ancient myth

Chapter 87 Clues

dong dong dong...

Seeing Wang Hao approaching, Guan Wu, who was suffering from the pain of a broken leg, was full of fear in his eyes!

Wang Hao's low footsteps seemed to be stepping on his heart, making his heartbeat change accordingly!

Death is coming!

The short distance of tens of meters seemed as long as a century. This kind of torment on the verge of death caused Guan Wu to collapse.

"Kill me! Wang Hao, if you dare, kill me!"

Finally, when Wang Hao came to the front, Guan Wu roared with a ferocious expression.

The fear of death is more unbearable than real death.

"Say! How many people did Qi Yao bring this time!"

Wang Hao looked at Guan Wu expressionlessly and asked.

The five black-clothed men who he had killed before were obviously not members of Tianwu Academy.Qiyao apparently brought outsiders to Yanluo Swamp.

Wang Hao needs to know more information.

"Hahaha... I won't tell you! Wang Hao, your death is not far away! Hahaha... kill me! If you have the ability to kill me, I will wait for you in hell! You will come down soon to accompany me Me! By the way, there is also that Wang Lin, do you think it is enough for you to die? She is also going to die..."

Guan Wu laughed maniacally.

Wang Hao wants to know the information?

How could I tell him!

His hatred for Wang Hao climbed to the peak at this moment.

After he died, Wang Hao would not live for too long.

"When death is imminent, do you still dare to be arrogant?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"If that's the case, you're going to die!"

A Guan Wu who doesn't want to reveal information is of no use to Wang Hao.What's more, this person touched his Ni Lin repeatedly, how could Wang Hao let him survive?


With a flick of the wrist, the Wuchen Sword swept out.


Amidst the dull tearing sound, Guan Wu died in Huangquan.

The world is quiet at this moment.

"Boy, you... just killed him like this?"

Until this time, when Jin Shisan got out of Wang Hao's arms, the corner of Jin Shisan's mouth twitched.

This Wang Hao... is really decisive.

"He won't say it!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"It's a pity that you didn't practice the soul search technique! Hehe... Otherwise, you can directly torture everything from this guy's consciousness!"

Jin Shisan sighed lightly.

This made Wang Hao frowned.

Soul search?

Soul technique?

It's a pity that Wang Hao's cultivation of the way of the soul is still too simple, I hope to have a chance in the future!

"Are you all right?"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Wang Hao looked at Mu Yang who was struggling to get up, and the man and woman in front of him.

"The injury is serious! It seems that it will take a few days to recover!"

Mu Yang said in a deep voice.

"I...we're okay!"

The boy from Tianzhao Academy looked at Wang Hao with a trace of fear in his eyes.

In the previous battle, Wang Hao suppressed Guan Wu and the five black-clothed men with the force of thunder. How could the shock brought by that scene not make the young man feel terrified?

This Wang Hao is so strong!

"Thank you for saving your life. By the way, are you Wang Hao? Are you Wang Hao from Tianwu Academy?"

Beside the boy, the pretty girl looked at Wang Hao with a trace of curiosity.

"Who are you!"

Hearing the girl's words, Wang Hao's eyes instantly became sharp.

"I...I am Shuya from Tianzhao Academy, and this is my senior brother, Lin Xiao! and Zhou Shan are the arrogance of the ten-beating drum. I have heard your name before!"

Being stared at by Wang Hao, the girl's complexion suddenly became paler, and she explained.

As this year's top ten beating drums, the names of Wang Hao and Zhou Shan are unknown in the empire.I'm afraid not many!Especially the four academies.

Wang Hao and Zhou Shan, the two arrogances with ten drums, gave up the recruitment of the other three major academies and chose the declining Tianwu Academy, which attracted a lot of talk.

It is precisely because of this that Shu Ya remembered these two names.Just now, when the pursuer called out Wang Hao's name, Shu Ya felt a cleverness in her heart.But now seeing the badge of Tianwu Academy on Wang Hao's waist, Wang Hao's identity is naturally ready to be revealed.

"Students of Tianzhao Academy? Why did you come to Yanluo Swamp! How did you get hunted down?"

Hearing the girl's words, Wang Hao frowned and asked.

It is rare for people from Tianzhao Academy to come to Yanluo Swamp, let alone being hunted down by people from Qiyao?

"The Dragon and Tiger Banquet is about to begin. With our strength, it is absolutely impossible to participate in the Dragon and Tiger Banquet! Therefore, after the Academy's Qing Yun Ranking is over, after discussing with my seniors, I followed the students from the six academies to Yanluo Marsh to find opportunities .”

Speaking of this, Shu Ya showed a trace of sadness on her face, and her mood was obviously depressed.

The eight of them came to Yanluo Swamp, and now only myself and Senior Brother Lin Xiao are left.The rest... have died!

"Tianzhao Academy is tens of thousands of miles away from here, and it's only been a few days since the competition for your Academy's Qingyun list is over, how did you come here?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Teleportation array! There are teleportation arrays connecting the states of Chu State. We came to Linzhou through the teleportation array, and then rushed to this place."

Shu Ya quickly explained.

