ancient myth

Chapter 56 Strong Counterattack

"Kill! Not one left!"

Wang Kun's statement made Chu Tianrong lose his last patience!

Wang family?

What a royal family!

Having Wang Hao is not enough, now another Wang Kun?

What is Wang Kun?It's just a top-grade talent.Do you really think you can compete with yourself with this top-rank talent?

Simply overwhelmed!

In that case, kill them all!When they leave this demon-sealed land, the Wang family will also be unlucky together!

Chu Tianrong's murderous intent was overwhelming.

"Who wants to kill?"

However, just when Chu Tianrong's murderous intent exploded and the dozen or so monks around him were about to strike, a cold snort came from the thick fog behind him.

Within the mist, a figure slowly walked out.Huge body, extraordinary momentum, like the god of war descending.Walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, in just a few steps, that figure walked out of the mist and came to the front of the crowd.

The smile on Tai Youqian's face became brighter.Wang Hao's tightly locked brows were slowly released, and Wang Lin let out a breath.Even Wang Kun couldn't help but secretly relax after seeing this figure.

With a burly body and a powerful imposing manner, the simple clothes can't hide the aura that seems to come from the wilderness!At this moment, it wasn't Zhou Shan who walked into the arena, so who was it?


Seeing Zhou Shan who walked directly in front of him as if he had entered the land of no one, Wang Hao frowned.

It seemed that he hadn't seen him for a short period of time, and this guy's aura became even more manic.As Tai Youqian said, Zhoushan was lucky this week, and within the thick fog, he got a chance!And his appearance made Wang Hao no longer need to worry.

The situation just now was not good!One must know that Wang Hao had almost exhausted all his strength in the cold pool, and at this moment, the strength he could recover was very little.Wang Lin's fighting power is weak.Tai Youqian's strength is unknown. Even though Wang Kun's talent is outstanding, how strong is the pure physical strength?But it's above average.In the Land of Sealing Demons, he has no advantage at all!

If a war really breaks out, Wang Hao and others will not suffer a big loss.If you want to break through, you may have to leave some price behind.

Now, the appearance of Zhou Shan gave Wang Hao a reassurance.

With him here, these people are not enough to watch!


The sharpness on Zhou Shan's face disappeared immediately, and he smiled innocently.

In front of Wang Hao, he seems to have always been that simple and honest fool.Where is the slightest mania?

However, Zhou Shan's innocent smile at this moment is inexplicably reassuring.

"Since you're here, let's do it!"

Wang Hao's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Hmph! Wang Hao, you are so crazy!"

"Wang Hao, do you think you can compete against us with a big fool?"

"Today, the sixth prince cannot spare you. I will not let you go. Not only the treasures need to be handed over, but also your lives must be kept!"

Wang Hao's words caused anger to appear on the faces of the dozen or so people who surrounded this place.Is he completely ignoring the people present?

What an arrogant Wang Hao!

"Wang Hao, do you think he can turn the situation around by himself?"

Chu Tianrong narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan is indeed dreadful.

But, beware!Those who can come here are all arrogance.These people are not comparable to the rabble outside.They represent the top power in Yongzhou.At the very least, these people are the best in this magical place.

Even if Zhou Shan is tyrannical, can he really act recklessly?

"Haha... If you want our lives, just come! Chu Tianrong, if you want to keep me today, I'm afraid it depends on your ability!"

While secretly running the Great Sun Yin Qi Jue to restore his strength, Wang Hao said proudly.

"act recklessly!"

Chu Tianrong curled his lips: "Kill! Kill me! Kill them, everyone, 10 taels of silver!"

It was such a generous move, and in just a split second, Chu Tianrong doubled his chips.This shot was more than a million silver.

"Okay! Thank you, Sixth Prince!"

10 taels of silver per person, which made everyone present excited.

"Zhou Shan, I heard that you are very strong! Let me see if you really have that strength!"

A rough young man roared with a bloodthirsty sneer at the corner of his mouth.


After the words fell, I saw that the man turned into a savage giant bull, and rushed towards Zhou Shan with a powerful momentum.

"kill him!"

Wang Hao said to Zhou Shan expressionlessly.

At this moment, there is no need for kindness, at this moment, shock is needed!Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys.This seemingly strong young man?It was that chicken!

"it is good!"

There was no seriousness on Zhou Shan's face.

However, at the moment that figure fell in front of him, Zhou Shan moved.

As usual, like practicing in the small courtyard, Zhou Shan rushed out without any evasion or fancy moves!


With strides, in the blink of an eye, Zhou Shan collided with the rough youth.

"Get down!"

Zhou Shan let out a muffled groan, like a mysterious thunder that exploded.


The dull crash was deafening.

"how come……"

The smile on the young man's face suddenly froze, his eyes widened, as if he saw something incredible.

Faintly, people heard the sound of bones breaking!Faintly, people saw that the middle-aged man's fists collided with Zhou Shan's body, not only did not cause the slightest damage to Zhou Shan, but even the man's arms twisted strangely.

