ancient myth

Chapter 49

Su Huang, this talented and powerful Tianjiao, was crushed by Zhou Shan again with just one blow.

This time, it was even more embarrassing than last time in Pingchang City!


That bloody scene even made many people gasp.

Many people present have witnessed Su Huang's strength in killing monsters before.His strength is very strong!

At the very least, in the Land of Sealing Demons, Su Huang can rank among the best relying on pure physical strength.There are not many people who can compete with him.This is a huge threat.

His strength surpasses that of ordinary Nine Heavens of Divine Power.

but now?

one strike!

Just one hit!Su Huang was not only defeated, but also had one hand broken!

Looking at Zhou Shan, people seem to know the origin of the moniker of this humanoid monster!This guy is not human at all.At the very least, he is almost invincible in this magical land!

How many people looked at each other for a while?

Su Huang?Is it really Wang Hao's brother-in-law?No!This must be someone else's brother-in-law!

"Su Huang!"

When everyone was shocked, Su Muyu exclaimed palely seeing her younger brother end up like this.

The mist in the eyes finally turned into tears, Su Muyu stared at Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, you are too much!"

"Yes! Zhou Shan, you are too much! I said, break his hands and feet. Why did you only break one hand?"

Wang Hao said to Zhou Shan.

"Then come again!"

Zhou Shan scratched his head and said with a foolish smile.

Like a devil, he walked towards Su Huang.


The conversation between Wang Hao and Zhou Shan made people's eyes widen again.

Does this work too?

"Wang Hao, don't be too rampant!"

Chu Tianrong's face was gloomy.

Wang Hao, this is constantly hitting him in the face!

"Wang Hao, if you are dissatisfied, come to me. Don't touch Su Huang!"

Su Muyu nervously stood in front of Su Huang.

"Haha... Am I crazy? Am I that kind of crazy person?"

Hearing the angry voices of Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu, Wang Hao laughed.

He likes to look at the angry but helpless look of the enemy.Just like Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu now.

Chu Tianrong felt humiliated and extremely angry?Su Muyu is still maintaining that noble appearance?At this time, shouldn't you be hysterical?

Bear with it!

Then they will continue to endure it!

"Forget it, for the sake of my woman. Don't interrupt the rest of his hands and feet. Who made him my brother-in-law?"

After laughing, Wang Hao shouted towards Zhou Shan who was walking towards Su Huang.

Those words made Su Muyu tremble all over.It made Su Huang, who was lying on the ground in a panic, completely go crazy.

Wang Hao is constantly provoking and teasing their bottom line...

It's just that Zhou Shan stood there, and the huge deterrent force made these people helpless!

When Zhou Shan returned to Wang Hao's side, the atmosphere in the arena had become extremely strange and dull.

"Haha...that's it! How nice it is! Everyone is in harmony! Opportunities are ahead, we should get through this place first before we talk about it!"

At this time, Tai Youqian narrowed his eyes, came to the front of the crowd, and said loudly.

Those words really diverted everyone's attention.

Even Chu Tianrong withdrew his gaze from staring at Wang Hao.

"The long river is rushing, spanning hundreds of meters! Everyone has seen it. Relying on the strength of the body, it is a daydream to jump over it! As for the iron chain... the few people who wanted to cross it just now were swallowed by the huge waves .Now life and death are unknown. It is impossible to break through! But, you should also feel that every half an hour in this long river, the waves will reach a period of weakness. If you want to get through here, the only time is the best time Opportunity!"

After glancing at the crowd, Tai Youqian continued.

This is the result of their previous observations, and it also gave Wang Hao a deeper understanding of the long river in front of him.

Half an hour?

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and focused on the long river and the iron chain in front of him.

Sure enough, in the silent atmosphere, after another quarter of an hour, the roaring sound of water suddenly began to weaken.

Inside the big river, the turbulent waves began to become silent.

"It's now!"

With a light drink, Chu Tianrong's eyes became sharp!


With a flick of the wrist, a blue light radiated, covering Chu Tianrong, Su Muyu and Su Huang in a blink of an eye.


Chu Tianrong made a move.Taking the treasures he brought as a shelter, with a soft snort, he took Su Muyu and Su Huang who had undergone a simple treatment and bandaged, along the iron chain, and plundered towards the opposite bank.

Seeing such a scene, why would Wang Hao and Tai Youqian hesitate?

But see Tai Youqian holding a simple lantern.Inside the lantern, there was a strange misty light.The light passed by, completely enveloping the fat body.

"There's only this treasure. There's no way, it's not as rich as the royal family. I can only take Wang Lin alone. You two, can you do it?"

Before the iron chain, Tai Youqian asked Wang Hao.


Wang Hao was expressionless.

It is enough to protect Wang Lin.

"let's go!"

Seeing that one after another people began to walk towards the other side of the river along the iron chain, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.He climbed the iron chain first, followed by Tai Youqian and Wang Lin!As for Zhou Shan?It is left behind at the end.


One step on the iron chain, Wang Hao only felt that he had stepped into the clouds.

The whole person seems to be floating in the air, and the body is beyond his control.The world in front of him seems to be changing, it seems that Wang Hao's feet are not a long river, but a cliff of ten thousand zhang, he may fall down at any time, and his body will be smashed to pieces!

