ancient myth

Chapter 96

The Nine Changes of Divine Thunder has nine forms in total, which are divided into three stages.The first stage is to condense the power of thunder and integrate it into the blade.The second stage is to attract the mysterious thunder from heaven and earth, and use it for oneself, and it can be turned into a sea of ​​thunder at the extreme!In the third stage, all things are alive, thunder produces wisdom, and all things are transformed.Once cultivated to the extreme, the nine heavens and clouds will move in a single thought, destroying all things.

This set of swordsmanship left by Wang Tianwen is extremely domineering, and it is extremely difficult to practice, and has extremely high requirements for warriors.Even if it was Wang Tianwen back then, he had only reached the second stage of cultivation.

Today's Wang Hao has just stepped into the threshold after controlling the evil god Lei Yibian.

With a change of divine thunder, the aura of heaven and earth was attracted, turned into the power of thunder, and melted on the edge of the sword!Only in this way can the warrior's strength be fully released.

However, this was far from enough for Wang Hao.

"The second transformation of Shenlei can condense the power of a thousand thunders! The power is much stronger than the first transformation of Shenlei. If I want to fight against Qiyao, I must first master this move!"

In the depths of the swamp, surrounded by clouds and mist, Wang Hao squinted his eyes as he looked at the sword in his hand, the eyes glistening.


After comprehending the essence of the Nine Transformations of Shenlei in his heart, Wang Hao flicked his wrist, and swung his long sword according to the key point of the Second Transformation of Shenlei.

brush brush...

The vitality gathers, the sword light bursts out, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.


As Wang Hao exploded his vitality to the extreme, his spirit and soul communicated with the heaven and the earth, and faintly, thunder exploded from the nine heavens, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth gathered.


Under the infusion of energy, the Wuchen Sword erupted with bright light, and in a blink of an eye, tiny thunderbolts gathered.

The power of thunder is increasing and becoming denser and denser!

One hundred thunderbolts, two hundred thunderbolts...

As Wang Hao kept pushing, more and more thunder power gathered.


Until he felt that he had reached a limit, Wang Hao slashed out with a sword.


The silence of the night was broken.In the gust of wind, a roar exploded, with Wang Hao as the center, the area with a radius of [-] meters seemed to be shaking!

Thick smoke billowed and thunder shot.


Until the world returned to calm, Wang Hao let out a long breath looking at the crack cut by the Wuchen sword in front of him.

"It's still not enough, I haven't stepped into the realm of Shenlei II Transformation!"

Wang Hao frowned.

Although the power of this move just now is much stronger than that of Shenlei Yichang that I used before, it is far from enough.

Wang Hao just condensed the power of [-] to thunder, and felt that he had reached the limit, and the energy showed signs of collapse at this point.And this, there is still a big gap from the power of a thousand thunders!

"The control of power is not detailed enough. It should be able to compress its own power and condense the energy of thunder!"

After thinking carefully for a moment, Wang Hao muttered to himself.

The move just now was almost Wang Hao's move with all his strength.Obviously, with his current strength, it is difficult to support the gathering of the power of a thousand thunderbolts!

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for Wang Hao to improve his strength from the aspect of vitality, so as to meet the requirements of the second transformation of Shenlei.

The most effective way left now is to gather the energy in one place, and exert the power of all vitality and strength as much as possible, so as to promote the first transformation of Shenlei to evolve towards the second transformation of Shenlei.

This is all about the utilization efficiency of strength and vitality!Ordinary warriors, many of them blasted out with one move in battle, and the energy dissipated and distributed too widely, which made it impossible to burst out the strongest power and imprison their own strength!And this is also a problem encountered by many warriors - the control of strength.

Now, what Wang Hao has to do is to overcome this problem.Control the power and improve it from surface to point!

"Come again!"

Thinking of this, with a soft hum, the Wuchen Sword swept out again.

wow wow wow...

This time, Wang Hao paid more attention to his control over power.

If it is said that the first transformation of Shenlei is only the most basic move of the nine transformations of Shenlei, which has the lowest requirements for warriors, then the second transformation of Shenlei is already much more profound, and its requirements for warriors have been greatly increased.

Either have absolute strength and be able to perform this move, or if the strength has not yet reached the level of transcendence, one can only start with one's own skills.

Especially the control of power.

In this regard, Wang Hao has a natural advantage!

Back then in the Dharma-ending Era, Wang Hao was still able to step into the realm of a master, but his understanding of martial arts was not comparable to that of ordinary people.This is Wang Hao's biggest capital.

