"Master, are you planning to let that werewolf sibling go? They have all lived in front of my house recently." Cao Xue, the chairman of Longsheng Yipintang in a luxurious suit, sat on the lap of the leader in white and acted like a baby.

They are in a secret room in the church's headquarters. No one knows that they are still lovers, even Cao Xue's husband doesn't know. They usually stay away from each other, and they only come here privately every time they worship on Sunday. meeting.

"Don't worry, baby, they can't run away. When they grow up, the blood tastes better. There are only two of them left in the whole werewolf clan. I want to play well, Zunzu." The leader in white showed a bloodthirsty expression. Guang Guang licked her red lips, and could smell blood at close range, Cao Xue seemed to be enjoying it.

"But they are robbing my business now, don't mind if I suppress them, lend me some red-clothed waiters."

"Okay, call as you like, come, let me taste whether you have regressed recently, don't you want to become a vampire? I have prepared the materials, and then you will become one of us, immortal."

The lewd voice of the leader in white resounded throughout the room, only the sound of "tearing" was heard, Cao Xue was already naked, and the room was infinitely beautiful, with the beating of various waves...

Cao Xue was hunted down by the werewolves and rescued by the leader of the white clothes. The two of them developed at that time. Cao Xue was eager for revenge. He accidentally discovered Lili's father in the secular world, and knew his relationship with the werewolves, and married him. Let him be framed step by step until the entire werewolf clan is killed. After Cao Xue saw the destructive strength of the leader in white, he yearned for it. He wanted to be a cultivator, but his body has no spiritual roots. , unable to sense Yuanli, had no choice but to walk the road of vampires.

Hearing that the leader in white had prepared the materials, he became even more excited. He kept twisting his waist, releasing his charm to his heart's content, and the seductive voice brought the two of them to a climax.

In a villa of the Sheng family.

"Ah! Daughter! My daughter! Why didn't you say hello when you came back? Could it be that the heavens are going to destroy me and raise evil spirits? My son is unbelievable and has disappeared so far. My daughter was raped by others. What the hell have I done? ah!"

Sheng Xie looked at the video in his hand, his whole body was trembling, his brows were trembling constantly, his body was unstable, and the surrounding tables and chairs instantly turned into dust, and then he said: "Check! Check it out for me! Go and dig the murderer for me. Sanchi find it!" Shouted to the kneeling servant, eyes full of madness.

Sheng Xie sat down weakly until there was no one in the hall, with bitterness on the corner of his mouth, even though he is the leader of the Sheng family, there are many things that he cannot decide. Looking for the ancestor, he is only the head of the family in name.

His son was his pain, but now his daughter... the deep powerlessness made him feel a little dazed. After some time, he gradually recovered when he heard someone coming to report his daughter's return: "Quick, yes!" please!"

"Brother Sheng, hey, it's all my responsibility for what happened. I didn't expect them to come back early, and my bastard son didn't even say hello to me. He has always had a special liking for Rongrong. I still want to This time, when they come back, they will tell you about their engagement, alas!" Liu Zhou walked in with his son and Sheng Rong, with a look of shame on his face.

"Brother Liu, there's no need to be like this. I already know the situation, and you don't know about it, my poor daughter."

"Don't worry, it happened on my territory. My son will definitely marry Shengrong. I'll give you an explanation for this matter, brat, what are you doing?" Liu Zhou glared at Liu Jiangtao, but his heart was filled with joy. .

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely find the murderer to avenge Rong Rong, and now I also ask you to testify that I want to marry Rong Rong as my wife, so let us be fulfilled." Liu Jiangtao's face was full of grief, sincerity, and deep hatred at the same time. meaning.

"Let's talk about it later, my daughter is not perfect..." Sheng Xie was stunned for a moment, and took a deep look at Liu Jiangtao, intending to refuse.

"No, Uncle, what I love is Rong Rong, not her body. I will spend the rest of my life helping her heal the wounds in her heart. Don't you want her to be happy? We will get engaged someday, and you can fulfill us, I love Rongrong, you know that." Liu Jiangtao begged bitterly, but Liu Zhou didn't make a sound, but his eyes kept flickering.

In the end, Sheng Xie secretly sighed and didn't refuse, which was regarded as acquiescing. Liu Zhou glanced at Liu Jiangtao, Liu Jiangtao immediately understood, and dragged the numb Sheng Rong out of the door.

"Brother Sheng, did you find any clues?" Liu Zhou straightened his face, and slowly took out an ax sign and said, "I found this at the scene, I don't know if there is any connection."

"The Axe Gang? How dare they touch my daughter?!" Sheng Xie was furious all of a sudden. The Qinglong Gang didn't even have the guts when they were here, let alone a patchwork Axe Gang.

"Brother Sheng, I don't know. Today's Ax Gang is not what it used to be. As far as I know, they seem to have gathered a large number of martial artists, and they have a relationship with Guo Dong. You should know these two people, right? They belong together." Liu Zhou took out a photo of Chen Xiaolei and Chuang Jiuzhou.

