarch Jiao, save me!"

Both arms exploded, piercing the heart. What made the Beastmaster even more terrified was that Wang Hao's offensive had not stopped.

Seeing Wang Hao attacking again, the Beastmaster, who really had no power to resist, was terrified, and roared loudly with tears in his voice.

Patriarch Jiao, the only one who can save him now is Patriarch Jiao.No matter how you put it, he is also a strong person in the Vientiane Realm.

It's a pity that the fox ancestor is gone.Otherwise, he would definitely be able to stop Wang Hao, right?

"Patriarch Jiao?"

However, the Beastmaster's call for help was not answered.

At this moment, people only noticed Jiao Patriarch, the Patriarch of Wanshou Mountain.

What is he doing?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It turned out that after seeing the bad situation and seeing Wang Hao's crazy display of strength, Patriarch Jiao actually wanted to escape.

He started backing away.He ignored the Beastmaster.

The remorse in Ancestor Jiao's heart.

Originally, he thought that the Beastmaster could save and support him a little bit.

Who knew this was a dou!He is too bad.

Will you stay and die with the Beastmaster?

Beast kings are crushed like this, and he just entered the Vientiane Realm, so he stayed and was instantly killed by Wang Hao?

If you don't go now, when will you wait!

"No... Patriarch Jiao, I hate you!"

The Beastmaster who also noticed this scene was desperate.

There were tears of blood in his eyes, and he really cried.

Is he betrayed now?Ancestor Fox is gone, Ancestor Jiao will also abandon himself at a critical moment!


In desperation, the beast king, who had no strength to resist, could only watch helplessly as Wang Hao's blow landed on him.

That feeling is so sour.

The body exploded, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The beast king's unparalleled defense was like paper in front of Wang Hao.

he died!

There is no place to die, no place to die!

He died full of resentment and regret.

The Beast King fell, the people in Wanshou Mountain fell silent, and the people watching from a distance became dead silent.

"Where to go!"

However, Wang Hao never stopped!

The first time he killed the Beast King, he went towards Jiaolongzu.

beep, beep...

Stepping in the air, one step at a time.

Within a few steps, Wang Hao caught up with the sneaky ancestor Jiao who wanted to escape.


The Body Training Fist of Gods and Demons of the First Battle blasted out, extremely domineering.

In the early days of Vientiane Realm?Moreover, he was a newcomer to Vientiane, and Wang Hao killed him like this to give him face.

bang bang bang...

With just this blow, Patriarch Jiao only felt that the world in all directions was blocked, he was powerless to resist, his arms exploded, and his body exploded.

One-shot kill!

Amidst the extreme shock, Patriarch Jiao was annihilated in ashes.


When Wang Hao returned again, the entire Wanshou Mountain fell into dead silence.

"Is this still human?"

Rao, Elder Ning, Elder Qin and others brought by Wang Hao all had strange expressions on their faces.

Wang Hao is too domineering!

This kills two Vientiane Realm powerhouses one after another, one of them is the Beastmaster who is in the middle stage of Vientiane Realm, blessed with the luck of the sect, and the other is the Ancestor Jiao who was instantly killed...

This strength is against the sky!

Dean Ning and Dean Qin suddenly realized that their trip seemed a bit redundant!

It is enough for Wang Hao to come alone!

Wang Hao, it's too much to eat alone.

"Cough cough cough... the people of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, surrender and don't kill them, otherwise, they will definitely be killed!"

Now that you're here, you have to brush up on your presence.

Dean Ning coughed lightly, breaking the dead silence, and hummed expressionlessly.

If you don't act now, when will you act?At that time, there is really no room for performance.

As the dean of Donghuang Academy and the dean of Daqin Academy, Dean Ning and Dean Qin feel aggrieved.

The young master who is too strong is too cool.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"The Beast God has abandoned the Beast King, we are willing to repent!"

"I will follow Ancestor Fox and Elder Hu to the death!"

