The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 125 Jiang Xiaorou's Life Experience

Jiang Xiaorou was originally a normal person. When he was young, he was caught by a group of monsters in the magic cave. At that time, he was ignorant. Now that he thinks about it, he still has deep fear. Those people helped him transform his physique and made him become like them. A statue, said to be their king, looked at that statue every day, as if there was a kind of deep magic power. At that time, he gradually lost his way and became a faithful believer every day.

Until one day, when I went out, I accidentally picked up a broken blade and swallowed a drop of blood on it, and then I accidentally awakened my mind. At that time, there was an extra imprint in my mind, a very brave god covered with lightning, full of light Wanzhang, holding a sky knife in his hand, continued to fight against a cloud of black air, and finally attracted a brighter thunderbolt to annihilate the black air all over the sky, revealing a demon with only one head left in the black air. Vertical eye, the image ends here.

Later, Jiang Xiaorou, who regained her senses, escaped from that magic cave, came to the secular world to learn culture slowly, checked the information, and finally knew that the thunderbolt was the heavenly thunder, which was produced by ascension and transcending the calamity.

Because that drop of fresh blood fused into his veins, he is no longer a pure believer, and of course he is not a pure human being. Now the aura exuded by Chen Xiaolei is similar to the aura in the devil's cave, and it is more pure, which makes him puzzled. , If I didn't know that Chen Xiaolei was a human being when I first met him, I would have thought that he was in the same situation as myself.Now that something has changed, it's better to help him cover it up.

Chen Xiaolei stayed where he was, dazed for a long time, and felt for the first time that his life experience was not that simple, but his grandfather had never told him this before, and his intuition told him that what Jiang Xiaorou said had a lot to do with him.

But right now, I don't have any clue at all, shaking my head, I can't even see a heavenly master, let alone the Hidden God Realm, which is like a fairy.

Xiaoya was not around, so she was finally free to release her arms around the beautiful woman. Several people were high all night until midnight, in various poses, in all kinds of coquettish. The school and several other people were unwilling to go out. After saying goodbye to them, Chen Xiaolei went to Yeju again. Ye Wuyao said that his meridian problem could not be solved by medicine, and he needed his own opportunity. He didn't say much, just urged I will soon inherit his mantle.

Chen Xiaolei went out, glanced at Ye Ju from a distance, and then sighed, Master must have something to hide from him, probably because his cultivation level is not enough, he can't get involved in high-level matters.Walking in the familiar campus, there is a feeling that everything is right and wrong. When I first came here, I was their public enemy. They are prominent and powerful, and I am a newborn calf...

With memories in mind, Chen Xiaolei walked out of the campus, closed his eyes, and felt everything around him mentally. He had been down the mountain for so long, and he didn’t know if his grandpa missed him. Unconsciously, after walking a long distance, Chen Xiaolei felt a fever in his chest, opened his eyes and took it out to take a look.

It turned out to be the blood crystal condensed by the weak water on the first floor of Huaxian Pond. I still remember that the blood crystal warmed my chest when I was able to pull up the lotus flower. Now it is hot again. Could it be...

Chen Xiao looked up, this is the police station in Yangcheng, where he was framed by the school and detained by police officer Lin before, how could it cause blood crystal fever here? On the cross, I sucked one of the above things, which greatly increased my mental power.Then there's nothing weird about it.

Until now, Chen Xiaolei didn't understand what it was, why it was hot, holding it in his hand, Chen Xiaolei walked around the whole police station, only the place where he was imprisoned was the hottest. Is there anything unusual about this prison?

It would be great if I learned Duan De's escaping technique. After watching it for a long time, I didn't see anything. I remembered this and left.

In the middle of the night, Chen Xiaolei came to the time-honored store in Yunnan quietly. He thought Doctor Yang would come back, but he didn't see him. The shop was quiet, only Happy and Xiaoya.

Chen Xiaolei smiled badly, walked to Xiaoya's room, took off his clothes gently without making a sound, he didn't enjoy himself in the bar before, now he needs to be gentle.

"Ah, who, woohoo." Xiaoya woke up instantly, her vigilance was faster than the policeman's, her whole body kept twisting, and that smooth and tender feeling made Chen Xiaolei so comfortable, he just wanted to scare her Xiaoya.

But after a while, Xiaoya fell silent and began to respond to him. Chen Xiaolei was stunned, and let go: "You know it's me?"

"Well, I'm familiar with your smell." Xiaoya is so delicate that even if she couldn't see her face clearly, she could still feel her fiery temperature. There was a burst of exhalation, and Chen Xiaolei's heart skipped a beat. Be considerate, but I am not bad, be considerate.

The big hand directly touched her silk pajamas and stretched it in. Xiaoya's body was very familiar to him, and after a while she gasped, "Baby, I haven't seen me these days, think about it, hey, it's my hand." Did it get smaller?"

"Hmph, that's not true, it's obviously because you touched her." Xiaoya's silver teeth gently bit Chen Xiaolei's chest.

"I still have abilities? Then I have to touch it more..."

