ancient myth

Chapter 97 Metamorphosis

At noon, Yanluo deep in the swamp!

After countless attempts, Wang Hao's soul finally merged into the world.

"This is the energy of Thunder?"

Following the operation of Shenlei Jiubian's mind, Wang Hao felt that the aura of the surrounding world became manic, and the whole world seemed to turn into a manic ocean at this moment.

Every aura molecule carries terrifying destructive power.

This is a situation that Wang Hao has never felt before, and this is the first time that Wang Hao feels the power of heaven and earth so clearly.


Wang Hao pulled these manic thunder powers together towards Wuchen Sword.

Little by little, little makes more!

Wang Hao felt that the Wuchen Sword in his hand seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and endless energy was rushing in it, carnival!


As the energy gathered, it finally reached a limit. When Wang Hao felt that he was about to lose control of this energy, he integrated his will into the Wuchen Sword.

At that moment, Wu Chenjian resonated with his soul, and the entire sea of ​​thunder was suppressed.

"I am the sword, and the sword is me! I am this world!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao said silently in his heart.

He tried to completely fuse his soul with Wuchen Sword, so that Wuchen Sword could be completely integrated with a piece of heaven and earth.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, at that moment, Wang Hao only felt that the Chaos Spirit Seed shook violently in the deepest part of his body, and a warm current flowed around his body, merged into his mind, and merged into his soul.

In the next moment, Wang Hao only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up.He couldn't feel Wuchen Sword, couldn't feel his own existence.

He seems to be this world, and this world seems to be him!

Under the burst of energy from the Chaos Seed, Wang Hao took the last step.

At this moment, the outside world was swept by a strong wind.

The aura of heaven and earth surged madly and merged with Wang Hao.

A whirlwind soared into the sky at this moment, fused with Wang Hao, and completely devoured him.


Looking at this scene from a distance, Mu Yang's pupils shrank, revealing a trace of worry.

"If you don't want to die, you can go there!"

Jin Shisan glanced at the stern-looking Mu Yang and said.

"What's wrong with him? Is there any danger?"

Mu Yang asked in a deep voice.

"I can't die! Tsk tsk tsk... After a few attempts in the morning, I really merged into the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and man are one. I don't know how this kid did it! This speed..."

Squinting his eyes and staring into the distance, Jin Shisan has complicated eyes.

That's right!

The current Wang Hao has completely integrated into this piece of heaven and earth, and because of this, he was able to resonate with the heaven and earth, attracting such a majestic energy and turning it into a sea of ​​air waves.

The current Wang Hao should be soaring between the heaven and the earth, feeling it!

Jin Shisan could even feel that Wang Hao's aura was rising steadily.

Heaven and man are one!

It's easy to say, but how difficult is it to do it?

How many martial artists may not be able to reach such a state in their lifetime.

Wang Hao really did it...

Jin Shisan didn't know what to say.

"This kid has a good chance and a good fortune! Could it be related to the secret hidden in his body?"

Jin Shisan discovered very early on that Wang Hao was a little different from ordinary people.

His cultivation speed is fast, and the aura he absorbs is majestic.He seems to be able to fuse all the energy in the world...

I really don't know what kind of freak this kid's spiritual seed is.

But now, Wang Hao can really step into the unity of heaven and man, apart from Wang Hao's talent, it is definitely related to that spiritual seed.

Jin Shisan's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Under the gaze of Jin Shisan and Mu Yang, Wang Hao moved!

Wang Hao, who was inside the storm, took a step forward, and the Wuchen sword in his hand, which was glowing with thunderous light, slashed down with a bang.

As if the stars descended, as if a sea of ​​thunder swept across!

With a roar, the clouds and mist surged wildly.

The entire earth trembled, as if collapsing.


The cold wind is howling, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal!

Wang Hao stood tall in the gust of wind, like the god of war descending.


Until the strong wind dissipated, Wang Hao showed a look of excitement on his face.

That's right!

From dawn to now, for a whole morning, Wang Hao was silently practicing the Nine Transformations of the Divine Thunder.

Jin Shisan's words, like a flash of light, opened a brand new door for Wang Hao.Let Wang Hao find the direction of cultivation, let him come into contact with higher level cultivation in advance.

Recalling the wonderful feeling during the cultivation just now, looking at the messy land in front of him, Wang Hao's breathing was a little short.

The unity of heaven and man?

Is that what it feels like to be one with heaven and man?

At that moment, Wang Hao felt that he was the sky, the land, and the master of this world!Everything in the world is for your own use.He controls the world.

That powerful feeling makes one's mind turbulent!

Even if he has withdrawn from that state now, Wang Hao can clearly feel the change in himself.He becomes more at ease with the world.

Just a single thought seems to be able to mobilize the majestic power of thunder.

"Come again!"

There was another snort, and the second transformation of Shenlei was cast again.

This time there is no need to brew.

In a single thought, boundless energy gathered.


A sword fell, and the power of thunder rolled.


The entire land, amidst the raging power of thunder, was billowing with thick smoke.

