The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 105 The Death of Shenghui

Chen Xiaolei was really angry this time. Xiaoya was his default woman, and she was insulted by this guy time and time again. Before, he thought that he would keep a low profile after losing everything, but now it seems that he took it for granted.

As soon as Sheng Hui looked at the person, his expression flickered, he gritted his teeth, and said frantically and with despair: "Haha, you finally came, it turned out to be you, and I am not reconciled to being defeated by you this time, I am not reconciled, Now I am like a bereaved dog, everyone is watching my jokes, and before I die, I want you to experience heartache." Sheng Hui shouted, and a corpse in his hand was torn apart.

Black blood flowed on his body, full of weirdness and gore, he picked up a bone-piercing knife and stabbed it fiercely at Xiaoya who was full of fear.

"Whoosh!" Chen Xiaolei shot out a silver needle and hit Shenghui's wrist accurately. To Chen Xiaolei's surprise, the other party did not have any influence and continued to stab. Looking at Chen Xiaolei with a sneer and mockery.

"No, bastard." Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened. The bone spur stuck in Xiaoya's thigh. Xiaoya's mouth was held down, and the heart-wrenching cry could not be uttered. It was a huge torture.

"You take a step forward, and I'll pierce it. I've been injected with stiffeners all over my body, and I'm unconscious. I think it's your needle that's faster, or my bone spur." With a cruel smile on Shenghui's teeth, Chen Xiaolei hit Shivering, looking at Xiaoya who was in pain and rolled her eyes, she was extremely anxious, her fists were clenched and rattled.

"Let her go. I'll be your hostage. Torturing me must be more enjoyable, right?" Chen Xiaolei narrowed his eyes, flashing a dangerous light, and a black poisonous insect quietly ran out from under his feet, burrowing into the soil along the soles of his feet. , the whole process was silent.

"You crippled your hands and crawled over on your knees."

Sheng Hui was insanely crazy, like a demon, standing there trembling constantly, Chen Xiaolei silently counted the time, while following Sheng Huixu and arguing, suddenly his eyes glared, and the whole person rushed over extremely fast, a black streak under Sheng Hui's feet The light flashed away, his laughter stopped abruptly, and Chen Xiaolei punched him hard.

The poisonous insects entered his body and controlled his central nervous system. With Chen Xiaolei's angry punch, Sheng Hui vomited blood and flew out, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

Chen Xiaolei flashed a stern look, and chased after him, punching and punching, humiliating Xiaoya, it was unforgivable, I don't know how many punches he punched, anyway, Shenghui lay there limp all over, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Xiaoya, how are you?" Chen Xiaolei untied Xiaoya and held her tightly in his arms. Her hands and feet were cold and she was trembling non-stop. The fear in her eyes could not dissipate. For a kind girl It's a little too much to go through.

"I... am I dreaming?" Xiaoya stammered, looking at her situation, she was terrified this time.

"It's okay, everything is over, don't worry, I will be with you in the future." Chen Xiaolei continued to comfort him, and walked out step by step with Xiaoya in his arms, with the poisonous insects crawling out behind him. There was a cry, but unfortunately no one could hear it.

In the mortuary, all the bloodstains were clean, and Shenghui disappeared without a trace. The poisonous insects became more ferocious, full of bloody aura, and finally disappeared without a trace in one direction.

"Brother Liu Zhou, I heard that you made a lot of money this time, right?" On the beach by the sea, Liu Zhou was making tea while sitting opposite him was an elderly man with narrow eyes. And hurriedly, Jasper kept fumbling with his thumb.

"Hehe, where did Mr. Xiao hear the gossip? This hat is not lightly worn." Liu Zhou smiled, his movements were extremely elegant, and his speech and behavior were not restrained at all because the other party was an old man. The meaning of being close to each other.

Xiao Zheng is the head of the Xiao family in Linjiang, his granddaughter Xiao Xiaoen. The whole family does not do business, but likes to inquire about all kinds of gossip. He is good at cooperating with people and making huge profits from it. Only then did he gradually appear in people's sights, no longer low-key, Liu Zhou kept thinking about the purpose of Xiao Zheng's visit this time.

"You also know what our family does. I know exactly where the goods were sold. I'm not threatening, I just want to make friends with you. We are a united front. The Sheng family shouldn't exist." Xiao Zheng took a sip, meaning something.

Liu Zhou's pupils shrank, he didn't expect the Xiao family's ambition to be so big, his mind was running rapidly, some things are not that simple, don't be used as a gunman, and then said: "Old Xiao really thinks highly of me, I am just a small hotel boss……"

Seeing Xiao Zheng's eyes full of banter, Liu Zhou gave a wry smile and didn't continue. Others don't know his strength, but the Xiao family knows it all. It's a bit embarrassing to say polite words. Don't cooperate with Xiao's family anymore, the other party obviously wants to take the position of Sheng's family, it's not easy.

"Brother Liu, don't make such an expression. The ancestor of the Sheng family will disappear for a while, and the entire Sheng family will be empty. Don't you want the treasure house and wealth inside?"