"Isn't Guo Dong familiar with you?" The person who looked at the photo, Sheng Xie frowned, not only knew him, but also knew him very well, but it seemed that he had hired a killer to assassinate him.

"That's right, but this kid didn't know where he made a fortune recently, and even I didn't tell him. Now he has separated from my own development." Liu Zhou said slowly.

Sheng Xie fell into deep thought, and then asked a little strangely: "Why help me?"

Liu Zhou secretly scolded the old fox, it's really not easy to be fooled, but he smiled in the blink of an eye: "We are in-laws now, a family."

Sheng Xie looked at him quietly, wondering what he was thinking, then nodded, Liu Zhou was expressionless, with a scheming look on his face, the two of them were harboring evil intentions, no one knew what their real thoughts were, Liu Zhou didn't mind, Some things just need to be guided.

After leaving Sheng's house, Liu Zhou turned to his son and said, "Do you really want this woman? She was..."

"Father, stop talking, I like her, and she will be the only one in this life."

Liu Zhou smiled, nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "I'll go to Sheng's house for a few days, and I'll help you get engaged in a few days." The two drove away.

At night, in a themed restaurant, Liu Zhou looked at the dishes on the table and said, "Brother Guo, you are really rich. There are so many good things to entertain my brother."

"What did Brother Liu say? I wouldn't be where I am today without you. What nonsense are we talking about in this relationship? As long as you give me a nod, I'll take care of everything."

Guo Dong toasted and drank, he unconsciously produced a kind of aura of a superior person. During this period of time, the business has grown bigger and bigger, and he is really proud of himself. Of course, he has not forgotten this old man. Tonight, I will thank you if you have dreams, but there is no such thing as before. He was so submissive, now he is not weaker than Liu Zhou at all.

Liu Zhou burst into laughter, but he was secretly unhappy. The former Guo Dong was just a brat, but now he was over his head, and his heart became even colder. After drinking for three rounds, Liu Zhou said slowly: " Brother Guo, for the sake of us, I will tell you some news. The Ax Gang gave the daughter of the Sheng family to the strong woman. The Sheng family is very angry because of this incident. I am afraid there will be some action in the near future. You Be careful."

"What? The Ax Gang? Could there be some misunderstanding?"

"Then I don't know. Be careful. The Sheng family has spread the news that everyone related to the Ax Gang will be killed. It seems that the other party knows what we did before, so I'm worried. "Liu Zhou sighed, his face full of sorrow.

"It's okay, Brother Liu, I know it will happen sooner or later. You and I will join hands and trip up the Sheng family. Besides, I have a master here, so I'm not afraid of him." Thinking of Chen Xiaolei's explanation before leaving, Guo Dong was full of confidence.

"Well, come on, cheers, it's best if you have nothing to do, I don't want to fight, I haven't raced for a long time, let's hold a drag race when I have time."

"Well, good, I respect you."

In the middle of the night, the driver took the drunk Liu Zhou away. No one noticed the sinister grin deep in his eyes. Guo Dong pondered for a while, but still greeted Banxian, not causing trouble but not afraid of trouble.

There was nothing to say all night, Chen Xiaolei walked the night road all night, he was very tired, looked at the two sleeping people next to him, and patted his head depressedly: "Why didn't I know to hire a driver when I went out, but I became a Coolie."

The sky was getting brighter. In order not to miss the opening time of Huaxian Pond, Chen Xiaolei never stopped. Now he has basically driven out of the edge of the city, and is about to enter the Shiwanda Mountain, and refuel for the last time.

"Three hundred!" Chen Xiaolei let out a sigh of relief, and threw three banknotes to the waiter next to him. He didn't even look at it. After a while, a sweet voice sounded: "Sir, it's done."

Chen Xiaolei turned his head and saw that she was actually a beautiful girl. She was 1.6 meters tall. She had long hair and could not see her face, but her curvy figure was very hot.

Chen Xiaolei wanted to say hello, but the girl turned around and left, shaking her head helplessly, and went straight away.The girl turned her head to look, and pulled back her hair, revealing a man's face. If Chen Xiaolei was here, he would definitely feel chilly. With a sneer, he walked to the side of the gas station and waited for the next step. In the car, in the room, there were several corpses lying in disorder, one of which was without clothes.

Chen Xiaolei galloped all the way. After entering the mountain, the road was not so smooth. After a while, the two people behind were jolted awake.

"Huh, it's dawn? Xiaolei, I want egg buns and fried dough sticks." Chuang Kyushu was confused.

"You thought you were in the city. Wake up, you can drive." Chen Xiaolei was speechless, patted the other party, and stopped on the side. After driving all day and night, he was already exhausted.

"What's the sound?" Mo Nuan's eyes narrowed, and he pricked up his ears to listen for a while. Just now, the roar of the car was still inaudible, but now it suddenly became quiet.

"No, run, bomb." Chen Xiaolei turned around and saw that there was only one second left of the red indicator light behind the car.


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