ancient myth

Chapter 55 4 faces embattled

dong dong dong...

Even though the wooden box was more than ten meters away, even if the water flow around him made the splashing sound, it still couldn't cover up the dull heartbeat coming from inside the wooden box!

"The Heart of the Demon Dragon!"

Apart from this thing, Wang Hao couldn't think of what could be in this wooden box!


In one go, Wang Hao forcibly dived downward. During the dive, a layer of crystal ice crystals began to slowly condense on the surface of Wang Hao's body. Finally, when the fiery energy emitted by the Nuanxin Pill was unable to resist the cold, He finally came to the bottom of the pool.

"This is……"

Just when Wang Hao took the wooden box into his arms and was about to leave this place as soon as possible, Wang Hao stopped walking from the corner of his eye.

At the bottom of the dark green pool, Wang Hao saw an iron rod gleaming with dark light.

The deep darkness even brightened the darkness around him.

"This thing is extraordinary!"

Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed the iron rod.

"Good weight!"

The next moment, Wang Hao's eyes widened.He couldn't grab the iron rod all of a sudden.

The iron rod lying quietly on the bottom of the water seemed to weigh tens of thousands of catties.


Cursing secretly in his heart, feeling the precursor of his body collapse, Wang Hao did not hold back at all this time, his whole body exploded, and under the huge water pressure, he grabbed the iron rod again.

clap la la...

Water splashed everywhere, and the heavy feeling of the iron rod made Wang Hao gasp.


There was no time to study it. After Wang Hao threw the treasure into the storage space, he couldn't wait to swim towards the surface of the water.


Almost exhausted the last trace of strength, Wang Hao finally surfaced, gasping for breath as if he had been reborn.

However, he soon felt the strange atmosphere on the shore at the moment.

I don't know when, there are more than ten figures on the shore!Tai Youqian and Wang Lin are in a stalemate with these figures, seeming to block their way.

Among the dozen or so figures, Wang Hao saw Chu Tianrong, Su Muyu, Wang Kun, and Luo Tianqiu...

Many familiar faces appeared in Wang Hao's line of sight, which made his pupils shrink.

"Sure enough, the world is small! It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Looking at those figures, Wang Hao's heart couldn't help sinking.

Things seem to be in trouble.

Just as Wang Hao felt, seeing him walk up to the clear water pool, the eyes of the people on the shore immediately turned sharp.

"Wang Hao, hand over the opportunity!"

Chu Tianrong was the first to say.

"Wang Hao, everyone has a share in the treasure, and those who are destined will get it. Hand it over quickly!"

Following Chu Tianrong, several teenagers and young men with extraordinary aura looked at Wang Hao with murderous intent.

Not long ago, these arrogance and powerhouses finally came to this core area through layers of thick fog.

However, what made their hearts sink was that someone got there first.

Tai Youqian's chubby body, carrying Wang Lin, blocked everyone's way. When the two sides were in a stalemate, Wang Hao appeared from the pool behind the Demon Suppressing Pillar.This shows what?

This shows that Wang Hao and Tai Youqian must know what is hidden under the pool, so they went to get the treasure!

Thinking of the treasures that might appear in the core area of ​​the Land of Sealing Demons, these people's eyes became fiery and crazy.

"Hmph! Hand over the treasure? Are you brain-dead? The treasure should be obtained by the predestined one? I am the predestined one! The treasure belongs to me!"

Facing the orders of Chu Tianrong and these people, Wang Hao sneered again and again.

"Wang Hao, you really want to die!"

Chu Tianrong's eyes were extremely cold!

It's that bastard Wang Hao again.Because of him, he couldn't even touch Su Muyu, and Chu Tianrong felt disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.This time at the core of the Land of Sealing Demons, he was provoked and humiliated by Wang Hao several times...

Now, the treasure has fallen into Wang Hao's hands again, how can Chu Tianrong be reconciled?

"Chu Tianrong, you and my woman are able to work hand in hand! You two adulterous husbands and prostitutes wanted to kill me just now? It's a pity that I escaped. Now you want to kill people and seize treasures? Just come directly!"

Wang Hao stared at Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu!

For these two people, Wang Hao made no secret of his disgust and murderous intentions at this moment.


Wang Hao's words were like thunder on the ground, making everyone on the bank subconsciously stunned for a moment.

Even at this moment, these people couldn't wait to kill Wang Hao and seize the treasure, but they were still shocked by what Wang Hao said.

Chu Tianrong and Su Muyu...

People looked weird, subconsciously looking at the man and woman.

Everyone had long guessed that the two might be having an affair, but now that Wang Hao said it himself in front of the public, it could still bring enough impact.And in the thick fog just now, they really wanted to kill Wang Hao, but Wang Hao escaped?



Chu Tianrong was going crazy with anger.His eyes almost burst into flames.

"Wang Hao, you are too deceitful!"

Su Muyu's eyes were foggy, his face was pale, and he looked extremely wronged.

Wang Hao's words severely humiliated the two of them.Especially Su Muyu.How much does this little Phoenix of the Su family value his reputation?

Not to mention being humiliated by Wang Hao one after another this time, now he is slandering himself so viciously...

Su Muyu only felt the buzzing in his head.The murderous intent in my heart couldn't help but explode.

