ancient myth

Chapter 94 Goodbye Ling Yaoyao

Watching Ling Yaoyao and Xi Yu leave, Cang Qianshan showed a sneer, with a lewd and evil look in his eyes.However, what he didn't know was that the moment Ling Yaoyao turned around, her expression had also turned cold.

"Miss, I hate Cang Qianshan!"

After walking some distance away from Cang Qianshan's sight, Xi Yu frowned.

"I hate him too!"

Ling Yaoyao was expressionless.

"Find Wang Hao first!"

Immediately afterwards, taking a deep breath, Ling Yaoyao said.

"What will we do then? Cang Qianshan and the others found Wang Hao, so they won't just let it go!" Xi Yu showed a trace of worry: "Besides, Wang Hao won't just let it go. Zhou Shan's matter, he will just let it go!" I'm afraid that even we will hate it!"

"we'll talk about it then!"

Ling Yaoyao frowned, with a hint of irritability on her face.

After the words fell, she quickened her pace.

Something happened to Zhou Shan!When she heard this news, when she learned that Wang Hao had come to Yanluo Swamp, Ling Yaoyao felt a little heavy in her heart.

She knew that things seemed to be out of her control.

However, the key now is to prevent Cang Qianshan from finding Wang Hao.

Only in this way will it be possible to find room for redemption.

"Miss, look, blood!"

Searching for a thousand meters into the mountain forest, Xi Yu suddenly stopped, looked at the faintly visible pool of blood in front of him and whispered.

"Wild Bird!"

With a solemn expression, Ling Yaoyao crushed a talisman, and in the void, a huge energy gathered several petite spiritual creatures.

Wanling Bird, known as the most spiritual monster, is very weak, but it has a unique ability to search and track.It is in this mountain forest that the best support for tracking and searching.

ji ji ji ji ......

Following Ling Yaoyao's control, after merging into the school records on the ground, the Wanling Bird flew forward briskly.


Seeing this scene, Ling Yaoyao hurriedly followed Xi Yu up.

Finally, after bypassing an extremely dark forest, a smile appeared on the corner of Ling Yaoyao's mouth as she watched the Wanling bird disappear in front of her.

"Wang Hao, come out, I know you are here."

Staring at this seemingly normal mountain forest with thick piles of fallen leaves, Ling Yaoyao spoke, her voice was clear and clear enough to spread across the range of tens of meters.

"Aren't you coming out? Do you want me to pull you out? Don't worry, no one else will follow, only me and Xi Yu!"

After waiting for a while, seeing no response, Ling Yaoyao said again.


Finally, after Ling Yaoyao's words came to an end, there were low rustling sounds from under the thick fallen leaves in front of her.

Then, two figures appeared in Ling Yaoyao's line of sight.

"Hee is it? Are you surprised to see me? Surprised?"

Looking at the expressionless Wang Hao, Ling Yaoyao's eyes lit up, walked to Wang Hao's side, and said with a smile.

"Accident! Surprise, no!" Wang Hao glanced at Ling Yaoyao and Xi Yu, frowning: "What are you doing here? Are you searching for me?"

Looking at Ling Yaoyao who was rescued in Taiyin Mountain back then.

Today's her, without the embarrassment of that day, has highlighted her agile temperament.However, Wang Hao couldn't feel better.

She is from Qiyao!

They are destined not to be on the same front.

"Hmph! If I hadn't found you first, do you think you're safe hiding here? Once Cang Qianshan gets the Wanling Talisman, it's only a matter of time before I find you!"

Wang Hao's indifference made Ling Yaoyao frown.

Curling her lips, she took a deep breath: "Are you injured? Is it serious?"

"Nothing to do with you!"

Wang Hao was expressionless.

"Wang Hao, what's your attitude! This is how you treat people because they care about you?"

Suffering cold faces one after another, Ling Yaoyao showed a look of grievance, and couldn't help shouting.

"I can't bear your concern!" Wang Hao squinted his eyes: "If you don't want to deal with me, you can go now. If you want to deal with me, do it!"

Different road non-phase plan.

Although he didn't have much intention to kill Ling Yaoyao, as long as he was a member of Qi Yao, he could still be regarded as Wang Hao's enemy.

Between enemies, there is no need to communicate too much.

"Good job, Wang Hao! A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good heart!"

Stomping hard, Ling Yaoyao pointed at Wang Hao with an angry expression on her face.

"Okay, I know, you're angry! Is it because of Zhou Shan and Wang Lin's matter? This matter has nothing to do with me! Besides, after I left Taiyin Mountain that day, I was taken away by my family. I even pleaded to go back I went to the academy and asked Sister Yueyao and the others not to deal with you first. How did I know that the bastard Cang Qianshan still made a move. He must have been instigated by him, and he is not a good guy. Otherwise, Sister Yueyao promised me, no Maybe you violated it. Besides, Wang Lin is fine now, although Zhou Shan is injured, but you still killed Zhao Tianchen! Why are you angry with me!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yaoyao said with a look of grievance and anger.

She put all her anger on Cang Qianshan.

"Cang Qianshan? Do you think this matter really has nothing to do with Liu Ruye? Who controlled Wang Lin? Don't tell it's Liu Ruye! Do you think this matter is really just Cang Qianshan's instigation?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of this matter, he did not hide his murderous intentions at all.

Wang Lin almost had an accident, Zhou Shan was seriously injured and almost died in Huangquan!This matter is not over!Killing one Zhao Tianchen is enough?

