ancient myth

Chapter 95 Dansheng Cave Mansion?

"Hey...Miss, you're underestimating us now. Isn't there a cave of an alchemy hidden in the wetland! People from Qiyao should want to enter the cave and get the opportunity inside, right?"

Looking at Ling Yaoyao with an anxious face, Jin Shisan got out of Wang Hao's arms and said with a smile.

Although Ling Yaoyao didn't like to see Jin Shisan very much, which hurt him very much, but Jin Shisan still repaid his hatred with virtue!

"Dan Sheng's cave?"

This was the first time Mu Yang heard about the opportunity hidden in the wetland, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"how do you know!"

Ling Yaoyao looked at Jin Shisan in surprise.

Even Wang Hao looked at Jin Shisan.

Before that, Jin Shisan just said that in this swamp, there was a chance of being a strong man thousands of years ago!Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a Dan Sheng!

Wang Hao didn't know that after a warrior reached a certain level of cultivation, he would begin to differentiate.

Some people chose the road of alchemy after knowing that their talents were limited, and became a respectable and high-status alchemist, and even used the way of alchemy to assist their own cultivation path!

And some people will choose the path of the formation master, or the path of the craftsman!They create formations and practice magic weapons...

Of course, there are also some talented people who will choose one of the roads of alchemy, weapon refining, or formation to improve their own strength and assist their own cultivation, or even practice these methods at the same time, so as to reach an unimaginable level. .These geniuses are the most terrifying existence.

Dan Sheng?

It is a title that can be obtained by those who have achieved very high achievements in alchemy.And this kind of people's talents are absolutely extraordinary, they are not hindered by their talents, they seem to be people who choose to concentrate on alchemy after the road of martial arts!

What kind of opportunities will be hidden in a Dansheng cave?

It's unimaginable!

"Who am I, my lord? Of course I know! Besides, I also know that it may not be easy for them to enter the cave, so I need your help to bring you here this time, right?"

Jin Shisan narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Yaoyao.

Having existed for thousands of years, Jin Shisan is naturally not that pure and simple.Even at the beginning, he was not a simple person.

The thoughts in Qi Yao's mind?He sees it right away.

"That's right! Sister Yueyao sent me a letter asking me to come back, saying that she would take me to find a chance! However, they need my help to open the cave. It seems that there is an enchantment in the cave! And a magic weapon my grandfather gave me can Help us enter the enchantment!"

Ling Yaoyao frowned.

"poor child!"

Jin Shisan sighed lightly.

"Reptile, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll help you find ten female snakes!"

Ling Yaoyao stared at Jin Shisan and said.

"Girls must be polite, no one loves impolite girls! Look at Wang Hao, he likes the kind of gentle and gentle ones! Don't stare at this one all day long, and find a book when you have time." Take a good look at the female training!"

Jin Shisan pouted.

Anyway, Ling Yaoyao didn't want to see him, he didn't care about his image.


Ling Yaoyao gave Jin Shisan a hard look.

"It doesn't matter whether they are using me or not. This time, you can't go! This time they are determined to win, and they brought a lot of masters. Moreover, according to Sister Yueyao, they brought a powerful magic weapon. You are not their opponent! In addition , Brother Riyao seems to be very powerful! One time, sister Yueyao inadvertently revealed that Riyao seems to have a seal in his body! If the seal is unlocked, his strength will be very strong!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yaoyao looked at Wang Hao and reminded again.

"I won't retreat!"

Wang Hao was expressionless.

Now, at this place, how could it be possible to shrink back?

Riyao has great strength?

Then Wang Hao took a look, what's so weird about this day!

Because they are already doomed to be enemies, just to find out the reality of this guy.

"If you have nothing else to do, go back!"

After a moment of silence, Wang Hao explained to Ling Yaoyao, turned around and wanted to leave again.

Ling Yaoyao was able to find this place, and the person representing Qi Yao might also be able to find this place.

This is not good news for Wang Hao.


Wang Hao's attitude made Ling Yaoyao feel anxious.

"No! You keep these two talismans! You can restrain your aura. lest Cang Qianshan and the others find them. Also, these elixirs, the holy medicines for healing that my grandfather prepared for me. You are all injured, these elixirs It would be useful if you think about it! In addition, the cave will appear on the night of the full moon tomorrow, if you really want to come, be careful. It is best not to meet Brother Riyao and the others directly...

Also, as you said before, I will investigate! "

Realizing that Wang Hao's attitude is resolute and it is impossible to change his mind, Ling Yaoyao hesitated for a while, handed the two talismans to Wang Hao and Mu Yang, and reminded.


Seeing the talisman handed over by Ling Yaoyao, Wang Hao pondered for a moment before accepting it, and then walked towards the distance with Mu Yang.


"Miss, let's go back quickly. This place is gloomy. I don't know what disgusting thing is hiding, and we will be in trouble when we encounter danger!"

Until Wang Hao and Mu Yang disappeared from sight, Xi Yu reminded Ling Yaoyao who was in a daze.

"You said, am I very fierce?"

Withdrawing her thoughts, Ling Yaoyao looked at Xi Yu and asked.


Xi Yu showed a trace of hesitation: "It seems..."

"Like what?"

Ling Yaoyao narrowed her eyes.

"It doesn't seem to be fierce at all!"

Xi Yu hurriedly swore.

"Hmph! A dog can't spit out ivory, that reptile. One day I'll skin him!"

