ancient myth

Chapter 69 Counterattack

"Hmph! If you want to know, I'll let you know!"

At this time, Wang Hao still dared to be so rampant, which made the bereaved Xiao Lide grit his teeth.


As he poured his vitality into the sound transmission talisman in his hand, a familiar voice came out: "Wang Hao harmed me..."

That voice was piercing, filled with endless unwillingness and resentment.Everyone present couldn't help but change their colors when they heard it.

"Wang Hao, what else can you say?"

Xiao Lide stared at Wang Hao fiercely.

"only these?"

After waiting for a long time, only waiting for these words, Wang Hao's hanging heart was completely relieved.

Although the old man Jiu Wubai is not very reliable, he is right this time!Xiao Youneng seems to be really an incompetent guy.It was in vain that his father had given him such a capable name.

The sound transmission talisman before dying, just said such a word?Wang Hao dismissed it!

"Isn't that enough?"

Chu Chaoge, who was on the sidelines, couldn't help but speak.

"Of course it's not enough! Does this sound transmission talisman say that I killed him?"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.Chu Chaoge and the others were too naive to rely on this bit of evidence to kill themselves.

"Wang Hao, you... are a mess. He said you harmed him, didn't you kill him?"

Chu Chaoge's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Hmph! Then how Xiao You can die, I don't know. To kill him is to kill him? Then I don't know how many people in Chu Kingdom will die! Don't think that you are a little prince, so I dare not sue you for slander. The crime of defending is very serious!" He glanced faintly at Chu Chaoge, whose expression was extremely ugly, and continued: "As for why Xiao Youneng said that I harmed him? Maybe it was because he hated me too much? What is going on in this? What's going on, City Lord Xiao, you may not know, or you can ask the little prince? He thinks it's clear!"

Wang Hao looked towards Xiao Lide with a half-smile.


Xiao Lide obviously didn't know what happened in the trial ground that day!Hearing Wang Hao's words, he subconsciously looked at Chu Chaoge.

This made Chu Chaoge's expression change involuntarily and his eyes flicker.

"What? Little prince, it's hard for you to say it, or you don't want to say it, or you don't know how to say it? How about I help you?"

Now that things are up, Wang Hao certainly won't be beaten passively.

When someone bullies you, he will naturally take the initiative to attack: "Everyone here may not know it? It may be because I am so handsome that I have attracted the jealousy of too many people. There are always some people who want to harm me! They think they have killed me , is there no one more handsome than them?

In the place of trial that day, the Su family was the only one who wanted to kill me?It's just that the Su family sent out dead soldiers that they shouldn't have sent.Before the death of the Su family, I, Wang Hao, fell into desperation several times!For the first time, I believe the sixth prince and the little prince couldn't be more clear.When I first entered the cave, I fell into a tight siege.At that time, the sixth prince brought the little prince and a group of people to kill me and Zhou Shan.Tai Youqian and Wang Lin were also present, oh yes, there was also Jing Fengyu!

Seeing that I could not be beheaded, the sixth prince sacrificed a magic weapon to imprison me, and the members of the Su family attracted a herd of beasts to besiege.Zhou Shan and I fought several times before breaking out of the siege.

Afterwards, I evaded the pursuit of the beasts all the way, but unexpectedly, I was intercepted and killed by the dead soldiers of the Su family.It was another bloody battle, and Zhou Shan and I escaped with serious injuries.

In the end, they met the little prince and his party deep in the cave.That Xiao Youneng was also there.The little prince wanted to kill me again.It's a pity that my life is too big, but I still didn't die!I broke through the trap of the little prince and launched a counterattack.The little prince and his party saw that the situation was not good and started to flee, so I chased the little prince.Xiao Youneng fled with the rest of the people.How did he die and how do I know?

Or, should I stand there and wait for the person who wants to kill me to kill me?Escape and counterattack are not allowed?Don't think that whoever dies can put the blame on me.I, Wang Hao, can't bear these charges! "

Wang Hao coldly glanced at everyone present and hummed.


Wang Hao's words changed the expressions of everyone present.Who would have thought that such a major event would happen in the Land of Trials?

Although this kind of treasure hunting trial is often accompanied by intrigue, mutual fighting, and even a lot of death and killing.Everyone knows this.As long as it doesn't cross the line, it's not a big deal.However, listening to Wang Hao's description, people were still shocked.

Although this Wang Hao is a bit shameless, his life is really big!

Before that, people only heard that the Su family had sent dead soldiers to chase and kill Wang Hao.Who would have thought that there would be the Sixth Prince, Chu Chaoge and others?This is really murderous!

Such a situation can survive, people already don't know what to say.Is it Wang Hao and Zhou Shan's strength against the sky?Or are these two lucky?

Seeing Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge with gloomy faces, the people present looked strange.This time, they appeared in front of everyone as if they were stripped naked women.

"Huh! This trial is really exciting! What's the matter? Xiao Dezi, do you have anything to say now? From this point of view, your capable son looks very incompetent. How did he die? I'm afraid no one will know He said that Wang Hao harmed him, probably because he was afraid of Wang Hao's revenge, so in a panic, he fled to some forbidden place to die? After all, the place where the demons are sealed is full of dangers!"

