ancient myth

Chapter 76 What Happened?

"Huo Yao?" Tai Youqian's words made Wang Hao's pupils shrink, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Say!"

To be honest, the qualifications for the Imperial Dragon and Tiger Banquet and the Eastern Wilderness Conference that Tai Youqian said just now made Wang Hao quite moved.He temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​entering the middle court.

And once he gave up entering the middle court, with his current status, if he rashly stepped into the middle court to seek revenge, Qi Yao's people would not be the only ones offended!Even the people in the middle school and the teachings of the academy will offend together.

This is just like the people in the middle court will not step into the lower court rashly, it is an unwritten rule!

Otherwise, why did Wang Hao rush into the middle court?

This made Wang Hao feel a little unwilling after all.

What Tai Youqian said now made Wang Hao see hope again. Can he not be moved?

"I found out a very interesting thing. Recently, Qiyao's people seem to be looking for something. Just two days before Zhou Shan was injured, Yueyao and Riyao just returned to the academy!"

Tai Youqian showed a funny smile.

"You know what they're looking for?"

Wang Hao asked in a deep voice.

"I didn't know before, but now I know!" Tai Youqian sneered, "Southwest of Linzhou—Yanluo Swamp! There have been some abnormalities there recently. I just got news that some treasure is about to be unearthed. Now this Few people know the news. And Qiyao's people appeared in Yanluo Swamp! According to my latest news, the Qingyun Ranking has just ended, and the news of Zhao Tianchen's death made Qiyao's people very angry. But, even so, Huo Yao and Mu Yao have left the academy with the two big Vajras and more than a dozen people, heading straight for Yanluo Swamp!"

"Swallows falling into the swamp?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flickered in his eyes: "Help me get ready, I'm leaving tomorrow!"

"you alone?"

Tai Youqian frowned.

"you help me?"

Wang Hao looked at Tai Rich.

"Don' body is still not suitable for running around! The power in the family is also useless. However, if you need it, I can help you find a few people in the academy. I won't talk about Tian Fuer, that Huo Yao , powerful! This time, the ranking is 36th in the middle court's Qingyun list, and Mu Yao is ranked 47th in the middle court's Qingyun list. These three people are not easy to deal with!"

Tai Youqian twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a dry smile.

"No need! No one in the lower house can deal with them!" Wang Hao glanced at Tai Youqian: "If there is nothing else, I'm going to practice!"

Huo Yao, Mu Yao...

Thinking of these people, Wang Hao's expression became serious.

Wang Hao wants to see how powerful these people are.

In the face of these masters, Tai Youqian is in the lower house, so what's the use of finding someone?Wang Hao plans to go and have a look by himself!

With his current strength, Wang Hao has the confidence to fight against Qi Yao's people!

Swallows falling into the swamp?

This time, he will let these people stay in the Yanluo Swamp completely!

"You..." Wang Hao began to see off the guests. Tai Youqian's mouth twitched, and he glared fiercely at Wang Hao: "Fuck you! I'll prepare things for you. But, go to Yanluo Swamp, you be careful!"

Immediately afterwards, seeing that Wang Hao had no interest in continuing the conversation, Tai Youqian walked out of the house with a depressed expression on his face.


"Are you going to Yanluo Swamp?"

Until Tai Youqian left, looking at the silent Wang Hao, Jin Shisan crawled out of his arms and asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

Sensing Jin Shisan's abnormality, Wang Hao asked.

The excitement in this guy's eyes was keenly captured by Wang Hao.

Could it be that there is something in Yanluo Swamp that interests him.

"Hey... I haven't been there for many years. Just go and have a look. Take me! At that time, if you are lucky, let your kid follow me to get some glory!"

Jin Shisan laughed.

"What's hidden in there?"

Wang Hao stared at Jin Shisan and asked.

"I don't know either! However, there was an old guy who practiced there for a while before. I have been to the place where he practiced. I don't know if there have been any changes in the past thousand years. I will know when I go to see it!"

Jin Shisan pouted.

Then he looked at Wang Hao: "I said, you care so much about what I'm thinking, why don't you care about your little brother-in-law!"

"Su Huang?" Wang Hao's expression froze: "Tell me, what kind of magic art does he practice. What did you see? Also, what's the matter with the blood-melting supernatural power?"

In the small world of Qingyun during the day, there were many people, and Wang Hao did not let Jin Shisan be exposed directly.

After that, he went directly to Lingquan to practice, and there was no time to ask any questions.

If Jin Shisan didn't say anything, Wang Hao would also ask him.Now, just right, to clarify this matter directly.

Only after fighting Su Huang head-on can he feel how mysterious the skills he cultivated are.During the operation of the exercises, it was like a black mist descending from the sky, and Su Huang hid in the black mist, which was unpredictable.This kind of skill makes people guard against it.

If it weren't for the eyes of the sky, even if it is Wang Hao, whether he can fight against Su Huang today is another matter.

Especially in the end, Su Huang's escape move.

