ancient myth

Chapter 88 Mu Yang's Request

"Don't you want to ask me why I hate Qi Yao so much?"

In the middle of the night, he finally stopped in a forest where he wanted to be safe. Looking at Wang Hao, Mu Yang, who had been silent all the way, asked.

"Do you want to talk?"

Under the bonfire, Wang Hao looked towards Mu Yang.

Although he was practicing before, Wang Hao heard some words from Guan Wu.

Maybe it's because of Mu Yang's little lover that Guan Wu said?It's just that Mu Yang didn't say anything, and Wang Hao didn't want to press him.Is Mu Yang planning to speak out now?

"I came from a mountain village. Our village is very small. There are only a few dozen households in a closed mountain. For generations, we have longed to get out of the closed mountain one day!

You know, in this world where the strong are respected, for us, if we want to get out of the mountain, we can only rely on the road of martial arts.Therefore, my father told me since I was a child that he hoped that I would practice hard and be able to lead everyone to the outside world.

Fortunately, I and a girl named Mu Rou showed amazing talent.This made everyone in the village very happy.At that time, everyone thought that we were a match made in heaven and that we were the future hope of the village.

In order to train the two of us, all the people in the village were tight on food and clothing, helped us obtain resources for cultivation, and even sent us to the school in the town.

Last year, Mu Rou and I went to participate in the academy selection.We made it.Entered Tianwu Academy.For us, this is no different from a sparrow flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix!

When we came to Tianwu Academy for the first time, we were shocked by what we saw.Mu Rou and I made up our minds to practice hard, we must open up the world, and lead the people in the village to leave that poor place.We are poor and afraid!

But why?Why can't we just want to cultivate well?Because of a competition in the practice room, I offended Qi Yao's people.After that, I suffered constant suppression!Then the fight in the small world of Qingyun made me and Qiyao forge an indelible hatred.

Facing Qiyao's power, I began to be humiliated and my dignity trampled!I swallow my breath, I can endure the ridicule around me and get by.I only hope that one day I can become stronger and control my own destiny.Because what I bear is not only my own destiny, but also the hopes of too many people.

However, Qiyao!Those bastards at Qiyao, they don't intend to give me a chance at all.

On that day, Mu Rou disappeared.When I found her, she was in the bamboo forest behind the martial arts arena! "

Under the bonfire, Mu Yang's eyes were a little erratic.He slowly told about his past.

However, at this moment, when it came to that Mu Rou, Mu Yang's expression turned ferocious.

But seeing a few blue veins bulging on his forehead, like ferocious worms clinging to it, under the light of the fire, the whole person became extremely terrifying.

"Do you know what happened?"

After changing his expression for a long time, he took a deep breath, a sad smile appeared on Mu Yang's pale face, and he asked Wang Hao.

"Qi Yao?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"That's right! It's Qiyao! When I found the bamboo forest, I saw Mu Rou! I saw Yueyao, I saw Huoyao, I saw Shi Wanpeng. I also saw Guan Wu! They made me kneel down, and I knelt down!" Down. But, they still insulted Mu Rou in front of me!"

Mu Yang's breathing began to become short, and there were streaks of red blood in his eyes, and his aura became manic: "You know what? I watched Mu Rou struggle, cry, and her clothes with my own eyes. Being torn apart, looking at those disgusting guys, defiled her body! Hahaha...they just let me watch.

Huo Yao, Tu Yao, Guan Wu!Their smiles, their expressions, I have never forgotten!And that Yue Yao who is doing evil while watching a good show! "

Mu Yang gasped for breath, his eyes flashed with unparalleled murderous intent.

"Damn them!"

Looking at Mu Yang who was almost insane, Wang Hao's eyes flickered coldly.

That small bamboo forest?

Yueyao?Huo Yao?Shi Wanpeng?Guan Wu?

Wang Hao thought of Wang Lin who was brought there not long ago.

This made Wang Hao's hair stand on end involuntarily, and the murderous intent in his heart rose infinitely.

What would have happened if Zhou Shan hadn't found Wang Lin?

Will Wang Lin become the second Mu Rou?


At this moment, Wang Hao's murderous intent was overwhelming.

Damn Guan Wu!

Damn Shi Wanpeng!

They are all dead.

However, there are also Yueyao and Huoyao, and that Sunyao and Muyao.

Damn them all!

"and after?"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao continued to ask.

"Mu Rou is dead! After being defiled, Yue Yao personally killed Mu Rou."

Mu Yang stared blankly into the distance: "There is still me, on that day, my heart will have died."

"They let you go?"

Wang Hao was puzzled.

"How could they let me go? It's just that Ling Yaoyao didn't know why she came here."

Mu Yang sneered.

"She saved you?"

Wang Hao said in surprise.

"You may not know that Ling Yaoyao's status is very special! People in Qiyao seem to care about her very much. How could they let Ling Yaoyao see their dirty scene? So, when Ling Yaoyao came, they were afraid to do something. What happened to Ling Yaoyao was seen by Ling Yaoyao, so she hurried out and took Ling Yaoyao away. I became an ant they let go!"