"The power of [-] thunderbolts! The second transformation of Shenlei, I succeeded!"

Although the energy in the body was consumed enormously, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing seeing the dissipated sword energy and gust of wind.

He not only achieved the power of a thousand thunderbolts, but also achieved the power of [-] thunderbolts, and successfully performed the second transformation of the divine thunder.

At this moment, Wang Hao seemed to have completed his transformation.

At this moment, Wang Hao felt that he had truly stepped into the road of martial arts, and he had grasped the essence of it.

In front of Wang Hao is a broad road!

Of course, Wang Hao's gains from this transformation are far more than that.

God Thunder Second Change?This is just the most obvious manifestation.In addition, Wang Hao's strength has improved again!The state of harmony between man and nature made him unknowingly close to the Qi Gathering Seventh Heaven.Let his soul-returning power grow further, and let him control the world more proficiently...

If he had such strength yesterday, Tian Buer would have become a dead man, even if Cang Qianshan appeared, Wang Hao would not be afraid at all!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's eyes shone brightly.


A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

Believe that today, I will bring them a surprise!

"How is it? Boy, it seems that you have gained a lot?"

While Wang Hao was feeling emotional, Jin Shisan did not know when he came to Wang Hao's side, and asked with a smile.

"Just getting started!"

Compared with the future, the current Wang Hao is just getting started, and he knows this very well.

"You can be ashamed! But it's good not to be proud and complacent!"

Jin Shisan pouted.

For an ordinary person, at Wang Hao's age, to achieve such an achievement, especially if he has just undergone a transformation, he must have an unruly spirit.

As for Wang Hao, he looked more and more calm, which made Jin Shisan's eyes flash a strange color.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, remember that feeling, it will be of great benefit to you in the future!"

Jin Shisan reminded.

"I know!"

Wang Hao nodded in response.

"Heartless white-eyed wolf, I don't see you thanking me!"

Jin Shisan found that Wang Hao didn't show any gratitude at all, and showed a little displeasure.

"Your female dragon, I remember!"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched.

"Just remember it! Otherwise, I will never end with you, my lord!"

Jin Shisan's eyes lit up.

"I still want you, I told him just now, you can try it too! Young Master, I have shown mercy this time. Next time you want my advice, remember to take advantage of it!"

Immediately afterwards, looking at Mu Yang who came to him, Jin Shisan hummed.

"Thank you senior!"

Compared with Wang Hao, Mu Yang seemed much more respectful.

"Not bad! You still have a conscience!"

This Mu Yang's attitude finally gave Jin Shisan some comfort, and he felt more at ease.

"someone is coming!"

And just as Jin Shisan's voice fell, Wang Hao's eyes suddenly flashed a stern look.

Looking forward, he narrowed his eyes seeing the several figures that appeared.

"Cangqian Mountain!"

Following Wang Hao's gaze, Mu Yang's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the person clearly.

It seems that the movement of Wang Hao's cultivation just now has finally attracted other people's ideas.

Cang Qianshan?Didn't expect him to find this place.There was a gloomy murderous intent in Mu Yang's eyes.

"Hahaha...Wang Hao, let me see where you are going to escape today!"

When Wang Hao and others saw Cang Qianshan, Cang Qianshan's eyes lit up and he burst out laughing.

Wang Hao!

Unexpectedly, he found Wang Hao here.

Today is the night of the full moon, and the blood is about to rise into the sky.

Everyone in Qiyao entered the final preparations.

After a full day of sweeping yesterday, they eliminated many people who coveted opportunities, but after all, there were still many fish that slipped through the net.

Because of this, Cang Qianshan and others launched the last round of raids today under Ri Yao's orders.

Just now, after chasing and killing two warriors in the late stage of gathering energy, they arrived here. Just beheading those two, Cang Qianshan rushed to this place when he noticed a huge movement coming from this place.

I didn't expect to meet Wang Hao.

This is really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!

Thinking that Wang Hao was able to escape under his nose yesterday, a cold murderous intent flashed in Cang Qianshan's eyes at this moment.

Today, Wang Hao will have nowhere to escape and will become the dead soul of his subordinates.

With a sneer, Cang Qianshan brought several men in black to Wang Hao and Mu Yang, blocking their way.

"Escape? Why should I escape?"

Looking at Cang Qianshan with a sneer on his face, Wang Hao's expression turned cold.

The excitement caused by comprehending the Second Transformation of Shenlei completely disappeared.He squinted at Cang Qianshan and the men in black.

"Yes! You don't need to run away! Because you don't have this chance! And you, Mu Yang! I let you die last year, but I didn't expect you to be Wang Hao's dog's leg. Today I will clean you up I'll take you to see your little lover!"

Cang Qianshan looked at Wang Hao, then turned his eyes to Mu Yang.


At this moment, Cang Qianshan's whole body burst into murderous intent.

With a cold snort, the men in black who followed Cang Qianshan exploded in aura and charged towards Wang Hao and Mu Yang.

The murderous intent is all over the place.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth were filled with a thick murderous aura.

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