Bones shattered, flesh and blood flew everywhere!

With just this one move to counter head-on, Zhou Shan used the purest way to not only take the opponent's youth's move hard, but also broke his hands!


Amidst the screams, the young man's face was distorted under Zhou Shan's impact, and he flew out backwards!

"Strong Bull Demon!"

Zhou Shan chased after him with a blank face.

At this moment, Zhou Shan's aura climbed again, his loose long hair danced, his muscles puffed up, and he descended like a troll!


In the inconceivable eyes of the young man, Zhou Shan stepped to his side, and then exerted strength with both hands.

clap la la...

It rained blood all over the sky!

Visible to the naked eye, the internal organs are flying around.

That burly and imposing young man... was actually torn apart by Zhou Shan's blow and died completely!

woohoo hoo...

The cold wind howled.

The whole world fell silent.

Chu Tianrong's expression became stiff.The madness on the faces of those people surrounding Wang Hao froze and turned into endless shock.

The corner of Tai Youqian's mouth twitched, and Wang Kun's expression was complicated.

Wang Lin simply vomited under the bloody scene.

Rao Wang Hao couldn't help but look weird at this moment.

That young man is very strong!Wang Hao could feel it.With pure physical strength, Wang Hao might not be much ahead of that young man.If the two sides fight, I'm afraid it will be inextricably linked. It will take a while for Wang Hao to win.In this land of demons, this young man's strength is considered to be top-notch.

And Zhou Shan... was just a face-to-face meeting, seriously injuring the young man.Then there was another move to tear him apart!

This is a living strong man, just torn in half!Bloody enough, crazy enough!

This guy is really domineering!It is indeed a humanoid monster.When did it become so powerful?It seems that the opportunity he got just now made him soar a lot!

Seeing Zhou Shan walking back, the corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.


Coming in front of Wang Hao, Zhou Shan smiled.

"Okay!" Wang Hao suppressed the shock in his heart, and said with a smile: "Then continue!"

I have to say that the dialogue between Wang Hao and Zhou Shan was really crazy and boundless!

Kill one sentence that doesn't matter, and continue with one sentence... The two of them are ignoring the whole world!

Chu Tianrong felt extremely crazy.However, endless fear was born in his heart, which made him dare not continue to be arrogant!The strength shown by Zhou Shan was beyond Chu Tianrong's imagination!

This is where it feels most frustrating.

"You guys, who wants to die?"

Zhou Shan didn't care about how everyone was feeling.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Zhou Shan looked at the people around him with cold eyes.


What responded to Zhou Shan was endless silence. The shock brought by this humanoid monster makes people dare not make mistakes!

For a full moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Zhou Shan did not get a response.He walked slowly towards Chu Tianrong.

"It's you, wanting to kill Wang Hao?"

Zhou Shan asked Chu Tianrong angrily.His eyes were rare and fierce.

Chu Tianrong wanted to kill Wang Hao again and again, Zhou Shan was really angry at this moment!


For some reason, under Zhou Shan's gaze, Chu Tianrong felt his breathing became messy, and he didn't even dare to look at him.

"My family, Wang Hao, has a hard life. He is kind and honest. Do you think he is easy to bully?"

Zhou Shan said as if talking to himself.

The sound was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.


People were stunned.

Wang Hao's fate is not known to everyone.But... he is kind, he is honest?

Even Tai Youqian's eyes became weird.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Wang Hao's face...

This week the mountain...

"You, feel wronged by marrying Wang Hao?" Ignoring the expressions of the people around, Zhou Shan looked at the little phoenix Su Muyu: "I don't think you can climb high! Marrying you, wronged Wang Hao! But, he wants, I will support it. You should feel happy and grateful. But you, you don’t have a half of self-knowledge!”

Zhou Shan talked a lot today.

In the past, he couldn't hold back a word for a long time, but now he breathed out, perhaps the longest sentence in his life.

These words silenced the audience even more!

The little phoenix of the Su family is famous in Yongzhou City.

This is not just because of her top-grade talent!It is said that there are more hidden existences.Because of this, he was favored by the sixth prince.In the future, she will be the wife of the sixth prince!Now it has become so unbearable in the mouth of these fools?

What is called Xu to Wang Hao, it is the little phoenix who climbed high.What is a little phoenix without the slightest self-knowledge!

Could anything be more humiliating than that?

Looking at Xiao Fenghuang's tightly pursed lips, pale complexion, and precarious figure, it makes people feel that this fool is committing a crime!

"Zhou Shan, you are bold!"

Chu Tianrong finally couldn't bear it anymore, he said.

"You, what do you want!"

Immediately afterwards, looking at Zhou Shan who was getting closer and closer to him, Chu Tianrong questioned.


Zhou Shan was expressionless.

One is the person who repeatedly wants to kill Wang Hao, and the other is an ignorant poisonous woman!If Zhou Shan doesn't kill people, what else can he do?

The silly smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed, but at this moment, he looked even more silly!

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