It's just that, for a while, in this brand new world, Wang Hao has gradually neglected his own advantages!

Now, what Wang Hao has to do is to regain his advantage!


As the power condenses to the limit and concentrates to reduce energy consumption and dissipation, it is true that after reaching the convergence of six hundred thunder powers, Wang Hao did not feel the limit of the previous energy collapse, and the power of thunder is still condensed.

"It's the limit!"

It wasn't until reaching a limit again that Wang Hao slashed out fiercely, and the whole earth was in turmoil.

"Nine hundred thunderbolts! It's still close!"

After a long time, the strong wind dissipated, took a deep breath, and Wang Hao frowned.

Wang Hao can guarantee that his control of power just now has almost reached the perfection that can be achieved at this stage.

At the very least, Wang Hao can be sure of one thing, in the Qi Gathering Realm, who can control the power more perfectly than him?In this Eastern Desolation, there are not many to be found.Not even one.

Even if it is a strong person in the Qi Sea Realm, someone who can control power better than him?It is also rare!

Gathering the power of nine hundred thunderbolts seems to be his limit.

With today's strength, it is impossible to use the second transformation move of Shenlei?

"Boy, why don't you beg me, I might consider giving you some advice, my lord!"

Looking at Wang Hao who fell into silence and frowning, Jin Shisan said with a smile.


Wang Hao glared at Jin Shisan angrily.

"Is there any way, say it!"

But soon, as if thinking of something, Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and he stared at Jin Shisan and asked.

This strong man from a thousand years ago, when it comes to martial arts experience, looking at the entire Eastern Wilderness, I am afraid that there are not many people who can match him!

I almost forgot that there was such a strong person beside me.

"What's your attitude? Young Master, I'm not happy, I don't want to say it!"

With a sneer, Jin Shisan glanced at Wang Hao and ignored him.

"Really not?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes and squeezed Jin Shisan into his hand.

"Don't! Boy, quality! Can you pay attention to your quality? Do you know what respect is? Are you asking for help?"

Being pinched by Wang Hao, Jin Shisan struggled desperately, once again desperately found that he could not escape Wang Hao's clutches, he couldn't help but yelled.

"Do you need quality?"

Wang Hao sneered.

"Isn't it necessary?"

Jin Shisan stared unwillingly.

"Mu Yang, do you know where there is another snake den nearby?"

Wang Hao looked at Mu Yang in the distance and asked.

"I'll look for it!"

The corner of Mu Yang's mouth twitched, he turned around and was about to leave.

"I won't give in!"

With a flash in Jin Shisan's eyes, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

Wang Hao looked at Jin Shisan with a half-smile: "Two choices, first, help you find a snake den, and then find you a group of female snakes in heat. Second, from now on, cooperate with me obediently, big fish and big meat will give you You eat, and when I am strong, I will help you find a beautiful female dragon!"

"Do you think I'm the kind of dragon who is easily persuaded and seduced?"

Jin Shisan snorted disdainfully.

"Mu Yang, then you go! I believe that there are many poisonous snakes in Yanluo Swamp, such as the seven-step soul-destroying python we killed a few days ago. Although it is a bit bigger, Jin Shisan will like it!"

Wang Hao glanced at Mu Yangdao.

"and many more……"

Thinking of the seven-step soul-destroying python Jin Shisan's body twitched and shouted loudly.

"What's the matter? Aren't you afraid of temptation and threat?"

Wang Hao sneered.

"Of course I'm not afraid! But, who am I? What is our relationship! As a person, I have no other advantages. The biggest advantage is that I like to help others! Since you want something from me, I will teach you with kindness! "

Jin Shisan Dayi said lingeringly.

"Your kindness, I can't bear it!"

Wang Hao rolled his eyes.

"You have to bear it! Otherwise, you just look down on me! Besides, if you have difficulties, if I can't help you, can I have a good conscience?"

Jin Shisan said righteously.

These words made Mu Yang, who was watching the show, widen his eyes.

Sure enough, I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless Jin Shisan!I've seen a lot of shameless ones, but it's the first time Mu Yang has seen Jin Shisan so shameless.

"Since you are so sincere, then you can say it!"

When Jin Shisan made his statement so far, the corners of Wang Hao's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

Play with yourself?

Jin Shisan is still too young!

What kind of virtue is this guy, wouldn't Wang Hao know?

"Ten female dragons! When you become stronger, help me kill the dragon clan and get ten little female dragons!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and Jin Shisan said softly.


Wang Hao said with a strange expression.

