ancient myth

Chapter 57


With a silly smile all over his face, what Zhou Shan said made everyone gasp.

Because the sixth prince wanted to kill Wang Hao, so he wanted to kill the sixth prince!

Everyone changed their expressions.

"You dare to kill me? I am the sixth prince of Chu. If you dare to touch me, you..."

There was a hint of panic in Chu Tianrong's eyes.

It's because Zhou Shan's performance just now was too shocking and frightening.


Before Chu Tianrong finished speaking, Zhou Shan moved.The whole person jumped out like a tiger, and the troll descended.


The pair of fists blasted out, and the wind of the fist exploded like a muffled thunder.

Chu Tianrong's pupils suddenly shrank.

The violent power of Zhou Shan's punch exploded, shaking people's hearts and livers.Suddenly, a giant beast opened its mouth wide and bit down on him.

"Don't think about it!"

Chu Tianrong gave up the last trace of luck!

His identity is useless in front of Zhou Shan.He could clearly feel the murderous intent of these two idiots.

After looking horrified, Chu Tianrong hurriedly moved towards Zhou Shan to resist.


There was a muffled sound, blood gushed out from Chu Tianrong's mouth, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Chu Tianrong is extremely talented and powerful, but how can he be Zhou Shan's opponent?In this land where the demons were sealed, Chu Tianrong was just hitting a stone with an egg against Zhou Shan.

"Come again!"

After a successful blow, Zhou Shan pursued Chu Tianrong again.

"do not want!"

Su Muyu's pupils contracted, showing a look of horror, and quickly moved his sword to block Zhou Shan.


Zhou Shan blankly glanced at Su Muyu who was trying to block his way, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.


Against the sharp sword with pure physical strength!

A crisp sound exploded, but the brilliance on the sword suddenly dimmed.Then amidst a burst of mourning, the long sword broke and turned into countless slivers and flew out.


Under the impact of a huge force, Su Muyu flew out with a pale face.

Su Muyu?She wants to resist Zhou Shan?It's a fool's dream!

Zhou Shan didn't have the slightest liking for this woman!


Being blocked by Su Muyu, Zhou Shan gave Chu Tianrong a chance to breathe.

With a long howl, Zhou Shan rushed towards Chu Tianrong again.


Chu Tianrong's complexion was extremely ugly!

"Dragon Tiger Glass!"

In Chu Tianrong's hand, there was an extra crystal clear talisman.


As the talismans were crushed, the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring resounded throughout the world.

In the void, a dragon and a tiger galloped out, sweeping unparalleled energy, heading towards Zhou Shan.


Seeing this scene, Tai Youqian exclaimed!This dragon and tiger glaze is an extremely high-end life-saving talisman.Even without the support of vitality, the power that erupts is unimaginable.In the Land of Sealing Demons, no one can resist!

A cold light flashed in Wang Hao's eyes, showing murderous intent, his body arched, ready to rush out at any time.


A roar exploded.

The wind is dancing, the dust is all over the sky, and the situation is changing.

Zhou Shan's figure collided with the dragon and tiger and disappeared from people's sight.

For a long time, for a long time!The shaking of the earth began to stop, and the dust began to disperse.

Zhou Shan's figure gradually appeared in people's sight!At this moment, Zhou Shan was in a state of distress, his clothes were torn, a trace of blood was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and there were several wounds on his body that were visible to the naked eye.

This is Zhou Shan that Wang Hao has never seen before!

Perhaps it was the first time that this humanoid monster was in such a mess and suffered such a heavy blow? !

"how is this possible!"

Chu Tianrong was even more astonished.

Zhou Shan is panting!He is still alive!Even dragon and tiger colored glaze, such treasures can't kill this perverted guy?


Thinking of this, Chu Tianrong made a decisive decision.With Su Muyu, directly crush that talisman!

brush brush...

At the same time, for fear of being blocked by Zhou Shan, Chu Tianrong even threw a few black shadows, sweeping towards Wang Hao.

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

It is very difficult to stop Zhou Shan, but if he threatens Wang Hao, can Zhou Shan turn a blind eye?

Sure enough, with murderous intent, Zhou Shan glared at Chu Tianrong, but turned around and walked towards those black shadows to stop him.


Every black shadow exploded like a thunderous roar, shaking the sky.

Thick smoke billowed, and Zhou Shan was instantly engulfed in it.

"This is... Xuan Tianlei! I didn't expect... that the sixth prince brought so many!"

The power of a Xuantian thunder blast is enough to kill any person with nine levels of divine power and break through their defenses.

More than a dozen Xuan Tianlei exploded at the same time, even the top powerhouses in the Qi Gathering Realm would feel uncomfortable, right?

Zhou Shan, so what?


Just when everyone was wondering, a gust of wind blew up.Amidst the thick smoke, a figure rushed out with strides.


Zhou Shan's fists blasted towards the sixth prince out of thin air!


The whole space seems to be distorted!The powerful air wave rushed towards the sixth prince like a giant beast galloping.

This shocked the sixth prince's eyes.Zhou Shan, is this really a human?Those Xuantian thunders were resisted so easily?Especially the blowing fist wind, like the essence, contains unparalleled power.


