ancient myth

Chapter 75

As night fell, the sky and the earth became dark.

The crowd gathered above the martial arts field began to disperse, and gradually became colder.

However, Wang Hao climbed to the top of Qingyun's list again. It was like a storm that swept through the entire House of Commons, and it was destined to make this night unsettled.

People can't figure out what Wang Hao did to win the top spot again.He even couldn't figure out why those people who came back from Qingyun Vanishing Street were so jealous of Wang Hao.Even because of Wang Hao's matter, he mercilessly scolded friends who had a good relationship in the past.

What's the secret behind this?

This made the atmosphere in the entire lower house become weird.


In the academy, because Wang Hao reached the top of the Qingyun list again, there was a huge wave.But Wang Hao, who was the person involved, didn't care, he had already returned to the dormitory.

"Chu Fengyun, Chu Chaoge and Su Huang, what happened?"

In the dormitory, looking at Tai Youqian who rushed over, Wang Hao asked.

In the small world of Qingyun, he missed the best chance to kill them and let a few people escape, Wang Hao was in a bad mood.With the lesson learned this time, if you want to kill them again, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Wang Hao didn't want to give them any room to breathe.

"They left the academy!"

Sitting opposite Wang Hao, Tai Youqian pouted.

"Where did you go?"

Wang Hao's pupils shrank.

"In the small world of Qingyun, they suffered a great loss from you. I'm afraid they felt the danger. After returning, they went straight to the city lord's mansion! So don't think about killing them! I don't think you are in trouble now. Fengyun and Chu Chaoge are a good choice. Don’t forget, they are also royal family and nobles. There is no absolute chance, if you kill them rashly, there will be no place for you in Chu State. It’s not worth it!”

Tai Youqian said in a deep voice.

This made Wang Hao fall into silence.

City Lord's Mansion?

Unexpectedly, Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge were so decisive.

With Wang Hao's current strength, they hid in the City Lord's Mansion, and he really couldn't do anything.

Especially Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge's identities are extraordinary.If Wang Hao dared to act recklessly, it would be tantamount to seeking his own death.


Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help cursing.

"How is the situation in the middle court?"

After a long silence, Wang Hao took a deep breath and asked.

Chu Chaoge and Chu Fengyun don't need to be in a hurry, but as for Su Huang?Wang Hao can also wait!However, Qi Yao?Wang Hao didn't need to wait any longer.

Now with the fall of Zhao Tianchen, Qiyao's power in the House of Commons can be said to have collapsed.

Wang Hao naturally set his sights on the middle courtyard.

Huo Yao?Yueyao!

Regarding Zhou Shan's matter, Wang Hao hasn't settled with them yet. How could this matter end like this?

Especially these two people threatened Wang Lin. ,

They must die!

"The competition for the Qing Yun Ranking in the Intermediate Court is over. Let me tell you some bad news, that Riyao entered the top three of the Qing Yun Ranking. Besides, except for Ling Yaoyao who did not participate in the Qing Yun Ranking, everyone else has entered Top [-]! By the way, there is also Tian Fuji, whose strength has improved a lot, and has also entered the top [-] sequence."

Tai Youqian narrowed his eyes.

In the top 3 of the Intermediate Court's Qingyun Ranking, Qiyao occupies five seats, especially one person entered the Intermediate Court at the beginning of this year and reached the height of No.[-] in the second month, which is enough to show how terrifying Qiyao's strength is!

Wang Hao wants to deal with these people?

With his current strength, I'm afraid...

"Ling Yaoyao didn't participate in the Qing Yun ranking competition? Because of strength?"

Qi Yao's strength was beyond Wang Hao's imagination, but thinking of Ling Yaoyao, Wang Hao showed a little surprise.

"I heard that some time ago, her family took her away. There seems to be something wrong! Wang Hao, let me tell you, Qi Yao, anyone can move. But you can't that Ling Yaoyao. You can even kill Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge, but she is not something that you can move!"

Speaking of Ling Yaoyao, Tai Youqian's face suddenly became serious.


Wang Hao showed a little surprise.

Ling Yaoyao's status is extraordinary, and Wang Hao already knew that, at least, not everyone can have that blood order.I'm afraid that looking at the entire state of Chu, there are only a handful of people who can come up with a blood order!

Such a person would be simple?

However, if Tai is rich, Wang Hao is still secretly shocked.

What are the identities of Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge?Isn't it enough to be comparable to Ling Yaoyao?

"Hey... I don't know if you have heard about the kings with different surnames in my state of Chu? At the beginning of the establishment of the Chu Kingdom, 18 kings with different surnames were entrusted. After hundreds of years, some kings with different surnames were entrusted one after another! But it has been passed down to this day. , Not a single one left! These people either lost their inheritance, or their glory was taken back by the empire, or they ransacked their families and wiped out their families. Since 300 years ago, Chu State had no enfeoffment of kings with different surnames! Until 60 years ago, a new empire reappeared Wang with a different surname! Do you know why?"

There was a gleam in Tai Youqian's eyes.

"Is it Ling Yaoyao's family?"

Wang Hao frowned.

"It's Grandpa Ling Yaoyao! Therefore, she is also from the prince's family. The status is not inferior to Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge. This is also the reason why Qiyao can dominate Tianwu Academy, and no one can compete. Naturally, it is also Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge. The only fear of Qiyao. Otherwise, do you think Qiyao is qualified to cooperate with Chu Fengyun and Chu Chaoge?

