ancient myth

Chapter 71

The Su family distributed three thousand miles from top to bottom, and the patriarch Su Qingfeng and the clan elders escorted them to the imperial capital for further trial!

Following Zhao Tongxuan's expressionless expression, the atmosphere in the arena exploded.Even when under Zhao Tongxuan's order, they marched towards the Su family in mighty force, the shock in people's hearts could not be calmed down.

"Are you satisfied with this great gift?"

Above the court, people have gradually dispersed.

Looking at Su Muyu who was standing beside Chu Tianrong in a daze, Wang Hao asked.

This is the big gift that Wang Hao said that day. The Su family has given Wang Hao many gifts over the years, and Wang Hao should always return the gift!I hope Su Muyu will not be disappointed.

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Su Muyu's face turned pale, she bit her lips tightly, a trace of bright red blood spilled out!The Su family, my own family, ended up like this?

Looking at Wang Hao standing in front of her, Su Muyu felt mixed feelings at this moment.

A young man who was looked down upon by the Su family at the beginning, and who was played and applauded by himself, has now destroyed the Su family!A hundred-year-old foundation was destroyed in one fell swoop?Su Muyu was in a trance.

"Is this your revenge?"

After an unknown amount of time, Su Muyu took a deep breath, looked at Wang Hao and asked.

"No! This is not revenge, it's a gift! You got the asylum of Tianqi Academy and the Sixth Prince, and you escaped the crime. How can it be regarded as a successful revenge? My woman, everything about us has just begun!"

Wang Hao's smile was not a smile.

"You... shameless!"

A trace of hatred flashed in Su Muyu's eyes.

"Wang Hao, don't be complacent! The one who laughs last is the winner!"

Chu Tianrong stood in front of Wang Hao, protecting Su Muyu and humming.

"Then I'll keep laughing, and I hope you don't cry too early!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, sneered and led Zhou Shan and the others towards the outside of the courtroom.

A confrontation in the courtroom was thrilling, and in the end Wang Hao had the last laugh, and he was the biggest winner today.

"Mu Yu, don't worry. Apocalypse Academy will protect you. No one can touch you. Remember, what happened this time was done by the Su family and has nothing to do with you!"

Until Wang Hao and others left, looking at Su Muyu who was in despair, the sixth prince comforted him.

"Do not touch me!"

However, at the moment when the sixth prince's hand was about to rest on Su Muyu's body, Su Muyu shivered and moved to the side to avoid it, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, Su Muyu seemed to notice that Chu Tianrong's expression was stiff and his expression became more and more ugly. Su Muyu's eyes were covered with mist: "I...I'm not..."

What does she want to explain.

"Needless to say! I know!" Chu Tianrong's eyes flickered coldly: "Hmph! Wang Hao! What a Wang Hao! That Wang Hao is still alive, that marriage contract is still there, you can't let go of it in your heart. Don't worry, I won't let you go." It will make Wang Hao proud for too long!"

Facing Su Muyu's attitude, Chu Tianrong was very upset.However, he put more anger on Wang Hao.

Look, look at what a good girl Su Muyu is.What kind of situation did Wang Hao force him into?In Chu Tianrong's heart, Wang Hao is so heinous that he must be hacked into pieces to vent his hatred!

"Sixth prince, my father and a group of clan elders are going to be sent to the imperial capital now...can you..."

Su Muyu's expression gradually eased, and she looked at Chu Tianrong with a hint of pleading.

Now, the last straw that the Su family can grasp is only Chu Tianrong.

"I will do my best! In this matter, Wang Hao has taken up righteousness. It is impossible for the Su family to retreat completely. I will go to the third brother. With the strength of the third brother, let alone protect your father, there is no problem." ! At least, it can leave hope for the Su family!"

Chu Tianrong said in a deep voice.

He looked at the direction where Wang Hao was leaving, and narrowed his eyes: "Wang Hao, this time, I was careless. Next time, you won't have such an opportunity!"


"Have you heard? Something happened to the Su family!"

"Do you still need to hear about it? Now everyone in Pingchang City knows it!"

"The army of the city lord's mansion has surrounded the Su family just now! I heard from my aunt's second son's brother-in-law's nephew that the Su family has been convicted for sending dead soldiers to murder their relative Tianwei. The Su family was exiled for three thousand miles and sent to Shi Mo town."

"Yes! I came from the city lord's mansion, and the official document has been posted. The Patriarch of the Su family and a group of clan elders are being forced to the imperial capital for interrogation!"

"The century-old foundation of the Su family was destroyed! Wang Hao...unexpectedly, he actually..."

"The blame is on the Su family for being ungrateful. Over the years, the Su family has really gone too far!"

"Today's Wang Hao is really extraordinary!"

Pingchang City, which had been quiet for only two or three days, once again set off turbulent waves on this day.

Following the news from the city lord's mansion, the people in the entire Pingchang city were boiling.

The Su family can be regarded as one of the best families in Pingchang City, especially this year when a little phoenix was born and climbed up the sixth prince's high branch, which is even more impressive.

