The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 124 The Old Man's First Kiss

"It didn't all fail, but it succeeded." Doctor Yang's frowning brows relaxed. "There is a crack in his meridian now. I wasn't sure before, but now I have the answer to that legend."

"You mean?" Ye Wuyao also thought of something, a little hard to accept.

"That's right, 20 years ago, that fierce man gave up the opportunity to ascend to induce Jiuxiao Leijie to fight against the big monster, and disappeared at the same time. Now it seems that the big monster is not dead, but is sealed in his body. To be precise, it is Inside the meridians."

Doctor Yang also had a deep disbelief on his face, and he paused for a moment and said, "He must be the offspring of that fierce man, but I can't figure it out, since he is the descendant of the fierce man, how could he not be able to practice? What can't be kept secret?"

"Hey, that kind of realm is illusory, how can we guess it, but his meridian has a little damage, and I don't know if that big monster will..."

Ye Wuyao glanced at Chen Xiaolei, deeply worried, the other party was his apprentice, so it was impossible to ignore him no matter what.

"Wuyao, I have to remind you about this matter. Although I don't know why that fierce man didn't kill the big monster, once the big monster is born, life will be ruined. Don't let the momentary master-student relationship lead to a big mistake, and those who are hidden in the world Once the sect knows his situation, it will never let him go, the big monster is the public enemy of the world." Doctor Yang earnestly said.

"I know, I trust him even more, and I also believe in the choice of the fierce man. If there were no fierce man, I don't know what would be like today." Ye Wuyao's eyes were firm, as if he had made a major determination.

Seeing him like this, Doctor Yang didn't say anything, took a deep look at the unconscious Chen Xiaolei and left.

The next day, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, and just about to make a move, "Hiss, it hurts!" His whole body seemed to be torn apart, looking at him lying on the familiar bed, wearing brand new clothes, and the faint bitter smell of medicine at the corner of his mouth. A warm feeling flashed in Chen Xiaolei's heart, it must be the master who took care of him when he was unconscious.

Immediately after looking at his body, there was no abnormality, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Recalling yesterday's remodeling of the meridians, Chen Xiaolei felt frightened in his heart. An incomparably ferocious head, the aura is extremely evil when I think about it until now, that head swallowed the silver root forging veins in one gulp, then smiled evilly at him, as if he knew him, and then fell into a coma, Now recalling the appearance of the other party has also become blurred.

Chen Xiaolei performed the nameless exercise silently. After a while, he opened his eyes, and doubts flashed inside. It was still the same as before. Yuanli could not be stored, but this time it felt different from before. The speed of Yuanli loss was slower. This discovery made Chen Xiaolei's eyes widen. Does it mean that he can temporarily use Yuanli?Although it will take some time.

He mobilized his mind to check his body from the inside out. Except for a tiny crack in the dantian meridian, everything else was the same as before. Strange, what happened to his body?

After thinking for a while, he closed his eyes tightly, and the nameless kung fu was running crazily, and the body was filled with energy for a long time.

"The universe has moved!"

Chen Xiaolei let out a low cry, and appeared outside the room like an afterimage, and actually stayed in the air for a short time. If those below the prefecture level saw it, they would be shocked, and then shouted "Tianlong Bayin", the eight paths are tangible The dragon-shaped ripples let out a dragon chant, entangled with each other and hit the ground, with a loud noise and dust all over the sky.

"Stinky boy, show off when it's just right. If the house collapses, you can pile it up for me." Ye Wuyao's face was full of black lines, seeing that he almost hit the medicinal material, he was very worried for a while, but there was some appreciation in the depths of his eyes flashed.

"Ahaha, master, boo, I succeeded." Chen Xiaolei was overjoyed, although it was temporary, but that kind of incomparable happiness was something he couldn't experience in the past 20 years.

Ye Wuyao was speechless, touched the hickey on his head, and was confused for a while: "This old man's first kiss was taken away by you, I..."

For a while, the Yuanli in Chen Xiaolei's body had been drained, and he couldn't stop laughing, Ye Wuyao reprimanded him with a straight face: "Listen to me, the cultivation of Yuanli will be secondary in the future, you must first Give me the primordial spirit to cultivate well. Only a strong will and a strong divine mind can control the primordial power that may not belong to you in the future, you know? This is a formula for refining the gods. I will check your cultivation in three months. As a result, if you can't make it to the third level, you and my granddaughter will just let it go."

"Ah, no, Master, your words don't count..." Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, he felt that there was an extra formula in his mind. After reading it for a while, Ye Wuyao's shadow had long since disappeared, and he rolled his eyes countless times. The grandpa and grandson don't have a fuel-efficient lamp, but what does the other party mean?What is the power that does not belong to you in the future?

Could it be that evil guy in the meridians?I couldn't figure it out for a while, but I'm considered half a martial artist now.