Xiao Zheng smiled, and said confidently: "I already know the situation of the Sheng family. I think you have a lot of dead servants there. If you cooperate with my Xiao family, why worry about being invincible? You don't need us to come forward, don't you?" Are you close to the Ax Gang? Let me teach you if you don’t want me to frame you."

Liu Zhou frowned tightly. He did make a lot of money with Guo Dong this time, but wouldn’t it be a bit too much to become an enemy of them in a blink of an eye? If he chooses the Xiao family, he must find a substitute. Only Guo Dong and his group are the only ones who hate, this is also what the Xiao family is looking for, so strike while the iron is hot.

"Brother Liu doesn't need to come forward, you just need to lead the Sheng family's spearhead to the Ax Gang or Guo Dong, and leave the rest to me. After the matter is completed, I don't want that island in the bay anymore. I will send it to you."

Liu Zhou's eyes lit up. He likes health care and leisure. He has always had a preference for clean places. When Xiao Zheng said this, he fell into his arms and nodded after thinking about it for a long time. Xiao Zheng picked up the wine glass and smiled lightly: " The future Linjiang will be ours." After finishing speaking, he drank his drink and turned to leave, Liu Zhou didn't notice the slightest disdain when he turned around.

Liu Zhou closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then dialed the phone number of his son at school: "Son, when is the summer vacation? Dad misses you. Oh, it's been a few days? Remember to bring your girlfriend Shengrong with you when you come back. Come back, your business is going to progress a little bit, okay, let’s talk about it when we come back.” Liu Zhou’s voice was soft, and he looked like a loving father. After hanging up the phone, he sighed, as if he couldn’t bear it, and finally closed his eyes and rested stand up.

"Xiaoya, it's okay, I'll be okay in the future, don't worry, I'll avenge you." Chen Xiaolei wiped the sweat from his forehead, he had already stopped Xiaoya's bleeding, and at the same time, he ground the herb and put it on the wound After his treatment, the wound healed without leaving scars. After comforting her for a while, Xiaoya gradually calmed down.

"Well, I always get you into trouble, I..."

"Xiaoya, I will take you to a place tomorrow. You will definitely like it. I won't let you be so dangerous again." Chen Xiaolei looked at her lovingly and gently stroked her back. After Huihui, the little girl has never been safe for a day. Of course, all these things are inseparable from her. If her concussion had not been cured, perhaps this series of things would not have happened.

Xiaoya didn't make a sound, just looked at Chen Xiaolei quietly, her eyes showed a bewildered look, when she was most helpless, it was Chen Xiaolei who fell from the sky, the shadow in her heart gradually became clear, until it occupied the whole body and mind, suddenly, pretty Blushing, Chen Xiaolei placed his hand on her northern hemisphere.

The warmth from his palm seemed to melt her whole body and mind. Xiaoya endured her shyness this time, and slowly hugged Chen Xiaolei. Her eyes met and her lips met. The sparks of love kept coming out, and Xiaoya was emotional. There was a sound, and the two of them gradually fell down, and the shadows on the wall showed moving gestures...

"Brother, this Linjiang girl is really cool." In a private room of a nightclub, Lang San hugged a tender big girl and kept shaking. The scar between his eyebrows looked scary and mature, and the woman was on him. Ongoing**.

"Yeah, let's have fun these few days, I still have a lot of money here, enjoy it to the fullest."

A few killers were unscrupulous. Their physical strength played with an ordinary woman.

"Boss, look at that girl is really good, do you want to snatch it for you to play with?" Lang Si's eyes lit up, looking at a pretty girl dressed as a school girl who appeared at the door, and with his experience, he could definitely recognize her She is a young girl, and the other party exudes that kind of simple and bold temperament, which undoubtedly becomes the best in the whole nightclub.

"Well, that's right, let's go and have a look." The boss's eyes lit up, and his hand trembled unconsciously, and the woman below didn't even notice the pain of being grabbed by him.

"Rongrong, wait for me. My father didn't know that we came back secretly this time. I even told him that it would be postponed for a few days."

"Hmph, Liu Jiangtao, hurry up, I'm exhausted from flying, so let's have a good time this time, doesn't this nightclub belong to your father, quickly call some male stars to come over and accompany me."

"It's fine with me, why call them, let's go to the private room to sing, I have a VIP card, I will take you to have fun tomorrow."

The two young men muttered at the door, not paying any attention to the hungry lone wolves walking on the right. After discussing for a while, the two quickly walked to a remote small room next to the first floor. Liu Jiangtao's eyes flashed It was so hot that he locked the door behind him when he entered.

"Rongrong, what are you singing, I'll give you something..."

Seeing the two young men in the room gradually getting into a state, the hungry wolves at the door looked at each other and let out a lewd smile. There are so many girls who have played with, and there is really no one who is so juicy and full of aura, even the boss. Just about to move, he lightly shook the door bolt, and several wolves rushed in quickly.

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