Immediately afterwards, for fear that Wang Hao still had doubts, she continued: "In the Yanluo Swamp, a kind of elixir called Ice Mist Lotus grows. It is of great benefit to warriors in the Qi Gathering Realm. Three days ago, we entered the Yanluo Swamp It's a pity that there are many crises in this. Even though we made thorough preparations, three senior brothers died here in just three days. Just today, the five of us found the ice mist lotus in the depths of the swamp. I just didn't expect Just when we wanted to explore further, we met these men in black and were hunted down!

All the way to escape, our three companions did their best to die.Only me and senior brother Lin Xiao escaped here! "

Speaking of this, the girl's eyes were covered with mist.

In just three days, I witnessed the death of six companions, especially today, during the pursuit, I almost lost my life. The shock and shock involved are beyond imagination.

The girl's words made Lin Xiao's eyes turn slightly red.The boy clenched his fists tightly and his expression became paler.

"They should be right. Ice mist lotus is of great benefit to our gas-gathering realm warriors, and it contains extremely pure energy. In the entire Chu Kingdom, only Yanluo Swamp and Wanxue Mountain in the north grow! Wanxue Mountain is frozen for thousands of miles, It is snowy and extremely dangerous. Yanluo Swamp is a place where more people search."

Mu Yang sighed softly and explained to Wang Hao.

"You... If you want the ice mist lotus, my junior sister and I can give it to you!"

The young man looked at the silent Wang Hao, took a deep breath, and said.

Today, if it weren't for Wang Hao, they would have lost their lives.

For the sake of this ice mist lotus, one of his companions died, and now only he and his junior sister are left, which made the young man smile miserably.

This was really a failed trial.

Even, if Wang Hao and Mu Yang have evil intentions now, with the strength of him and his junior sister, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

The boy is very clear about how to choose now!

"Ice mist lotus? Keep it for yourself!"

Glancing at the sad-looking young man, Wang Hao was expressionless.

No injustice, no enmity, he would not do such a thing of taking advantage of the fire.

"I need to know, what else have you detected?"

Wang Hao continued to ask.

Hearing Wang Hao's words, the young man obviously let out a deep breath: "Just after we found the ice mist lotus, we searched forward and wanted to gain more. Unexpectedly, by chance, we entered a wetland. We saw Dozens of men in black gathered over there! It seems that they said that they were cleaning up someone, and there was a full moon night, when the blood moon was in the sky, opportunities appeared, and people were not allowed to approach there. After we were found, we suffered It's time for the hunt!"

The boy said hastily.

"Night of the blood moon?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Take us there!"

Wang Hao looked at the boy and the girl and said.

It seems that the wetland mentioned by the young man is where Qiyao discovered the opportunity this time?

Now that he knows, how can Wang Hao make Qi Yao's people happy?

They want to block.

Wang Hao wants to see how they can seal off the entire wetland.

"We will not pass! There are dozens of men in black over there, and there are even stronger ones. With our strength, if we pass, we will only die. If you want to go, I can give you the map!

This time we were able to find the Ice Mist Lotus because of a map left by my father.There are detailed markings on the Yanluo Swamp, including the place where we found the ice mist lotus.Follow the markings to the southeast for three miles, and you will be able to see the wetland! "

The boy rejected Wang Hao's request and handed Wang Hao a roll of sheepskin maps.

"Brother, they saved us, we..."

Hearing the boy's words, the girl showed a trace of hesitation.

"Shu Ya, you must go back with me! Now there are only two of us left. It is impossible to survive here with our strength."

The boy said to Shu Ya without any doubt.

"Yes! I will keep this map! When are you going to leave?"

Taking the map from the boy's hand, Wang Hao said directly.

"Now!" The young man showed a trace of determination on his face: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If they find that the pursuit fails, I am afraid that someone will come after them soon. My junior sister and I plan to leave overnight!"

"Okay! Then let's go! But I hope you can spread the news after you leave!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Qiyao, want to block the news of this place and monopolize the opportunity?

How could Wang Hao let them do what they wished.

Perhaps this news has been known by now.At the very least, the number of people entering Yanluo Marsh has gradually increased in the past few days.

However, this is far from enough!

There are many people brought by Qiyao, and their strength is strong?

Wang Hao is not so stupid as to forcibly confront him.

Don't they want to block the news and reduce the opponents who compete?Then Wang Hao messed up the situation.Only in this way can Wang Hao have more hope.


Lin Xiao was taken aback, took a deep look at Wang Hao, and agreed.

"My junior sister and I will remember the grace of saving lives today! If there is an opportunity in the future, we will definitely repay you!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao cupped his fists towards Wang Hao and said.

After the voice fell, Lin Xiao turned around and walked towards the distance.

"You guys, be careful. There are really a lot of people in black!"

Seeing the senior brother leave, a trace of hesitation flashed across the girl's face, and finally, she reminded Wang Hao and Mu Yang, and quickly followed Lin Xiao's pace.

"Let's go too!"

Until the boys and girls disappeared from sight, Wang Hao looked at the pale Mu Yang and said.

Time to leave.

This place is full of bloody smell, and the movement of the previous battle may also lead to more danger.

Leaving this place, finding a safe place, and letting Mu Yang heal as soon as possible is the key!

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