ancient myth

Chapter 48 Brother-in-law?

"You came!"

Standing in front of the young man's body, Wang Hao was not surprised at all when he saw Jing Fengyu who came here.

In other words, after confirming that no unlucky ghosts will come here to die, continue to wait here, what Wang Hao is waiting for is Jing Yufeng!He believed that the wind and rain would come.

In fact, Jing Fengyu did not disappoint Wang Hao.

"You killed him?!" Looking at the cold corpse at Wang Hao's feet, Jing Yufeng's expression was complicated: "His father is the Lord of Jinan City! His mother is Princess Yong's younger sister!"

"so what?"

Wang Hao frowned.It seems that the identity of this unlucky ghost is not small.

"Chu Chaoge has escaped!"

Jing Fengfeng said solemnly.

"After he left, I killed this guy!"

Wang Hao knew what Jing Fengyu was worried about.

Immediately afterwards, an interesting look flashed in his eyes: "You see. These people are not so high and mighty! They can even be weaker than ants. Is it your father who sent you to Tianwu Academy?"

Jing Yufeng was taken aback by Wang Hao's unconstrained topic, and something seemed to flash through his mind: "If possible, I don't want to go to Tianwu Academy. Because they have all gone!"

Wang Hao smiled: "Your father is very strong! There are not many in the entire Chu Kingdom who can be named by the Holy Spirit. He doesn't need your concern!"

"I have no mother! My father has only me!"

Jing Yufeng's eyes darkened.

"Let's go!"

Wang Hao didn't say much.

What should be said has been said.The rest is up to Jing Fengfeng himself.

Maybe he has figured out something.

Looking at Wang Hao's back as he turned and left, and then at the lifeless young man on the ground, Jing Yufeng's expression changed.

Back then, the young man who mocked himself, humiliated himself, and followed Chu Chaoge and others to make fun of him ended his life like this?This result is impressive.

Then, Jing Yufeng's eyes gradually brightened.


Relying on the induction of the mother-child stone, Wang Hao left the cliff and returned to the direction of the previous fork in the road.

"This way!"

Following one of the intersections, Wang Hao led Zhou Shan and Jing Yufeng forward quickly.

Too much time wasted, and they had to race against time.

I have to say that this mother-son stone is really useful.It helped Wang Hao save a lot of time.Of course, the most important thing is the map of the Land of Sealing Demons in Tai Youqian's hands, which played a very good role in guiding the way.

At the very least, along the way, how many warriors did Wang Hao see wandering around like headless chickens?

And he doesn't need to worry too much.Follow the induction stone, you can never go wrong.

Finally, two hours later, Wang Hao walked through another maze-like junction and came to a strange open space.The reason why it is said to be weird is because what Wang Hao presents is a rushing river!


The huge waves are rushing, as if they can swallow everything.The huge waves that set off, like the roar of a giant beast, can swallow the sky and the earth, the momentum is amazing!

This river makes people unable to see the source and where it is going.It seems to appear out of nowhere.The two sides of the river are connected by a huge iron cable.The rusty iron chain seems to be engraved with the breath of time.

On the bank of the river, hundreds of people had already gathered, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Thai is rich, Wang Lin!"

Wang Hao saw the two familiar figures behind the crowd at a glance.

"It's Chu Tianrong!"

Jing Fengyu said with a solemn expression.

Who is that proud figure at the front of the crowd, if not Chu Tianrong?And standing next to Chu Tianrong was the Phoenix of the Su family, Su Muyu, and the young overlord of the Su family, Su Huang!

"It's really a narrow road for enemies!"

Wang Hao squinted his eyes and muttered.

"Brother Wang Hao!"

Between Wang Hao's emotions, Wang Lin's eyes lit up when she noticed his appearance, and with a cheer, she ran towards Wang Hao.

The cheers quickly attracted the attention of everyone present.

All of a sudden, eyes turned towards Wang Hao.

Surprised, puzzled, surprised...

There are hundreds of eyes, containing countless emotions, and the atmosphere of the scene seems to be a little more weird.

You know, all the people who can come here are Yongzhou Tianjiao.There are many people with extraordinary identities!Many people already know what happened today.

The people present naturally knew Wang Hao and Zhou Shan, the two men with ten rings of war drums.It's just that before that, many people sighed for them.

Because Chu Tianrong wanted to deal with Wang Hao.

Because, I heard that Wang Hao fell into a beast tide...

Because this place where demons are sealed off is destined to be his burial place.

Who would have thought that he would survive until now?

"Hahaha...It really is the person I like. Life is big!"

While Wang Lin hugged Wang Hao's arm, Tai Youqian walked up to Wang Hao with a harmless smile.

"Fate is hard, there is no way!"

Wang Hao pouted.

"Brother Wang Hao! Ignore him! Hmph!"

Wang Lin glared at Tai Youqian.Obviously still dissatisfied with Tai's betrayal before he got rich.If Wang Hao hadn't asked her to follow Tai Youqian, Xiao Nizi would have already parted ways with this fat man!

"It's okay!"

Wang Hao stroked Xiao Nizi's hair to comfort her, and then looked forward.At that moment, his eyes met Chu Tianrong's.

Signaling Wang Lin to let go of her arm, Wang Hao walked forward step by step.

