ancient myth

Chapter 89 A good show debuts

"Soul Breaking Curse!"

Looking coldly at the several figures fighting together in front of him, Wang Hao burst out with spiritual power all over his body.

Now that the men in black brought by Qiyao are here, there is no need to go back.


With the casting of the Soul-Splitting Curse, the majestic power of the soul instantly condensed into sharp claws, which slammed towards the front with a shattering momentum.


But in the blink of an eye, a man in black who was in the melee in front of him screamed and fell to the ground.

"Do not……"

Followed by the second man in black fell into madness.

With one move of the Soul-Splitting Curse, in a flash, it directly suppressed two warriors whose strength had stepped into the sixth heaven of energy gathering!

These people in the middle of the melee, how could they have thought that there would be someone hiding in the dark and attacking, and it was a strange soul refiner.

Under such circumstances, they are completely defenseless!

It is conceivable how much damage the attack of the Soul Breaking Curse will bring!


When these people reacted, Wang Hao swept towards the No.3 man in black with the aftermath of the Soul Splitting Curse.

This is a martial artist who gathers energy from the fifth heaven!

"not good!"

Facing the invisible crisis that swept across, the warrior's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he quickly clung to his mind.


Unfortunately, his strength is too weak.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and following Wang Hao's soft snort, all the remaining power of the Soul-Splitting Curse hit the mind of this Qi-gathering fifth-level sky warrior.

The runes that merged into the soul suddenly exploded, and the burst of power instantly tore the warrior's mind and shattered his soul.

Before he even had time to let out a scream, the man in black, who had gathered five layers of energy, fell straight and fell backwards.

The scene in front of them caused several people in the scuffle to subconsciously separate, with expressions of vigilance and horror on everyone's face.

"who is it!"

But in the blink of an eye, the three companions were severely injured, one died, and the two went mad!This caused the remaining five men in black to be swept away by fear.They looked at the surrounding mountains and forests and shouted loudly.

"Kill your people!"

Amidst the roar of the man in black, finally, Wang Hao and Mu Yang walked out slowly.

"Who are you and why are you against us!"

Looking at Wang Hao and Mu Yang who appeared, the people in black were full of vigilant eyes, and subconsciously took two steps back.

It was these two people who shot in secret before?

Soul attack?

They turned out to be soul refiners!

Thinking of the rumors about the soul refiner, the men in black didn't dare to be careless.

"People who are about to die, why ask more questions?" As he approached the man in black step by step, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth: "Should die!"

Suddenly, with a soft hum, Wang Hao's expression became serious, and he shot out.

beep, beep...

Stepping on the Tibetan wind, Wang Hao exploded to the extreme at this moment.


But seeing him as if turned into a gust of wind and swept past.The body shape passed, and the leaves were all over the sky.

There was a chilling aura between the heaven and the earth.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing Wang Hao approaching, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the man in black locked by Wang Hao.

Qi Gathering Six Heavens?

The momentum Wang Hao displayed made them secretly breathe out.

The situation doesn't seem to be as bad as imagined.

It seems that my companion was beheaded just now because of a sneak attack!

The man in black, who gathered energy in the sixth heaven, stepped forward to meet Wang Hao.

A soul-refining cultivator who dares to fight him in close quarters is courting death!

"Hmph, chicken tile dog!"

Seeing the man in black advancing instead of retreating and coming towards him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

"Tianlei Fingers!"

Opening the eye of the sky, Wang Hao's figure flashed, avoiding the sharp edge of the man in black.


At the moment when the man in black hadn't reacted at all, Wang Hao's thunder finger hit him fiercely.

The momentum is like thunder!

Under this instruction, the figure of the man in black gave a severe meal, and his flesh and blood exploded.

"Ah ah ah..."

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, the man in black who gathered energy from the sixth heaven flew upside down.

Blood mist drifted all over the sky, even faintly carrying fragments of viscera.Looking carefully, I saw that a huge blood hole had already exploded in the chest of the man in black, which was shocking!

By the time the man in black fell to the ground, his breath of life had completely disappeared.


A martial artist who gathered energy in the sixth level of heaven was instantly killed by Wang Hao with a single stroke of lightning finger.

Until this moment, Wang Hao locked his eyes on the next man in black who gathered energy in the sixth heaven.

Now, what qualifications do people from the sixth heaven of gathering energy have to fight Wang Hao?His strength is already enough to crush these people, not to mention the help of his eyes!

As a person of Qi-gathering Seventh Heaven, Wang Hao has no fear.Killing the Qi Gathering Sixth Heaven in a second was no longer able to make Wang Hao feel excited.


After beheading one person, Wang Hao shot out again.

"God Thunder Nine Changes!"

The dust-free sword was unsheathed, and the long sword swept across.


The sound of the sword groaned softly, and thunder exploded in the sky.

The strong wind swept across, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered.The Wuchen Sword erupted with bright rays of light, and the sword body was densely covered with the power of hundreds of profound thunders, traveling in all directions like a dragon swimming.


That sword slashed out, like a hundred mysterious thunders crushing down, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the sky and the earth changed color.


A crisp crash sound exploded.

The power of one after another profound thunder exploded completely.


Amidst a crisp sound, this time, amidst the desperate eyes of the man in black locked by Wang Hao, the weapon in his hand broke instantly.