A river of blood appeared out of thin air, as if descending from hell, capable of drowning thousands of creatures.In the end, even though Wang Hao broke through the blood river, Su Huang escaped with the help of the blood river!

Since Jin Shisan was able to call out the name of the move, it is impossible not to know its source.

"Taiyin Demon Art!" Facing Wang Hao's questioning, Jin Shisan took a deep breath: "Unexpectedly, he really practiced Taiyin Demon Art! When it comes, it will cover the sky and block out the sun, the sky will be dark, and all ghosts will be rampant. It can transform into the yin realm, which is extremely powerful.

As for the supernatural power of turning blood, it is a life-saving method recorded in the Taiyin Demon Art.Use your own blood as a guide, gather the power of heaven and earth, communicate with the ghosts of the underworld, hide yourself in the sea of ​​blood, advance, attack, retreat, and defend!

You have to be lucky, your brother-in-law is still not good at cultivation!Otherwise, you will be in bad luck today!

However, since he has already started to practice Taiyin Demon Art, it will be a matter of time before he masters the essence of this move.Especially as he grows up, the more he kills, the more domineering and weird this technique will become. The next time we meet and see him perform such moves, I advise you to run away. "

Speaking of this, Jin Shisan looked solemn.

Taiyin magic art, the most yin art, killing countless people, gathering blood into a sea, communicating with the netherworld, controlling all ghosts...

Recalling the understanding of this exercise at the beginning, Jin Shisan's complexion became more and more ugly.

"It's just that I don't know. The old monster who practiced this technique should have been suppressed too. How did this technique fall into the hands of your brother-in-law now? Could it be that the place where the old monster was suppressed also There is a problem, your brother-in-law has been there? Or, that old guy escaped from birth? This shouldn’t be. I have spent so much energy to escape my cultivation base, what can he do... …

Boy, you have to improve your strength as soon as possible.damn it!The way I see it, the world is really starting to change. "

Not giving Wang Hao a chance to speak, Jin Shisan looked puzzled and serious.

"The Land of Sealing Demons? The world is going to change?"

Changes have also occurred in Pingchang City, the land where the demons are sealed, plus what Jin Shisan said now, and the underground palace I saw in Taiyin Mountain before...

With the understanding of this world, Wang Hao discovered more and more things beyond imagination.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao frowned.

"I see!"

After a while, he exhaled and suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

Improve your strength!What Jin Shisan said was right, only with enough strength can he protect himself.Whether it's protecting yourself or your friends!

No matter in the face of changes in the world, or how... Only strength is the most reliable.

Especially the upcoming Dragon and Tiger Feast and the Eastern Wilderness Conference.

"I'm going to practice!"

Turning around and walking towards the bed, Wang Hao said directly, leaving Jin Shisandi alone.


early morning.


With a breath of turbid air, Wang Hao, who had practiced all night, slowly opened his eyes.

"time to go!"

After exercising for a while, looking at Jin Shisan who was lazily lying on the side, Wang Hao shouted.

If you want to come to Thailand and have money, what should be prepared is already ready.

Swallows falling into the swamp?

Wang Hao wanted to see what this famous and dangerous place in Linzhou looked like, could it be more dangerous than Taiyin Mountain?

Taking Jin Shisan with him, Wang Hao walked directly outside the house.

"Wang Hao, stop!"

However, just as Wang Hao walked out of the dormitory, two figures appeared in front of him, which gave Wang Hao a pause.

One of them, Wang Hao is very familiar with, is it not his own teaching, Lin Muxuan?

As for the other middle-aged man, that is, the middle-aged man who spoke at the moment, he looked at himself with a cold face, with a hint of chill in his eyes.Who is this?

Wang Hao paused, his pupils contracted subconsciously.

"Professor Lin, what do you want me to do?"

Until the two figures walked in front of him, Wang Hao looked at Lin Muxuan and asked.

"This... Wang Hao..."

Lin Muxuan's eyes were complicated, he hesitated to speak, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Hmph! Why are we looking for you? Wang Hao, come with us! Something happened to you."

Before Lin Muxuan could say anything, the middle-aged man standing beside him sneered and hummed.

This cold snort broke the silence of the morning.

A few students passing by in the distance subconsciously stopped and looked towards this place.

This cold snort also made Wang Hao's heart skip a beat, and his body subconsciously tensed up.

"Wang Hao, this is the teaching of our lower house responsible for discipline inspection. The vice president and the priest are looking for you, come with us!"

Feeling the solidification of the air, Lin Muxuan showed a wry smile, and said in a deep voice towards Wang Hao.

"The vice president and the priest?"

Lin Muxuan's words made Wang Hao's complexion change slightly.

Especially in front of him, who is in charge of teaching the discipline of the lower court, Wang Hao can feel that he looks at him rather unkindly, even with a hint of murderous intent.

What's going on here?

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

His complexion changed, and when the middle-aged man showed an impatient expression and was about to attack, Wang Hao finally spoke.

What happened?

Then go and see, what happened?

Seeming to have guessed something in his heart, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

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