ancient myth

Chapter 54

Looking at the idea of ​​​​all worlds returning to one, this turned out to be a soul refining technique.By visualizing the picture of the sky in your mind, strengthen your soul!

This made Wang Hao extremely excited.

The road to martial arts is difficult to reach the sky.Among them, the most difficult thing is the cultivation of the soul!

Wang Hao couldn't help but be overjoyed when he refined the power of the divine dragon and got the opportunity to strengthen his soul that day.You know, that was just a one-time benefit for Wang Hao.Although the power of the soul seems to have improved a lot.However, after Wang Hao's strength was strong enough, the improvement of these divine and soul powers became insignificant!

And the soul cultivation technique?This is the method of cultivating the power of the soul.Through continuous practice, the power of the soul can be continuously strengthened!The two are not the same!

With this kind of visualization method, Wang Hao can imagine how the gods and souls he cultivated in the future will be against the sky.What's more, the idea of ​​"All Worlds Returning to One View" has been cultivated to the end. When one glances at all worlds, the entire sky trembles under his eyes.This is quite similar to Wang Hao's Sky-reaching Eye.

If the two practice together, wouldn't they complement each other and double their power?

Wang Hao seemed to see a broad road in front of him.

Su Muyu, Chu Tianrong?

Thinking of those two people, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

If they knew that after being hunted down, they would get such an opportunity, would they be pissed off!Wang Hao really wanted to thank them.

Otherwise, he may not be able to get this chance.

If possible, at this moment, Wang Hao wants to sit down and practice hard!Unfortunately, now is not the time.Now, it is more important to find Wang Lin and others.

Holding the son-mother stone in his hand, Wang Hao withdrew his thoughts and looked forward: "The land of sealing the devil, the opportunity is not limited to this point. I have obtained the opportunity left by the commander-in-chief of Zang. I don't know if Zhou Shan and Tai Youqian also have it." reward?"

At the beginning, the commander-in-chief of the Tibetan army led an army to guard this place, and there was also that big monster who was suppressed!What opportunities are left?This made Wang Hao really curious.

Following the aura emanating from the mother-child stone, Wang Hao searched forward along the thick fog.

time flies.

Wang Hao didn't know how long he had been searching, he didn't know how long he had spent in this dense fog.

Finally, when Wang Hao walked forward numbly, the thick fog in front of him began to dissipate.

"Go to the exit!"

This brightened Wang Hao's eyes and lifted his spirits.

Hastily walking towards the outside world, stepping out of the area shrouded in mist, Wang Hao let out a long breath.

"Wang Lin, Thai is rich!"

Looking at the two figures who had already rushed to the front, Wang Hao was pleasantly surprised.

Especially seeing Wang Lin's figure, Wang Hao let out a long breath.Nothing happened to this little girl, which is the best result.

At some point, Wang Lin already occupied an important position in Wang Hao's heart.Perhaps, unknowingly, Wang Hao has regarded Wang Lin as his younger sister, his true relative!

"Hey... here it is? Not bad! It's faster than I thought!"

Tai Youqian turned his head and smiled at Wang Hao.

The weird thick fog before made Tai rich and worried.The mother-child stone is affected, can Wang Hao still find him?

If they were unable to join Wang Hao and the others, their plan today would undergo a huge change.

Now, this worry has finally disappeared.

"Where's Zhou Shan?"

Wang Hao glanced around.I didn't see that familiar figure.

"I don't know! Judging by the induction of the mother-child stone, he should have stayed in one place. Maybe it's hard to say what kind of opportunity he got! After all, there are many good fortunes contained in this thick fog. With that big man strength, there is no need to worry!"

Tai Youqian said calmly.

Wang Hao nodded.When it comes to strength, looking at the nearly ten thousand people who entered the trial ground this time, Zhou Shan deservedly belongs to the top.Even superior!

In this space where vitality is sealed, Zhou Shan is like a fish in water.

He was the last one to worry about.

Relying on that heaven-defying body and domineering strength, only Zhou Shan can harm others here.Others want to deal with Zhou Shan?But I think too much.

Wang Hao faced Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu's embarrassment before, if it was Zhou Shan?Maybe Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu didn't dare to make a move?

Zhou Shan can crush them.

"Okay! Then leave him alone! Where's the thing you're looking for? Has it been found?"

Wang Hao asked.

"It's over here!"

Tai Youqian's face became serious, and he looked towards the small clear water pool in front of the clearing.

On the edge of the pool, a huge black pillar stands like a mountain peak, with a black mist faintly lingering around it.

"That is?"

Wang Hao's eyes widened.

"It should be the Demon Suppressing Pillar! Back then when Emperor Ye suppressed the devil, all the [-] sealed places were suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Pillar. According to the information I got, under the Demon Suppressing Pillar, it was that The soul of the demon dragon. The clear water pool behind the Demon Suppressing Pillar is the heart of the demon dragon sealed!"

Tai Youqian spoke quickly and his face was flushed.

"Is it okay to move?"

Wang Hao was a little worried.

Is it a monster that even Emperor Ye can't completely obliterate?If the seal here is broken...

"It's okay! Even if you and I want to move the Demon Suppressing Pillar, it's impossible! Otherwise, how could the empire let us in for a trial? As long as the soul of the demon dragon is not released, what about the heart of the demon dragon? Why not! It's just a soulless thing, just for my use!"