"From now on, my monster clan will no longer participate in world disputes!"

The people of Wanshou Mountain who came back to their senses began to cry.

When the formation was broken just now, many of them wanted to escape.Naihe was suppressed by the beast king.

Now that the beast king is dead, who would hesitate?

Didn't you see Patriarch Fox and Elder Hu set the best example?Wang Hao didn't want to destroy Wanshou Mountain, but to wake them up and destroy their ambitions.

As long as the hadith of the ancestors is respected, they will be fine.

right!It must be so!

In an instant, the disciples and elders of Wanshou Mountain knelt down on the ground.

But in the blink of an eye, there was no one to resist in Wanshou Mountain!


Dean Ning and Dean Qin were dumbfounded.

What about backbone?

What about the bloodiness of the Yaozu?

Is this really in vain?Just as a trick to say a word?Is this really Myriad Beast Mountain?The Ten Thousand Beast Mountain of the seven top forces in the spiritual world?Wanshou Mountain who dared to fight against Tianxuan Sword Sect back then?

Dean Ning and Dean Qin looked at each other.

The people watching from afar were even more chaotic.

This battle...Wang Hao suppressed it alone?

Wang Hao...

At that moment, everyone looked at that figure from the back and was fascinated.

What a strong man.Some female monks present even felt their heart beating faster, wishing they could pounce on Wang Hao and push him, they wanted to help him have a baby!

It's a pity that Dihuang seemed to have sensed the thoughts of these people, cast a fierce look over, and gave the most severe warning, which poured cold water on the hearts of these female monks and calmed down.

However, they won't give up!They'll find their way!


These female monks chose to leave with dissatisfaction.

The battle is over, what are you looking at!

In this battle, Wang Hao is too domineering, and Wanshou Mountain is too bad.

After today, Wang Hao will really soar into the sky.

"Since this is the case, Laohu Laohu and Elder Hu will rectify Longevity Mountain! My Dongsheng Pavilion will always be a friend of Wanshou Mountain. If there is a need in the future, I will tell you at any time!"

After the matter was settled, Wang Hao saluted the returning ancestor Fox and Elder Hu.

If it weren't for them today, it wouldn't be easy to take down the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain?I'm afraid you have to pay a small price, right?

It couldn't be better now!

This is a great favor he owes.

"Young master, I'm honored. My monster clan has never forgotten the sacred teachings. We will continue to support Ye Di's will back then! My Eastern Wilderness monster clan does not want to become an ant or a beast again, to be slaughtered by others!"

Ancestor Fox looked at Wang Hao with complicated eyes and sighed softly: "In the future, my Wanshou Mountain will be replaced by Elder Hu as the new Beastmaster. Wanshou Mountain will be temporarily closed. However, if the young master needs it, just tell me! Wanshou Mountain will definitely go all out!"

Ancestor Fox seemed to have suffered quite a blow, after all, Wanshou Mountain was his home.How can you be in a good mood now that your family has been so ravaged~?

After the words fell, Patriarch Fox bowed to everyone and left directly.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your mercy today!"

When Patriarch Fox left, Elder Hu said in a deep voice.

He knew very well that it was because of Wang Hao that he was chosen by the ancestor to become the beast king!Because he has the best relationship with Wang Hao.

This made Elder Hu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Life is really wonderful, so is it not the case with Yaosheng.

When I saw Wang Hao for the first time, did I ever think that there would be today?At that time, I was only optimistic about Wang Hao, thinking that he had a bright future.

Who would have thought that he would rise to such a level in such a short period of time?This is really... people don't know what to say.

However, today this may be the best result, right?

Thinking of this, Elder Hu got a little comfort.

Wanshou Mountain, after today, will completely change its appearance!


(ps: On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a happy new year again. In the new year, I wish you all the best and your wishes come true! In addition, those who have not followed Wei~xin remember to pay attention to the official account, search the official account: dark night Youshang, or search WeChat ID: anyeyoushang

Dark night is waiting for you here! )

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