The faces of the people were different, but Jiu Wubai next to Wang Hao sneered again and again, not stingy with his poisonous tongue, even the dead Xiao Youneng was pulled out again and flogged his corpse.

What he said made Xiao Lide's expression fluctuate.

"Oh, by the way, there is also Chu Chaoge, right? People from my Tianwu Academy? It seems that before entering the trial ground, your teaching—Xiao Linzi didn't tell you the rules of my Tianwu Academy? Trial In the middle of the land, the little prince is really capable of attacking his own people! Today, Xiao Linzi has to go back to the academy. I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you! When I return to the academy, I will naturally let the academy make a judgment! "

Immediately afterwards, Jiu Wubai looked at Chu Chaoge with a look of disdain.

He didn't care what Chu Chaoge's identity was.

What about the little prince?

This old man, Jiu Wubai, only accepts money!

If Chu Chaoge hit him with 80 silver at this time, maybe he would change his face immediately!

"Master Xiao, little prince, do you have something to say?"

When the matter developed to this point, Zhao Tongxuan looked at Xiao Lide and Chu Chaoge expressionlessly.

Especially Chu Chaoge.Zhao Tongxuan made no secret of his indifference!

"Wang Hao, you are serious!"

Xiao Lide's complexion changed, and he asked.


Wang Hao's righteousness is Ling Ran.

"There's no evidence for what you say. Is it true what you say?"

Chu Chaoge said unwillingly.

"What he said is really true!"

However, before Chu Chaoge could say anything, a faint voice came from outside the hall.

The next moment, a figure with fat~head~big~ears appeared in people's sight.

"Thai is rich!"

Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The appearance of Tai Youqian surprised Wang Hao, and also surprised Wang Hao.He glanced at Zhao Tongxuan who was seated above, and seemed to understand something in his heart.

"Wang Hao was hunted down for the first time, and I was there! Then Xiao Youneng was also there!"

Ignoring everyone's expressions, Tai Youqian went straight to the courtroom and said slowly.

"I can prove it too!"

Before the matter was over, another voice came.

The figure of Jing Fengyu came from outside the lobby.

"At that time, Wang Hao escaped from the herd of beasts and happened to meet me. I saw the Su family's dead soldiers intercept Wang Hao, and I also saw the young prince and others intercept Wang Hao! Wang Hao finally went after the young prince. The trial ground has countless branches, like a labyrinth, as for Xiao Youneng? He fled to another entrance. After that, Wang Hao and I were always together. Until we crossed the chain bridge, many people saw it!"

Walking into the courtroom, Jing Fengyu continued.

"Thai is rich, Jing Fengyu!"

The appearance of these two people, their words made Chu Tianrong's eyes darker, and he snorted coldly.

Chu Tianrong did not expect that things would change like this.

He didn't expect that Tai Youqian would stand up at this time, and that Jing Fengyu who didn't know how to live or die!

The appearance of these two people disrupted all of Chu Tianrong's arrangements and made him fall into an extremely passive situation.

Now, even Chu Tianrong doesn't know how to defend himself!

"Jing Yufeng, are you sure you saw it?"

A murderous intent flashed in Chu Chaoge's eyes.

"I saw it! Need me to swear to Heaven?!"

Jing Yufeng did not show any weakness.

Chu Chaoge was taken aback by this, and his complexion changed drastically!

How did that cowardly boy in the past, that Jing Fengyu who was enslaved and bullied by them become a different person today?

"good very good!"

Chu Chaoge laughed back in anger.

Jing Fengyu, it seems that the past few days have been too moist, and he forgot the lesson!

"My lord, my two words are true. There is no deception!"

Not intimidated by the identities of the sixth prince and Chu Chaoge, Tai Youqian and Jing Yufeng looked at each other, and said again to Zhao Tongxuan.


At this moment, there was an uproar in the courtroom.

The faces of everyone in the Su family were pale, and Su Muyu's figure was crumbling.

Chu Chaoge and Chu Tianrong were silent, their eyes were uncertain.

Xiao Lide looked at Wang Hao sharply, his complexion changed...

The rest of the bystanders were even more shocked.

Looking at Wang Hao, they seemed to be looking at a monster.

With the identities of Tai Youqian and Jing Fengyu, who stood up and testified, people already believed Wang Hao's explanation!What's more, the son of the sheriff is willing to swear by the way of heaven, how can people refute this?This Wang he going to win?

Even if the sixth prince and the little prince also have a city lord, with their joint efforts, Wang Hao can escape to heaven?

This guy is really against the sky.

Then look at Chu Tianrong and the others who are looking ugly at this moment. These people have complex expressions.

Chu Tianrong and the others are shooting themselves in the foot, right?

In the end, after a long silence, in the strange atmosphere, people turned their eyes to Zhao Tongxuan.

It's time for him to judge!

"The students who should be said have finished speaking, and I hope the Lord City Lord will uphold justice!"

Wang Hao stood up at the right time, and added another blow of profound thunder to the dull atmosphere, shaking everyone's mind.

Wang Hao started to force the palace!

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