Ling Yaoyao's grandfather is extremely extraordinary for being able to make an exception for the empire to be entrusted with the only king with a different surname!It is said that he was the one who helped the late emperor ascend the throne, if not with him, there would be no late emperor.Moreover, in the past few decades, he has made great contributions to the expansion of the empire!Today, His Majesty, he also taught it with his own hands.

People only say that the three war gods of the empire are the patron saints of the empire, but those who really understand know that the old man is the biggest patron saint of the empire!

His status is even more noble than other princes.Ling Yaoyao is his only granddaughter.What do you think will happen if something happens to Ling Yaoyao?

Even Tianwu Academy can't keep you! "

Tai Youqian said in a deep voice.


Hearing Tai Youqian's explanation, Wang Hao gasped.

Didn't expect this Ling Yaoyao to have such an identity?

"If I go to the middle courtyard, what do you think?"

After a long silence, Wang Hao suddenly asked.

"To deal with Qi Yao?"

Tai Youqian looked at Wang Hao.


Wang Hao did not deny it.

"The academy has regulations. If your strength meets the requirements, and you pass the academy's assessment and get permission, you can be promoted to the academy in advance. With your talent and strength, the academy should not be a problem. However, I don't recommend you to do this!"

Tai Youqian pondered.


Wang Hao asked.

"Next month, the empire will hold a dragon and tiger banquet! The major academies, the upper, middle and lower academies, will each send several representatives to attend. Do you think you can compete for these places immediately after you go to the middle academies?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tai Youqian's mouth.

"Dragon and Tiger Feast, what is it?"

Wang Hao showed a trace of curiosity.

"Annual dragon and tiger banquet! It is said that it is an exchange between the academies, but it is actually a competition among the academies to compete for rankings. The major academies are very fond of this. Especially my Tianwu Academy, the performance of the dragon and tiger banquet in recent years has not been satisfactory. If If I miss again this year, I am afraid that the titles of the books of the four major academies will be in jeopardy.

The academy also doesn't want you to be promoted to the middle courtyard at this time, and lose one of the biggest competitive weights.

As long as you stay in the House of Commons, this quota will definitely be yours!

Also, this year is also the opening period of the three-year Eastern Wilderness Conference.At that time, the young generation of Donghuang will gather together...

Hehe... If you are recognized at the Dragon and Tiger Banquet, you will be eligible to participate in the Eastern Wilderness want to lose? "

Tai Youqian is smiling but not smiling.

These words made Wang Hao's eyes widen.

To be honest, back then Wang Hao was struggling to survive within the Wang family, so how much did he know about the outside world?Therefore, Wang Hao's understanding of this world is very little.

What Tai Youqian said seemed to open a brand new door for Wang Hao.This is really shocking news.

I didn't expect that there would be such a feast in the empire, and such a grand event in the Eastern Wasteland!

Although Tai Youqian said it simply, Wang Hao seemed to be able to imagine how shocking the Dragon and Tiger Banquet and the Eastern Wilderness Conference would be.

"I see!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"It's good to know! Now, it's not the best time for you to go to the middle court. Do you think Qiyao's people let Zhao Tianchen stay to dominate the lower court? I'm afraid this dragon and tiger feast and the Donghuang Conference are their real purpose. Only Unfortunately, Zhao Tianchen is dead, and now the plan has been completely destroyed by you.

Hehe... Now I'm afraid that Qi Yao's people will hate you to the bone.If you don't look for them, I'm afraid they will all come to you! "

Seeing that Wang Hao had given up his thoughts, Tai Youqian let out a breath, and then he couldn't help laughing when he mentioned Qiyao.

Seeing that Qi Yao is so deflated, Tai Youqian is in an inexplicably good mood.

Who made Qiyao his opponent, to compete with him, Taiyouqian?

This kind of schadenfreude is what Tai Youqian likes the most.

"Oh, by the way, as for Zhao Tianchen! What you did this time was a little more blatant. But it's not a big problem. You don't need to worry about anything.

You know, the living are always more useful than the dead!Especially a Tianjiao with ten drums!Academy knows how to measure.

Especially when the Dragon and Tiger Banquet is about to be held!If you are not as strong as Zhao Tianchen, the Academy will not say anything if you are killed.Because they need a genius.

Now that Zhao Tianchen is dead, you have become the best choice.They don't really know how.

Jiu Wubai was able to settle Shi Wanpeng's matter for you last month, how much power do you think the old man really did? "

Thinking of Zhao Tianchen, Tai Youqian added that he looked disdainful.

Does the academy really not know what happened in the academy?

Over the years, in the small world of Qingyun, there have been eighty people who have died, if not a hundred, right?

What punishment and response did the academy really make?

I can only blame Zhao Tianchen for his own bad luck!

This is reality, this is the cruelty of the world!

"By the way, if you really want to touch Qi Yao's people, you have a chance! Especially Huo Yao!"

Speaking of this, as if thinking of something, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Tai Youqian's mouth.

Although I persuaded Wang Hao to stay in the Lower Court, Tai Youqian knew Wang Hao very well.

The matter of Zhou Shan is not over!

It is unlikely that Wang Hao will temporarily let go of this hatred.

Although it is impossible to take revenge completely, it is not impossible to have a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.Especially this Huo Yao!He was the chief culprit who hurt Zhou Shan in the first place.If he can do something to him, I think Wang Hao will be very willing!

This is also the main purpose of Tai Youqian coming to find Wang Hao.

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