Ling Yaoyao pouted.

"Also, that girl training, find me a copy when you get back!"

Then, looking at Xi Yu, Ling Yaoyao said casually.

"Miss, you..."

Xi Yu's eyes widened.

"I'm just looking casually, otherwise how can I laugh at that reptile then?"

Ling Yaoyao stared.

"I know! Hee hee... Just take a look, find out the flaws, and laugh at the reptiles! Miss, I know it all!"

Xi Yu said with a smile.

"Go! Come back with me!"

Ling Yaoyao knocked Xi Yu's head hard, and hummed.

"By the way, miss, after we go back, don't talk about meeting Wang Hao. Don't ask Mu Rou, Nanlan and the others..."

Follow Ling Yaoyao back along the way, Xi Yu reminded.

"Am I stupid?" Ling Yaoyao looked back at Xi Yu angrily, and then a gloomy look flashed in her eyes: "I will investigate this matter myself after I go back to the academy."

Thinking of what Wang Hao and Mu Yang said before, Ling Yaoyao became silent on the road ahead.



In the middle of the night, in a hidden place dozens of miles away from the forest, Wang Hao let out a long breath.

Opening his eyes, a faint gleam of light flashed through them.

"The injury has recovered!"

Feeling his state, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

After separating from Ling Yaoyao at noon yesterday, Wang Hao and Mu Yang fled all the way.With the help of the talisman given by Ling Yaoyao, the two of them concealed their aura, completely avoided Qi Yao's pursuit, and then came here to recover from their injuries.

It has to be said that the elixir given by Ling Yaoyao is extremely effective!It is far from being comparable to Xiao Huan Dan.

Otherwise, with Wang Hao's situation, he might not be able to fully recover within two or three days.

"Mu Yang, haven't you cultivated yet?"

Turning his head to look at the appearance not far away, Wang Hao frowned.

Mu Yang's injury seemed to be much lighter than his own.Logically speaking, it should be restored.

However, now he seems to be recovering?

"His injuries from the past few days have not fully recovered, and now the elixir brought by this little girl, Ling Yaoyao, just gives a chance to repair the hidden injuries, so naturally it will take some time!

Moreover, haven't you discovered that your cultivation speed is already faster than others?It's not about talent.It's the spiritual seed in your body!

In the final analysis, I always feel that something is wrong with that spirit seed of your kid.It seems to be able to devour everything, does not seem to reject all energies, and can burst out the maximum energy that those things should have.As far as today's healing is concerned, the pill is certainly good.However, it is impossible for ordinary people to recover so quickly..."

Lying on the side, the bored Jin Shisan felt Wang Hao's doubts and couldn't help asking.

Staring at Wang Hao, he tried to see something.However, he failed.

"You think too much!"

Wang Hao's eyes flashed and he rolled his eyes.

Of course he wouldn't tell Jin Shisan that his spiritual seed was weird, it was a spiritual seed fused with the seeds of chaos.That is the Chaos Spirit Seed.This is naturally extraordinary!

More importantly, even today, Wang Hao has not figured out what more functions this Chaos Spirit Seed has, and what is so weird about it.

Is it really related to the Chaos Spirit Seed that he recovered so quickly from his injuries?

Wang Hao can't tell!

"Don't be so vigilant! I didn't find out what you mean!" Jin Shisan curled his lips: "That guy has finished his cultivation!"

Glancing at Mu Yang whose aura gradually subsided in the distance, Jin Shisan narrowed his eyes, as if wanting to rest.

"Are you all right?"

Ignoring Jin Shisan, Wang Hao asked when he came to Mu Yang who opened his eyes.

"It's almost there! The elixir is very good!"

Mu Yang took a deep breath.

"What shall we do next?"

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang looked at Wang Hao and asked.

"This side is far away from that wetland. Now the night of the blood moon is coming. The cave is about to appear. For the sake of chance, Qiyao can't really put all his energy on us! Let's rest here first!"

Wang Hao murmured.

"Shall we go there tomorrow?"

Mu Yang asked.

"Go! But don't worry! We are not the only ones who want to go when the time comes!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Qi Yao wants to mop up?

Can they really clean it up completely?


People make money and birds die for food. Knowing that there is an opportunity, the people attracted are definitely not at 01:30.

Let Qi Yao fight those people first.

As for yourself?

"Help me protect the law, I want to practice!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hao said directly to Mu Yang.

The battle with Tian Buer made Wang Hao realize that he was still weak.

Facing the powerhouses of the Qi Gathering Eighth Layer, especially the powerful Qi Gathering Eighth Layer, his strength is far from enough!

God Thunder Nine Changes!

With a flick of his wrist, Wang Hao's eyes flickered as he looked at the Wuchen Sword in his hand.

In the last day, if you want to improve your strength or the power of your soul, you don't have much hope.The only thing that can really improve one's combat effectiveness is the Divine Thunder Nine Changes is the greatest hope.

God Thunder Nine Changes, a total of nine moves, endless changes!

Now, what Wang Hao is cultivating is nothing more than Shenlei Yichang!The combat power that can be displayed is still limited.

If he can show the changes in the moves of the second transformation of Shenlei, it will bring a huge improvement to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao hoped that on the last day, he could master the second move of the Nine Transformations of the Divine Thunder and exert its power!

This is very important for Wang Hao who wants to participate in the opportunity competition!

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