In a blink of an eye, I left Ye Ju and asked about it. Ye Qingcheng hadn't come back yet. It was a beautiful miss. However, Ye Wuyao had already spoken, and I don't know if she would keep her promise. When inquiring about Ye Qingcheng, Chen Xiaolei I also heard about the vision that Ye Ju had appeared before, and I felt a shock in my heart. Is this all caused by myself?

"Brother, I miss you so much. Is there still Nine Suns Holy Water? It's not enough for me to drink." As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Wei Shuo rushed over with a shy face, "No more, you thought it was mineral water, Let's go, brothers, I haven't seen you for so long, let's go get together, the school is going to be on summer vacation soon."

Chen Xiaolei put one hand on his drooling face, and looked at the loyal buddies in the dormitory.

"Okay, let's go. I'll treat you. After the summer vacation, we won't see each other for more than a month." Li Mimi slapped his chest, feeling quite reluctant to spend time with them day and night for so long.

Several other people also echoed, this time sitting on the new car that Li Miyao bought, this guy is really rich, he went directly to a dusty nightclub in Yangcheng, screamed excitedly in Kyushu, and spent a few days in the world , the atmosphere of the world, especially when he came to this kind of place, he was already familiar with the road, and he was not weaker than Wei Shu at all.

"Boss, call your most beautiful chick here, you guys have too much money to spend."

When he went to Kyushu, he threw a bunch of red and bright Grandpa Mao, which was given to him by Guo Dong. He was a big spender, and money was just a number to him.

The boss in the middle of the hall looked at them, sneered, and then looked at the clothes on the eight of them, which were not of high-end brands, and said directly: "You have come to the wrong place, the bar opposite is very suitable for you."

After the boss finished speaking indifferently, Wei Shu immediately became unhappy. After visiting so many nightclubs, it was the first time he was looked down upon by others. Just as he was about to say something, Chuang Kyushu next to him was more excited than him. He thought he had already After integrating into the society and becoming a rich man, isn't this a slap in the face now, and he took off his flowery underpants with a roar.

"What are you doing? Don't think you can sneak in just by taking off your underpants and performing..." The boss stared.

"Keep your dog eyes open." Chuang Kyushu dug out the underpants for a long time, finally took out a gold-edged card, and swiped the POS machine under the disgusted eyes of the bar lady. Shocking them, even the bar lady reacted, a sweet smile appeared on her face, regardless of whether there was any smell, she respectfully returned it to him after brushing.

"This gentleman is also a maverick. The pants are very beautiful. Xiaoli, take them to the private room and call out all the beautiful ones."

The boss wiped the sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself: Nima, others are pretending to be aggressive, but you are pretending to be underpants, which is too much.The smile on his face was brighter than flowers, and it would not be a problem to buy his nightclub with this card alone.

Soon Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened. The quality of the princesses in this store is really undeniable, especially now that he has tasted the taste of a woman, and he can feel it when he sees the turbulent waves. Chuangjiuzhou and Wei Shu are familiar with each other. Already full of taste among all kinds of bobos, Li Mimiao and Li Bufan sat down and sang songs, while Wang Honghuo and Wang Sheng sipped wine together.

Chen Xiaolei originally wanted to talk to a little sister about the magnificence of the sea, but Jiang Xiaorou walked over at this moment, and dragged him to a corner, a little dignified: "Xiao Lei, there is something I want to know about."

"Brother, just say what you want, you're welcome." Chen Xiaolei was a little surprised, what was it that was so grand that he couldn't say it in front of his brothers.

"The evil aura that appeared in the academy before should be from you." Jiang Xiaorou's words made Chen Xiaolei stunned, but Ye Wuyao told him to suppress this matter, how could the eldest brother know?

"Don't be surprised, I'm more sensitive to this kind of aura. If you have this kind of aura coming out of your body now, I have to remind you. Once the outside sects feel the aura on your body, they will take it You kill directly, don't ask me, I don't know, I only know that your aura is the public enemy of everyone in the world, and don't go to the world of white mist to the east of Yangcheng." Jiang Xiaorou finished speaking in one breath, still a little bit Don't worry, he directly cut his wrist.

"My blood can cover up this breath. As long as you are not a master of the Hidden Realm, no one will be able to detect it. You put it on your body."

Jiang Xiaorou directly forced out a drop of black blood.

Chen Xiaolei's face is full of doubts, he has thousands of questions in his mind, what's the matter, but seeing his worried face, a kind of unreasonable trust emerges in his heart, and he is deeply moved, the elder brother is doing it for his own good, I know this That's enough, there is no need for doubts between the brothers, they just swallowed it in one gulp, and the divine thoughts dispersed and melted into their breath.

Jiang Xiaorou smiled, turned and left, and the moment she turned around, the image of struggling among countless men in black when she was a child flashed across her eyes...

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