The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 106 Arranging Xiaoya

"Who, you... you!" Liu Jiangtao yelled in horror, looking at the several burly men who suddenly appeared in the room, the hungry look on the other side made him feel uneasy. Looking lewdly at the beauties beside him, his saliva almost flowed out.

With a flick from the boss, a snake-like black rope bound the defenseless Liu Jiangtao, and slowly walked towards the girl.

"Do you know who I am? I'll give you money, let me go, ah!" The girl yelled in horror, curled up on one side, trembling, Liu Jiangtao's eyes were wide open, but his mouth was blocked by the third wolf, All he could do was cry out in despair.

When he saw the boss rudely stripping the girl naked, he was still on the sidelines doing the beastly thing, his eye sockets were about to burst, tears blurred his eyes, he was so angry and bloody that he fainted all of a sudden.

Seeing the boss having such a good time, several people surrounded him one after another, ignoring the girl's biting and scratching. The more frightened the girl was, the more excited they were. The screams were like the most beautiful music in the world, especially the wolf Three, with different tricks, Wu Xiu's body was strong and his strength was great. The girl fainted five or six times, and finally woke up from the pain.

There is no sympathy, only release and unity, only ruthlessness and impact. The girl bit her purple lips, her hair was messy, and her body was the product of a man's victory. Looking at the figures of those people leaving, her eyes were filled with despair and numbness. His outlook on life was shattered, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the side.

"Ray, do you really want me to resign? I really like the profession of doctors."

"Listen to me, it's better to go to another place to be a doctor. Doctors are kind to the world."

In the end, Xiaoya was more stubborn than Chen Xiaolei, and submitted her resignation report to the hospital. Qin Chunfeng kept trying to persuade them to stay, but in the end he had no choice but to let them go, but there was a gloomy flash in the corner of his eyes. Anyone who was poached would feel bad.

"Sit still, I'll take you to a place." After Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out like a sharp sword. Frightened, but fortunately all the way without incident, I came to the time-honored Yunnan brand.

"This is my shop. It would be nice if you could practice medicine and save people here from now on. It's much better than a hospital." Chen Xiaolei pulled Xiaoya, who was a little dazed, at a very fast pace. She hasn't gotten used to it yet, and it took a while Shocked: "Really? You are so awesome, you still have a shop? No wonder your medical skills are so good."

"Yinuo, I've brought you a helper, so you don't have to keep saying that I'm throwing away the shopkeeper."

"Hmph, I still know how to come back." Zhang Yinuo looked at the two people holding hands, feeling sore for no reason, walked aside with unfriendly eyes, and had no intention of welcoming them.

Chen Xiaolei touched his nose, but he didn't care. He introduced Happy to Xiaoya, and at the same time, he took her to familiarize himself with the surroundings of the store. Although Xiaoya was new here, she quickly fell in love with it. There is no seduction here, only practicing medicine to save people, and let her do what she wants, although Hapi is a buddy, she still has sharp eyesight, with countless guesses flickering in her heart, she is very enthusiastic to take Xiaoya to make medicines.

"Are you going to Huaxian Pond? I'm going tomorrow. It's dangerous to go there. If I don't come back..."

"Hmph, you bastard, the bad guys have been stinking for thousands of years. You're dead. Don't worry, I'll wait for you in the store." Originally, Yinuo wanted to sneer, but when he saw Chen Xiaolei like this, his heart skipped a beat. Sigh, she also heard about the danger of Huaxian Pond this time, so she smiled and joked to help him release the pressure.

"Yinuo, if I don't come back, you have to take good care of yourself. I'm not sure about a bunch of earth-level masters." Chen Xiaolei looked at her affectionately, stroked her face with one hand, and kissed her slowly .

"Hmm! You, you're still so rude." Zhang Yinuo Xia Fei's face was full, his silver teeth were gritted, and he was deceived by Chen Xiaolei again, but this time he didn't get angry and left, and casually handed Chen Xiaolei three pills.

"No matter how severe the injury is, you can recover half of it, especially in terms of physical strength. You must come back, or I will marry your little lover off." After finishing speaking, he pouted and left, but when he turned around, his eyes were worried. flashed by.

The three elixirs were given to her by the third grandma. Originally, she also wanted to go to Huaxian Pond, but now she chose to fulfill Chen Xiaolei and help her guard the family business at home.Chen Xiaolei squeezed the elixir tightly, with mixed emotions in his heart, this time he wanted to come back no matter what, not only for his own meridians, but also for the sake of the women around him.

Chen Xiaolei left, Zhang Yinuo and Xiaoya watched him go away like a daughter-in-law at the door, and then sighed deeply, although Xiaoya didn't know about Wu Xiu, but as a woman's intuition, she could still feel something tricky , but she didn't ask, a smart woman would never make trouble for her man.

Zhang Yinuo quickly cleared up her emotions and helped Xiaoya familiarize herself with the medicine. Now that someone is helping her, she can be liberated. Xiaoya is quiet and kind, and soon won Zhang Yinuo's approval, and the two gradually became acquainted up.