Is this guy not tempted?It's just that the temptation is not strong enough, right?

However, Wang Hao doesn't care about the promise of the mirror.

"Cough cough cough... It seems that you have been instructed by an expert? The control of power is very good! Not to mention the second transformation of Shenlei, if you paid attention to this before, don't be so careless and complacent. With your strength and ability, Even if you meet someone from the Qi-gathering eighth level, you can still handle it! At least, you won’t be so embarrassed when facing that Tian Fuer! Once the divine thunder changes, the condensed power of nine hundred thunderbolts is enough to make Tian Fuji drink a pot Also. And when you dealt with the seven-step soul-destroying python that day, if you could condense the power of nine hundred thunderbolts in Yichang, you would not be able to break through its defense with the sharp edge of Wuchen Sword? Do you really think that the seven-step soul-destroying python Can the python be invincible?"

With Wang Hao's promise, Jin Shisan looked at Wang Hao with contempt and said.

This guy, with such abilities, didn't make good use of them, it's a waste of money.

If he is the expert who pointed out Wang Hao, he must be pissed off.

"This... During this period of time, there is some carelessness!"

Wang Hao smiled wryly.

On the one hand, it was because he came to this world and received a new concept of martial arts, which made Wang Hao ignore his own characteristics.

On the other hand, it was also because almost all the enemies encountered were dealt with by Wang Hao with a crushing attitude.He didn't really get into too much trouble, so he didn't think more about it.

Thinking about it now, even Wang Hao is quite ashamed.

"So, you saw my question a long time ago?"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hao stared at Jin Shisan and asked.

"Okay! That's not the point! Now, it's not a bad thing for you to wake up!" Jin Shisan said solemnly: "Your idea just now is good, since your strength can't easily use the second transformation of Shenlei, then just Can find ways to make up for the gap in strength on the existing basis! Make full use of your own strength and vitality, this is a good way! However, it is obvious that the second transformation of Shenlei is more powerful than you imagined. So you can even do it A good control of strength and vitality is of no avail! Maybe you will be able to perform the second transformation of Shenlei once you step into the Qi Gathering Seventh Layer!"

"Is that all you want to say?"

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.


Jin Shisan pouted.

"Mu Yang, go, find a snake den!"

Wang Hao shouted at Mu Yang.

"You kid..."

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jin Shisan jumped up.

"Okay! There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Do you know the three main points of the martial arts path?"

Jin Shisan asked.


Wang Hao frowned.

"The control of power, you have already been introduced by someone. As your strength improves, this aspect should not be a problem. The rest is the state of mind and Taoism!

A powerful move is not only a test of the warrior's own strength, but also a test of his state of mind and Taoism!Especially for some powerful supernatural powers, strength is only used as a support.However, whether it can be successfully displayed and the power can be erupted requires the warrior to control the state of mind and the understanding of Taoism...

Just like you, the Second God of Thunder, your current strength is not enough.But the control of your power has made you infinitely close to being able to achieve the second transformation of Shenlei.

What if you could control your state of mind better and understand Taoism more deeply? "

Jin Shisan said with a smile.

"You mean..."

Wang Hao was thoughtful.

"Let's have a good understanding of the world! Understand the way of thunder. When performing moves, the state of mind needs to be integrated into the moves!"

Jin Shisan said seriously.

It has to be said that at this moment, Jin Shisan's words exploded in Wang Hao's mind like a thunderbolt, shaking his mind.

That's it!

Jin Shisan's words seemed to open a brand new door for Wang Hao.

Integrate the state of mind into the moves, and have a deeper understanding of Taoism?

This should be what the old Taoist said back then, and it was also the realm of the unity of man and nature, the unity of mind and law that Wang Hao had heard and pursued back then?

With every move, blending into the heaven and earth, blending into the law, all laws are unified, and the original power explodes?

In this way, if I can have a deeper understanding of the power of thunder, and if I can control my mood better, the second transformation of Shenlei can be obtained at my fingertips?

"Let me try!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao took a deep breath, endured the excitement in his heart, held the Wuchen sword in his hand, restrained his state of mind, discarded distracting thoughts, closed his eyes, released his soul, and merged into the world!

"Shenlei's Second Transformation!"

I don't know how long it took, just when Mu Yang wondered if Wang Hao fell asleep standing there, suddenly, Wang Hao moved.

With a soft hum, his whole body exploded with momentum.


Above the void, a muffled thunder exploded.

With Wang Hao at the center, the energy of the whole world seems to have become manic at this moment.


(ps: Dragon Boat Festival, haha... I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

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