ancient myth

Chapter 70 The Su family is over!

"City Master Xiao, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhao Tongxuan looked at Xiao Lide, who had an uncertain expression.

"My son's death really has nothing to do with you?"

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Lide asked Wang Hao unwillingly.

"not my business!"

Wang Hao denied it.

"Okay! Then I have nothing to say! Hmph! However, this matter is not over, I will investigate clearly! No matter who it is, it will have to pay the price!"

Xiao Lide looked gloomy, and intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge.

"As you wish!"

Wang Hao is very straightforward.

Xiao Lide wants to investigate?let him!Wang Hao wanted to see what Xiao Lide could investigate.Perhaps, this will be a good show?

Chu Tianrong, Chu Chaoge... Wang Hao really wants to see what interesting stories will happen between Xiao Lide and these two!

"Okay! Hehe... Now that Wang Hao's suspicion has been cleared, Xiao Dezi has nothing to say. Little Xuanzi, what are you waiting for?"

Facing the result in front of him, Jiu Wubai was elated.

For the 3 taels of silver note that Wang Lin gave him, he held it in his arms with peace of mind.

"Xiao Youneng's death needs to be investigated! This matter has nothing to do with Wang Hao!"

Facing Jiu Wubai's urging, Zhao Tongxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

"Since the student is not guilty, then the Su family sent dead soldiers to intercept and kill the pro-Tianwei. They despised the king's law and disrespected the majesty of the sage. Lord Zhao, please give me justice."

Looking at the devastated members of the Su family, Wang Hao got up and saluted Zhao Tongxuan again, and then said.


At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly froze.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked towards the members of the Su family.

At this moment, everyone in the Su family looked pale, flustered, with a trace of despair.

The place of trial sent dead soldiers to intercept and kill pro-Tianwei, if this crime is proven...

The members of the Su family no longer dare to think about what will happen to them!

"Jing Yufeng can already prove that Wang Hao was indeed intercepted and killed by a group of people who claimed to be dead from the Su family. In the past three days, the city lord has conducted investigations and gained something! Bring him up!"

Zhao Tongxuan's expression froze, and he hummed.

Following Zhao Tongxuan's words, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion brought more than ten people to the court.

clap la la...

Following the ten or so figures kneeling down, the head of the Su family, Su Qingfeng, turned pale, and even his younger brother, the new elder of the Su family, went limp and sat down on the ground.

"Sir, forgive me!"

"My lord, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

"The villain's family is poor, and my son was sold to the Su family as a slave since he was a child. I really don't know that they have committed such a heinous crime!"

Looking at Zhao Tongxuan who was not angry and arrogant, and looking at the scene in front of him, more than ten people who were brought to the court immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy loudly.

The sound of begging for mercy, like a sharp sword, penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the Su family, making everyone in the Su family feel dizzy.

"Have you already identified the dead body, and have you verified it?"

Zhao Tongxuan asked expressionlessly.

"I have recognized it, and I have verified it!"

"My lord, murdering my relative Tianwei, how dare I do such a thing. My lord, it is clear! The Su family, all of this was done by the Su family!"

These people kneeling on the ground begged for mercy again.

That sentence pierced into the hearts of everyone in the Su family, making everyone in the Su family furious but also feeling endless panic!

"Su family, what else can you say?"

Zhao Tongxuan yelled at the desperate members of the Su family and asked.

"Sir, we..."

Su Qingfeng saluted, opened his mouth, and wanted to explain something, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

Three days ago, when he learned that these families had suddenly disappeared from the Su family's sight, Su Qingfeng felt something was wrong.

However, there was still the sixth prince at that time, and their Su family still had hope.Especially today, the sixth prince started to fight back, and the appearance of Xiao Lide, the lord of Jinan City, gave the Su family even more hope.

If Wang Hao's charges are confirmed, the crisis of their Su family will naturally be resolved.

But who would have thought that in the end, Wang Hao would still be able to escape from such a net?

The sixth prince lost, Chu Chaoge and Xiao Lide also lost.Wang Hao had the last laugh.

Now it's the Su family's turn.How should Su Qingfeng explain it?

With all the witnesses and material evidence, Zhao Tongxuan's attitude has become clear.Is there any room for the Su family to argue?

"My lord, this matter was done by me alone, and has nothing to do with the Su family!"

After his complexion changed for a long time, Su Qingfeng took a deep breath and said.At this moment, he seemed to have aged decades, and his whole body became bent.Where is the spirit of the past?

"No! Father!"

The pale Su Muyu stared wide-eyed, looking at her father in disbelief.Guessing what her father wanted to do, she wanted to stop it.

"Mu Yu, father is sorry for the Su family, I'm sorry for you! Father wanted to eradicate Wang Hao because of his own selfishness, so he privately used the family's dead soldiers to enter the trial ground. Now that the matter has been revealed, father will take all the responsibilities. Hope it won't affect your future!"

Su Qingfeng reached out his hand to stop his daughter who was walking towards him, and said in a hoarse voice.

At this moment, Su Qingfeng decided to fight all the crimes alone!Now that the matter has reached this point, there is no excuse for it, Su Qingfeng only hopes to use the least cost to get through this difficulty.