There was endless hatred in Mu Yang's eyes.

"Of course they care about Ling Yaoyao! Because Ling Yaoyao is also a pawn they use!"

Combining what Ling Yaoyao said back then, plus his own judgment and what Mu Yang said today, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Ling Yaoyao, that naive and savage girl, how could Qi Yao give up the chance to control her.Controlling Ling Yaoyao is equivalent to controlling the biggest trump card!

"From that day on, I left. I know, I can't die! How can I die if Mu Rou's revenge has not been avenged?" Taking a deep breath, she looked at Wang Hao: "Help me and kill them! Those bastards who killed Qi Yao. From now on, my life is yours!"

At this moment, Mu Yang's eyes were more serious than ever.

Relying on his current strength, those who want to kill Qi Yao?too difficult!

Guan Wu even almost made himself fall into despair again, which let Mu Yang know how far he was from them.

Wang Hao!

Mu Yang knew that the only one who could help him was Wang Hao!

This is what Tai Youqian told him.

"So, you came back this year for revenge? You met Tai Youqian, and you came to him on your own initiative?"

Wang Hao was silent for a while and asked.

Tai Youqian said at the beginning that Mu Yang met him because he lost all his money and even owed money because he participated in the treasure hunting conference organized by him.

Now it seems that everything is not a coincidence.

"Yes! I met Tai Youqian in the Wan Dan Pavilion. His status is very extraordinary. He wants to oppose the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion. What I know is that the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion seems to have a lot to do with Chu Chaoge and Chu Fengyun. And these two people, after entering the academy, made it easier for Qi Yao's people to come together. Therefore, Tai Youqian can help me!"

Mu Yang made no secret of his calculations.

For more than half a year, after leaving the academy, Mu Yang had been decadent and desperate.However, hatred made him stand up again.

It is not difficult for a caring person to investigate something!

What's more, Mu Yang was not the only one who was bullied by Qi Yao in the academy.

He, Mu Yang, can still get some news.

Speaking of this, Wang Hao suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that everything has already been decided!

Mu Yang helped him for the first time in Qingyun Small World, because he hit it off with Tai Youqian, and also to stand with him.

He is waiting for his opportunity.

This time Yanluo Swamp is his greatest opportunity.

"People from Qiyao will die!"

After a moment of silence, Wang Hao looked at the appearance and said.

"From now on, my life is yours!"

A smile appeared on Mu Yang's pale face.

For some reason, Wang Hao felt like he let out a long breath.For some reason, Wang Hao felt that his smile seemed a little sad.

A young man full of ambition, who came out of the mountain village, has come to this point, is it the sorrow of the world, or his sorrow?

"Let's heal! Recover as soon as possible! The night of the full moon is the time for us to act!"

After handing a bottle of Xiaohuandan to Mu Yang, Wang Hao patted him on the shoulder.

The news he got from Lin Xiao and Shu Ya made Wang Hao have more plans in his mind.

Night of the full moon?

There are almost ten days left.

Enough for Wang Hao to figure out more things!


Five days later, Yan fell into the depths of the swamp.

"It should be here!"

Looking at the map in his hand, Wang Hao said to Mu Yang.

It took a full three days for Mu Yang to recover from his injury.Two days ago, Wang Hao and him followed the direction shown on the map and followed them all the way.

Finally, today, they came to the place where Lin Xiao said they obtained the ice mist lotus.

This is a hill surrounded by thick fog.

The hill is not high, like a giant beast crawling on this piece of land.The woods are dense and the fog is pervasive, like a barrier isolating this world.

"walk into!"

Frowning and observing for a moment, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

According to what Lin Xiao said, three miles southeast of this place is where the swamp is.Through this dense forest, you can reach the wetland.

The fog in the mountain forest is very thick, and no one has set foot in it for many years, and there is a strong musty smell.

The leaves on the ground are piled up thickly, and each step can leave deep footprints.

"There are a lot of footprints here. It should be left by those people!"

Suddenly, a row of footprints appeared in front of him, causing Mu Yang's expression to change.


At the moment Mu Yang spoke, a roar came.

Suddenly, a violent shock came from the distant forest, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Wang Hao told him to hide the wind, and he moved nimbly among the trees, darting towards the direction of the sound, followed closely by Mu Yang.

Soon, the two swept hundreds of meters away.

Hidden behind a big tree, looking forward, Wang Hao and Mu Yang saw seven or eight men in black besieging two warriors.

On the ground, already stained red with blood, lay two cold corpses.

"It's Qi Yao's people. Those who were besieged should have also broken into this place and discovered their secret. They want to kill people to silence them!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

"Get out?"

Mu Yang narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Since they're here, these people don't have to go back!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Hao's eyes.

Unexpectedly, when I came to this place, I met Qi Yao's people.And it looks like there are other people coming here.

This is really lively!

Now that Qi Yao's people have appeared, how could Wang Hao let them go back?

With a slightly arched figure, Wang Hao stared coldly at the black shadows in the distance like a beast ready to go.

The show is about to begin!

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