"This is……"

Taking a deep breath, trying to keep the trace of clarity in his heart unaffected, as he took the second step, Wang Hao's expression changed.

He only felt that his feet suddenly became heavy as if they were filled with lead.

Between heaven and earth, a majesty suppressed him, almost causing him to fall into the long river.

"It's gravity!"

Two screams came from the front, and the two warriors swayed, fell into the long river, and were swallowed by the waves in a blink of an eye, which brought Wang Hao back to his senses.

His face suddenly became serious.

It seems that this iron chain road is not so easy to pass.

No wonder Tai Youqian and others were trapped here for a long time.

The Land of Sealing Demons is really extraordinary.

This is the aura that should be displayed in the Land of Sealing Demons, and this is the coercion that the Land of Sealing Demons should have.Is this the core of the Land of Sealing Demons?

Very good, then Wang Hao wants to see what kind of treasure is hidden in the core of this magical land!


Wang Hao turned his head to look at Tai Youqian and Zhou Shan.

"This hidden soul lamp can hide the soul and vitality, and cut off the influence of the chain space!"

Tai is rich and proud.

This made Wang Hao roll his eyes.

Sure enough, money is different.Could this guy be any more snarky?Aren't you afraid of being robbed?


Zhou Shan's face remained unchanged.

"Okay! Speed ​​up!"

After gradually adapting to the gravity, Wang Hao took another step.

Ding Ding Deng

Every step he takes, Wang Hao can feel the increase of gravity.After more than ten steps, Wang Hao even felt that the gravity he was carrying at the moment was no less than a thousand catties.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The iron chain under his feet has already started to tremble and shake!

This made Wang Hao feel that he was on top of the clouds, precariously on the verge of falling.

"Wang Hao, die!"

However, just as Wang Hao and the others took dozens of steps and came to the second half of the iron chain, as several warriors in front fell into the long river one after another, there was a burst of roaring.

Su Huang, with a ferocious face, rushed towards Wang Hao like a lunatic.

"You lunatic!"

Even Wang Hao, facing this sudden scene, his complexion changed drastically.At this moment, the gravity on his back is no less than five thousand catties!Coupled with the swaying iron chain under your feet...

Even with a strong body, Wang Hao still feels strenuous.Otherwise, how could those few people with extraordinary strength easily fall into the long river?This is enough to explain everything.

At this time, it is good to be able to protect yourself.You must concentrate on dealing with the situation in front of you. If you are a little careless, you will fall into the long river, and you are afraid of your life!

And Su Huang, a lunatic, dared to attack him!

Seeing the blue light covering his body, Wang Hao's pupils shrank.

It seems that this layer of blue light helped Su Huang weaken a lot of the influence of gravity.This is why he shot?And this is what Chu Tianrong wanted?

Otherwise, how could Chu Tianrong put the semi-disabled Su Huang last among the three?He has already calculated everything!

"Su Huang, you are courting death!"

The strong wind and murderous aura coming from the pavement made Wang Hao's face full of anger.

"Get out of here!"

Throwing out his fists, Wang Hao moved towards Su Huang's attack to resist.


Between lightning and flint, a dull roar exploded.


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, and his figure retreated two steps, precariously falling, as if he was about to fall into the long river.

After all, it was too much affected, and the strength that Wang Hao could display was extremely limited.

Otherwise Su Huang?The current him, Wang Hao can crush him at will!

but now……

"Haha... Wang Hao, today, I will tear your corpse into pieces!"

After a successful blow, Su Huang's face was ferocious, and his eyes were bloodthirsty.


He was like a lunatic, with both feet on the iron chain, he jumped into the air desperately, and at some point in his hand, a long spear was added, and he smashed down towards Wang Hao fiercely.

woohoo hoo...

Under the huge force, there was a low whistling sound, combined with the vibration of the iron chain and the roar of the long river, the whole world seemed to be frenzied.

"You are going to die! I will fulfill you!"

Forced to this point, Wang Hao has no choice.


out on a limb!Behind them were Wang Lin and Tai Youqian, and Zhou Shan couldn't bring Wang Hao any help through the two of them.

Only Wang Hao can be relied on.

"Wuchen Sword!"

At the moment when the long spear was suppressed, Wang Hao took the long sword and walked across it.


Amidst the crisp crashing sound, the sword light flickered and the flames erupted.


Wuchenjian let out low moaning sounds, and a huge force poured into Wang Hao's body along the long sword, causing his whole body to churn, and his internal organs to be shaken.


Withdrew a few steps, forcibly stabilized his figure, and suppressed the tumbling blood in his body, Wang Hao roared angrily.

Ding Ding Deng

This time, Wang Hao took the initiative to attack!

Su Huang?

If he hadn't been maimed by Zhou Shan, relying on the protection of that layer of blue light, he might be able to crush Wang Hao now.

But, it's a pity.He is a half-cripple!

A semi-disabled person still wants to use powerful marksmanship?impossible!This limits the display of his strength.Just like the blow just now, although Wang Hao's blood was boiling, he was able to bear it.

Now, Wang Hao will not give Su Huang another chance!

Since this arrogant guy didn't crush Wang Hao with one blow, let Wang Hao crush him instead!

He wants to send Su Huang to die!

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