The crowd subconsciously spread out to both sides, and their gazes wandered back and forth on Wang Hao and Chu Tianrong.

"I'm sorry! My life is hard, God won't accept it, let you down!"

Standing a few steps in front of Chu Tianrong, Wang Hao stared into his eyes and said with a smile.

"Fate is quite big! However, for some people, no matter how great their fate is, they are destined to be out of their control!"

Chu Tianrong was expressionless!Unexpectedly, in such a scene, Wang Hao could survive. To be honest, it was very surprising.But so what?Wang Hao?Just an ant.

If he got lucky once, how could he get lucky twice?

"I want to try it!"

Wang Hao said seriously.

"You can try! But, now? Do you want to do something to me?"

Chu Tianrong smiled conceitedly.

"Now? No! Of course not! You are the sixth prince! How dare I! I will always respect you!"

Although Wang Hao smiled, it made people feel chills.

Move Chu Tianrong now?If possible, Wang Hao would not hesitate!

It's just that the timing is wrong.

Chu Tianrong thought him stupid!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, want to kill the prince?Wang Hao can't afford this crime!

Then, ignoring Chu Tianrong, he looked at Su Muyu who had been in a daze since he appeared: "Little Phoenix, your future man has appeared. Don't you need a warm hug? Why do you look so disappointed!"


Wang Hao's words made everyone present look at each other in dismay!

As Wang Hao became famous, the matter about him has been full of storms in just a few days.

Not to mention Pingchang City, in the entire Yongzhou.Anyone who has some way knows something inside.

For example, his relationship with this little Phoenix!For example, because of Little Phoenix, the grievances between Wang Hao and Chu Tianrong...

Now this Wang Hao not only has a surprisingly weird attitude towards Chu Tianrong, but also shamelessly belittles Little Phoenix again.

You know, the sixth prince is still here.

Looking at that little phoenix, his complexion turned pale suddenly, and the way he bit his lips tightly made people think that Wang Hao was committing a crime!This guy really deserves a beating!

What is a warm hug.

Can you be more profane to Little Phoenix?

Is this another kind of humiliation to the sixth prince?

Knowing that Su Muyu is the sixth prince's favorite, it's nothing more than Wang Hao occupying the marriage contract, so arrogant...

What a madman!

"Wang Hao! I will beat you to death!"

Chu Tianrong's face was gloomy, and Su Muyu's eyes flashed with anger, but neither of them spoke.It was Su Huang who spoke first.

He stared at Wang Hao like a hungry tiger with cold eyes.

"It's you crazy lover again! What? You want to kill me? Forgot the lesson of the past few days? I said, don't want to kill this or that! Brother-in-law, calm down, young man, Too much anger is not good!"

Wang Hao's smile was not a smile.


Wang Hao's words were another extreme humiliation!

Love ~ sister fanatic? !

Looking at Su Huang who was like a beast, and looking at Su Muyu who was trembling because of anger or something, everyone's eyes were weird.

Wang Hao's words were simply a critical blow.

Or is there something inside this?

As big as the world is, so is people's imagination!It is inevitable that someone will start thinking wildly.In particular, there are gossip that the little overlord of the Su family wanted to kill Wang Hao several times in the first place, all because of the existence of the marriage contract!

Before this moment, people didn't think much about it.He just thought it was because the little overlord of the Su family looked down on Wang Hao and defended his sister.Now it seems that maybe...

The eyes turned back and forth on Su Huang and Su Muyu, like knives slicing these two people back and forth.No, even Chu Tianrong with an ugly complexion was added.

Perhaps, Chu Tianrong also felt that there was something wrong with Su Huang's attitude towards Su Muyu, so he subconsciously glanced at Su Huang.

At this moment, Su Huang's expression changed drastically, and his eyes became more gloomy, showing faint red bloodshot streaks, like Shura who came out of hell.

"Wang Hao, you... spout blood!"

Unable to bear such gazes any longer, Little Phoenix's eyes were filled with mist, and he said.

"How could it be! You're my woman! You're just kidding! Don't you think so, Su Huang?"

Wang Hao looked at Su Huang with interest and asked.


Su Huang let out a roar, without further ado, he went straight to kill Wang Hao!


While speaking, Wang Hao took a step back and gave Zhou Shan his figure.

"By the way, this is my brother-in-law! Be gentle, just break your limbs or something! In case my woman won't let me go to bed!"

Wang Hao reminded Zhou Shan who was smiling innocently.

Another crit.

What do you mean by breaking off your limbs?No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the treatment that a brother-in-law should have.

The onlookers looked even weirder!

Chu Tianrong is going crazy!

"I kill you!"

Su Huang roared with veins all over his face.

"Get down!"

However, what stands in front of Su Huang is destined to be a peak that he cannot surpass.

Zhou Shan straddled with one step, and immediately stood across his waist, standing tall like a mountain.


Facing Su Huang's punch, Zhou Shan hit him directly.


Amidst the dull bombardment, there was only a crisp bone breaking sound, and Su Huang's figure flew upside down in the strong wind.

His right hand has deformed visibly to the naked eye, and even the white bone has pierced the flesh and blood, and the blood is flowing.

one strike!

With just one blow, Su Huang was hit hard again.

He was crushed by Zhou Shan again!

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