"Tai Youqian, are you sure you want to help this troublemaker? Hmph! This son has repeatedly ruined the reputation of me and Mu Yu. I can't forgive him! Today, he must die!"

Taking a deep breath, Chu Tianrong said to Tai Youqian who stood in front of him.

What a fat man, if Chu Tianrong, the sixth prince, hadn't been concerned about his family's influence, how could he be so polite.

"Hey... Sixth prince, I'm sorry! I don't know if Wang Hao is slandering me. But now, he is my friend! Why don't the sixth prince give me face?"

Tai Youqian Fatty~ A harmless smile appeared on his fat face, looking extremely innocent.

"You don't have that face yet!"

Chu Tianrong's eyes turned cold.

"That can't be helped!"

Tai Youqian pouted.

"You think I dare not kill you?"

Chu Tianrong narrowed his eyes.

"Of course you dare not!"

Tai Youqian smiled and said presumptuously: "Who made my family rich? Who made me have a good father? Who made the third prince need to win over my father?"


If Tai is rich, Chu Tianrong's face immediately changed.

It also made many people present look weird.

Before, many people just knew that the identity of this fat man seemed not simple, and that he had a deep relationship with Wang Hao.Moreover, it seems that this fat man is stupid, with a simple and honest appearance...

Now it seems……

Dare to say this in front of the sixth prince, he is really stupid, but his identity seems to be not simple.

Three princes...

Thinking of the prince of the empire, everyone's eyes showed fear.

As the same prince, the status of the third prince is by no means comparable to that of the sixth prince!

"Okay! Very good!" After being angry, Chu Tianrong laughed back angrily: "For the sake of third brother, I will naturally not kill you! But, do you think you can stop us? Not only Wang Hao, but you That Wang Lin is going to die today!"

Chu Tianrong suppressed the furious anger in his heart, and glanced at the rest of the people around him: "Go! Kill Wang Hao and that woman, magic weapon, and we will distribute it! Each of you, I will give another 5 taels of silver!"


Chu Tianrong's murderous words immediately made everyone's eyes even crazier.

5 taels of silver is an astronomical sum for ordinary people.Even the people present couldn't help being moved.Not to mention being able to redistribute treasures?

Thinking of this, everyone was ready to move, but in a moment, the way out of Wang Hao and Wang Lin was blocked!

"You are courting death!"

Wang Hao's complexion suddenly became ugly.

Chu Tianrong wanted to kill him, Wang Hao knew it.However, he even targeted Wang Lin.This made Wang Hao murderous.

At this moment, the escape route is blocked. If Wang Hao is alone, he still has hope to find a way out.

But now with Wang Lin...

Thinking of Wang Lin's strength, Wang Hao's eyes fluctuated.

"Wang Hao, you are dead!"

Looking at the gloomy Wang Hao, Chu Tianrong sneered.

"Death or not, it's not up to you!"

Wang Hao glanced at Chu Tianrong, then turned his eyes to the two figures on the side who had never moved: "Wang Kun, I have nothing to say if you want to kill me. Wang Lin is from the Wang family. You want to kill too?"

"You can go!"

Hearing Wang Hao's questioning, Wang Kun's expression was complicated.

Once upon a time, Wang Kun was aloof. In the Wang family, he was the hope of the future and the sun of tomorrow.At that time, he was not only famous in Pingchang City, but also entered Tianzhao Academy, was appreciated by his master, and had a bright future in the future.At that time, he would never even look at Wang Hao.

Because the existence of Wang Hao is as humble as an ant.He has the capital to be proud, and his eyes will not be placed on ants.

He wants what Wang Tianwen left behind, and he wants that constant engagement!Because, in the Wang family, only he is worthy of the marriage contract, and only he is worthy of the treasure left by Wang Tianwen!

However, who would have thought that in just one year, Wang Hao has undergone earth-shaking changes?

The talent is outstanding, the battle drums are beating ten times, stepping into the Tianwu Academy, and will soon become a pro-Tianwei...

From that day on, Wang Kun's light became dim.In front of Wang Hao, he became ordinary.

He no longer has that sense of superiority.Everything he wanted fell into Wang Hao's hands in the end!This gave Wang Kun a lot of shock!

Especially this time in the Land of Sealing Demons, although I have never witnessed Wang Hao's deeds with my own eyes, I have heard a lot.

Wang Hao really stirred up the situation.

Now is the chance!

To be honest, the proud Wang Kun is jealous and envious!

If possible, he wants to fight for it.

But, to kill Wang Lin?

Wang Kun will not!

Now is not the time to kill Wang Hao.

He is so proud that he does not allow himself to do such dirty things!

Wang Kun's pride and conceit, just as Wang Hao said, is naive and childish!

And this is also the reason why Wang Hao, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, asked him a question.

"It seems that the situation has changed!"

Seeing Wang Kun who walked into the encirclement and walked towards him, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, and he looked towards Chu Tianrong.

"Wang Kun! Kill him, and the future Wang family is in your pocket. I promise you a bright future and give you a vast sky!"

Chu Tianrong looked at Wang Kun with sharp eyes.

"I am a member of the royal family!"

Wang Kun looked serious and did not hesitate.

"Okay! What a Wang family! What a member of the Wang family! If that's the case, you should die too!"

Chu Tianrong laughed back in anger.

"Kill! Kill them all! Leave no one behind!"

Looking at those people who were about to move, Chu Tianrong roared loudly.

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