The Su family's century-old foundation cannot be destroyed in his hands.

" did it alone! The Su family, that's great! Hmph! Su Qingfeng, do you think that your words can clear the Su family of its crimes? As the head of the family, you represent the Su family ! Your actions are the actions of the Su family! Although the dead soldiers of the Su family are only under the control of the Patriarch, they are the core strength of the Su family. Do you think the Su family can be exonerated?"

Wang Hao, who was watching coldly, smiled back in anger.

Today, since he is standing here, Wang Hao will completely trample the Su family under his feet!

Wang Hao is very clear about the truth that if you beat a snake, you will not die but will suffer from it.He didn't want to give the Su family a chance to breathe.

"Wang Hao, you..."

Su Muyu raised her head and looked at Wang Hao, her eyes were full of resentment.

"Wang Hao, you are going too far!"

Chu Tianrong frowned, his face was ugly.

"I'm going too far? Hmph! Is it too much for the Su family to send dead soldiers to kill me? Is it too much for the Su family to try to put me to death again and again?"

Wang Hao asked.

"I hope the city lord will see clearly!"

Speaking of this, Wang Hao said respectfully to Zhao Tongxuan.

"Hey...Xiao Xuanzi, this kid Wang Hao is right! Since Su Qingfeng is the head of the Su family, he represents the Su family. Now I want to fight the crime alone, I'm afraid it's not good? My Tianwu Academy, the first one not Promise. The Su family? Humph!"

Jiu Wubai caters to Dao at the right time.

These words made everyone in the Su family feel cold again.

Tianwu Academy's statement is enough to push them into the abyss.

"Wang Hao, stay on the front line in life, so we can meet each other in the future! Do you really want to do this?"

The development of the matter was completely out of control, and Chu Tianrong could only threaten Wang Hao in a vicious way.

"Exactly, Wang Hao! Are you still not satisfied with Su Qingfeng's obedience?"

Chu Chaoge looked at Wang Hao coldly and hummed.

"Sixth prince, little lord, you are clear about what pro-Tianwei represents. If you want to come to the place of trials, if something happens to me during the competition for treasures, I will naturally have nothing to say. Even the Holy One will not say anything. However, Someone sent dead men to sneak into the trial and intercept and kill the pro-Tianwei. This is a slap in the face of the royal family, and it is a slap in the face of the Holy Majesty.

Su Qingfeng?He doesn't have that much weight and can resist this crime.The Su family doesn't have that much face either, they can make the majesty of the Holy Majesty evade and the royal family's face back! "

Until now, Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge still haven't given up?Wang Hao sneered, and continued: "In other words, in the eyes of the sixth prince and the young prince, the majesty of the Holy Majesty and the royal family is not worth mentioning? The two are also royal relatives and nobles. If you think the Su family has such energy, I have nothing to say." There is something to say!"

After the words fell, Wang Hao sat back in his seat, quietly waiting for Zhao Tongxuan's decision!

"Wang Hao, you..."

Facing Wang Hao's aggressive questioning, the expressions of Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge changed drastically at the same time.

What a Wang Hao, what a sharp mouth!The hat he buckled was really big!These words are really heartbreaking!

What dare Chu Tianrong and Chu Chaoge say at this time?

If they insist on protecting the Su family, not to mention the Su family today, even the two of them will fall into the whirlpool and cannot extricate themselves!

The majesty and royal majesty, are they able to judge and decide at will?

"Haha... Wang Hao is right! Little Xuanzi, what are you waiting for? You actually disregarded the majesty of the Holy Majesty and the royal family, and did such a thing to Qin Tianwei. Su Family, I think there is no need for it to exist, right?"

Jiu Wubai urged Zhao Tongxuan.At the same time, he winked at Wang Hao.

3 taels of silver, this step is interesting enough, right?This time, Wang Hao should not feel that he is losing money.This kid just made a lot of money.Moreover, at this point in the matter, if it wasn't for Wang Lin's face, Jiu Wubai would not want to stay here at all.It's just a waste of time.

Thinking of those girls in Zuihonglou, Jiao Wubai's heart is already ready to move.Get it done as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible, this is the kingly way.

"Cough cough cough..."

He secretly rolled his eyes towards Jiu Wubai, Zhao Tongxuan took a deep breath, and then said with a serious face: "The Su family is bold and reckless, disregarding the king's law, and disobeying the majesty of the empire. The crime is unforgivable! According to the laws of the empire, the Su family, everyone, Sent for three thousand miles to Shimo Town, there is no call in this life, and you are not allowed to leave without permission! Su Qingfeng and the elders of the Su family have committed heinous crimes, and they are sent to the imperial capital to wait for punishment!"


Zhao Tongxuan's words, like a huge thunder that had been brewing in the sky for a long time, finally fell.

Every word and every word was like thunder roaring unnoticed, making everyone in the Su family present feel dizzy.

Several core members of the Su family passed out directly, and those elders of the Su family almost all sat paralyzed on the ground.

After all, the Su family suffered a catastrophe!

All of a sudden, in the courtroom, there was a continuous sound of crying and howling.

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