Who would have thought that just when people thought the Su family was about to flourish, they would suddenly fall into the endless abyss?

This is embarrassing.

For a while, some people sighed, some gloated, and some waited to see the good show.Countless people gathered in the direction of the Su family's mansion.

"This man just likes to join in the fun!"

Not far from the Su family's mansion, there is a tall attic, which belongs to the Wandan Pavilion.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Wang Hao and his party came here directly.Condescending, Wang Hao sneered when he looked at the Su family surrounded by crying and noise in the distance.

"The Su family can't afford this great gift of yours. This will knock them into the dust. Even if the sixth prince is active, the Su family can no longer have hope. If Su Qingfeng can save his life, even if he cultivated it in his previous life Blessed!"

Beside Wang Hao, Tai Youqian said with a half-smile.

He likes Wang Hao more and more!

Sure enough, they are a kind of people.If you are cruel to your enemies, you will be punished!

"The elder brother of the sixth prince is the third prince. Could it be that he can't?"

Jing Yufeng couldn't help asking.

"Third prince? He has great ambitions! He doesn't want to see this level. The Su family is not enough to attract his attention! For ants who are useless, how much can you expect from the third prince?"

Tai Youqian curled his lips!The world is very real.This Jing Fengyu is still too naive.

"Thank you for today's work!"

Until now, Wang Hao turned his gaze away and said to Tai Youqian.

A shrewd person like Tai Youqian will stand up and testify for him today, which is beyond Wang Hao's expectation.

"I said, we are friends! I also said, not only me, but my whole family owes you a favor, today is a gift!"

Tai Youqian doesn't care about Dao.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of Tai Youqian's mouth twitched: "What's more, my Tai family can still offend a sixth prince!"

What Tai Youqian said was extremely domineering!

"Anyway, thanks!"

Wang Hao said seriously.

Tai Youqian is not afraid of the sixth prince, that is his business, it is a favor to stand up!Wang Hao still understands this truth.

"Hey, don't you need to thank me? I'm the first to stand up for this matter. I'm here today too!"

Seeing Wang Hao and Tai Youqian warming up, Jing Yufeng pouted and snorted.

This boy who is a little proud and naive is looking for a sense of existence.

"Aren't you afraid of the sixth prince and Chu Chaoge?"

Looking at Jing Yufeng, Wang Hao showed a funny smile.

To be honest, Wang Hao was very upset that Jing Fengyu was used as a pawn and wanted to humiliate him before the school gathered to go to the trial site that day.At that time, this guy gave Wang Hao the impression that at best he was an idiot with no brains and arrogance and some background.

However, Wang Hao's view of Jing Fengyu has changed a lot due to the contact in the trial ground.

Unexpectedly, this innocent little guy has an exquisite heart, has his own principles, and shoulders the responsibilities he thinks.This won Wang Hao a lot of goodwill.

This time, Jing Fengyu was able to stand up, which is really surprising!

Wang Hao can feel that he is changing!The trace of cowardice and compromise in my heart is disappearing.

"What am I afraid of! You are telling the truth! Besides, what you said that day is good. My father is really strong. He doesn't need my protection. I was just too naive before!"

Jing Fengyu's complexion changed, and he hummed.

"grown up!"

Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Don't talk to me like that. We're the same age!"

Jing Fengyu was very upset that Wang Hao always talked about himself in such an elder tone.

"If they really wanted you to swear by the way of heaven just now, what would you do?"

Thinking of Jing Fengyu's righteous words in the courtroom, Wang Hao was curious.

This guy doesn't look too stupid.

"I swear, I swear! What am I afraid of? Did I say swear to prove that you didn't kill Xiao Youneng? I just said that I saw Xiao Youneng escaped to another entrance, and you chased Chu Chaoge. Wrong Did it? As for what happened afterwards, it was just that Xiao Youneng had bad luck and bumped into your hands."

Jing Fengfeng didn't care.

Wang Hao admired this face without blushing and heartbeat.Sure enough, these children of everyone are born masters of lying.Perhaps, this is because they are living in an environment full of lies?

This is really true!


Without saying anything, after stretching, Wang Hao took Wang Lin and Zhou Shan and prepared to leave.

The Su family, it's over!

There is no need to look any further.

In fact, at this moment, Wang Hao is not too excited?

It's just a Su family, it's not worth it!Wang Hao's vision has been set further.

"Today, I will also leave Pingchang City!"

Tai Youqian said.

"and then?"

Wang Hao looked at Tai Youqian.

"Maybe we'll see each other soon?"

Rich Thai smiled harmlessly.

"Hope not to see you again!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

This is a dangerous fat man, it's better not to deal with him.

"What about you?"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hao looked at Jing Fengfeng.

"Father told me to go back. Next month, I will go to Tianwu Academy!"

Jing Fengyu hummed with a trace of unwillingness.

"Then we'll see you soon!"

Wang Hao laughed.

Tianwu Academy?yes!Next month, it's time to report to Tianwu Academy.Wang Hao will really come into contact with martial arts in this world.

This made Wang Hao feel a little more expectation.

This is really a new journey that people look forward to!

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