Tai Youqian curled his lips!

"Is there a seal? Will it..."

Wang Hao showed a trace of worry.

It is normal for such an important place to have some powerful defensive means.

If this is the case, it is impossible to get the opportunity given that Wang Hao and Tai are rich.

"No! As I said, the real core is the Demon Suppressing Pillar! As long as we don't go to death, this Demon Suppressing Pillar won't pose too much threat! The empire is for us to test, not to die! As for the heart of the monster dragon? This clear water pool is the only trouble. It is said that it is extremely cold and can not be penetrated by humans. Even if the strong man of the Shenfu enters it rashly, he will die! I have a heart-warming pill here, you will later Take it. This is the only way to resist. As for the rest, it depends on your luck. If you can dive underwater, there should be no other defenses.

After all, the Warmaster guarded it back then, and was suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Pillar.Emperor Ye wouldn't be full enough to use so many methods to guard against a Heartless Heart! "

"Wait! You said I was taking pills? You mean let me..."

Wang Hao rolled his eyes and looked at Tai Youqian angrily.

"I...cough coughcough...can't swim! You know, I'm fat! If I can go down, why should I wait for you to come here? Go down, and I'll help you look at this place! The heart of the demon dragon is here Under the water pool, there should be a box seal. You can just take it out! If there are other things, they are all yours! Moreover, you will not let you take risks in vain. This heart-warming pill is an extraordinary medicine, which is rare to see .My family finally managed to get one. If you take it, not to mention fighting against the cold pool today, you will feel endless benefits in the future! This is a reward for you...Of course, if it is true, you still can’t Persevere, you quit, I won't say anything!"

Tai Youqian showed a bit of embarrassment.

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.Looking at this fat man, I was a little speechless.

"Okay! Wang Lin, follow Tai Youqian!"

Wang Hao did not hesitate.

Since it was agreed at the beginning, Wang Hao certainly won't shirk it at this time, and he can't shirk it either!

"Okay! Happy! Wang Lin, you can rest assured that nothing will happen to her! You take this talisman! I asked a master to make it. In times of crisis, you can directly crush it and it can save lives. Warriors under the realm of the gods It is impossible to break through the defense! There is also this elixir, called the Rebirth Pill! After taking it, your breath will be completely isolated, like a dead person. You can avoid the influence of the demonic energy on the suppressing magic pillar! As for this Nuan Xindan, don't use it rashly unless you have to..."

Seeing Wang Hao agreeing, Tai Youqian let out a long breath, showing ecstasy!He handed Wang Hao a talisman carved from jade and two pills.

"I'll go first!"

Wang Hao unceremoniously swallowed the Past Life Pill, picked up the talisman, and walked towards the water pool.

woohoo hoo...

The closer he was to the sky-reaching Demon Suppressing Pillar, the more clearly Wang Hao could feel the roaring and roaring sounds of strong unwillingness in the howling wind.

Those sweeping black air seemed to have magical powers to suck away people's soul. At first glance, the soul was shaking, and Wang Hao's soul seemed to be uncontrollably detached from the body and sucked into the black air.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Rebirth Pill played a role in helping Wang Hao calm down.Otherwise, Wang Hao's breath and soul might have been swallowed by the black mist.

Resisting the urge to look at the magic mist, Wang Hao avoided the magic pillar as much as possible, and gradually approached the pool.

The cold air is overflowing, and the pool water is green...

Standing on the edge of the pool, Wang Hao could feel that the world has become bitingly cold!


Stepping into the pool with one foot, Wang Hao gasped suddenly.

The flesh and blood of the whole body seem to be frozen, and the blood seems to be coagulated...

"damn it!"

Wang Hao's expression turned ugly.

If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid they would have died under this biting cold by now, right?

Wang Hao seriously suspects that Tai Youqian is not afraid of water, but that he doesn't want to suffer at all!

The Great Sun Yin Qi Jue is running slowly, although it cannot absorb the aura of heaven and earth, it can make Wang Hao's blood circulate faster, so as to resist the cold from outside.

wow wow wow...

As it got deeper into the pool, the operation of the Da Ri Yin Qi Art became crazier.Only in this way can Wang Hao reluctantly support it.Otherwise, he would die in an instant and be martyred.

Even so, Wang Hao also felt extremely strenuous.

Almost every cell in his body was moaning and roaring at this moment, on the verge of collapse.

Under the urging of the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue, the blood in his body was rushing, as if boiling.

A trace of abnormal flush appeared on Wang Hao's face.


Finally, after diving for an indeterminate amount of time, Da Ri Yin Qi Jue could no longer support his body, so Wang Hao directly swallowed the Nuan Xin Pill that he had contained in his mouth in advance.


As soon as the heart-warming pill entered his stomach, Wang Hao suddenly felt a surge of majestic energy explode in his stomach.


Incomparably hot!

Wang Hao's whole body seemed to be on fire!

The chill all over my body was expelled!

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that he had come to the magma from the cold hell.This feeling of deep water, hot water, and ice and fire made Wang Hao feel sour... This... this is simply unbearable pain!

"Damn Thai is rich!"

Wang Hao couldn't help scolding that damned fat~.

"I see!"

With the help of the Warm Heart Pill, it sank again for tens of meters. Finally, when Wang Hao could hardly stand it anymore and was about to collapse, a simple box appeared in the green light ahead, which caught Wang Hao's eyes. one light.

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