ancient myth

Chapter 47

"Asshole, Wang Hao, I won't let you go!"

Although he tried his best, Chu Chaoge still couldn't get rid of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan's pursuit.

As the distance between the two sides got closer, a huge cliff appeared in front of them, making Chu Chaoge roar with a ferocious expression.

He felt extremely aggrieved.

You know, as the son of King Yong, Chu Chaoge, who possesses top-grade talent, has always been the existence of the stars.

In this Yongzhou, he is so high that he can look down on anyone.Even in the empire, as a relative of the emperor, he is extremely honorable.For the younger generation, he is the top talent!When had he ever been so embarrassed?

Being chased by an ant has nowhere to escape, which drives Chu Chaoge crazy!

"Let's talk about it if we can survive today!"

Wang Hao sneered.

The appearance of the cliff saved him a lot of effort!

"You think you can really kill me?"

Chu Chaoge, who had nowhere to escape, stopped before the cliff!Looking at Wang Hao gasping for breath, a sneer of disdain appeared on his face.

"You are at the end of the road! Do you think I can't kill you? Or, do you think that magic talisman can save you?"

Wang Hao approached Chu Chaoge step by step.

Finally unable to escape?

Then wait to die!

"That's right! With the strength of you and Zhou Shan, there is a way to keep me at the moment I crush the talisman and be sent away. But what if I have a way to delay for a while?"

After taking a breath, a trace of disdain flashed in Chu Chaoge's eyes.

I am very embarrassed, very aggrieved!

But Wang Hao wants to kill himself?not enough!

"The Cosmic Cover!"

Seeing the moment Wang Hao approached him, a gleam flashed in Chu Chaoge's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.


A jade talisman in his hand was crushed, and in an instant, a layer of blue light filled the air, completely enveloping Chu Chaoge.


Seeing such a scene, Wang Hao's expression suddenly changed.

Although he guessed that Chu Chaoge was not easy to kill, he probably had a backup.However, Wang Hao still did not expect that Chu Chaoge would be so decisive.

Outside before, it was Chu Tianrong's Trapped Immortal Formation that almost killed himself and Zhou Shan.Now it is another universe shield, completely protecting Chu Chaoge.

Whenever Chu Chaoge hesitated at all, Wang Hao would not give him a chance.

"Blast him!"

While his expression was changing, Wang Hao yelled at Zhou Shan unwillingly.

The two joined forces and blasted towards the Qiankun cover!


As Wang Hao and Zhou Shan exerted their full strength, a loud noise came.Like thousands of gigantic beasts colliding, the entire universe trembled.

Dust filled the sky, and the wind howled.

Ding Ding Deng

Not only did they fail to break through that layer of barrier, but Wang Hao and Zhou Shan, under the shock of this force, retreated one after another.

Especially Zhou Shan, with his great strength, the shock he received was even greater, and he almost flew upside down.

"Hahaha... Wang Hao. You don't need to work hard! This universe shield is a high-grade enchantment. My father left it for me to save my life. Not to mention you, even if a strong man in the Shenfu realm wanted to blast him, he would It will take a lot of effort! I thought that I would never use this thing in my life, but I didn't expect that I was forced to this point by you today! You are very good!"

Seeing Wang Hao and Zhou Shan's overreaching behavior, Chu Chaoge sneered with resentment in his eyes.

Cosmos cover ah!Even if it was him, his heart would inevitably hurt at this moment!What kind of loss is this kind of treasure being forced to use by two ants?What's more, Chu Chaoge knew that his journey of trial was over.

Before he could do anything, he had to go back in embarrassment.This is even more of a blow to him!

Today's loss, in the future, he will use the lives of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan to make up for it!


Then, taking a deep breath, Chu Chaoge directly crushed the handed out talisman.


The light flickered, and Chu Chaoge's figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Run away! We are still careless after all!"

The wind was blowing, looking at the empty world ahead, Wang Hao's expression was uncertain.

Still escaped by Chu Chaoge

For such a person with strong talent and identity to escape, it would bring him a lot of trouble.

"Next time I see him, I'll kill him!"

Zhou Shan let out a sigh of relief.

"The best opportunity has been lost!"

This time he failed to kill Chu Chaoge.It is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.Want to kill again?Timing and luck are required.

"Perhaps, we can kill others!"

Zhou Shan suddenly showed a silly smile.

"Yeah! Our luck is not too bad!"

Following Zhou Shan's line of sight, the corners of Wang Hao's mouth rose slightly.

Just on the edge of the cliff, not far away, a figure appeared in Wang Hao's sight at this moment.

Isn't this one of the four teenagers who were with Chu Chaoge before?Facing the pursuit of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan just now, Chu Chaoge and others fled separately.Unexpectedly, there is a fork in the maze-like land of sealing demons that connects to this place!

Should this boy be lucky?Still not good?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao slowly approached that figure.Since Chu Chaoge escaped and another unlucky ghost came to the door, naturally Wang Hao would not be polite.If you can't kill Chu Chaoge, it's good to collect some interest first!