Do not!

Far from enough!

Cang Qianshan is immortal, Liu Ruye is immortal, and even Qiyao is immortal, this matter is not over!


Wang Hao's words made Ling Yaoyao stare and point at Wang Hao.But in the end, she didn't know what to say and fell silent.

"Sister Yueyao is really not a bad person, trust me! I will solve this matter!"

Ling Yaoyao's tone softened.

"Aren't you a bad guy? It seems that they've kept a lot of things from you." Wang Hao sneered: "This is Mu Yang, you should know him! You don't know about him, do you?"

After seeing Ling Yaoyao, he took a look at the terrifying and silent appearance, Wang Hao asked.

"Mu Yang?"

As if she didn't notice Mu Yang until this moment, Ling Yaoyao turned her head to look.

"I heard you returned to the academy. You shouldn't have come back."

Ling Yaoyao sighed lightly.

"Not coming back? Hahaha... how is it possible! Qiyao is not dead, how can Mu Rou's hatred be let go?"

Mu Yang's face looked a little ferocious.

"Mu Rou? After I asked them to let you go, they said you didn't take Mu Rou away?"

Ling Yaoyao frowned and asked.

"I took her away! But, she died! Oh, yes, you don't know, right? On the day you appeared in the bamboo forest, on the day you asked them to let me go, in the bamboo forest What happened, they didn't tell you?"

Mu Yang panted, staring at Ling Yaoyao like a wild bull.

After a pause, he continued to add: "Haha...Of course they dare not tell you! Otherwise, how would they use you? They haven't used you less this year, right? They can let you know the disgusting things they did?"

Mu Yang's anger, Mu Yang's ridicule, and his words made Ling Yaoyao frown more and more tightly.

"Mu Yang, what are you talking about! My lady didn't offend you. What happened to Mu Rou?"

Xi Yu couldn't help asking.

She had a good impression of that petite and lovely girl back then.

"Defiled! On that day, in the bamboo forest! Shi Wanpeng, Cang Qianshan, Guan Wu, they were all there! They all did it. And your sister Yueyao——Liu Ruye, she was also there, yes The biggest accomplice!"

Staring at Ling Yaoyao, Mu Yang gritted his teeth.

Ling Yaoyao?

If it wasn't for Wang Hao, if it wasn't for the kindness of saving her that day, how could Mu Yang stand here and talk to her?They will only be the enemy of life and death.

"how is this possible!"

Mu Yang's words made Ling Yaoyao and Xi Yu's eyes widen at the same time.

"Why is it impossible? Liu Ruye was also the one who captured Wang Lin that day. What would have happened if Zhou Shan hadn't appeared?"

Wang Hao sneered.

"Do you think Mu Rou is the only one? Last year in the Lower Court, you should know that girl named Nan Lan. If I remember correctly, she is still friends with you! If there are no accidents, she will disappear too, right?"

Mu Yang sneered.

"Nan Lan?" Ling Yaoyao was taken aback for a moment, "Didn't she say that something happened at home and she dropped out of school?"

"Go and ask Liu Ruye!"

Mu Yang snorted.

"Is is it possible! Impossible! No way! Nan Lan is my friend, they won''re lying!"

Ling Yaoyao seemed to have received a huge blow, looked at her in a daze, and said.

"That's all for now! If it's okay, let's go first!"

Not wanting to pay attention to Ling Yaoyao who was distracted, Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

This poor and innocent girl, I'm afraid she grew up being held in the palm of her hand, right?It was time for her to see more cruel reality, and let her recognize the reality in front of her.


I hope she will still speak for Liu Ruye when the time comes.

"Impossible! They are lying, it must be like this, right! Xi Yu, you say..."

Even Wang Hao's departure was ignored.

Ling Yaoyao, whose heart was shaken, grabbed the arms of Xi Yu beside her and asked.

"Miss... I... I don't know!" Ling Yaoyao suddenly grabbed Xi Yu and let out a scream, and then, his eyes flashed, with a trace of hesitation: "But... I... I listened to it in the academy. I talked a lot about Qiyao! I told the young lady...they...they didn't look so good! It's just that the young lady didn't believe it and scolded him! So..."

At this moment, Ling Yaoyao thought of what Xi Yu said to herself back then.

Her complexion became paler and uglier.

"Wang Hao! Wait for me!"

When she came back to her senses, she realized that Wang Hao had gone far away, and Ling Yaoyao quickly chased after him.

"What's the matter! Qiyao's people are still chasing me! We should be enemies now!"

Wang Hao stopped and looked at Ling Yaoyao.

"I said, I'm not here to search for you! I won't deal with you!" Ling Yaoyao took a deep breath and continued: "I will investigate what you said just now! If I find out, I will give you An explanation. However, now you leave here as soon as possible. If Cang Qianshan and the others find you, you will be in trouble. I have a way to help you temporarily avoid their search!"

"What if I don't go?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"No! You have no idea how many people they brought this time. There are also Qi Sea Realm experts! You also have no idea what they are going to do! They will not allow you to exist here. Nor will you Anyone is allowed to come near here!"

Ling Yaoyao was anxious.

Even at this moment, Ling Yaoyao was still secretly shocked when she thought of the secret that Yue Yao told her before arriving here today.

She knew what that meant.

Moreover, Ling Yaoyao understood better than anyone else how terrifying Riyao was.

He is here, if Wang Hao is bumped into, he will only die!

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