"Ah, I'm going to kill them." Liu Jiangtao, who woke up in the nightclub, was furious like a bull. Looking at the godless girl on the ground, his heart was like a knife, and the pain seemed to wrap his body and mind. That kind of hatred, despair Even remorse can't describe his current mood, especially seeing the person he likes being insulted by others, and the live live broadcast is displayed in front of his eyes, how exciting it is.

"Rongrong, wake up, it's okay, don't scare me, tell me this is all a dream, right? Rongrong!" Liu Jiangtao burst into tears and kept scratching his head. The rope on his body had long since disappeared. His eyes were empty, and he kept staring at the ceiling. There was a mess below, blood was flowing, and he didn't respond to Liu Jiangtao's response.

"By the way, father, I'll call." Liu Jiangtao immediately realized that this is his father's property. If he had known that this kind of thing would happen, his father would send someone to pick them up. It's all because of their playfulness. After hanging up the phone, Liu Jiangtao sat on the side powerlessly.

The scene when they were in school came to mind, they were admitted to the same university together, and they came from the same place, and soon the two became friends, although Rongrong usually bullied him a lot, but he was willing, he didn't know what I fell in love with this girl deeply since childhood, and we ate together and went to class together every day, and the two were inseparable. Although Rongrong didn't admit their relationship, he felt satisfied just looking at her.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Jiangtao's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps. When he turned his head to look, tears rolled down his face: "Father, avenge me, I, woo, Rong Rong..."

Seeing the backbone, Liu Jiangtao burst into tears, Liu Zhou looked around and hurriedly closed the door, especially when he looked at the girl's face twice more, his eyes protruded with excitement.I thought: I was worrying about how to involve the Sheng family, isn't this an opportunity given by God?

But on the surface, he still looked distressed. He patted his son on the back comfortingly and continued to comfort him. At the same time, he asked about the situation in detail. The more he heard it, the more excited he was at the end, and then said: "Don't worry, child, I will help you." You are in charge, go back with me first, and go to dress Rongrong."

"Dad, don't we call the police?"

"Stupid child, how can the police manage it? Your father decides for you. The police's efficiency is too slow. It's basically a decoration. Don't you know?"

Liu Jiangtao seemed to understand, so he took an employee's clothes and wrapped Rong Rong who was numb, and sent him back with the help of Liu Zhou's driver. After they left, Liu Zhou laughed a few times, and at the same time put this The surveillance video of the room was tuned out, copied to a USB flash drive and left with a smile.

The next day, Liu Zhou quietly and anonymously sent the copied video to Shengjia's mailbox, and at the same time said that he had sent a threat in the name of the Ax Gang.

At the same time, after Chen Xiaolei explained everything, he took Chuang Jiuzhou straight to the direction of Huaxianchi. The journey was relatively far away, so he temporarily changed to an ordinary Volkswagen, so that it would not attract attention. The indiscriminate release of the five wolves caused a huge disturbance.

"Xiao Lei, haha, this time I have practiced a new kind of martial arts. I must find some unlucky guy to try it out and see how powerful it is. Now I am sure that I can crush an ordinary prefecture level to death." Chuang Kyushu Smoking a cigar with an extremely comfortable expression.

"Come on, let's brag. Anyway, there are no outsiders, so just brag." Chen Xiaolei curled his lips.

"Hmph, I'll let you see it then. Shall I pick up that beautiful woman Mo Nuan now? To be honest, when will you two grow up? The child you give birth must also have long legs, haha."

Chen Xiaolei gave a wry smile, and that beautiful figure with variable personality appeared in his mind. It would be great if he could handle it well. He was sometimes gentle and sometimes aggressive, and there was a kind of misty color on his body that he couldn't see through, with fierceness and deep bone marrow. As far as he knows, the Void Mirror is the treasure of the Mo family in the Forbidden City. Could it be that she has something to do with that Mo family?

Going away at a very fast speed, he soon arrived at the Grand Hyatt Group. Standing at the door was Mo Nuan in a well-armed suit. Although his long beautiful legs were covered, he looked even more heroic, giving people an infinite desire to conquer. While wearing her clothes casually, she walked over with a "dengdeng" pace. After looking at her, Chen Xiaolei found no less than dozens of explosive points on her body, and each position could explode fiercely, impeccable.

"Mo Nuan, wait for me, I heard that you are going on a trip, take me with you."

Just as Mo Nuan got into the car, Jun Xiaobai ran out with a big backpack on his back. Mo Nuan smiled dismissively, and directly urged Chen Xiaolei Juechen to leave.

"Cough cough, hum, if you don't take me, is it possible that I won't go by myself?" Jun Xiaobai patted the dust lightly, got in his favorite car, but lost it after a while, feeling extremely depressed for a moment .

"Beauty Mo, will I squeeze you, I'm very fat." Chuang Jiuzhou deliberately leaned on her body, as burly as him, and took the position of two or three people with a little effort.

"Yes, this time I will definitely take you to lose weight and make you thin like a monkey." Mo Nuan pursed her lips and smiled.

Chen Xiaolei concentrated on driving, and gradually drove out of the range of Linjiang.

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