Amidst another roar, the sixth prince had to resist Zhou Shan's move before the magic talisman teleported him away.

Under the terrifying power, Chu Tianrong suddenly backed away, his face was pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He only felt that his internal organs were churning, as if they were completely shattered.My mind is buzzing, and my eyes are full of gold stars...

This Zhoushan, or a human?

Especially looking at Zhou Shan's figure, and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of him again, the sixth prince only felt cold all over!


Zhou Shan was expressionless.


The fist wind exploded again, and both fists hit Chu Tianrong like cannonballs.

"Do not……"

Chu Tianrong's eyes seemed to pop out, and he roared in despair.

That fierce fist wind had already made him feel the threat of death.


It was at this moment that the light of the talisman finally shrouded Chu Tianrong completely.

Amidst the roar, the roar exploded.The whole earth shook.

Dust covered hundreds of meters, and thick smoke shot straight into the sky.

"Not good! Could it be that the sixth prince..."

What happened in the thick smoke, no one could see.Thinking of Zhou Shan's murderous appearance and feeling the power of this move, many people gasped!

With Zhou Shan's domineering blow, if the sixth prince is hit...

The consequences could be disastrous!

The air seemed to freeze.

Rao Wang Hao couldn't help frowning at this moment.

Wang Hao naturally wanted to kill Chu Tianrong.But definitely not under the watchful eyes of everyone!On such an occasion, if Chu Tianrong is killed, Zhou Shan will cause a lot of trouble!

woohoo hoo...

In the almost frozen atmosphere, the cold wind howled, slowly blowing away the dust in the sky.

A figure gradually appeared in the sight of everyone.That's Zhou Shan!Everyone subconsciously looked in front of Zhou Shan.

"There is no sixth prince!"

"He and Su Muyu escaped!"

People subconsciously exhaled.

Then, looking at the big pit in front of Zhou Shan that was as deep as a person, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhoushan, what a monster.

"He escaped!"

Amid those staring eyes, Zhou Shan turned around and returned to Wang Hao, smiling innocently.

"Fool, you really want to kill him!"

Wang Hao kicked the second fool angrily.

This big man, who was majestic just now, was like a fool in front of Wang Hao at this moment, smiling foolishly, and he didn't even try to hide.

Staggering, the second fool said with a silly smile: "If they want to kill you, they will die! Then next time, I will find another opportunity to kill him!"

"To shut up!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

Just be clear in your heart, what do you say?

"Are you OK!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hao's heart sank when he saw Zhou Shan's rather embarrassed appearance and the several hideous wounds on his body.

Although this idiot sometimes deserves a beating.However, Wang Hao loves him dearly!

This is a person who has yielded to and protected Wang Hao since he was a child.He is Wang Hao's only relative.Wang Hao doesn't feel distressed, who will feel distressed?

No one could see the deep murderous intent flashing across Wang Hao's eyes at this moment.

If something happened to Zhou Shan today, what's the point of cutting Chu Tianrong's body into thousands of pieces?

"It's okay! Skin trauma!"

Although being scolded by Wang Hao, Zhou Shan's smile became brighter and brighter.

"Get out! Eat Xiao Huan Dan quickly! You are dead, who will let me bully you?"

Wang Hao threw all of his remaining Little Huandan to this idiot.

"Now, someone wants to stop us?"

Then, turning his head to look at the crowd, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Chu Tianrong is gone.However, there are more than a dozen people around who are eyeing him.What do these people want?


Faced with Wang Hao's questioning, everyone remained silent.

Seeing Zhou Shan's strength, and hearing about Wang Hao's fighting power before, plus an extraordinary Tai Youqian...and Wang Kun, the king of the Wang family!At this time, who would make fun of themselves?

"let's go!"

After this silence lasted for a long time, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

A group of bullying people!

Taking Wang Lin with him, Wang Hao turned around and walked sideways.

"Are you going?"

As if thinking of something, Wang Hao turned to look at Wang Kun.

Although looking at this guy is very uncomfortable.But, at least, this guy is not a vicious person!Can be regarded as aboveboard.Although a little naive, it makes people not have too much hatred.

"Keep the treasures, wait for me to defeat you, and take them back myself!"

Wang Kun looked at Wang Hao expressionlessly.


Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

Could this guy be any more stupid?

How ridiculous is his pride, his conceit?I hope he won't suffer too much in the future.

"What about you?"

Ignoring the angry Wang Kun, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Tianqiu in front of him.

This is a guy who makes Wang Hao feel extremely dangerous when meeting him for the first time.The risk factor is to catch up with Thai money!Although there is always a smiling face, it can't make people feel at ease.

Just now, he remained silent.Now, what do you want?

"Do you think I want to stop, can stop you?"

Luo Tianqiu asked with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Wang Hao asked back.


Luo Tianqiu answered very simply.

"Then get out of the way!"

Wang Hao was expressionless.

With the treasure in hand, the most threatening Chu Tianrong was expelled. Now, Wang Hao only wants to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

He wanted to see what he had gained.

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