The Wuchen sword carried Yu Wei and directly tore his body apart.

Another ball of blood mist exploded, and Wang Hao killed one person in a flash again.


At the same time, the appearance of entering the battle circle, as well as the remaining two warriors rescued by Wang Hao, have become entangled with the remaining three men in black.


Faced with such a scene, Wang Hao did not intend to stop at all!

Step in a few steps and join Mu Yang's battle circle.

How can this man in black, who is struggling to fight against Mu Yang, fight against the cooperation between Wang Hao and Mu Yang?




The melody of death is playing.

Wang Hao is like a god of death, cruising around in every battle circle, and life withers where he passes.

Until the last man in black fell down, the forest fell into dead silence!

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and the ground had already been stained red with blood.

As the fallen leaves kept falling from the sky, the blood seemed to be gradually covered and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Thank you two brothers for saving each other!"

Until now, the two warriors who escaped from death looked at Wang Hao and Mu Yang respectfully.

In this world, no matter where the strong go, they can get enough venerables.

The strong are respected, not just talk!

What's more, the combat power that Wang Hao showed just now made the two of them still shocked until now.

They don't know who Wang Hao and Mu Yang are.However, the strength of these two people is too terrifying!

How long has it been since they appeared?

It's just a cup of tea!Six black-clothed men from the sixth level of energy gathering and two men in black from the fifth level of energy gathering disappeared.

Especially Wang Hao!Crush the three people with the power of the soul, and then kill the two people with lightning speed, and cruise the battle circle again, harvesting the last three lives!

It can be said that the eight men in black died at the hands of this young man.

How could the two warriors who escaped from death dare to offend Wang Hao?

They were even more afraid that Wang Hao would attack them suddenly.

"You guys, why did you come here?"

Looking at the two respectful warriors in front of him, Wang Hao asked.

"Our brothers have been taking risks in collecting elixir in Yanluo Swamp all year round! Three days ago, I heard that there was a chance to appear in Yanluo Swamp, so I came to have a look! Unexpectedly, today I met this group of men in black, Seeing me approaching that piece of wetland, I can't help but say, chase us... We brothers are not opponents, now..."

The two warriors looked at the corpse of their companion in the distance, showing pain and hatred on their faces.

"How many people know this news? How many people rushed here?"

Wang Hao asked.

It seems that Lin Xiao and Shu Ya have left Yanluo Swamp for a successful walk?

This is good!

Wang Hao wants to see, how long does Qiyao want to block this place?Wang Hao wants to see, what ability do they have to block this place and monopolize the opportunity?

"A lot of people came! According to the news, there were dozens of people who entered Yanluo Swamp at the same time as us. But along the way, we saw that many people were either attacked by poisonous insects and snakes and died here, or were killed by poisonous fog. The impact has to be withdrawn! Some people are afraid that they will also be hunted down by these men in black!"

The two surviving warriors sighed.

"On the night of the full moon, opportunities appear. It's in the wetland ahead. However, there are many men in black wandering around here, and they want to monopolize the opportunities! If you want to get the opportunities, you need to get rid of these men in black!"

Wang Hao said directly.

"Hmph! By chance, those who are destined will get it! Why do they want to monopolize it! Brother, we can join hands!"

Seeing Wang Hao's strength, the two surviving warriors looked forward to it.

"If you really have a chance, you choose first. My brother and I can get some benefits along with it!"

The two surviving warriors looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and said to Wang Hao.

The previous crisis made them realize their lack of strength.Few people who can risk their lives in this Yanluo Swamp all year round are fools.For the first time they made a choice.

"Yes! However, there are many people in black here, so we still need to wait!"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Qi Yao had already prepared for this trip.

This is also the reason why Wang Hao asked Lin Xiao to release the news.He wants to take advantage!Use more power to break Qi Yao's layout!

He didn't know how many strong men Qiyao had brought besides these men in black.

What's more, what Wang Hao knows, except for Huo Yao's arrival, what about the rest of them?

This is especially true for Riyao, who has won third place in the Intermediate Court's Qing Yun Ranking this time.This person's strength must be extraordinary.

It would be great to have a helper!

As for what the two helpers are planning?Wang Hao doesn't care!

They are not yet a threat to themselves.

"Okay! I'm He Liu! This is Brother He Er! Brother, what do you want us to do!"

Wang Hao was willing to join forces, which made He Liu and He Er a little happy.

"Protect yourself, observe the terrain here, and check the wetland as much as possible. In addition, you need to find out how many people have come here..."

Wang Hao murmured.

"No problem! My brothers and I have been here before, so they are familiar! Hmph, there must be a lot of people here, just to attract them to meet the men in black. I want to see how those men in black monopolize the opportunity !"

He Liu and He Er are indeed naughty people.Soon comprehended Wang Hao's thoughts.

"In that case, let's split up. On the night of the full moon, see you in the wetlands!"

The two sides reached an agreement, Wang Hao said directly.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, this piece of mountain forest?Enough for them to sing a big show.

The blood in Wang Hao's body was faintly boiling.He suddenly discovered that these few days of killing, not only did not make him uncomfortable, but instead inspired the giant beast hidden in the deepest part of his body.

As for He Liu and He Er?

Presumably, after they knew the danger, based on their experience, they could protect themselves and wait until the full moon night to meet with themselves.

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