"Wang Hao! How is it"

Until this time, the young man also saw Wang Hao's appearance, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

what happened?

Didn't Wang Hao go after Chu Chaoge?Why is it here now?Moreover, he appeared here earlier than himself, had he already been waiting here?

This teenager is messed up.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Wang Hao asked with a smile.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Facing Wang Hao's approach, the young man retreated step by step, his eyes flickering.

"You should be very clear about what I want to do!" Wang Hao said quietly: "Don't try to escape, there is a cliff ahead, and the way behind is your way! And you think you will be faster than me?"

" can't kill me! My father is..."

The boy said hastily.

"Don't tell me who your father is! It's useless!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes, so far, this stupid guy still can't see the situation clearly?

Even Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge Wang Hao are not afraid, let alone him!


The young man was speechless.

"Hahaha...Wang Hao, do you think you can kill me?"

While his eyes were changing, the boy suddenly laughed wildly.But he saw a strange talisman in his hand.

The moment of the conversation just now gave the boy a chance to escape.


However, the next moment, before the young man crushed the talisman, the sword light flashed, blood splashed amidst the dull piercing sound, and then the young man's heart-piercing screams came.

A broken arm flew into the air at this moment.If you look closely, you can still see that the broken arm is holding the talisman that the boy took out.

The boy's face was pale, and he roared heart-piercingly!

Right between the lightning and the flint, his hand was cut off by Wang Hao!

"I don't like these talismans!"

Wang Hao pouted.

Having suffered a great loss from Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge, how could Wang Hao be careless?

Wang Hao had already noticed the young man's subtle little move just now.From that moment on, the tragic fate of the teenager was doomed.

"Ahhh...Wang Hao, don't kill me! Don't...otherwise my father won't let you go! No way!"

Blood flowed profusely, lying on the ground rolling over, looking at Wang Hao who was approaching step by step, at this moment, the boy's face was full of horror.

Death is approaching him.At this moment, Wang Hao, in the eyes of the young man, is like the god of death coming.Every step he took made the boy's heart beat faster!

At this moment, the boy abandoned the pride of the past, and he saw the reality clearly.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

"Chu Chaoge has escaped! What do you think I should do? I don't want to kill people. But someone wants to kill me! I don't want to die, so I can only kill people! As for your father? Let's talk when you find me!"

Coming to the young man, looking down at him, Wang Hao said quietly.

If the trial can be done safely, why would Wang Hao take the risk of killing people?Not to mention wasting time, but also offended a powerful opponent.

It's a pity that some people are restless.This made Wang Hao helpless.He is not a good man and a believer, so he can only fight back.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.This principle was told to him by the old Taoist who taught him countless times.Of course Wang Hao didn't dare to forget.

That being the case, you can only kill!

The long sword in Wang Hao's hand pointed directly at the boy.

The cold chill even made the young man forget the pain: "I don't dare! Don't kill me! I dare not be your enemy anymore. I won't go to Tianwu Academy either. Yes! I won't go to Tianwu Academy! If you kill me, Tianwu Academy will not spare you lightly. I can give you many things! Whatever you want, I can give you..."

Under Ling Ran's killing intent, the bloodless young man burst into tears.

"Then I will kill you!"

Wang Hao smiled innocently.


The next moment a cold light flashed, and the long sword in Wang Hao's hand fell.

A blood flower bloomed in the dark wind, bright and dazzling!

"Wang Hao..."

The boy's pupils contracted, and with endless unwillingness, he let out a final roar, but unfortunately, he didn't have the strength and time to finish the rest.

In the cold wind, Wang Hao drew out his long sword, and the boy's body gradually became cold.

"This is just a small interest! Chu Tianrong? Chu Chaoge! This is just the beginning!"

Looking at Wuchen Sword, which was not stained with any blood, and looking at the bottomless cliff, Wang Hao murmured.

"See if there are any unlucky ghosts!"

After beheading one person, Wang Hao said to Zhou Shan with a calm mind.

It seemed that after coming to this world, his mentality was changing.It was the first time he killed someone when he fought with Chu Tianrong's guards just now, Wang Hao didn't feel anything unusual.Even under the great battle, the blood boils.

Now kill another person, still no fluctuations!This surprised Wang Hao himself.

"it is good!"

Zhou Shan didn't look at the cold corpse, and split up with Wang Hao to search around the cliff.

"It seems that there are no more unlucky ghosts!"

A quarter of an hour later, before returning to the corpse, Wang Hao sighed softly.

There are only two exits connecting this place.

One is the path taken by Chu Chaoge, and the other is the path taken by this unlucky ghost.


The other three escaped just like that, making Wang Hao sigh.

If he can catch them all in one go, Wang Hao will not be relentless.

They are different from Jing Yufeng!Jing Fengyu carried a hint of dandyism, not bad in nature.But these people?It's already broken to the bone.Most importantly, they really wanted to kill Wang Hao!

Such a person, Wang Hao will not hesitate.

Unfortunately, we have to wait for the next time.

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