"Ah, no, I'll give you a brain teaser." Xiaoya's delicate body trembled, and a current flowed away between three o'clock.

"You said, if you lose, you go up the mountain tonight, and I go down the river."

Chen Xiaolei's bad breath kept blowing in her ears, and she suddenly remembered the set of fingering techniques given to her by her junior brother when she was on the mountain. It seemed that she had to combine a woman's body to perform it. At that time, she was not sensible, so I just tried it now, "The mainstay "Chen Xiaolei pressed his fingers together on a piece of elastic.

"Ah, don't make trouble, I'm so numb, listen carefully, what's the difference between a man and a woman?" Xiaoya buried her head deep in Chen Xiaolei's creaking hole, her voice trembling non-stop.

Hehe, it seems that this fingering method is really useful. It looks like the [-]th style. I took time to go back to ask for advice on the last [-]th style. When I heard Xiaoya's strange question, I answered without thinking: "Women have two advantages. Disadvantages, men have a strength, so the difference is that men need to grasp women's strengths and use their strengths to make up for women's shortcomings." Chen Xiaolei smiled wickedly, and he knew such a simple answer when communicating with Wei Shu, and now it is time to send Useful.

Xiaoya didn't realize it for a while, she thought for a long time in silence, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Ah, you're so bad, you... umm!" Before Xiaoya finished speaking, Chen Xiaolei had already tried it, especially the nine fingerings that had to be performed one by one.

Xiaoya gradually began to hum...

Happy was sleeping soundly, when suddenly a strange voice came to his ears, he opened his eyes suddenly, touched his mouth, it got wet at some point, listened carefully for a while, sighed, covered his mouth The ears resisted the impulse and kept tossing and turning.

Waking up in the morning, Chen Xiaolei was refreshed, and after practicing a set of Tai Chi, he felt more comfortable, "Hey, Happy, did you stay up late last night?" Chen Xiaolei was puzzled for a while.

"Yeah, I had insomnia last night." Happy smiled bitterly.

"Eat some bitter mushrooms, strengthen the yang and calm the nerves, and you will definitely sleep soundly at night." Hearing Chen Xiaolei's words, Ha Pi's eyelids twitched, and he was still aphrodisiac. He was afraid that he would be burned by the time, so he started to do things seriously after chatting a few words.

After Xiaoya became familiar with the business, Zhang Yinuo also came less often. To be honest, Chen Xiaolei was very grateful to this girl. He made a phone call and learned that she was with Zhang San's grandma. It was ashamed to say that she hadn't visited her for so long. I visited the third grandma, thought about it for a while, bought a bunch of supplements and drove over there.

I don't know the relationship between the third grandma and the grandpa. I must ask my grandpa when I have the opportunity. The Taoist temple of the third grandma is relatively deserted. Of course, practitioners don't like such noise, so they walked inside with big bags and small bags.

"Drink!" A sharp sword light came from behind, Chen Xiaolei's heart shuddered, and he didn't care about the things in his hands, and he moved around in a big way, left and right, closing his eyes without looking, and his mental power was looking at the surroundings. Absolute control within ten meters.The hand that was stretched out into his arms also stopped, and the other party was not hostile.

"Third Grandma, it's amazing. If you don't stop, I will be killed by your sword." Chen Xiaolei said loudly.

"You brat, you're so fast, I'm a Xuan-level Dzogchen, and I can't even catch up with you." The third grandma was full of energy, with a long sword on her back, a Taoist robe, and a rosy face. She couldn't tell that she was over fifty look.

"Third Grandma is showing mercy, don't make fun of me, this is for you, make up your body, and strive to reach the prefectural level as soon as possible." Chen Xiaolei looked left and right, and walked in with the supplements.

"Don't look, Yinuo is still sleeping." Before the third grandma finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded: "Who said I'm still sleeping, I woke up a long time ago." Zhang Yinuo's face was angry, and he was dressed simply The dress couldn't hide her proud figure, especially the high tied hair, which made her look even more beautiful.

The third grandma smiled, said she was going to prepare meals, and left. She kept blinking before leaving, not knowing what she meant.

"Yinuo, long time no see. Well, she's pretty again." Chen Xiaolei rubbed his head in embarrassment, feeling a little indebted to this girl all the time, making himself feel like Chen Shimei.

"Hmph, why don't you go to accompany your little girl, why did you come to me?" Zhang Yinuo pouted, moving the lotus steps lightly, flicking and flicking, like a butterfly in the wind.

"Are you jealous?"

"Go to hell, I don't care about you if you are exhausted, hum." After finishing speaking and leaving angrily, Chen Xiaolei touched his nose, did he say the wrong thing again?

Following her to the hall, the third grandma had already set up a table full of dishes, "Third grandma, do you know I'm coming, or are you cooking so fast?"

"Haha, no, you just happened to have an important guest coming soon." The third grandma was very kind.

"Ah, then should I avoid it for a while?"

Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, a hearty laugh came in: "No need, the visitor is a guest, so he should be welcome." The voice was thick and thick, giving people a sense of high status and authority.

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